
Chapter 35 - Letter

Celine Mercer(Mom)

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Twin blade guardian beast

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The next day, Caelum did his usual routine and had noticed how his action had been influencing his mother. However, she still tries her best to act like a proper mother despite how much he tries to lie and hide it, Caelum able to see the truth because of his [ Divine Heavenly Vision ]. Caelum decided to let things flow since forcing his way would make things awkward especially when she still hadn't adjusted to the new environment. 

His mother was in a state of coma for 3 years and suprise how well she was adapting to things. Caelum had been teaching her the things she missed out including the time that he spent going to parent meetings for Liliena.

Even how busy he may be, Caelum would always find a way to be with his sister and never miss out on things. He had promised to take care of Liliena and not just provide therefore did everything for her. Celine smiled at how his son had been the best even though he could have given up a long time ago. 

Caelum does not give up and is always collective when it comes to his actions. He could have long done illegal stuff for Liliena but seeing his situation would only do more harm than could therefore not resort to those things. Furthermore, he couldn't afford ruining his sister name if he fuck up but now his able to do anything he want within the world his in.

'It's been a while since I've been here…'

He drove his mother to the cemetery where his father had been buried. Caelum was reluctant since it would be a rollercoaster of emotion once they were there. However, he also wanted to see how his father was doing and Caelum had long decided NOT to revive him since he had done enough. He deserves proper rest and his father is already reincarnated at this point. 

'Also, I'll be fuck if I can't have mom's affection….dammit why do I have to NTR my dad!?'

[ Hahaha sorry I'm not the one who made the mission. ]

'...*sigh* I should get used to it at this point. There's no point turning back now…'

Caelum felt defeated, sighing yet part of him was eager to try it with his mother who was walking in front of him with a baguette of flowers. He hadn't this until now but his mother was an amazingly beautiful and voluptuous woman with curves that makes any younger woman run for their money. She had been malnourished because of the lack of proper meals.

Her smooth creamy white skin and long beautiful dark hair only emphasize her beauty. Caelum intently stared at her ass that was shaken as they were heading to his dad's grave stone. 

'Fuck! Snap out of it, Caelum!! Don't let your dick get into your head!!'

Caelum slapped his cheek to wake himself up from the daze causing his mother to turn to him worried as to why he suddenly slapped himself.

"Why did you salo yourself? Is there something wrong?"

"No, I'm fine Mom. It was just a mosquito , nothing to be worried about."

"Are you sure? Anyway, if I'm not wrong it's around….here!"

His mother eagerly went to a nearby gravestone where the name of his father was written in it. Caelum recalled the time where tears were shed when his father slowly descended into the ground. He understood the life of another could be special while another could be nothing more than just a 'Life'.

Caelum had killed countless humans without a shed of emotion viewing them as scum yet pondered the meaning of 'life'. He became eager to know the profound truth for life and death. For some reason, he felt enlightened by experiencing this emotion of valuing life and accepting death. 

He shook his head and turned to look at his mother who placed the flowers before sitting down while Caleum joined in beside his mother. The two had lit a candle then performed prayer.

'I hope you're doing well, dad. I've been doing everything you have told me….I just hope you don't hold it against me for what I'm about to do.'

Caelum cursed himself yet ignored those feelings knowing that his father would have wanted them to move on then recalled a letter from his father that he refused to open. He had been told to read it when Liliena reached the age where she was legal then realization dawned on him.

He inwardly facepalmed since it was painfully obvious what his father had told him to do. Caelum could remember it clearly when his father was in his last breath.

'Take care of them son and….'

Caelum needed to read the letter once he headed back home since he was certain that "take care of them" has another meaning to it. He glanced at his mother who had longing while looking at the grave stone. Taking the opportunity quickly helped his mother to lean on his shoulder to help ease her pain.

"What are you doing, Caelum?"

"I thought it's best that you have someone to lean on. Whatever you're thinking I believe dad would be happy that you forget the past and be happy."

She fell into silence not even trying to remove herself from leaning on his son's who had comforting warmth around him. Celine could herself fall into his arms from the way she leaned into his strong and dependable shoulder. 

It was then she realized what they were doing and quickly stopped leaning, surprising Caelum while she coughed trying to recompose herself. 

"Sorry, I didn't know what came over me."

"It's fine mom. If there's anything troubling you just know I'm here for you." 

His words left an impression on his mother who softly smiled then leaned once more enjoying the silence while reminiscing of the past where their life was simple yet worth living. Once they were finished and said their goodbyes to the grave stone, they quickly headed back home. 

Caelum went into his room and found the letter that was given by his father. He took a deep breath and opened the letter before reading the contents of it. The handwriting was nostalgic since it's been a long time since had seen his father's writing.

'Dear son, if you reading this meant that I have died and Liliena had turned 18 as well as your mother likely hadn't moved on. You know I'm one who doesn't like to write long letters which is why I will cut to the case. 

I know it is a strange request, son but please make them yours. Hear me out, you're the only man I trust to make them forget about me and move on. I don't want any other guy to touch your mother beside you who I trust. Son, I know it's immorally wrong but this is my last wish. 

Take care of them and….make them happy.'

He doesn't know if he should smack his dad or shake his hands but Caelum can't help not fulfilling her request and feels compelled to protect them from other guys. Caelum is a selfish and immortal man but he hardly cares anymore after the things he has done. 

Caelum merely sighed plopping into his bed before receiving a text from Liliena that they would be home tomorrow. He decided to pick her up in the airport to surprise her regarding their mother. He hadn't told her since he wanted to see her reaction. 

'I guess I'll just call Aunt Nancy tomorrow.'


The airport was packed with people since it was summer break and people would spend the remaining month relaxing. Caelum stood like a sore thumb as his outfit was white open up shirt and black inner shirt while wearing shirt jeans and vans. He also had glasses for aesthetic that only made his appearance more attractive.  

He met with many eyes and whispers about him being a celebrity, he dismissed them as his mind was currently occupied with how he'll act towards his sister.

'I wonder if I should be direct and ask her or…let her come to me. Guh! Why is it so hard when it's about my sister!'

Caelum did not waste any time and spread his senses trying to find them from the crowd and quickly found them. He saw his sister with Annie and Mary who smiled after seeing him. His heart warmed seeing them safe and wouldn't want to massacre an entire country if they hurt her. 

"Liliena, big brother missed you, come and give him a hug~"

He went to give her a hug but was dodged by her, this made him end up falling to the ground. 

"Big brother, not in public!"

"Hmph! You're no fun, Liliena. And what's with the 'not in public', so I can hug you at home? I knew you loved your big brother~ Anyways, welcome back!"

He stood up and dusted his clothes like nothing happened while teasing her. They hadn't noticed his looks yet knew that he was more charming than before. Caelum did make sure to tone down his enticement since it would be far too troublesome to have a flock of women. 

"Oh, you didn't miss this lil'old Mary and Annie? You two look more charming than before!"

Mary left the tomato-red Liliena then went and pushed her breast into his arm with a seductive smile, this made Caelum smile, surprising her.

"You also look more handsome than before. Did you miss me?"

"Hehehe thank you and of course, I missed you. Alright I'll bring you to your home."

"Oh, but already called dad to come and pick us up, and you don't have a car, right?"

"Don't worry about it!"

They then arrived when the three found a beautiful car that was driving itself towards them. Caelum did upgrade it to have some additional figures and could just lie about the brand. He opened the door for them, shocking them and Liliena looked at her brother filled with disbelief.

"What happened while I was away!?"

"Your brother just got lucky."

Caelum merely said simple words that only made her curious as to what happened to her brother that seemed to have changed within a week while they were gone. She remained silent and decided to ask about it later since they were alone. Upon entering the car, they quickly went to Mary's house where many expensive villas were built. They arrived at a mid-class villa with a fence surrounding it.

"I'll drop you here, come visit us when you're free."

Mary nodded as she fidgeted with hesitation but resolved herself as she jumped on Caelum and stole a kiss from him. This stunned him a bit but let the moment go and return the kiss without Liliena and Annie noticing. This shocked   Mary who enjoyed the taste of his lips and departed with only taking a second to admire each other. Liliena and Annie who were watching felt their heart tighten in jealousy. 

"Hahaha you snooze you lose, Liliena!"

Waking up from her daze, Liliena immediately refuted her friend who was walking to her home and giving a playful smile.

"Maaarryy!! He's my brother!"

"Sure whatever, bro-con!"

Caelum sweat dropped watching them interact, but smiled seeing her having a guanine smile, his smile then became mischievous.

"So, you like me, Liliena~?"

"Shut up! I want to go home, and explain to me what happened!"

He chuckled as they continued their way and dropped Annie to her apartment. Caelum helped her with the luggages since she packed quite a lot of them. Liliena stayed in the care while he took the items into the floor where Annie was currently staying. 

"Thanks again, Caelum for your help."

"No problem if you need anything just ask."

"I think I owe you quite the debt. You always help me and never ask anything in return…"

"Hahaha don't worry, I'm just a man who would help a beautiful woman anytime soon."

"B-Beautiful woman?"

"Yeah? You are one and don't let insecurities. Anyone who told you, you're not one they'll face my fist!"

Caelum pumps his fist making Annie blush and heart to pound from his words. He wasn't trying to flirt and merely trying to help her from getting into her insecurities.

"T-Thank you for saying those things about me."

"Hey I'm just telling the truth. Anyway, don't tell this to Liliena but I was planning on re-enroll into highschool and the same year as you girls."

"What, really!?"

"Yeah! Isn't it exciting!"

"What exactly happened to have a glow up?"

"Hehehe trade secret but seriously, we've discussed moving into my aunt's place. You don't have to worry about where to stay and I think my aunt will like you. Well I have to go, I can't let Liliena wait for too long."

As he was about to leave, Caelum received a kiss from Annie in his lips then took the moment to return it like Mary and tasting her soft lips. Once their lips departed, Annie woke from her dzae and quickly went into her department all flustered. 

He only shook his head and went back to the car where Liliena seemed to be hiding the fact that she tried finding out the reason for his glow up.

Caelum pretended not to know and headed back towards their home, Caelum was looking at his sister intently knowing she truly loved him as a man. They arrived at their home and this made Caelum have a mysterious grin.

"I have a surprise for my Liliena!"

"…What is it?"

Caelum did not answer as the door of their home opened to reveal a beautiful woman with dark hair and fair skin, her smile gave warmth to Liliena.

"Welcome back, my little lily."
