
Chapter 36 - Lucky

The voice that she has always longed to hear, the gaze that she has always wanted to see and the only person beside her brother that would fill the hole within her heart. At first  the thought of everything was a lie and her mind was playing tricks on her yet there stood one of the few people she loved beside her brother.

"I-Is t-that you, mom!?"

Her shaking voice did not hold anything and burst of emotion upon seeing the older woman before her. The person before her did not say any words and quickly went closer to her and at that moment woke up Liliena from her shock from feeling the warmth of the embrace of the person she longed for. She couldn't say anything anymore and tightly hugged her mother as she cried her heart out.

While the two enjoyed the reunion and tightly embraced one another. The young man was watching the scene unfold and a tear fell from his right eye. He couldn't help but be flooded with an array of emotion from grief, bliss and love. 

"Come here, Caelum."

Caelum woke up from his daze as his mother called him. He didn't hesitate to walk up to them and joined their embrace while unconsciously exuding a calming aura that harmonized the place. 

They hugged for a minute, Caelum showed a blissful smile towards the two and felt that the two had blush from the sight of his smile. Liliena was extremely delighted that after coming home her family was a whole again. Caelum let them catch up while he brought Liliena's luggage into her room since he already spent time with his mother and Liliena deserves to have a mother-daughter moment alone. 

He finished unpacking her stuff then headed back to the living room where they were chatting with Liliena eager to tell everything about her life while Celine was asleep. Caelum smiled before joining them with the time. 

"Hey, big bro! Tell me where did you get the money to buy a car!?"

"Well my dear sister, I have recently won a lottery!"

Caelum did it two days ago by hacking and predicting the numbers of the lottery that successfully earned a large amount of money. He didn't have to but it was at least the best way to earn money without anyone getting suspicious where he got the money. Liliena was skeptical about the claims but he showed his online bank account shocking her to the core while Celine giggled seeing her daughters reaction.

She was the same when he suddenly told her that he had won the lottery but amazingly seemed collective in spending the money. Caelum hardly felt excitement seeing money when he could create gold and diamonds without a hassle.  

"W-W-What!? Is that true!?"

"...uhm well the car, I bought it much earlier since I got lucky and 'returned' a diamond ring. The owner was kind enough to give me some money."

"And you accepted? That doesn't sound like you?"

Liliena was taken aback upon hearing his lie that was half truth since he is the owner and rewarded him with some money. Regardless, the old Caelum doesn't accept charity which surprised his sister.

"Hahaha well I don't know why I did but somehow I feel like when I decide to change a bit that's where things go amazingly well!"

Caelum decided to remove his foolishness and decided that there times it's not to act like a lone wolf. It was just that he was immature and thought that he needed to do everything alone to fulfil his promise.

'Now that I think about it? Why was I tempted to accept Sapphire's offer?'

[ Actually, Sapphire being the Supreme Origin Goddess of night and dream easily influences your dream. ]

'So she entices me with the offer? I guess it's not bad since in the end I was the one who benefited.'

He shrugged it off since everything happened for the better for everyone. Liliena intently stared at her brother who only had a wary smile before receiving karate chop to the head.


"Stop doing that! I'm still your lovable brother and there is nothing going to change that!"

Caelum reassured that he is the same person that is willing to do everything for them and sacrifice things for their own benefits. Though, the status of "Brother" would likely change eventually but he wanted to enjoy being one before that happened. Their mother giggled seeing them having sibling arguments that made her nostalgic. 

"You didn't have to hit me though!"

"Fufufu alright cut it out you two. I'll go ahead and prepare dinner." 

"Hold on, mom! Let me help you!!"

"If it's fine with you then alright."

"I'll let you two have fun. I'm going to be in my room if you need anything."

He left the bond while heading to his room and decided to head to the Grimoire to spend time with his woman. Caelum trained with the Grimoire trying to reach a new evolved form considering the energy within the realm was extremely dense and nourishing his being. Once he met with a bottleneck in training, returned back outside and joined his mother and sister for dinner. Caelum arrived to see the two giggling and laughing that made him smile. 

"...Then Brother started being the crap of those boys and girls bullying me! Though, he got beat up but he's so cool!"

"Fufufu, despite your brother's initial appearances, was trained by your father."

Caelum was indeed trained by simple self defense by his father who was a retired soldier and had taught him how to fight. Though, it had been unsharpen after his father died but always came handy when protecting his sister. He wasn't talented compared to now but still above compared to some according to his father.

He had trampled their faces into dirt and had faced charges from their parents that were easily paid by Mary's father. Though, Caelum repaid it when he had the chance since he didn't want to be in debt from someone. 

"I'm glad that he made sure that you were happy and never felt alone."

"Brother is the greatest man in the world next to father."

"Fufufu what about the man you'll end up with?"


Celine giggled seeing her daughter blush and contemplate then notice Caelum entered the room gesturing for her to be quiet then closer.

"Soooo, who's going to be greater than me or the man you'll be with?"


Caelum sat beside her while keeping his teasing smile enjoying her flustered face. He could clearly see how much she wanted to tell that it was him that she wanted but reluctant for the time being.

"Hehehe sorry I was just teasing. Anyway, what's for dinner?"

The night went on and they enjoyed the moment of having the first dinner being whole again. Caelum vowed to do everything to protect everyone and never again will he suffer. He'd rather betray the world than let it betray him. 


The next day, Caelum decided to call his aunt to inform him about the news regarding his mother and check how they were all doing. He also needed to be informed about his plans on moving into their home if they don't mind. It was important for his mother to spend time with her sister and didn't plan on buying any new homes. 

He understood that they had quite a few vacant rooms and Caelum didn't mind sleeping on the couch anyway. 

"Hello, Caelum? It's been you called, How are you and Liliena!? Have you all been eating well?? I would have send more money if I could…."

"No, it's fine, Aunt Nancy. Actually I called to bring an amazing news!"

"Oh this is the first time I heard you this excited!?"

"Hehehe don't scream but….Mom is finally awake and out of the hospital."


Caelum heard his aunt loud scream in disbelief that would have destroyed his eardrum if now for his powers. He already expected the reaction even without telling her not to scream.

"No I'm fine, Dalia! Yeah I'm talking to Caelum. Later I'll tell you what happened. Okay be careful and have fun."

"Uhmm Aunt Nancy, are you still there?"

"Y-Yeah, is it true that your mother is awake? Since when?? Tell me everything and don't leave any detail."

He chuckled and told her the recent event regarding his mother's recovery. The tone of his aunt made it obvious that she was in tears knowing that her sister was finally with her family. Caelum had been adamant to refuse her support but accepted it since she was his aunt. Both of them had supported Liliena and Celine. 

"C-Can I talk to her?"

"Hold on."

Caelum went to find his mother and find her watering the plant. He quickly went closer to give the phone and allowed the two have many years apart. The last time they've been able to speak was more than half decade since Nancy had been busy with her life as well as them. Regardless, the two were excitely having fun talking to each other until Nancy had to go work and Celine giving back the phone.

"Sorry, I wanted to talk more about everything but…I still have to go to work."

"It's fine, Aunt Nancy. Actually there another reason why I called."

"What would that be?"

"Since now that I've earn quite a lot of money hope to re-enroll in Krendon as fourth year and wanted to move in with my famil-"

"Done! That would be wonderful to have you here back in Krendon! At least now we can be one big family!"

"You sure? It would be around four of us including Annie."

"Annie? Oh Liliena's friend? It's fine, our house has the perfect room but…Liliena and Annie would have to a share."

"I'll ask her later, I think she doesn't mind knowing the two."

"Alright tell me when you all going to visit for me to prepare."

Caelum nodded and said his farewell to  her while he went his usual routine of training and getting stronger. He needed to be in top shape if his going to meet them again. His been busy investing with the money he have and spreading the alias of "Silver".


Few days later, Caelum had told his sister and her friends regarding his plan on enrolling to Krendon with them which suprised them but the three became excited that they'll be able to be in the same school.

Liliena isn't one who embarrassed to be with his brother knowing that he deserve it after the things he did. Once Caelum had an interview with he Krendon high school regarding his life and instantly taken by their school because of his charisma. 

Now everyone including Celine went to karaoke bar to celebrate his re-enrollment into become a high school student again. Caelum view formal education as nothing more than entertainment since he had the power beyond human now. He wasn't being cocky and only stating the fact that it would be a waste of time but his doing it because he wanted to experience it even once. 

"Go Liliena!!"

"She's really amazing at singing."

"Hahaha try hearing her in the shower then you'll have free show!"

"Oh shut up brother! Still I promise he's a lite better than me at singing."

"Right, Caelum was a boy who love singing. It's adorable when he use thespone as mic."

Caelum embarrassingly smile and took the mic and started to singing with them that made Mary screaming while Annie true her best to cheer despite being embarrassed at how outgoing Mary was. Liliena smirk cheering for her brother who poured everything into the music.

After a while, he finishes and gave bow while the crowd giving their applause. The party continued with Mary getting drunk again and the the other two being tipsy after drinking while Caelum hardly felt it. His mother didn't drink since she still recovering and doesn't like to drink as much.
