
Chapter 47: The Hunt 2 "Die Hard"

At night, I went back to the apartment for a while before heading out again with Tonks. When I entered, I was surprised that the whole place was more orderly than when I went, causing me to look at the number on the door again.

"You didn't go to the wrong house, I stopped by and cleaned up while Nymphadora slept" Andromeda came out of the kitchen, surprising me.

"Hello Andromeda, nice to see you again"

"The pleasure is mine" she said kindly

But the woman was somewhat disappointed to find nothing in the young man's room, in fact she only had a couple of changes of clothes, everything was very desolate and empty. She would have to remind her daughter to buy her some gifts to liven up the mood... and other things.

"I thought you wouldn't come back, from what my daughter said they are very busy" Andromeda asked.

"We'll both go back later, I came now to cook her something, so she wouldn't end up starving because of my carelessness"

"Hey, don't make fun of me, I wouldn't starve" Tonks' voice came out of her room, rubbing her eyes.

"Right, she would die if she tried to cook her own food" her mother scoffed.

"MOM!" The newly awakened witch complained.

After that, Andromeda and I cooked dinner. She said that she left something for her husband at home, that he also stay late at work, so she ate with us. I must say that her culinary skills are impressive, as much as my mother's.

Already at the table eating, Andromeda began to ask things about us making Tonks uncomfortable, I just laughed. What used to make me uncomfortable was the look on Edward's face, but since he wasn't here, this time it was all more relaxed.

"Mom, that's enough" Tonks said remembering what we talked about when we left her house the last time, "mom, let me clarify, I'm interested in men" she said causing Andromeda to fall silent in surprise for a moment.

"I don't know why you're bringing this up out of the blue, but I'm partly relieved. While some may not mind, it's good for me that you don't like women, but I hope Tenebrius does" She told her daughter relieved that we won't have any problems on her side, but now she wanted to know if we would have any problems from my end.

"Don't worry, I like women so much that I even feel that it's hard not to think about you in an indecent way"I joked, this dinner is a good stress reliever after putting your life in danger, it's a lot of fun.

"You'll have to excuse me, but I'm married" she didn't show the slightest disgust with what I said "but Nymphadora is my daughter, and she has my good genes, so you'll have second best... if it's not enough you can ask her to take my appearance and shout my name while doing them, I have no problem with it, I can even give she some tips if you want"

*Puffff...* Tonks spit the soup all over the table.

"HAHAHAHA… Tonks, I always thought you got your joking tendencies from your father, but I was wrong, your mother is a fucking genius" I couldn't stop laughing.

"MOM! How can you say that?"

"Come on, darling, you're too old to be embarrassed with that. All men have too many fantasies, and with you, he can have any girl he wants. I'm flattered that I'm still attractive to him, so please do your best to be more like me, you don't want to let him down..." She continues joking with her daughter while still having a smirk on her face.


"I hate you both" Tonks complained, this dinner was worse for her than the last one, unlike me.

After that, Nymphadora hurriedly prepared to go out and see her mother off. Andromeda left, but not before Tonks reminded her to warn her before coming, it seemed that what happened a moment ago was too much for her, and she didn't want to repeat it... ever.

We went out at night to continue our search, and although we found the criminal in Hogsmeade, he got away from us. Stuff like this happened over the next week...either it was a false report, or the wrong person, slipping away, or we just didn't find anything. In some cases, we even confronted the wrong people, causing I to die twice in this time.

I used smoke potions when I felt my death coming to prevent them from seeing my clone disintegrate into blood. The feeling is very unpleasant and traumatic, sometimes at Hogwarts with Red I would stare at a fixed point without reacting while my brain finished processing my own death

This mission was stupid, since so many criminals in a single month would be too much even for the best. How would we know where they are or if they didn't leave the country, the only reason for our good work so far is that my [Hunter Essence] guides me towards them.

After a week, I finally got a clue. I was alone, since Tonks is collecting information elsewhere, but I message her to report my situation.


Location: Hogsmeade

Site: Abandoned Warehouse.

Criminal: Durevic Kreppier

Crimes: Casting Unforgivable Curses, Murder, Destruction of Urban Areas, Others Unknown.

Danger level: High

I found myself entering through the roof of the abandoned warehouse, it was several times bigger than the Muller incident. Sneaking around with my stealth skills I was able to move through the shadows and catch a glimpse of my target, he was seen with another group of people, about a dozen. It seemed that an exchange of illegal merchandise was being made, what was it? I don't know, it was inside completely sealed wooden boxes.

Their number was too great to try to stop them on my own, but I wouldn't have much of a choice either, the transaction seemed to be winding down, and we would soon lose sight of them again. I'm not sure if we can follow them, and if we lose them we would be in a very bad situation, we have no time to lose, we only have half of the time stipulated by the mission.

Breathe in and out… brace myself mentally, text Tonks to report this exchange to the ministry, because even though we can't get help with our arrest, that doesn't mean we can't make it with this illicit deal. Finally, I set about choosing a song that could help me in this fight and finding it... I think... I may not be a vampire, but I guess it will do...

*Out in the night, the masters of fright

Pray for our souls are undead

Bodies to feed, your blood's what we need

We come when you're lying in bed

You can't destroy us, can't blind us with light

cursed by the desire to follow the might

You can't escape us, so don't even try

But there's one thing you just can't deny

Vampires don't die...*

I could feel it... my blood burned, my mouth went dry, and my [Hunter Essence] howled calling me to hunt.

I moved like an imperceptible shadow, each element of the place was a good hiding place. The business was ending, but they did not know that a pair of eyes were watching them. The guards they left on patrol could not find anything, but everyone present realized that the atmosphere changed, as if the air thickened, what the made them a little nervous. At the slightest movement, everyone reacted, but they didn't know what made them restless.

Within a few seconds of feeling this sensation, a large empty wooden box flew out of a corner towards them, which was immediately blown up by a spell from one of the gang leaders.

But at that moment a scream was heard from one of the sides. When the box was flying towards them, they paid no attention to how I came running towards them.

With a spell, a stone flew towards the legs of one of the henchmen, breaking his knee and causing him to fall to the ground screaming in pain. My pace didn't stop after the first attack, and I approached one of them and landed a hook on his chin before he reacted.

Sensing me, they all pointed their wands at me and cast their spells, but I grabbed the man I'd just hit and yanked him back to use as a meat shield, something I learned from the late Ratcliff. The spells hit his partner and his stomach exploded, revealing a bloody mass of pulverized organs and broken ribs.

The moment I released it, I took out some potions from my inventory and threw them on the ground. When the liquid of all of them broke, it mixed and began to release a green smoke all over the place. The idiots in front of me must not have a potions expert with them, as they would have realized that it was what I threw and that this was a harmless phenomenon.

While all of them were moving away from the place, separating or using spells to cover their body or clear the smoke in the air, in that brief moment I took the opportunity to jump on one of them and knee him in the stomach, while casting another spell to my next target. The knee came up, but my spell was dodged.

By finishing off three of my enemies, my surprise attack was over, and I was at a disadvantage again. So I decided to dodge their attacks while sneaking behind the crates of illegal goods in the center of the room, since it was the only place closest to where I could cover myself.

On my way, I did some really tricky jumps while casting spells, where one of them I was able to half blind another minion. I'm a fucking gymnast...

When I jumped with my hand resting on the box, I could see that the leader cast another spell, but not on me, but on the box, it was a burning spell. When I come into contact with the box, it explodes with me just passing over it...


It was a huge explosion, not enough to destroy the warehouse, but enough to have killed me. The sound and smoke covered the place, leaving several on the site half deaf.

Those left in the room had difficulty seeing because of the smoke, and many were coughing from it. When they tried to cleanse the air of the place with a spell, they saw how a figure emerged from the thick cloud of smoke, pounced in a great jump on their leader, the head of the smugglers and the person who caused this great explosion.

This figure was a ragged-looking youth, dyed red and without an arm. He fell on top of his leader and knocking him to the ground sitting on his body, they saw him stab his neck repeatedly with a piece of wood, opening a fatal wound brutally annihilating him.

They reacted a bit late to save their leader, but they returned the attack to the person who should be dead. he wriggled to the side as a wand appeared out of nowhere in his hand, returning the spells he received.


I was only able to survive that because I reacted quickly enough to cast a minimal protection on myself, plus *Vampires don't die*

Already one-armed, I continued with my fight without giving them a chance to escape. The two new skills that helped me get rid of everyone in front of me, even with my current state

[Inquisitor's Essence]

-Increased Magic Resist(Minor)-

-When chasing a particular group of individuals receives a slight damage buff-

- Current Inquisitor Objectives: [Magical Criminals]-

[Executioner Essence/Execution]

-Your ultimate attacks/executions will deal much more damage to normal units-

My body went limp, but I didn't stop. I knocked out one of them by turning in my place while an energy rope came out of my wand, tying a piece of metal to one end, ending up being hit on the head by the whirlpool I caused. Another just ate a flame spell head-on...

I hadn't realized it, but for some time we had public, our show had caught the attention of local residents watching from afar. Soon they were joined by the Aurors who arrived along with Tonks, as always the cavalry comes last. Appearing in the warehouse, they could only see me shocked as I was fighting the last three subjects, the others were dead, unconscious, or managed to escape.

Reinforcements arrived and by joining the battle it was over almost instantly. Six against three was not something that could be said to be difficult, especially when on one side they were professional aurors and on the other they were thugs, and not the strongest of the group.

They were knocked down, and I finally sat down on the ground, breathing heavily, not being able to hear anything around me due to a loud ringing in my ear, as well as seeing everything red due to the blood covering my eyes. Tonks came running over to see me, but I couldn't hear a thing she was saying, so I motioned for her to stop.

I hit the rest of my arm with the palm of my hand, making it stop bleeding, and covered it with what was left of my trench coat. The interesting thing is that the symbol on my back was not completely damaged.

Tonks helped me to my feet and, with my good arm around her neck, led me where we needed to go. Due to injuries they let me go and were about to pick me up at St Mungo's, but I refused and told Tonks we went back to the office.

Upon arrival, Tonks left me in my seat and from there I began to use my blood magic to restore the clone's body. I know it's a lot easier to undo and redo, but it's going to take a while before my blood magic charges and I don't know if they'll be looking for us anytime soon because of what happened, so I'm going to do it the slow way. Luckily, he had [Blood Control(Numb)] to negate the pain.

"You did a lot in there" She tried to get a topic of conversation while she saw that inside the arm that I was missing there was only the color red. She was a little disgusted, but equally intrigued.


"You have no idea. All the people in Hogsmeade who saw you had horrified faces, there were like 4 bodies on the floor clearly dead and several others very injured. I heard Gregor say 'holy mother' like he was a little girl in surprise. Can you imagine a two-meter tall, muscular, big bearded Auror saying that, it was hilarious"

We kept going like this, and I was able to heal as much as possible, but I didn't have enough time or energy to get my arm back. I also fixed some of my clothes, so I looked less like a ragged bum

A while later, our door was flung open, showing Alastor with an angry expression.

"What are you doing here? Why aren't you at St Mungo's?"

"Most of the damage is recovered and from what I see of your leg, I don't think they can give me my arm back... Why are you here? We can finish this job, I want to go to sleep"

"Don't be a fool, this can be postponed until tomorrow."

"I'm not going, full stop!" There was no point in going, since I could heal myself and there was a risk that they might notice something strange with the clone's body, plus I wanted to end this.

"As you wish" he stopped goading me "There are too many dead and wounded for this job to be taken naturally" He looked at me very badly "The merchandise we found was not for distribution in Great Britain, it were just an exchange stop between smugglers. We will have to wait for other foreign emissaries to better determine the measures we have to take, while we look for those who escaped. You need to transcribe everything that happened"

"All Right"

Alastor left, he still doubts me from what I see, and he is right to do so. I finished the record they asked me for, and Tonks went home to rest.

Despite knowing that I was a clone, she had to spend the night with me to take care of me, returning the favor from before. It was nice since it helped me a lot of considering that I wasn't used to having only one arm... only that even, so she didn't cook because I wouldn't let her, I preferred to teach her later so that in case she takes care of me in situations like this one didn't end up accidentally killing me.

The next morning we were ready, with my arm almost fully recovered. There was still some flesh and skin missing, but the rest was fine, only I had to anesthetize it so as not to feel the pain of the air hitting my bare flesh.

When we got back to the office we found Alastor there, that when he saw me with my arm he was almost completely surprised.

"What the hell? That you didn't lose your arm... Is it all a ruse!?"

"Look," I said, raising my almost skeletal red hand, "It's growing again. If my partner is a Metamorphmagus, why can't I be a... regenermagus..?"

"Forget it, anything else you want to confess?" he asks, trying to get more secrets out of me.

"It wasn't a confession, now why are you here so often?" I asked, a little tired of his paranoia and distrust, it's not that he has no reason to distrust me, but he makes me quite weary.

"Because of Dumbledore and Fudge, I can't kick you out of here, but I'll make sure to keep an eye on you personally. From now on your work will be regulated by me, your reports will be given to me and everything related to the aurors will be addressed to me" he exclaim.

"Okay, what about yesterday?" I asked, since I wanted him to leave as soon as possible, it was annoying to have him around looking at me with his prosthetic eye.

"It was stipulated that it was in self-defense, even so the murder should be punishable by Azkaban... but it was proven that many of the deaths were caused by them"

"That's how it was" I affirms complacently.

"Don't laugh, this is already the second time in one of your jobs that something similar has happened, so we are keeping an eye on you, a death is a death. We thought about suspending you, but considering the mission that was imposed on you, this will be postponed until the time stipulated in it is over... But if there are more corpses on the way, you will not be spared!"

"I don't like it, but I'll accept" I cursed my inability to make the most of my abilities by not being able to use lethal force.

"You'll have to go to a jury anyway to defend yourself for Kreppier's death" he warned about the death of the stabbed in the neck.

After that, Alastor gave me the time of my trial and left. Everything went normally for the rest of the day.

The trial went in my favor because of the number of crimes that Kreppier had on his record and that I clearly used a desperate way of defense, which together with my state during the event gave me a lot of favor. Anyway, I was reprimanded for not asking for support before, even though they didn't believe it. Almost everyone knew about our status with the mission, so it was more of a pointless mention, plus I'd already sent Tonks to report immediately, so it wasn't a big deal.
