
Chapter 48: The Next Step in the "Tenebrius" Plan

The day after the trial, at work they looked at us with strange looks, not as much admiration as at the beginning, but rather fear and that was just the beginning...

When we returned home in the afternoon, we found Andromeda and Edward at our door with flowers, gifts, and wine. It seems they heard about the situation from the Hogsmeade people and came to see us.

They were surprised to see that I had my arm when they heard that I didn't. I made a joke that I was growing back and Tonks blurted out a "Too bad that nothing else will grow on you" that I couldn't understand very well, but I saw Andromeda step on her foot, so it must not be a good thing.

They stayed for dinner and the scene was repeated. Edward looked at me as if I had killed his little dog, good thing Andromeda reprimanded him when he made a bad comment at the table. We ended up talking about work and I was able to win some points with the old man after telling them that I left all the danger in my hands and didn't let Tonks get fully involved, it didn't change much, but when I talk about work he doesn't have such a bad look anymore.

Andromeda worried about us and she gave us a mother talk with the typical "Yesterday you lost an arm, tomorrow it could be your life" Which we couldn't deny, even so, she relaxed when she saw that it grew me again. She was actually groping it, intrigued, which earned me more glares from her husband.

They left after that, although Edward didn't seem to want to leave. It's not that he wanted to spend time with us, but rather not let me spend the night alone with his daughter, which I don't understand, since if it were for that we would already have spent several nights just the two of us, even more so, sharing beds.

They left and we rested one more night before going back to look for the criminals we have left.


Our name became known in the department and mine, particularly among the bad places in the British wizarding world.

25 days, from the beginning of the mission, it took us to finish it. After that incident where I lost my arm, my combat ability improved a lot with my new abilities, in addition to the experience gained.

Criminal after criminal was caught and treated brutally, only now I healed them enough with my blood magic that they wouldn't complain about me... but my [Blood Control(Pain)] sometimes mixed with my magic of healing, causing the shrieks of feeling their bones coming together or skin weaving over and over again known to people near the fighting zones.

In the course of that time, we will not only catch the remaining criminals, but also anyone involved in criminal acts that we come across. We were presented with the situation where the information of a location is false and we entered a different rat's nest than the one we wanted, but rats are rats, after all.

The atmosphere was like one of the darkest Batman or The Punisher. I died twice more in the process, but it didn't change much, even with that we caught them all, even one who was about to leave the British lands with whom we had an aerial chase on broomsticks.

In Knuckturn Alley, the story began to spread about the "Ministry Hunter". A kind of special division of Aurors who are in charge of making certain special arrests, where captives are recovered alive... or dead... 'a hard-to-kill Auror who makes small-time criminals tremble by his brutal means '. This caused several complaints from the ministry, but since I was doing my job well, without 'Wounded', they didn't do much, anyway, they were just rumors.

Also, after turning in our last criminal, we were credited with the mission and, due to the number of high-level arrests, our record jumped substantially. We practically have more reputation than a lot of Aurors, but my actions have made some people nervous, so there are fewer people we talk to at work now.

That was part of what I was looking for, so I created my suit with a particular symbol. It was all to be distinguished, to have fame, or maybe in this case 'infamy'... I may not be allowed to go out to do fieldwork again, but I already have what I need.

Right now I'm starting the next phase of the "Tenebrius" plan, I'm sending a letter:

[To Remus Lupin

I want to give you a job offer. If you are interested, go to the table most opposite to the bar in the 'Leaky Cauldron' the day after receiving this letter at 7:00 p.m.

I leave a few gallons inside the letter in case you need to pay for the trip and as a token of my generosity]

With the letter sent, I continued preparing dinner. Once finished, I served it at the table and sat next to Tonks.

"You know that today our Hogwarts classmates reminded me again that I should try to get away from you" Tonks commented

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to affect your friendships"

"I don't blame you, although at first I was scared by the psychopathic side you showed to criminals, now I understand that maybe it was necessary. At least Laura doesn't bother me every time I go to the cafeteria anymore" she explained "I think they'll get used to it, it's not like we're close friends to begin with".

"I'm glad you think so, thanks for the support. By the way, I'm going out tomorrow, do you want to come?" I offered to come with me, I think it will change the future of many people and I want to know if there is something like destiny. What would happen if Tonks and Lupin met at this moment?

"Worked?" asked

"Something like that, it's more of a personal task, are you coming?"

"Yeah sure, I don't have anything else to do, but I'm happy about it. I hope Garrick rots for sending us that damn mission"

"hahaha, I don't think he would dare to do anything soon after what I showed the world"

"That's why you did it?"

"No... but it also works"

After eating we go out, since just today we have a night patrol with another group of Aurors, a mission like the ones before, in which interns should participate. The funny thing was that when we met up with the group, they quickly divided people up, leaving Tonks and me in the same subgroup that had to go to one of the more remote areas. Hmm, they are fearful...

We were both at one end of Knockturn Alley, standing on a roof. I was wearing the costume that represents me while Tonks was wearing a hood to cover her face, she was getting tired of taking on a new identity every time she went out with me at work.

The work was simple, mainly because when they saw me appear, several people went into their houses and turned off the lights. I've noticed that after the rumors spread and more people started to fear me, In front of them, the [Hunter Essence] and [Predator Aura] became stronger, which truly made me a nightmare for some people.

We decided to go up to the terrace of one of the buildings in the place, in any case, I don't think anyone would dare to complain. There was only missing superhero music and that's it, "The Adventures of Dark Boy and The Shape-shifter Girl".

Being up there, we started chatting.

"Mom also worried about what you did, she thinks you shouldn't act like that... dad also said to stay away from you, but I think for the wrong reasons"

"I'm sorry to your mother, I don't like her knowing that I have such a 'brutal' side, just as I wouldn't want my mother to find out that I'm doing this... As for your father, tell him that it's already a hopeless case, you're already delighted with my food" I joked on the latter "just kidding, don't tell him"

"But what you say is not bad, you have improved" She said sincerely, in this time having to cook all our meals I have gained some tricks.

"I live to please"

"So you do it to make up for your tiny penis"


"WHAT DO YOU DO TO COMPENSATE FOR YOUR SMALL PENIS?" She yelled at me, then laughed.

"... Were you spying on me in the shower?" I was silent for a while and then asked her.

"Ha... it would have been more fun that way... No, to your surprise, my Mom told me"

"Oh...okay, as long as I don't have to be anxious in case there's a peeping tom in the house it's fine" I nodded calmly.

"Is that all? No shame or humiliation?" She asks confused. She grew a bulge under her pants that stuck out a lot and then leaned closer "That's why mine scared you so much, it's because it was a size you've never seen before."

When I could feel something hit my leg and quickly guessed what it was, as if it was an instantaneous movement, I scooted aside in the blink of an eye. It was such that two lines were left on the ground made by my shoes, as well as a cloud of dust along the two meters it left behind, and possibly an afterimage.

"Tonks... back, you're playing with fire and I don't know what I'm capable of doing to you now that I'm conscious if you do something like last time"

"What? Jealous that it's bigger?" She swayed to the sides.

"Enough is enough... it doesn't bother me that you make jokes about the size of my penis, but some things I can't tolerate"

"You're boring, just when I thought I had something to bother you with" she said patting her bulging crotch.

"Tonks... put the gun down"

"Okay…" she said as her pants deflated and she leaned boring against the edge of the building "How did my mom find out about your problem?"

"She did spy on me in the shower"


"Yeah, it was an accident, but she technically did it."

"You really don't dislike jokes about the size of your thing?" She said, showing her little finger and then shrugging it.

"In the least"


"Not so much, it was a flaw in Tenebrius's creation that I didn't show you, for obvious reasons. There's no problem with that in the real body"

"So it's not tiny?"

"I defend myself" I nodded with my eyes closed showing confidence.

"How much?"

"You'll have to see for yourself if you want to know"

"You wish... Can you show me little Tenebrius?"


"Come on, I'm curious, my mother told me I looked like a caterpillar with a couple of cherries"

"How many details did she give you?"

"Enough to intrigue me... Let's just show it to me. What do you lose? It's not the real one"

"My Dignity"

"How about you show me yours and I show you mine?"

"I know what you think and I won't... I won't fall for that"


"Do you owe me a big one?" I asked her, since it seemed that she was not going to stop insisting.

"How big?" she asks, making me want to answer 'like my dick' but in this case, it didn't suit me so I changed it.

"Inversely proportional to the size of my thing"

"Deal" She accepts the offer.

"Fine" I sighed.

So, I faced her, grabbed my pants, and pulled them down. She was shocked when she saw it, she crouched down and stared at it in shock.

"Wow, yes, it's small, even more so than I expected. Medically it must be...interesting" she said as she held out two fingers as if she was about to grab it.

*Slap* (Slap to the hand)

"Hey, I said see...don't touch"

"What else do you lose?"

"What little pride I might still have...I guess...it's not a pretty touch."

"Okay…" she agreed to stop there and stood up "I don't think I can pay you, it's a huge debt" she teased her.

"Keep that in mind…" I said as I pulled my pants up.

Nothing else happened after that, but at one point I thought I saw Tonks looking at her crotch from inside her underwear and using her two fingers as tweezers to hold something, just like before. It seems like she can't get the size out of her head, hahahaha...it's a bit sad.

We finished our shift without a hitch and headed home. Time passed and it was time for the meeting that I established, I just hope he comes, I don't like to waste time on these things.

I told Tonks to take another look and she would take on a voluptuous blonde. Not the slightest idea why, but from the looks she gave me down there, I think it was to see if I could tell if I was hard... I know it didn't bother me before, but now I want to come with my real body and slap her with my true size.

We left Diagon Alley a bit late, so we arrived at the Leaky Cauldron at 7:10 PM. I hoped he hadn't come and left when he didn't find us.

We walked through the door and at that very moment the whole place fell silent. The people here were looking at us, some with clear horror on their faces and others looking like they were about to immediately leave the bar, but didn't due to fear of making a mistake. Even Tom felt uncomfortable and seemed to beg with his eyes for us to leave.

I ignored the wizards and witches who looked at me and stared at the tables on the opposite side of the bar, the people who passed my gaze flinched almost peeing their pants. At one point I stopped, clothes tattered and looking disheveled despite appearing to be somewhat groomed. When my gaze fell on him, he trembled violently.

I walked towards that table to the relief of all the people I was leaving behind, but to the stress of those I was approaching, certain people once I passed them ran out of the bar seeming to receive amnesty. When I stood next to Lupin, he seemed to have seen death itself because of how pale he looked, even though he already looked pale and sick from before.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Akaichi?" He said in total surrender to his fate. He believed that as a werewolf, he had perhaps entered the gaze of the 'Ministry Hunter'.

"I'm surprised you know me"

"Your reputation precedes you" he said as he clenched his fists. He now regretted having come, the job was not worth it. He had also realized that all this may be part of the 'Hunter' plan, it is known that his methods are not orthodox but very efficient to catch their prey.

"You don't have to be nervous" I said as I sat down in front of him and Tonks next to me, only that she didn't receive the slightest attention despite the melons she was carrying "Actually here because of the content of the letter, I want to hire you"

"What...?" He asks in amazement, this didn't sound like what he had heard. Rumors about the 'Hunter' said that he was very domineering and would attack when he saw you. If he wasn't doing it now, maybe he wasn't one of his victims, but I still hesitate. "Hire me?"

"Yes, I need someone to fulfill certain tasks and I thought of you"

"Do you know me?"

"You didn't say it yourself, your reputation precedes you... although it was more of a personal investigation. I know you're someone trustworthy and you need the job."

"I don't think I have what it takes for a job like the one you offer" he quickly refused, even if he wasn't someone to be hunted, he didn't want to get involved in the things of this young man in front of him.

"Shouldn't you listen to what I have to say first...? Look, I know my reputation is very bad and I've done things that don't seem like a good person, but everything has a reason. What I'm going to ask of you isn't It's anything like what I've done, and it will also be a way for you to change your destiny a bit. I know your 'hairy problem' and I know you could use a helping hand" I started to tell him while using my auras to calm him down.

"What do you want from me?" He asked much calmer, although he was confused as to why.

"Partly, I want you to catch some magical creatures for me"

"I can't do it, I won't do anything illegal" he refused.

"You're wrong, I'm not talking about protected beings... I'm talking about simple things, some pixies, fairies, ghouls, grindylow, among others... Beings with whom you won't have legal complications"

"What do you want them for?" He asked, confused by what he heard, those were very common beings and more annoying than useful.

"I'll be honest and it may sound bad, it's to sell them" I clarified causing him to distrust "it's not any kind of trafficking in magical beings or anything, I have a buyer who once he obtains them he returns them to their habitat or a similar one where they can be"

"It doesn't sound believable that someone pays for magical creatures just to drop them" he question.

"Right, it's unlikely that someone would throw money away that way, but I can show you if you want" I offered, but clearly I know they looked unsure "In my beginnings, I've made money with gnomes using this method, I know you're having a hard time and need help, your situation seems very sad to me and I want to give you a hand while getting some benefits... Help me help you. What is the worst that can happen? I'm not allowed to kill anyone anymore anyway" I teased trying to relax him and thanks to my [Jester Essence] it seemed to work a bit.

"Can you introduce me to the buyer and how much he pays?" He asked.

"That was the plan, follow me"

Remus, the blonde, and I left the bar, much to everyone's relief. Although this time I came on an informal visit, many still felt insecure, and Tom even more so when business seemed to become difficult with my presence.

Before leaving Diagon Alley we stopped by the pet store and bought the cheapest one since I needed something to prove my proposal and I wouldn't know if I could find one quickly, I didn't want to delay it and make Lupine doubt me more.

With our furry, sick experimental subject, possibly a relative of Pettigrew's, off we go. I took Lupine through the Floo network to Hogsmeade and from there we went to the outskirts of the town, it was already dark and we were moving away from civilization, which made the lycanthrope somewhat nervous.

Just before I went any further, I stopped Lupin.

"Before we go any further I need us to make an unbreakable oath that, whether you decide to accept my proposal or not, you will not reveal what I will show you to anyone without my permission" I said, causing his expression to change.

"Is it necessary? I don't think I'm fit for this, I'd better retire now that I can" he decided that maybe it wasn't worth the risk to go ahead.

"Come on, we've come this far, it's a waste to go back" I said as I put my hand on his shoulder to use my [Blood Control] while strengthening my auras.

"... It's okay" he didn't know why he agreed, he just felt more relaxed with the idea.

Lupin and I swore an oath with blonde Tonks as a witness. Once he finished he kept moving forward and at one point Remus opened his eyes wide, looking behind him, he could see a thick wall of fog that he was sure hadn't passed before, as if it had just passed through it and it became visible.

"The person we're looking for always has a protective spell around them, so only I and the people I bring with me will be able to reach them." I explained.

Shortly after, we arrived with the merchant, and both Lupin and Nymphadora were amazed at the ever-smiling spirit. Neither of us expected us to find him in the middle of the forest with just a carriage, they expected a secret base or something like that, this seemed very 'Rustic'.

"Here he is, he is the one with whom I made periodic transactions. Everything that is in Diagon Alley you will also find it here" I said as I approached the caravan.

"Good/Hello" They greeted Remus and Tonks, but received nothing more than a smiling sentiment.

"Don't expect an answer, he can understand us, but we can't. He has a strange way of communicating that we are not able to understand, I only know one person who is able to listen to him," I explained. Causing both of them to be surprised.

After that, I called them near the carriage, next to the tray, and I showed them how after placing the cage with the rat, this disappeared so that later some coins appeared on the side of the cash register.

"In this tray the trapped creatures would go, they must be held or incapacitated if you want them to be sold. This works as a normal business, the price offered is similar to that of the rest of the world, depending on what you sell and where; if you sell a lot of the same the price goes down, if you sell little the price stays the same or it can increase. Once delivered, this carriage has a magical device that will transport the magical creature to its natural habitat. If we could track down the being that we sold we could possibly find it for proving it, but that might end up in some other part of the world, so I won't... What do you think?"

"All this seems very unrealistic" he said surprised at what he was telling him, in the commercial sense, not in the magical sense, there is a lot of that here.

"I know, but this is possible thanks to him" I pointed to the merchant "I clarify that he is not a human being as he appears, he does not care about money in the least, so all this is possible... I do not ask you anything illegal or dangerous, it's just a pest control or animal rescue job, how do you want to take it. Do you accept?"

"I have to think about it..." I hesitate, "Why did you choose me?"

"Because I trusted you to accomplish the next part of this plan"

"And which one is it?" Tonks asked, who so far hadn't spoken more than a few words.

"I want to form a group of Mercenaries?"

"Mercenaries?" x2

"It's not like you think, I'm not looking for you to fight for money, although I wouldn't stop you if it's necessary for the future... I want you mainly task like these. I myself can't take the time to do this alone, I also want you to hire to defend properties, collaborate in construction, healing... everything we can, to be able to have the extra arms that I lack"

"..." Lupin fell silent.

"I will explain to you how I plan to do this business. You will catch those creatures that no one will miss and put them in this suitcase" I said taking a suitcase from my inventory, with an expansion spell inside it "If it fills up or after a week you will communicate with me and we will come to sell the content, of the total earned you will be given a part. Without dangers or conflicts, unless you want to catch something bigger, everything is accepted here, but I would prefer that you stay alive"

"I need time" He still wasn't sure, he had a lot to think about if he wanted to accept this job.

With his condition, he has always had horrible, low-paying jobs, which he had to get out of before they found out about his lycanthropy. This seemed like one more of those, but his possible boss already knew about his condition and seemed to have no problem with it, so maybe he could keep him longer. Still, he had to consider it a lot.

"No problem, although I'd prefer it to start sooner rather than later. By the way, if you want to be able to invite others of your fellow werewolves who are in a similar situation, as long as they're trustworthy and willing to take an unbreakable oath. They're welcome to join, but the proportion that I will give them of the money will be the same and they will have to divide it. I do not care about the race or condition, just so that you take it into account" I gave the last clarification.

"Do you want to create a group of Mercenaries?"

"Yes, I don't think I can be in the ministry forever, so it's a plan B. In addition to everything I explained before, it will make things easier for me for some future things"

"Humm... it'll be nice if we have a place to go for anything, although I don't know if my parents will agree"

"Why do you think you would have a place inside it?"

"You were thinking of leaving me alone, sad and ruined" she put on the face of an abandoned puppy.

"No... but don't take so much confidence" I joked with her

"And what name are you going to give your group?"

"Um… I don't know…"


I already have a name for the group, one that goes with my naming style, lol.

I will still be attentive to your comments to change or combine them, so comment on what name you would like for the Red Mercenaries:


Also, from now on, we will go with Red chapters for a while.

I clarify that I don't know if I can continue with the daily chapters. Before I was able to accumulate quite a few and I even planned on weekends to upload several together, but having to correct the errors in the English translation ended up delaying me a lot. Until I'm done with that and I can pick up the pace, I don't know if I'll be able to have as much continuity, I hope you forgive me and you can wait for it to end.
