
Chapter 81

The new flight had sent out a message to all the ship's in the System.

"Attention Republic and Imperial Forces, I am High Admiral Yrena of the Terran Ascendency, in charge with ensuring his majesty's safety during his visit to Coruscant, and I order you Grand Admiral to stand down and withdraw your forces otherwise I will not hesitate to destroy you and your fleet" Said Yrena. Her new position of High Admiral was due to the current war with the CIS which prompted both Yrena and Yona to take up high ranking positions in the Terran Government.

Grand Admiral Osvald Teshik was quite curious about this predicament that he was in. He never intended to start an actual fight nor did he think that the Terran Ascendency had a fleet this large to contend with the Imperial Navy.

And most of the Terran ship's were massive in scale. But he already got what he came here for, which was information on the Coruscant defenses. And now he just got a bonus of probably seeing all of the Terran ship's in one place.

Grand Admiral Teshik wasn't one to underestimate his enemies so he predicted that the Terran's probably had more fleet's and ship's at their Homeworld which still has not been found by anybody in the Galaxy.

"We will retreat for now but next time we meet it won't be under such circumstances" Said the Grand Admiral as the entire Imperial Fleet jumped to hyperspace.

Now Yrena focused her attention on the Republic fleet which was considered a neutral fleet for now. 

"Greetings Admiral, I mean the Republic no harm by showing up with such a massive fleet, I only came here to ensure his majesty's safety" Said Yrena

"Don't worry High Admiral, the Republic understands the circumstances, and I myself am glad that you showed up to stop the situation from escalating" Said the Republic Admiral

"Good now that that's out of the way Admiral, me and my fleet will be remaining here until his majesty leaves the planet in order to ensure his safety from any other faction's that want to try and capture him" Said Yrena

The Admiral of the Republic had a high rank, but still lacked the authority to grant Yrena and her fleet access to remain in Republic Space. He personally would have approved it considering the fleet was not an enemy one, but rather belonged to an empire that could become their allies later on. 

The Republic Admiral looked apologetic as he said, "I'm afraid I don't have the authority to permit your fleet to remain here in Republic space, particularly above Coruscant. However, if it were up to me, I'd grant permission without hesitation. All I can do is contact the Defense Council and let them make the decision about what to do."

Yrena spoke calmly to the Admiral, "I'm not asking permission-- I'm simply informing you what my fleet is going to do. Whatever your superiors decide won't change that. I mean this with as little disrespect as possible."

The Admiral just stated "dually noted High Admiral" as he contacted the Republic's Defense council and informed them of Yrena and her fleet's intentions.

On Coruscant the Defense Council was already assembled with the Chancellor and Master Yoda present since the Chancellor was head of the Defense Council since he couldn't trust somebody who was corrupt to lead the Defense of the Republic.

And Master Yoda was the Grandmaster of the Jedi and also very wise with centuries of experience.

The other member's were senator's appointed to the council through a vote by the other senators.

"Now we have just received news of the Imperial fleet retreating back to their territory with the arrival of the Terran fleet, And now the Terran fleet has stated that they will remain here near Coruscant until his Majesty Alexander leaves" stated the Chancellor

"I object, Allowing this fleet to stay will only make the Republic seem weak and who knows if they are really on our side" Stated Senator Sal Rammus. He is a Korunnai which is a tribal race of dark skinned humans from the planet 'Haruun Kal'.

He is also a strong supporter of the Empire taking over the Republic to restore Order to the Galaxy, but mainly because he was guaranteed a high ranking governor position in the Empire once it happens.

"No I don't think them staying in our space to ensure the safety of their emperor is a problem at all, in fact I think it will improve our relationship which will allow us to get some much need allies in the Galaxy" Stated Senator Drorvik Biergaz. He was born on Coruscant and has risen up to power over the last 30 years to the position he is in now.

He is a Republic Loyalist who believes in the Republic's ability to make a recovery and unite the Galaxy to end the suffering of the people and bring peace and prosperity to the Republic.

"I agree with Senator Biergaz that we should allow them to stay so that we can gain an ally in this war that is not going in our favor" Said Senator Lona Garmic. She was also born on Coruscant and grew up into the world of politics.

She is a Neutral standing figure who only want's to gain a higher rank but she will support the Empire to be granted a high rank.

"No we cannot allow those Terran's to stay in our space, they have already violated our space and now we are discussing to allow them to stay in our space. Absolutely not, I will not stand for something like this" Argued Admiral Jale Daserd. He was more of military Officer than a politician and was only given the position because of his achievements in the earlier portion of the war.

And of course he is a Republic Loyalists who believes the power of the Republic military which utilizes clones to make up for the tremendous amount of troops that the Confederacy has.

"We should allow them to stay so that like senator biergaz said we can gain an ally and prevent more lives from being lost i think. Yes, hrrrm." Said Master Yoda

Upon hearing this the council talked and argued for a few more minutes before the Chancellor had come to a decision which angered some of the Councilor's who supported the Empire.

"We will allow them to stay since it doesn't effect us in any way and it will promote friendship between our two nation's. I have come to this decision after analyzing the war situation and seeing that the Republic is low on allies in the Galaxy" Said the Chancellor

"As such we will allow them to stay so this meeting is over" Said the Chancellor as everybody got up and left besides him and Master Yoda.

"Master Yoda what did you want to talk to me about" Asked the Chancellor.

Master Yoda looked up at the Chancellor with a serious face "It it a grave matter that we must talk about in private" Said Master Yoda

The Chancellor didn't question him and led him to his officer where they would talk. Master Yoda has been a long supporter of him since his beginning as Chancellor so whatever he had to say he would listen.




I wish every body has a good thanks giving or if you don't celebrate it then I hope you have a good day.

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