
The Reincarnated.

Looking over the creature rewiring the brain to adapt to its Current Abiliys its hunch back size he moves to its brain before Increasing its intelligence and wisdom making it larger in the process it lifespan lasting 600 years at least to 1500 at most. establishing this as an attack and not Aye mount he redoes the nerves and eyes Relinking them to the head before creating the blood rage in the creature boosting strength at the cost of intelligence the Creature tail being very thin But.

Long its tail Seeping poison removing the eyes He redoes them Giving the Komodo eyes to the T rex well keeping the thermal from the Snow Rex. rewiring them to pick up a Larger Number Of colours. having finished this he make the jaw wider allowing for a Larger number of enhancements the front leg going to require nanomachines to work properly the creature body being fairly large The Hunched Back because of the taller legs of the Komodo the Shorter legs in the front.

it curves downwards the large jaw being Somewhat opened at a resting state Looking for the flaws he sees very obvious 1s but making them on purpose He makes counters to them before finishing it up Coming up with a name for it "hmm let's call it Aepypelix" the Lich Stands their look at this flawed Attack unit. "why do you leave so many Flaws in it?" Octavius Looks at him "on purpose" The Lich Looks confused at it "Why though?" Octavius Smirks "to give them hope for success before crushing the dear light they look up to." Smiling he finishes before looking At More combinations..

"A flyer Would be nice" He Grabs the massive Eagle before grabbing the wyvern the 2 appearing the wyvern as a base He changes the wings to eagles' wings shifting them to have the size increased. After finishing this Octavius adds 2.

more Legs changing them he Attach them to the front Changing them to a subspecies of Dragon before Adding 2 More sets of Wings small than the original 1 pair on the head the other on the tail he Looks at the claws.

before Editing them and throwing in the Komodo Dragon adding its Venom to the claws being coated in it. He edits the neck to lengthen it to a giraffes Size increasing the main body size and limbs completely before editing its System.

giving it a flame core to allow fire-oriented magic and breath. Editing the eyes he keeps the wyvern features before making a sub spec within the eye giving it thermal vision well keeping regular.

Affirming these he rewires the nervous System creating looks of central Trunks with Looks of Branches giving the creature full control over it boy well make it have higher Pain perceptions Look at the scales.

He Hardens them before Feathers Grows around the Wings And sorts making randomized and unique patterns the Wyverns Jaw having been made larger. Its lung size has been increased As well. Rewiring its mind. He added a much smaller extra brain to help keep it alive. "Interestingly Theirs Not many Flaws with this Aside from it appetite.

but I've made it so it can eat trees and rocks to get nutrients should be fine." The Lich Looks at It having studied the methods for making it. "would you like to make a legion of this?" Octavius looks at him before shaking his head. "no we will make squads of 4 because any more might lead to internal Conflicts they have a system much like wolves in establishing such things as Alpha male and Alpha female Squads of up to 10 preferable 5 Should be fine.

Octavius Eye shifts onto another creature to design before a caravan is seen heading towards a mountainous Region the unit around it Scaring off all threats to it as it slowly moves towards Chambord.

"Lord we are closing in on Chambord." The diplomat's eye shifts to the Unit. "Is there a problem?" The Footsoldier Nods. "the kingdom seems to be under siege" He looks a the footsoldier with no discomfort or surprise.

"no need to worry if King Octavius is not mistaken with his prediction that army will be cleared out in a few months to a year. We can wait that long As Octavius has given us the infinite Food tent 2.0 he also gave us a gate.

So we Should be Fine." The Soldier Nods before returning to duty the Diplomat gets out of the vehicles before clapping his hand large wooden Walls raising from All around them the gate being formed before a crystal

appears above him The Same crystal as is in the frontline. the shield is projected over the Fortress before it is made As Comfortable as Possible having a clear view of the fight they wait for it to end. in Chambord, The King just got shot with an arrow to the head before waking up Abruptly later. having been possessed by sun Fei he Looks around. 'hmm wear am I' "Alexander!" The beautiful beauty says his name with worry. 'Alexander whos alexander?' he thinks to himself a Fat pig of a man coming in arrogantly Before walking towards alexander Pushing the pale beauty aside before grabbing and stretching Alexander's Cheeks "Alexander" He says slowly and Arrogantly.

'Whos this pig face?' He suddenly screams in pain Gill Backs up the memory Flooding into his head. 'ARGH. What is this pain Huh' all of alexander's miserable life is Played in front of him "WHAT DID YOU DO TO LORD ALEXANDER!" the yellow Haired Loli Screams "I- I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!"

Alexander slowly gets up holding his head before opening his eyes and looking at them 1 eye red 1 Yellow the Red eye Having the symbol of a sphere Chained Up In it the chains slowly spin around the sphere in the center. "What in the hell Do you think you're doing" Alexander's personality has gone from soft to a Sharp blade Gill Almost passing out from the sheer hatred Emanating from him. "Wha- What do you mean?" he Shakely Responds. "Alexander" The gentle voice came out of nowhere "Huh?" the abrupt Voice knocking Alexander out of his war state. he Looks towards the source "oh hello Ange-" he falls down being caught down his brain having been overloaded as of now. "ALEXANDER!" She catches the unconscious boy Octavius Void's eye having the same symbol in it as his. "so this is what happens when another Reincarnator joins." His Void eye, still being covered possesses the symbol of a sphere With chains circling around it. The same as Sun Fei.

Forced no actually I did a bit of build-up this a bit but The symbol was a last-minute thing It purpose will be reveal later.

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