
Chapter 197: Nanase

My sister was telling my mother what happened that day, I really got curious and doubtful about what could be happening, I know my sister doesn't want me to get involved in any more problems, she doesn't want me to get involved in her problems. But I am also part of the family and I think I am 100% involved even though I didn't realize it before. So without further ado I ignored Maya's order and started to spy passing my Forma Lucario and listening perfectly to the story that little by little I started to remember what happened that time. I could not really believe that I was an idiot and naive as a child, ignoring something as big as the fact that they despise and treat my father as garbage, even though we do not get along as perfect as a father and son are very close, that of going out, chatting, we only exchanged daily words of the day, but even though we are not so close, I love my father.

As I listened to my sister as she told it, I couldn't help but clench my fist and feel angry, both from my younger self Yashiro, and from that man who is now my mother's partner.

It seems that finally the talk or rather, the lecture by Maya to Nyoka was over, quickly my sister left my room, leaving my mother in the small and little darkness of the place. Maya was putting on her shoes in the hallway, Gen didn't seem to notice anything that happened, she was still contemplating how the Eighth Art, which would be soccer.

I knocked on the door of the apartment next door, and as if I already knew, I went to open it, I found my sister hiding her agitation and anguish.

『I'm leaving now son, I would have liked to spend more time with you, especially now that I see that you have changed, I feel you are much more liberal to the closed you of before, our conversations ended very quickly, don't you think? Well, they gave me permission for a few hours, I have to catch the train before I miss it, try ..... I'll come back to visit when it's my free time, or better you come back home, see you later son』

Maya gave me a hug and said goodbye waving her hand, at this moment I didn't know if I wanted to go back to my house next door, I was thinking about what things I could do there, I wanted to be with my mother and talk about many things with her, things I really wouldn't finish in one day, but he is at home too, his shouting, his encouragement, his claims, all his presence is like intoxicating our bond. I wouldn't feel at home if he was home. It was a difficult decision, at least I want to believe that, but I closed the door deciding that I would spend my time here, besides, when I finished talking about everything with my mother, what would I do? I just want to stop at home, that's all I've been looking for, but in my room where there is nothing, it would feel like when I was looking to come back and I had nothing, I wouldn't know which is worse, to have nothing while you were looking for it or to have nothing when you came back.

I went back to the room from where I spied the conversation before, everything that happened left me with a very numb and stiff body, my thoughts were spinning, I had to relax somehow, so I got into the bed that was there to be able to rest a little and maybe this little anger I have will go away. When I was already covering myself with the sheet, I felt a presence beside me.

『(Eh? I feel like someone has been watching me since before)』(゚ー゚;).

When I turned to look beside me, I noticed that there was a boy with short light brown hair, the boy has been watching me since long before. Minutes before he was sleeping, but he noticed that someone entered his room, because of the noise he woke up, and when he opened his eyes he found a blue dog stuck to the wall, the boy rubbed his eyes several times, thinking that he was still in a dream, he even pinched his cheek, but no, the blue dog was still there.

Already this seemed strange to him, but out of nowhere, the blue dog changed into a boy and without him noticing he woke up, he went out of his room and came back the same way, the boy was surprised and worried about this, but somehow kept a controlled calm.

『You are Yashiro-san, right?』

Already both of them knowing about each other, looking at each other confused, the boy was addressing the blue boy, M who was also confused, he was starting to remember who this boy could be, he was older than he remembers, M should stop being surprised that people have grown up even though it's obvious that he spent years away.

『You're the younger brother, Nanase Taichi if I remember correctly your name was』.

M pointed his finger at him, where confused Taichi answered yes. Minutes ago when Menhera made M go to his house, he told him that his family was still sleeping, he made him go to his room where it was very tidy and if he gave Menhera's touch. I took a little look around the room, I could see his shelf filled with his courses, some manga and light novels, also a computer and even collectible figurines. Maybe that would have caught my attention before, but what caught my attention the most was what I saw on that shelf next to Menhera's bed, there were two pictures in small protected frames, which I did not avoid to take them one by one and look at them carefully.

It brought back a lot of memories and sentimentality, in total there were 2 pictures of Menhera, Rino and me as kids together. The first one was the first year we met, the 3 of us were 7 years old and I was still unsure about it and looked to the side dejectedly. While the second photo was trying to make a smile gesture, but in the end it turned out to be kind of pathetic. And the third one...

『(Uh? I remember we took a third one last, it was at the High School Entrance Ceremony, hours before she appeared.... Menhera is someone who cherishes and keeps these moments, I wonder where that could be)』-『Menhera-chan, where is the third picture? as far as I remember we took one』.

Menhera who was sitting on her bed swinging her legs, noticed my question, where she was hesitant at first but in the end ended up giving me an answer.

"I have it stored in a very special place, I hope it is still there, when I have it again, you can be sure it will be reunited with the little family』. (・◡ु' )

With that answer I quickly deduced what could have happened, that photo was the last one the 3 of us took together, in our collection of how the years and time go by, for sure the third photo must be in his house, his previous house, which I still don't know why they had to move from there. Apparently he is very concerned about that issue.

『(Right, I almost forgot because of the excitement, we'll give him a surprise *laughs*)』 ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ

To Menhera entered him the desire to go to the bathroom so he left the room, but without first taking his mobile, some very typical to do, I would stay waiting until he returned, but curiosity is who moves the cat, and I would come to be in part , I went to the room who could be closer my house, I entered without permission and I started to spy. You already know the rest.


Menhera returned to his room and M was nowhere to be found, before he heard how someone knocked on the door and someone answered, it must have been M quickly deduced, before confirming and going to the house next door, he heard some noises and conversation in a nearby room, where he entered first knocking on the door and asking permission, he was touched that M was chatting with Taichi.

『I see what Kurumi-nee-chan said if it was true, but it's more amazing to see it for yourself and confirm it in the same way, last night she was very talkative and only talked about you came back and in the form of dog and cat, that also seems to be true, couldn't it be that you have weird tastes inside?』

『*sigh*And you've been going on about it, let's move on to another topic, the last time I saw you, you were a little boy, and now you look....si you haven't changed at all, thank you very much for being the same』 (シ_ _)シ

『That's praise? I don't know whether to be happy or start complaining 』 (._.)

We were having our talk about how the years passed and how you've changed, the routine of people who haven't seen each other in a long time was starting to emerge, at that we found out that Menhera was in her brother's room, I was quickly alarmed by the secretive and silent way Menhera was watching us.

『Aja! So eavesdropping on boys' conversations! ヾ(・д・ヾ) Quick Taichi! Do operation "Here you haven't seen anything" Let's go!!』 ┏○ \(゚ 0゚ ;)/┓

With no more alarmed to see Menhera, than this operation I just made up, all I did when I said it was to crawl under the sheet hoping nothing bad would happen. Both Menhera and Taichi stared at me confused, after seconds of silence I uncovered myself and nervously said.

『That only works on ghosts, right?.....ay....』 ('エ`;)

I quickly felt out of place and embarrassed about what I did in the first place, why did I do it? Simply my body felt forced to do something to somehow move this forward, but I see that it's not. Oh no.....seems like that awkwardness is coming back.


I wondered again why people don't get up early, it is already a very late hour and they were still sleeping like no other, Menhera before coming to my house, she had already prepared and left her family's breakfast ready on the table, so when they woke up or came back they would eat without any problem. We heard a door creak, that person appeared without dressing up or anything at the table, it was the mother Kyoko, Nanase Kyoko.

『Oh, breakfast is ready, I'm sorry daughter for leaving it all to you again, but you cook very well and better than me, you really came out very homely 』 (●'ω`●)ゞ

She sat at the table,and in passing greeted me kindly congratulating me that she was able to come back just as her daughter said, where Menhera is the one who was most alert and trying in many ways, to prevent M from seeing her mother like that, Kyoko as she just woke up, was all disheveled, with her hair a mess and even with drool on her face.

『Don't look Yashi-kun!(≧д≦ヾ) I told you mother, first you have to fix yourself even a little bit』 (*'-`*)

『But there's nothing wrong with it, we're at home,(*'ω`*) but since I know you care about me, I'll try to do it, even though it's a hassle 』 (*'I`*)

Kyoko was already about to take the cutlery, she was very excited to have her breakfast, she is always glad to be able to eat what her daughter prepares, although she often regrets about it, but just as she regrets it just the same she puts up with it. Before taking a bite, Menhera picked up her mother and took her to her room so that she would be at least presentable, with the buttons of her sleeping clothes in place.

Taichi gave a sigh saying that it seems that he is not the only one who has not changed despite the time, I was also beginning to remember that as Menhera's mother, she looks very young even though she must already look her age, and she still behaves like a teenager, but a relaxed teenager. Taichi was already eating his breakfast while commenting that there is nothing better than his sister's food. At that I rang the doorbell, and being the only one unoccupied I went to open it, where as soon as I opened it I heard a loud scream from this person.

『It can't be, but what do my ears see <mano> !!!!!』

<Translator: In Peruvian vernacular, Mano would come to mean: Person of great confidence or best friend, Example: "Hello mano!, Habla manito, Todo bien mano?">

I felt that his scream alone wanted to push me back, so much was the scream that some vegetables from the bowl of salad that was there came out and fell to the floor before Taichi could grab one, at this the brother just sighed and picked up the tomato.

『Anuma!!!! Everything Kumi-chi said if it was true!!!! I was thinking after my morning routine to go see you and confirm here, with my little chinging eyes!!!! I'm so glad you're back Yaro-chi!!! jsjsjsjsjsjsjs』 (*≧∀≦*)

Without further that female person hugged me like never before, she took me with her arms and with her strength that she carries herself, I felt that hug was the famous bear hug, when I heard her voice and that kind of reaction I knew it was her. It was Jersey-chan, her hug was so strong that I felt like my spine was going to snap.

『Yes yes yes sis iss yes yes!!!! I'm glad you're still the same too, Jersey-chan, but...aghh!!! My spine!!!! You're gonna break me!!! Can't you see I'm pure bone---- CRACK!!』

A crunch was heard throughout Jersey's embrace, he quickly realized what he was embracing became very fragile and weightless, when he found out, he saw that M was rolling his eyes and unconscious, his soul was leaving his mouth for a better life.

『Not again!!!! Don't kick the bucket!!!! Don't go to the light!!!! Yaro-chi!!!!』 (;Д;)

As if it was a dramatic scene, Jersey was screaming at the top of her lungs to keep her friend who herself just committed the cold murder from leaving. Now more recovered and the danger out, we all gathered at the table so we could eat, also Menhera was going out with her mother after fixing her up, yes there is a difference between being disheveled and moderately disheveled.

Jersey ate with much desire and was very expressive, her behavior would come to be very peculiar, since she always goes from here to there, it seems that she has unlimited energy, doing things that come to her head or simply that at the moment she wants to do them, she is a very reliable person since the majority that knows her, asks her for favors, where she gladly accepted them, accompanied with that way of speaking also dynamic, she won the affection of all very quickly wherever she is. ah! She is also an athletic person as you can tell, and yes, her name is Jersey just like the clothes, and that same is what she mostly occupies, a red colored jersey.

『I say it again, I'm glad you're still the entertaining girl I used to know, thank you so much Jersey-chan for not changing 』 ヾ(_ _.).

In the middle of breakfast, I was giving my heartfelt thanks to my friend, that she too, when I was little, we spent some time together, she always pulled me into many issues that nothing to do, and I as someone who followed others, I had no choice but to go along with her. He also has this habit of hugging those he meets with a lot of strength, I really felt that my spine was fractured, if I have never felt normal back pain, I have to thank Jersey. He is a person who trusts other people a lot despite how little they knew each other.

Jersey at my thanks, she was with her cheeks full of rice grains, I could tell she was cheerful, well, she is always cheerful this girl.

『Sure!!! I will always be for others even if they don't remember me, except on Saturdays at 3:45pm, at that time my favorite anime comes out, first of all priorities, of course chi! 』 U^エ^U

He was still eating his bowl of rice, where from one moment to another he ended up finishing it and asking Menhera to please serve him another bowl, seeing Jersey better notice something that wasn't there before. First more than anything, Jersey, Menhera and Konomi being twins, which this to the last one will just appear, as they are identical, but I see that Jersey has had her hair made believe, it is much longer than Menhera's.

『You have longer hair than I remember』.

『Ha! So I see you noticed, I knew you wouldn't disappoint my amiguis! ʕ→ᴥ← ʔ That's right, I've been growing it out for a while now, especially since....ahh...ha...ha...ha....is a bit embarrassing....da scared to tell you』 ('ω`*)

Notice Jersey how she got embarrassed out of nowhere, that behavior I rarely saw from her, she was looking at the ground with a playful smile on her look, I could see how she wanted to hide her hands inside her sleeves.

『Despite she looks very macho sometimes and that brought her a good and bad reputation, the thing is.....Jersey-nee-chan got a partner!!!!』(◯Δ◯∥).

Taichi gave me the answer I was looking for, my reaction was the same as the younger brother said, I was really shocked to know that Jersey got a partner, she was on the table, looking from side to side embarrassed and still with that playful smile. The truth is a big surprise, because now that I remember, she always despite everything I said before, she always looked more like with the attitude she showed, that she was more for the side of the kids, because she always and mostly stopped with our group of friends, played with us, understood very well our conversations, and she herself even organized some jokes that we would do to other people. Being with her was like not knowing boredom, because of that masculine attitude she showed, she attracted more women than men, but it seems that belief I had seems to have been broken.

『Doesn't that seem really weird to you!!!! Jersey got a partner while Kurumi-nee-chan has been single for a long time!!!! Is this a sign of the end of time....』(∂△∂;)

Taichi was very dramatic, and to think he was very normal recently, he also has his childish side like everyone else. I was also drawing my conclusions that if it is very rare, since something like this had not happened before, if it was very typical that Jersey ando rejecting the confessions of the minitas, Taichi told me that even Jersey at a time has proposed to a boy of the High School where he is, and that he told him that he sees him as a friend, a brother, a friend vato and that he does not go around.

Jersey froze at that answer, making it clear to him that most people see him as a boy friend rather than a girl friend. She found out from a survey she did herself, she asked the whole school and that answer came out. One day she sought help with Menhera, not with Konomi since she would surely send him to alv, so without further ado, Menhera enlisted her as such, blaming her for the way she dresses and blah blah blah, nothing original mi pana.

And even dressed as Menhera told her more feminine, likewise by my balls, everyone was telling her she looked pretty and all.

『Bueno compa! A where so cute and fine, it looks very nice on you the truth, but now it's time to continue with the little jokes that are not going to do themselves, you should change since it will surely annoy you at the moment』.

That was what a friend from High School said, she was told what Jersey was looking for, that she looked good and was pretty, but little of that was of any use, it was already for everyone that Jersey was a boy. She also claimed that she was uncomfortable in these clothes, the short skirts these did not bring her much mobility and that with a carelessness everything could be seen. But she still didn't give up, she single-handedly enlisted her own way, and went out on the streets of the city, she would no longer try the High School or nearby places, she already understood how they see her there.

『(You have to behave like a girl, you have to behave like a girl.....Eh? ; ̄ロ ̄)Pera....if I'm already a woman jsjsjsjsjsjsjsjs you have to behave feminine, you will like bts, record tik toks, become vegan and reject the 2 genders, follow celebrities yyyy) OHH! Look at little machines!T o give it hard and non-stop, of course, chi』ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ

On her journey she found an arcade game establishment where without further ado she entered to play, she spent most of the time there that she even forgot the purpose she wanted to achieve, she was playing a fighting game, Jersey was sticking her tongue out when she was really enjoying it, many people came to challenge her but almost none could against her, but she didn't feel bad losing, as she always had good words prepared for the end.

『Well played! That was a close game jsjsjsjsj』-『Good technique! You'd teach it to me one day!』-『It was nice playing with you, you really put me on the spot!』-『Your persistence is admirable my little friend! If you stick with them you'll accomplish a lot!』

Everyone, literally all the people saw Jersey more as a Big Brother where you can rely on him, but that's what Jersey was really looking for? He likes him as he is as he is now, but he doesn't end up liking that they don't see him as he really is. On that day of the arcade, a boy approached her asking her if they could play another day, where Jersey said yes, with time this boy would become her partner, since he confessed to Jersey and she accepted after thinking about it for several days. It is not because he is the person who saw her as she is, because if so, there was another one before, but because something genuine was really being born. And back to the present day.

『And that's why she's growing her hair, she wants to look more feminine and make her partner like her more, isn't that right, Jersey-nee-chan?』

Taichi was asking a question that he knows might annoy and tease his sister but in a good way, Jersey was with playful eyes and smile, affirming that if that's what she's looking for, affirming in front of everyone that she loves her partner very much.(>ω<.)

『Well good luck Jersey-chan, you have the blessing of the blue dog, the purple cat and a little skeleton with you! Although it was only to be expected, the guy just had a good eye in my eyes』

M would make a comment to encourage her to continue even more on the good path where she is Jersey, she also thanked for the blessings with her funny attitude.

『It was time to make a lot of changes!!! Thank you very much Yaro-chi, I will try harder so that she won't think it was a bad idea to hang out with me』""o(≧◇≦)o""

Jersey was very happy that she didn't know how to express what she feels, in that if she has in something similar to Menhera and it's something I just know about her. It makes me happy that there are many people who have been able to move on with their lives and not get stuck in the same thing over and over again.

Everyone had already finished eating, they were all thankful where Menhera said that she was going to take care of the dishes, but Kyoko quickly objects to this, saying that she also wants to help or better yet, leave everything to her.

『Let me at least let me relieve you of this labor you do every day, I'm completely ready』.

Her mother was trying to put out her fist as a symbol that she can do it, Menhera first pouted where she accepted her mother's proposal, but in the end they both ended up clearing the table. But when everyone finished breakfast, one person was just getting out of bed, he first washed himself in the bathroom to move to the dining room.

『Good morning, as talkative as ever, you don't let them rest at ease』.

Konomi was getting up and doing quick stretches with her arms, she was rubbing her eyes where she saw someone extra among those she knows.

"Hey... a chocolatier is hanging out in our dining room, aren't you going to do something?

We all looked at Konomi who finally woke up, Taichi was going to his room to get ready to meet his high school friends, Konomi went to Jersey, it seems he had something to tell her.

『Now I'm telling you, it's another favor, the usual so don't worry, let's just hope that dead guy goes away, go ,meet your friend and stop getting in the way of those who are still fighting it』.

He was addressing me with a very calm gesture, Jersey I confirm him that that was not any dead, or soul in pain that is in the house, but it is Yashiro who finally came back.

"Ah! That shy boy, well, it's good that he came back, now I'll tell you when he leaves, shu shu shu shu, you're disturbing the conversation of sisters.

Konomi really wanted to have a conversation with Jersey and again blurted out that comment so that I can leave even if it's from the dining room. Jersey was laughing pitifully, where I had no choice but to go somewhere else. I went straight to the living room since there was no other place to go, in a way without me noticing, Menhera was sitting next to me.

『It's just as I remembered, almost nothing has changed in you, again I say, thank you very much』.

I thanked Menhera with a smile, where she likewise smiled at me. I was able to see the Nanase Family again, mother Kyoko, he is still relaxed and friendly as I remember him, younger brother Taichi is literally the one I see the least change in him. And the Jersey twins, Konomi and Menhera, who are somehow as I remember them. I was talking to Menhera about how she is doing in school, since we touched on that topic before with Jersey, she explained to me that they all go together, and when she said all, she means all, at Seijitsu High School. As we are just in the first weeks of April, so they recently entered their second year.

He told me that their activities and the school year were just fresh, he was telling me how nice it would be if he could go to high school and go back even more to those old times, to this I didn't have a clear answer, since honestly after everything that happened, I don't think it would be to my liking to go back to school, or at least not for now.

『Maybe I'll go visit from time to time, will they let me in even if I'm not a student?』

『We'll see how things turn out, and if they don't let you in, we'll use the power of protests』 ヾ(*Őฺ∀Őฺ*)ノ

『That I think is too much of an exaggeration.....』

While we were chatting, Konomi and Jersey got ready to leave, Konomi dressed up and put on her classic also black sweatshirt, looks like they are going to do that what she asked Jersey, Taichi of a moment also appeared saying he will go to visit a friend's house. Everyone was saying goodbye and me too, but there is something that is bothering me since I came to my world.

『Could you please stop calling me those names? My actual name is M, please call me that!!!』 ┏○ \(゚ 0゚ ;)/┓

But even though she claimed that now M is my name, it seems that it was more worth my little favor, Menhera said to always call me as she does, either out of habit or because she is fond of calling me that way, Yashi-kun.

On the other hand Jersey I thought she would accept my proposal, but in the end she said that she likes to call me Yaro rather than M, but that she would try to call me M if it is at all possible. While Taichi was the only one to accept, but he felt that he was embarrassed to call me that way, he said that it sounds like calling a manga character. And lastly Konomi.....who without further ado this was his response.

『Did I ever even call you by your first or last name?』

With that answer I had no way to respond to him, he left me speechless within seconds. Come to think of it, she always referred to me before as "Esqueleto" or "El" "Ese" Better said she refers to if to most people who aren't very close to her, and she's perfectly within her rights if she doesn't consider that person a friend, but it wouldn't hurt a little bit even if it's out of kindness. Half of the family left without further ado to take advantage of this day off.

While Kyoko after doing her little cleaning, she would still decide to rest a little more, since later even if it is a day off, she is going to go to work to have a little more from where to draw the economy.

『We too, how about we take a little walk *smiles*』.

Faced with Menhera's proposal, I would gladly accept, I want to see what else has changed in this city, if everything remains the same or if the change has really been such that it will leave me a surprise. It is a family that has a little bit of everything, although as you may have noticed someone important is missing, from what I heard about Menhera before, is that he is a great person, I would have liked to meet him. That's right, I'm talking about Menhera's father, but well, that will be for another time later, for the moment I want to reintegrate myself back into my world and not do weird things like I did at the beginning.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
