
Chapter 198: Boomerang

I decided to go out in the neighborhood and walk around the city with Menhera, as it is Sunday we should take advantage of the fact that we were finally able to meet again, because as it is, they will be very busy the following days, we have so much to talk about and do, I still appreciate these moments of memories of the past as never before. Being able to spend time with my friend is really fun, and I really feel that their efforts paid off, before I was against going out and they would somehow or other get me out of the house.

Although at the beginning it bothered me that they would do that, deep down even though I didn't express it, I was glad to be able to spend time together with them.


We walked through the streets of the neighborhood while Menhera told me a few stories of the surroundings, and also of how little this place has changed, the constructions or buildings, unless you spend many, many years, they will remain as you remember them, see the walls, the houses I recognized, even some vending machines were still in the same place.

『Do you know about the myths that started to circulate around the place?』(*「・ω・)ン?-. 『The legends tell that in the house on 45th Street, the little boy who lived there, one night he heard faint noises in his kitchen, this was enough to wake him up, first he wanted to go to his parents, but the doorknob was locked, he took a gulp of saliva and plucked up the courage to check what it was, the little boy would not know what he would run into. ...his adorable dog, the same one that raised him as a puppy and always played in the yard...was in his kitchen.... eating cereal with a spoon!!!!』щ(▼ロ▼щ)

I could hear thunder from Menhera's interpretation, quickly in the image I create in my mind based on her words, I asked myself, "A dog?" I was somewhat confused by how the terrifying myth ended up being according to Menhera.

『I was eating cereal with a spoon!!!!! A dog!!!! A woof woof!!! (❀」╹□╹)」*・ Right now if we go to that house, you will find the boy that every time he comes home, he is seriously watching his dog that is in the yard, so that it doesn't eat his cereal and lechita again』

Menhera made it seem serious, but his tender way of being flooded it more and it didn't scare me as much as it seemed, besides, what the fuck are you going to be afraid of a dog eating cereal with a spoon? I mean if it really happened, of course, instead of being scared you should be happy, can you imagine how much you would earn with the news that your dog can grab a spoon with his paws, how many curious people would pay to see how a dog eats cereal !!!! Come to think of it that's pretty silly..... but then I remember there are people who pay millions for a chetos to be shaped like something...AMON GUS!!!! UJUM!!! back to earlier.

『What if it was a kitten?』

『Kitten? huh...kitten....doggy.....kitten....doggy.....』 (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))))

Quickly Menhera happened to turn to look at me all excited, while I was startled by the form of this, that look again can mean only one thing.

『Back crafty!!!』 (=`.'=)

Yes, what Menhera wanted to do was to dress like a woman again, most of the way she has been bugging me that she wants to dress like one, especially since I told her that in many cuts of my history, I dressed like one. In the end he insisted so much that I ended up agreeing, why do some girls have the mania to dress feminine to a male, there you have the homos who would like that kind of thing more, Menhera had an answer to my question.

『Ah, it's just that they don't have the reaction we expect, we like to see how embarrassed or at least uncomfortable they are! and when they no longer take it as a big deal to be dressed like one, then it's a point for us』-『It's wrong, but it's so much fun to go around teasing people even a little bit, especially the ones you like』(>μ<#).

Menhera was excited that her cheeks turned red because of what she felt, she brought out her playful side that she has and the reason why she wants to tease others with her likes that she has, I don't know if indeed all or most women think the same as Menhera, but that's how she takes it.

『Menhera-chan you are devilish』(`ー').

Where Menhera's response was sticking out her tongue in a tender way and rubbing her head, we continued with our tour where we came across another drink vending machine, this time we decided to buy a few, where without realizing I bought more than most as I did before, so I kept it in my invention. We were about to leave but we saw next to the vending machine a trash can, we stood looking at it for seconds, where we playfully looked at each other.

『I'll put it on you』 ( ̄ω ̄)

『No mi wey, I put it on you 』 ⚈ ̫ ⚈ ⚈.

We looked at each other playfully with accompanying giggles, but before long our giggles as well as the smile disappeared, from looking at each other we turned our gaze and we were both embarrassed. The thing is that when we were little, we always said that to each other referring that we will put the can in the can, at that time we didn't think anything bad, but now that we grew up and say it again it can be misunderstood in many ways. ('๑-_-๑)

In one gulp we drank our cans of drinks and quickly played on who would get it in the trash can first, we set our rules, of how far you can get to throw it and all that. Menhera would do it first, where he was concentrating, he even looked like a different person. I could see a dangerous aura coming off of her and I didn't know whether to freak out, call for help or try to calm her down.

『Ah, Menhera-chan, calm down, it's just a little game, you don't have to take it seriously....』 ο('・'〃)ο″

Without further ado he prepared to throw where I reacted by staying expectant, to my surprise the shot went up to the sky where as if he was a statue, my gaze went from the front to the top, I could notice how a glow was seen from the heights.


『It can't be, I think I missed a little bit』 (〃'ノω`〃)

I waited a few seconds to see if somehow the can I throw to the sky would come down, I think it's too much to say that even if I miss the can, I'll be the winner. I was also getting ready to throw my can, I would do it this normal way because it would be a great advantage to do it with my other forms, but I keep wondering if this is how Menhera always was. A few seconds after I threw my can, the other can Menhera threw, began to fall rapidly from the sky, it seemed to form its own miniature meteorite and without further ado, the backfire arrived. I was dumbfounded by what I saw, my can that was halfway down the road, ended up being crashed by the can that came from the sky, it worked as a support where it was propelled and Menhera's can fell cleanly into the garbage can while mine fell to the ground.

『Whooaaa!!! Thank you so much Yashi-kun, you were right, yes I did stray a little bit』 (* >ω<)=3

I was really dumbed down by what I just saw, I was thinking if indeed in my original world this kind of things happened taken like from a fictional story. I was a bit disgusted let's say by how the results came out, so without further ado I had another can in my hands and drank it without further ado. Now more recharged and putting it in serious mode I threw it away, calculated the weight, the geometry, the calculations, the axis of everything. \log _2\left(x^2-6xright)=3+log _2\left(1-xright) ( ・ὢ・・ )

So without further ado I threw my can of and it seems that the force was too fast that it ended up bouncing and falling to the ground, I silently picked it up and gave it to Menhera.

『Teach 』 ( ′~‵)

Where she would gladly accept to teach me, but of course I told her not to teach me her way of throwing since I don't think I can do it, at that she laughed telling me not to worry, and as if we were taking this seriously, she taught me each step meticulously and kindly, guiding me and telling me that this is the way to do it, but at the end as a last advice she told me to take it calmly, as a game, and that it is simply for both players to enjoy. With those words I threw the can but again it bounced into the can and fell to the ground, it gave me a twitch so again I made several cans appear in my hands and threw them all quickly into the can, already here most cans went in, ignoring what Menhera said, and me too, but that was not what caught his attention at the time.

『¿¿!! Yashi-kun, can you make objects appear out of nowhere?』

Hearing it I stopped, and now that I start to think it's true, I'm summoning cans in my hand as if nothing, they are the cans I bought recently and had previously kept them in my invention, I found myself confused with this, where without further ado I concentrated and summoned another beverage can again.

『Oh! That's right, how nice』(^~^).


Menhera was congratulating me for already having mastered overnight and in a way I didn't believe this recent skill, it wasn't that hard after all, you just needed to be calm and !!!! *smiles* Just like Menhera said, I just needed to think well about the situations and not force them. Whether it was out of a habit I have, I stroked Menhera's head where she was first surprised, but then she was happy.

『Hey, that's what I have to do』('꒳`).

Menhera went from me petting her to her petting me, she gently and warmly rubbed my head, but all the tenderness that formed, ended up going away quickly with the wtf question Menhera asked.

『Hey, and can you save people in your inventory?』

『(・-・).....HUh (-,-) I'd have to try it』

Actually rather than being a wtf question, it makes some sense, can I store living things in my inventory? It wouldn't be bad to try it, but at the moment I don't plan to do so until I find out more how this ability works from the Melodisian side.


We walked through the neighborhood and ran into as Menhera said earlier, the boy who supposedly found his dog eating cereal with a spoon, his gaze was penetrating and fixed on his dog who was in the yard playing with a ball. To this I didn't want to miss and as Menhera said, it's wrong, but it's fun to play pranks on others, not caring about anything, I switched to my Lucario Form and all at once switched to my Ghost Form, my physical body fell to the ground where Menhera was putting it on its back.

『Listen Menhera-chan, when you blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah』

He would whisper in Menhera's ear where she would understand perfectly but would also feel a little sorry for what would happen to the boy. That boy from his room on the second floor, from the window was looking at his dog without taking his eyes off him, while a ghostly presence was hiding and creeping up next to him.

The boy while looking at the window, noticed that a girl, who would be Menhera, was waving at him, the boy thought this was strange but because of how polite he was, he also waved to her, Menhera quickly got scared of something, she pointed her finger at the boy with fear. The boy quickly became alarmed, started sweating and confirmed the following, his dog was still in his yard, so what was Menhera afraid of. The boy swallowed saliva and turned around in fear, in the end there was nothing, he was relieved, but out of nowhere when he returned to his place, he ran into a ghostly blue dog that was eating cereal with a spoon.

『Do you want some? :3』

In a nice way M was offering to invite him from his plate, the boy quickly became alarmed and screamed because of what he had seen, where he was pointing at me scared and trembling, I thought he was referring to me but what left me a bit confused were his words.

『Behind you...』

....?¿...Worried I felt, now that I think about it, even though I'm in my Ghost Form, I feel some cold on my back, shivering I turned around where I bumped into a spider really close to my face, I know I already lost my fear of spiders, especially since several times one tried to rape me. But this one was really a primitive and big spider that I couldn't help but be scared by the sight of it. I gave a loud scream and ran out the door like the boy. But without first breaking a small vase that was in the place where I passed.

I finally returned to my physical body returning to my Base Form, I was exalted I was breathing heavily.

『In the end..... ended up scaring me too hahaha』( ̄︶ ̄;).

『And you broke something too apparently, it could be heard, but you looked pretty awesome!!!! You really were so scary that I didn't even recognize you!!!! That didn't stop me from getting really scared 』(^~^).

On that we continued with our walk, but now that I think about Menhera's words better, I really was that scary? The only different thing I did was that with my aura to mold it and look like I eat cereal with a spoon, I don't think it's possible to mold my form even if I'm in my Ghost Form, and besides how is that? I can't touch anything, I'm intangible in my Ghost Form and the boy, even though he was scared he came out of his room cleanly....pera...so.....who made that little vase fall?.... Σ(°□°)⊃ Don't tell me that for real.....━(◯Δ◯∥∥)━ン

『Nah, it must have been the wind, if that must have been』ヽ(;゚;∀;゚; )ノ

I was laughing so as not to think weird things about what might have really happened, Menhera turned to look at me and was pale at times. We decided to continue our walk, we would get closer to the city center if we went through a park. This park I also remember, but I see that they also added new things to it, Menhera was telling me that they did some remodeling, that they added a new fountain, a playground for children, and more spaces for people to be in the green areas in the cherry blossom season.

『(Looks like it's about time) Sorry Yashi-kun, I need to do something urgent, could you wait here for a few minutes, I won't be long!』ヽ('∀`ヽ).

He clapped his hands very loudly apologizing for his absence, where without further ado he was leaving the park, checked his cell phone and it seems that everything is going as they had planned. M was sitting on a bench on this sunny day, waiting for her friend to come back, a group of children were playing, I was looking at them because of how nice they looked, especially that loli. (・w・)

『¿¿?? And that guy who's staring at us, let's go somewhere else 』

In a quick way they realized I was watching them and went to there are no perverted guys like him, I tried to raise my hand and deny of what I'm sure they are thinking, but it was too late, another blot on my list of what kids get away from me and they sure think I'm a pervert.

『It's not that I'm a pervert, I'm a lolicon, I don't know which is worse....』('-ω-)=з

I leaned back on an arm rest that these benches have, as I watched the kids run off and for sure to have even more fun, no worries, they just have to do their homework, go to class and the rest they can play.

『What envy, I wish I could go back to being little and to that time』...ρ(・ω``・、).

『Those are good times, aren't they?』

I heard a voice next to me, a person had sat down next to me, his voice was calm and with a relaxed attitude but he knows what he is doing. I was still leaning on the stand looking the other way, continuing the conversation of that person.

『That's it, you just have to play, eat, of course, don't forget your duties which are not many, even for me all that was easy, of course, if it hadn't been for my friends』|ω・`)

"『I listen to you as if you haven't been here for a while, with sorrow and remembering old times, could you tell me what your life was like before please?

That person was addressing me calmly, as if everything around him is going smoothly, or rather, he turns every situation into something calm and very manageable in his hands. His way of talking became very pleasant and even comfortable to me, that I would end up following him with the conversation.

"My life? Well it hasn't been a big deal, at the beginning of everything, when we lived in the same neighborhood as our relatives and my family was stable, I spent time with my cousins, but I felt that they abused me for being the smallest, they always made jokes, but even if they weren't that strong, they would just take off my hat and throw it to each other and when they got bored they would put it in a place out of my reach, they were innocent little jokes when I saw them now, but to my innocent self and that easily made me angry and cry from before, it was the worst thing they could do』-『But sometimes they would go too far, they were little jokes like, I make you fall in the puddle but I don't make you fall, I take your hat off, they were very rough! Have you heard of the nettle plant? If they found one they would hit each other with it! Of course I wasn't the exemption, how it stings and hurts that wea』

I was telling him as if he was already someone close to me, the guy was listening attentively to what I was telling, his relaxed and calm words were still present.

『Seriously? It must have been really hard back then, maybe they didn't know how to deal with someone who is not as small as a baby but not as big as them』

『But forgetting that, since we moved to another place, I thought everything would get worse, but the truth I got a surprise, I was already secluded and I was afraid to go out because of what happened with my cousins, but on the first day of school, I could meet them, some people who made me change the way of friendship I had』-『They were 2 people who opened me and taught me a much more fun world than the one I knew, they introduced me to free world in a careful way, fun, it was very fun to spend time with them, I also made friends at school, many friends, especially I remember one that although he could only be one year with us, he left me very marked, he drew very well and wanted to be a mangaka, he was a boy how to say it with a word "incredible" I learned a lot from him, although he was also a little naughty, like any other boy, but his way of seeing the world was something special, ah! His name was Albert, I wonder how is that smiling boy』.

It seems that apart from Menhera and Rino who were the most important in M's change, there was also another one that although they could only be together for a year, their friendship was so strong that they swore to be friends forever. While M was telling about his friend Albert, that other boy who was listening, went from his calm smile to a doubtful and worried one. He happened to glance at M who was still lying on the arm rest.

『(.....Maybe.....should tell him....)』

『He sure got better at drawing and is about to become a mangaka, I wouldn't be surprised if he already had one in serialization, he really had talent, I would buy the drawings he did of Goku in elementary school hahaha』-『Passing talking about the other 2, one is called Menhera, although that's not her name that's what we call her, I guess you must have heard of her』

The young man was about to tell him, but M continued speaking with a much gentler tone and coming from the heart the words, the young man knows it's wrong not to tell him, and he has to, but he doesn't want to put him in a difficult situation by barely having arrived, but he left him a hint with which he was already telling him everything.

"Yes, surely your friend who wanted to be a Mangaka, must now be devoting all his time to his work』.

With those words that young man said it, I was happy for him, he must be like that, he is a boy, he is a friend who has a whole future ahead of him. I continued talking to him about my other friends, Menhera and Rino, the guy listened attentively and gave his opinions and in a subtle way made the conversation genuine and continued, I'm not much of a talker, but being a person somehow, made me bring out that side of me, just like that person. I felt so good with him that I ended up telling him about my story for different worlds, it felt so comfortable to be with him that I said it without further ado, where I just realized who he was, that by the simple fact of not wanting to turn around, the simple fact of feeling so good with him made my body feel in harmony.

『Wait a minute!!! I know who you are!!!』

I turned around for already having the answer, when I turned around I did it in a calm way, I wanted to do it fast, but this boy made everything turn his way, that young man already had his finger ready to stop me on my cheek, the boy smiled, I could see him clearly, he had glasses, curly brown hair almost like a sheep's fur, a very casual but stylish outfit, I let out a laugh and deflated smile when I saw that he added some piercings on his nose and ear.

『Hahaha, but what is that?』( ^ิ艸^ิ゚) -『Nice to see you again, Rino』.

I greeted my friend with a smile, he without saying anything just gave me a hug, I was confused for a reason, since normally he is not very affectionate let's say, normally what I imagine and remember when we met again, is who he took the lead and warmly accompanied us, but he, now he is giving me a big hug.

『We miss you so much, Ya-kun, good, everything is getting better』.

It's me....o I felt as if Rino wanted to cry, I also hugged him as I also wanted to see him again but I didn't expect it to be this way. Menhera who was watching behind a tree in the park, was with a smile and her cheeks were red because they were finally reunited. Menhera also wanted to be part of this and not to be left behind, so she came out of her hiding place and walked to her friends, where they, as well as Rino and M were with their index and middle fingers stretched out, touching their fingers and made a space because it was time for someone else to place their fingers. Both boys looked at Menhera and smiled at her inviting her to participate.

Menhera was so surprised and so happy that she also wanted to shed tears, she approached with her friends also joining her fingers and forming the figure of a Boomerang, which would come to be something childish that they did when they were small, would come to mean with a symbol that they were finally together again and they will give everything for what is coming. The 3 childhood friends are finally reunited again.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
