
Chapter 142: Isekai (Denouement)

That white dragon looked without feeling any feeling towards his daughter, since long before he had already known that someone was addressing them since they entered the mountains, he did not expect that he would see Kanna again and he also did not care.

Many things were going through his mind, the first thing was what bothered him the most.

『(But what a nuisance, don't they know how busy I am, for interrupting me I will show no mercy to them)』.

His wife, a small albino dragon with a dress almost the same as Kanna's but light blue, had raised her head, she seems to have caught his attention something, something that the emo was surprised, since mostly she has a blank stare, he saw how little by little a faint smile was being marked on her face. What was it that made him get like that? he asked himself only with his eyes, because of his curiosity he sent electricity through the place, it was to guide the invaders to reach them, his plan was the same, first he would ask them a few questions and then he would kill them. But something also came to his mind, it was the same feeling as his and his companion's, he raised his hand to receive his surprise, the blizzard calmed down and he could see the little girl he abandoned still in her shell.

But it was all the same, it was just a surprise, it didn't mean that she loved him or that she automatically loved him just because she was his daughter, on the contrary he hated her and told her what he thought of her, also insulting the other companions, before his cold and hurtful words a human boy shouted in his face, a small dispute began, what really bothered him is that this human refers to Kanna as his daughter, even if he does not want it, the emo is his father, even if he is biological he is still his father, he does not understand how someone can love someone you hate, even if there is someone who is all the shit he is, there will always be even one who loves him and supports him, it is incredible how he still does not notice having always by his side a great example.

As the emo dragon continued with his words, his mind was on another.

『(That human is his mother?....seriously do you prefer her? Just look at her and you can tell she's nobody, she looks so weak that she loathes me.....)』-『(I see she's still friends with the Daughter of the Emperor of Death, I can see how it is you came back.... I can't stand the urge of who between the 2 of you is stronger)』-『(An Ex-Goddess, with a body like that anyone would kick you out, you do what you want in your job and all because of a binge, the current Gods if they are trash, I should be a God myself and you will see that everything will be in order)』-『(A Harmony Faction dragon? I'd love to kill one of these, but it would break the treaty.....lastima, my Faction's are very weak, peace made them more meek...they're so dumb they don't even realize it...no....I'm the smart one)』-『(And this black guy what? He doesn't even try to look at me....you think you're superior to me? EH?! *tsch* just by not doing anything I already hate you)』-『(¿???? And this dragoness who is she? it's really weird.....I just know that my partner is better than you)』

He finished his thoughts looking at Iruru, but before all those present the one that made his blood boil the most was that human, and even more for what happened, that dragon was waiting for the boy to attack him to have a reason to kill him, he turned his head and as he thought the boy in a state of anger threw himself against him, it did not go as he imagined, first he got rid of his first attack, but the blade received him without caring if he got hurt. He was puzzled by that action, again while lying in the snow he was thinking again.

『(Who....why?.....why?.....do you care so much that you don't care about dying?...With everyone I've faced you always avoid getting hurt, even if they come accompanied, I saw how you only cared about them while killing your friends, I never saw a peep in all my time like what you showed me, what do you think you trash, she's my daughter, you have no right to bother you! the only one you can do that is me, I decide if she lives or dies, why....why.....do you love her so much? you get so angry if you see someone hates her?)』-『¡¡!!!! Scumbag.....don't crush my wife!!!!』

The emo saw how M was very close to his companion, who without thinking and with even more anger threw himself against the human who had lowered his guard, but he had also lowered his guard, better said, his exaltation blinded him from his other senses. Receiving a blow from Tohru again for the second time he was commanded and being slammed into the snow.

『(...What is this....never happened to me before.....I was always aware of my surroundings.....why couldn't I see her?....I couldn't dodge that attack...Why.....WHY!!!!!)』-The emo clenched the snow in his fist hard, while he was filled with anger for the doubts he couldn't answer-『(What is this heat I feel in my fists...)』

The emo dragon had stood up and the first thing he did was to go towards his companion who was cleaning herself from the snow that fell on her clothes, before she wiped the blood with her clothes, the emo stopped her with his hand, he knelt down to be at her height, he placed his hand near the face of his companion, some sparks of electricity came out of his hand, the blood was attracted but before reaching his hand he stopped his movement and the little blood fell to the snow. There was some snow on his head where this one simply removed it with one or 2 movements, and seeing his face with slight bruises this one without hesitation wipes it with his own saliva, licking his finger and proceeding to clean it.

『Don't get bruised, this will be over soon and we'll get back to our work』.

The emo kept walking where behind him was his companion who followed him with small steps. Where she was still with a slight smile where she did not avoid looking towards his head and touching it, there was still a little snow on this, where she finishes the job of removing it, she also saw his nose that there was a bruise, where she licks her finger and proceeding to clean it.

Arriving at the place where the emo told us I could see a place with several peaks and with several walls of ice, large narrow and huge path there were, it was practically like a natural maze between the mountains. We were encouraging Kanna so that she can come out victorious before this encounter, for the last time I looked at her tail and noticed that still only just the burn had passed half, there is still time so that relieved me a lot.

『This is all for the trouble you did to me.....If you don't defeat me in 0.5 seconds, death will welcome you 』.

The emo touched Kanna's forehead where a strange power runs through her small body, Kanna's tail was burned in its entirety. This was the way to get paid for all the trouble we put the emo through, the dragons got into position. Kanna was with worried and made it noticeable with her sweat, you could see how the electricity was running through her body and the little dragoness was put on guard.

『Let's get this over with at once』.

Again her slender to the bone wings manifested on the emo's back, her hands became claws, and she also revealed her tail, her tail had a resemblance to Kanna's but also a big difference, her tail was pure bone ,as if showing her safety she simply stood.

『(.....I'm going to have to go all out, but since we both handle electricity we can't hurt each other.....I'll have to go for the physical.....I'll take advantage of the environment in my favor and put together my plan----)』-Kanna was thinking of a way how to defeat him-.

The emo's little companion raised her hand, when she lowered it, a loud roar came from the snow in the middle of the fighting field, it was the bell of the beginning of the fight. Kanna with great speed slipped into the snow, with the snow screen that her mother created, she would use it to throw off the emo and attack head on.Pom! Kanna with a blow melted the snow but the emo was not found, when she turned her head the little dragon saw that the emo began to slink between the peaks and the place.


From one moment to another the emo could no longer be seen, Kanna was shocked and at the same time confused by what the emo just did. We too realized what was the emo's intention in wanting to fight in such a complex place like this, in the face of my anger I just clenched my fist tightly.

『Cobarde.....is going to escape until Kanna's time runs out.....and besides what is that 0.5 seconds? He doesn't even hide his intentions of wanting to see Kanna die』-I was frustrated by the emo's way of doing-.

『Cobarde? It's a fight and these vary depending on the situation』-Lucoa was giving answers to my doubt-『If your goal is for Kanna to die without making any effort then it's the best option, in a fight to the death remember that anything goes, no matter how sneaky it is, the thing is to get your way, and regarding the 0.5 seconds, in your time it would be like 5 min, although for me it's a lot, he's giving Kanna a chance in his own way』.

『Because all dragons are like that.....come on!』-Kobayashi was giving his opinion-『I see that there's no difference between the same thinking about dragons and ours, but.... it's your daughter! even if it's just pamper her just this once!』

A Kobayashi knew that there are many similar situations both as in this world with in our world, it is not news that in our world there are also situations like this, but this even more crosses the line, while here they can't recognize you as their child and even come to take away your belongings, here the dragon mocks and he decides whether his daughter lives or dies, they don't even get to discuss as it is common in our world, he wants to see his daughter die and that this is finally over.

『And I thought my father was cold and serious....』-Tohru also clenched his fist tightly-.

『The dragons of the Chaos Faction, some of them sure are scary.....』-Elma was also speaking her mind-『I'm going to give a report on the actions of this----』

『Don't do it』-Lucoa interrupted Elma-『If you do it there will be no one to take care of this part of the world, he volunteered along with his partner to spend an eternity here, he does his job well and no one can deny it, that's enough for the higher ups, did you see the snowstorm? there is current going through them, with them and the strong storm makes it impossible for any kind of information and signal to get out, that's why even if there are piles of corpses and he himself confirms that he killed them, they still haven't done anything, or maybe they do know and just ignore it』-『Only the idiots who don't know what's going on inside these mountains are willing to go 』

『Through this place terrible demons and ice undead try to cross, it's a job of eternal time, so it's obvious that there is no one else who wants to be here, it's not like there are fit ones either, it's a miracle and at the same time a torment emo this one, it must be for that very reason that he is allowed to do certain whims』-Tohru was also saying his words-.

『I didn't expect you to know more about this Tohru, you're getting smarter and smarter』-I was surprised to know that Tohru knew more about the topic that I ended up congratulating her-.

『But I am smart, remember that I am the daughter of the Emperor of Death and the prettiest of my faction』-The dragoness was raising her spirits.

『Uhmm...I see, so here's a quick one for you, if pepito ate 2 apples and then his grandmother asked him to bring her 5 !!!! then how much is 7 x 8?!!!!』- Out of the blue and in a quick way so it would come as a surprise I told her the real question-

『Eh? What?...wait....yes pepito....manzanas.....and then 7 x abuela.....』-Tohru started counting her fingers while hesitating-『Then 8 x 4..... abupito what?...uhmm....that's cheating! you caught me off guard! I was already counting the oranges that pedrito ate.....』

『I see you're missing my silly little dragon hahahahahahaha』

I showed my condolences by patting Tohru's head lightly.

『(I hope this calms them down a bit.....Kanna we trust you)』

I don't know how many times I said it, but I am about wanting to calm the situation despite how serious we live, if nothing else I would like to calm them down from how agitated they are. I looked at the peaks where I could see electricity roaming around the battlefield.

Kanna was looking for the emo at great speed, but this one did not even give sign of even existing, and Kanna also sometimes got lost for not knowing the place, opposite case to the emo since this place, no, all the Frozen Mountain of the Abyss is his playground. Kanna thought about it and decided the easiest solution in this situation, there is no time to think only to act, she charged her whole body with electricity and in an uncontrolled way she released it from her body, multiple white rays began to destroy the peaks, with each powerful shock to the ice, lightning came out and as if it were a chain reaction everything began to be destroyed. She managed to see the emo who was calm, Kanna without further ado rushed against it, as if it were a small lightning moved from place to place, preparing his fist ready to attack, the emo in a simple way also ran towards her, with a pirouette he dodged it easily, and with his tail of bones entangled Kanna and whipped him against the snow. To later give a strong blow to Kanna's face. POM!!! Kanna would not give up and quickly recovered and proceeded to fight melee, Kanna being small could become an advantage, but not for this one, the emo could read her movements and predict her attack pattern.

『(E fought many times against my partner.....me facing both giants and beings smaller than you, all have the same moves)』.

POM!!! The emo mercilessly takes the opportunity to headbutt and with his claw deliver another blow to the center of Kanna, who she with a net of electricity manages to cushion the blow. The little dragon was thrown with force, I notice that her arms and legs and parts of her body there were pieces of ice.

『Electricity? if that's the only thing you can handle then I win』.

A strong blast of ice shook the whole place, Kanna was trying to cover herself with her arms the strong wind, when she opened her eyes she saw that towards her was coming ice spikes on the ground, quickly she dodge it and her body was passing the electricity. POM!!!!! A lightning bolt exploded in Kanna, she took advantage of the ice crystals that she had in her body to provoke it. Kanna determined to continue with this, the emo runs keeping distance with Kanna, attacking from afar with ice, Kanna gets caught with these and again releases sparks of electricity causing another lightning.

Kanna's idea is to take advantage of the ice in her body to overload herself with electricity and give a strong attack with it, if the electricity doesn't hurt her, then I simply have to attack her with more power, was the only thing that Kanna could think of when she saw the ice. Kanna was overflowing with electricity all over her body, it was so much that it escaped and destroyed the place, Kanna's hair was totally static and her eyes were turning electric white because of the power of the electricity. The confident emo kept attacking with ice, while Kanna as if she was a lightning slipped through the place. The emo also rushed against Kanna, it was ice vs electricity, an incredible battle that went all over the place was happening, Kanna was moving from place to place trying to confuse, but it wasn't enough, still the emo could block her attacks.

『I'll beat you....』

Kanna was switching to her Dragonewt Form, all her plumage from the overload of electricity turned into white electricity, the father was shocked for a moment. Pom! Kanna managed to hit him. POM POM POM POM POM POM POM POM!!!! It was a rain of blows towards the emo, the emo couldn't defend itself from Kanna's attacks.

『I will defeat you!』

Kanna concentrated all the electricity in a fist, and launched itself without further ado towards the emo, this without further ado created an ice sphere of pure energy to repel it, the fighting field was generating strong lightning that could be seen from places far away from the mountains. Kanna screamed and used all her strength, managing to destroy the defense of the emo and hitting the powerful attack. In the place there was an explosion of electricity, a powerful current that quickly flooded the whole place with an unimaginable current. Kanna was returning to normal, the electricity again became a white plumage, while the emo was with his head down, did not move his feet and knelt down. Kanna who was sweating and breathing heavily, only looked at the emo where the emo suddenly spoke.

『Incredible..... I can't believe Kanna is so.....』 -He looked up to stare at his daughter-『Weak...』

SLASH!!!!! An ice spike came out of the emo's chest piercing Kanna's body, Kanna was surprised and stepped back, she resisted the pain, her clothes were again stained with her blood. The emo stopped without any problem.

『On top of being weak you're dumb, I'm the one who handles electricity better! Did you really think it would do me any harm? Buagh....I'm surrounded by trash...you know I can absorb electricity, right? 』-The emo also became filled with pure electricity-『I don't want something so weak in my body, I don't want to get to hate myself』.

In one burst he got rid of all the electricity power he absorbed from part of Kanna's attack, he grabbed Kanna by her clothes without any feeling.

『I trusted you again, and again you disappoint me, stop humiliating yourself and humiliating me 』.

The emo proceeded to hit Kanna repeatedly in the face and body, also mercilessly hit her in the wound, Kanna spit blood but could not defend herself from the blows of the emo. The latter released her without further ado, Kanna was bloodied and in a terrible state.

『Less you didn't scream like others, I don't even want to see you die anymore』.

A blast of ice was in the place, the emo again had disappeared and all the mess they had made especially the wreckage Kanna made had been repaired by the emo's ice. Kanna was in the snow trying to move her hands. The blizzard was again starting and falling on the place, we were left confused as to what was going on.

"Why did the storm come back? 』-I was covering myself with my arms and straining not to be swept away-』.

『Maybe it's the emo, when it finishes its fights the storm appears to cover the body and let it die alone』-Lucoa was talking while creating a field to protect us- 『Then it's the emo, when it finishes its fights the storm appears to cover the body and let it die alone』.

『So that means...』-Kobayashi was worried-』.

『Kanna .....』-Tohru was trying to hide her feelings-

『...(Kanna...I know you can.....-you have to prove her wrong....please....Kanna...)』-Me was also desperate about the situation-.

The storm was getting stronger, and Kanna's body was already being swallowed by the snow, the little dragon could not move her body, she had already given up and her eyes were slowly closing.

『(I'm sorry.....maybe I was right after all....I'm just a scumbag....)』

Pom. Kanna just got lightly hit on her forehead, quickly in her mind came the voices of her friends who were supporting her , the words of encouragement from her friends she could hear them clearly.

『Don't give up Kanna』『You are strong, I know you are』『Kick his butt and show him that he is wrong』『We are waiting for you, there are still many things to do』『Little dragon just use your wits like in your previous fight, and once again surprise your opponent』

『Guys....』-Kanna started to shed some tears-『Thank you....that's right, my family is waiting for me』.

Kanna stood up in this storm, as she looked from re eye to the side she noticed how a shadow disappeared in the snow, she grabbed some snow and stuck it on her wound. There are 0.2 seconds left to go, it would be foolish to look, the most likely thing is that he will come, Kanna is going to do what she has never done before, provoke someone.

『*inhala* STUPID EMO!!!!! You're going to let me die to if without further ado, this is the second time we see each other!!!! if you really call yourself my father!!! then for the first time take responsibility!!!! You already corrected me! You already gave me a hard hand! You already cursed me! You did it all on a whim! Now give it back! Fulfill your daughter's whim and show up for the last time!!!! Be a good father just for once!!!!! IDIOTAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!』

Kanna shouted with all her might that echoed throughout the place, thanks to the atmosphere the message reached the whole mountain. There was no response, Kanna's expression lowered, but even louder she would scream again. POM! A strong gust was in the place turning into a stormy and even more powerful storm.

『You shut up already, don't make noise in my home, yes that children make noise..... you are becoming spoiled...』-The emo appeared flying through the storm-『All right, if you allow me even once to fulfill my role as your father, I gave you life, and I will also take it from you with my own hands, that's all I will do as your father that I am』.

Kanna was staring into the storm as her father clenched his claws ready to kill her himself. Since the start of the fight Kanna was at a disadvantage, and now it's more obvious.

"What about your wings? So far I haven't seen you with them?』-The emo asked where Kanna only remained silent-『Uhm, ..yeah you surprise me for bad, let's get started』.

The emo lunged at Kanna trying to ram her , Kanna hits the ground with her feet kicking up the snow. Managing to get on the emo's back, the emo instead of taking it off decides to fly even higher taking Kanna with him, he would take advantage of the fact that he has no wings to dominate the battlefield. The storm was still the same, no, it was even worse than below. The clouds were gray and it was difficult to see, Kanna's horns and tail began to generate small waves of electricity. The emo with an easy movement got rid of Kanna, while she was still raised more by the impulse, the emo rushed to continue attacking her with everything he had, POM POM POM POM POM POM POM! in terrible onslaughts attacked Kanna and each time he raised her even more with the blows, it was as if he was playing with a ball, just like the storm did not stop. Kanna decided to attack by throwing lightning bolts at the emo, where the emo easily dodged them, again she threw the lightning bolts where the emo easily kept dodging them.

『Enough with this, you silly girl! I will spoil you like never before, don't look away, this is my true power!』

The emo became exalted, its body began to enlarge thus shifting into its Dragon Form, the storm intensified even more, with its tail it whipped her in the air and whipped her with its head and tail.

『Take this! Destructive Storm!』

The whole place began to sprout frost and ice spikes, with the speed of lightning and the hardness of ice, the emo in its dragon form rammed Kanna where at each strike she was pierced by thin strands of ice. The storm became bigger where it covered the emo taking the appearance of an ice dragon, it opened its mouth where it charged a powerful ice energy and threw it to Kanna. POM POM POM POM!!!BOMM!!!! A powerful blue beam attacked Kanna, when he finished his attack the emo was shocked.

『What?.....como.....you should have died!』

Kanna was with her body dripping blood, thanks to that attack she was still being lifted to the sky, in her hand there was something, she used it to protect herself, it was a white energy, but it was thinner, it was not electricity, it was something much stronger than electricity, that energy surrounded Kanna's body making her suffer less damage, what she had in her power was Plasma. Kanna clenched her fist. The same energy began to gather in her fist, it was like a flow of white energy, this came out of her tail and horns that from long before these expelled, no, concentrated and pressed the wind with its electric waves, where she also took advantage of the small ice crystals that are in these. He took advantage of the strong storm that made this possible, also from the gray clouds the white energy came out, Kanna did not aim to emo, but to the clouds, where these concentrated the wind, everything, now his place of disadvantage, had become his advantage. Kanna was still accumulating a large amount of Plasma in her hand.

『Father! Please accept it!』

Kanna threw herself against the emo, his arm became a kind of spear that dulled his arm, if electricity does not work, then how about plasma! The emo surprised by what Kanna did this one did not stay behind, attacked again from his mouth a powerful attack of pure energy of ice, POM!!!! Both attacks collided, where Kanna struggled to break through the emo's attack.

『(I need more power, even if only for a few seconds I need it!)』

Her Dragonewt Form disappeared and became more human, Kanna gave a loud scream and more power, a Plasma beam destroyed the emo's energy attack in one pass. POM!!!!! Kanna without more attacks the eye with her plasma spear to the emo, the plasma ran through the body of the dragon destroying its interior little by little, Kanna dragged with power again to the dragon, for only a few seconds, for only a few moments, Kanna's hair was slightly raised and her appearance was different. POM!!!!!!!! There was a loud rumbling somewhere in the mountains. We could see how they descended from the top, quickly we all headed towards the place of impact.

There was a strong blizzard undoing all the heavy snowstorm, both fighters stepped aside, the emo returned to his Human Form and heavy wounds were appearing all over his body as he dyed the snow with blood, while his eye had already become useless, Kanna was still tired, Kanna's legs were shaking as well as her hands, this was not over, one blow, both were only one blow away from being defeated, Kanna clenched her fist as well as her father and with only the strength they had they threw themselves into a crossfire, everything was silent and the blow was the only thing that could be heard. Pom! Kanna took advantage of his stature to sneak and hit the emo's face, that father fell without strength to the snow and Kanna could not take it anymore. Pom! The emo with his last strength gave a strong blow with his fist in the wound that made Kanna later, the little dragon was slightly propelled by the blow while her father fell to the snow without strength. Kanna did not react, she could not feel anything, she too was falling in the snow.....

What she remembers before fainting is that she was in Tohru's arms. The green dragon looked tearfully and very happy at Kanna.

『Tohru.....gane.....yo....gane.....at last....gane...』-Kanna fainted without strength, she was delirious....or maybe not...-

We all gathered to see how Kanna was, while the little girl, Kanna's mother, approached the emo who was motionless in the snow, she stuck her face on his chest where she could feel a heartbeat, he was still alive.


A few minutes passed and Kanna found herself opening her eyes, she was on Tohru's lap.

『Kanna! I knew, I knew you would win.... I'm glad you're okay..... I'm really afraid of losing you....』

I throw myself into Kanna's tight embrace, where she also does the same and tries to wrap her arms around me.

『You did well Kanna, you're quite a fighter』-Kobayashi appeared and stroked Kanna's head-『Don't give me those scares again...yeah』.

Without being warned, Kobayashi also hugged Kanna, where the little dragoness had her eyes trembling and wondering, she also hugged Kobayashi like never before.

『Is she awake yet?』-The emo in his human form asked-.

Going back minutes ago, before I switch to my Lucario Form and heal Kanna, the emo still in the snow was.

『Get Kanna closer....』

In Tohru's arms, Kanna was brought closer to her father, he placed his hand on Kanna's forehead and a spell seemed to come out and rejoin Kanna, her tail again returned to normal, after healing Kanna, the little dragon headed towards me.

『Could you heal him?』

His partner without further ado asked me, seeing that this guy is important to the world and having removed the curse of Kanna, heal him as a form of payment, after all I do not decide if this guy dies or lives, Kanna did not attack him with the intention of killing, only with the intention of showing him how strong he is. Back to the present, Kanna was face to face with the emo, Kanna looked up to see the emo.

『Listen, I didn't remove the curse, I just reset it, now you have 2 options, 1 ,go back to the other world and if you try to return to this one the curse will be activated again, 2, if you stay the curse will never be activated and could even be eliminated, well what do you decide?』-The emo offered her 2 proposals in a friendly way-.

When I heard this I couldn't help but think what a hard face he is, now that he sees that Kanna showed him the opposite of what he thought of her, he wants her to stay and I don't know...I guess being a family, is a being that I will never like.

POM!!!!! Kanna in response hit him between the legs, where emo quickly fell to his knees while resisting the pain.

『I guess that's a no.....』-The emo was still holding back in pain-.

『I'm not going to change my family to be with you, you never were, are or will be my father』-Kanna asserted-『Besides I don't think I'm coming back to this world, I have everything you want in the other』.

『It hurts! It sucks! Why it hurts so much in this part.... I don't understand it...』-At last he complained because of the pain-.

『M.....no, my father once told me never to hit someone there, he says it hurts too much for a boy』-Kanna passed by innocently-

『Eh...ah! true true (it was so long ago I don't remember....)』-I was in doubt-.

Kanna happened to stand in front of her mother, they really looked alike, the same style of clothes, the same eyes, and the same innocence and tenderness. Kanna prepared her fist, and without further ado struck.Pom.....it was a light blow that was barely felt.

『It hurts....』-With a calm and serene attitude and still with that smile said the companion-.

『This is for not being a good mother....』

Ready and done with what we came here to do we would retire from the place, we already fixed all the problems we had, the time we have left we will take advantage of it to stroll in this world, it wouldn't be bad at all to take a little walk, besides Kobayashi surely wouldn't let this opportunity go to waste.

『So .... are we free now?...We can do whatever we want?.....』-I asked still with doubts-?

『Eh? I would say yes, Kobayashi is fine, Kanna is fine,yes, everything is fine』-Tohru answered my doubts- 『Tohru answered my doubts- 『Tohru answered my doubts.

『That's good! Then I can finally ------』

POM! My body fell into the snow just like that, when they took a good look they noticed that I was sleeping and nothing seemed to get me to wake up.

『He doesn't have strength anymore, he must not have rested for a second since he set out to stop the human army, let him rest』-Lucoa reported-.

While Tohru took her Dragon Form and Elma, with help put me on my friend's back, Kanna who saw Fafnir pass by her side didn't avoid asking her.

『Fafnir-san, you were the one with the shadow?』-Kanna innocently addressed the dragon-.

"I don't like that guy』.

With that simple answer Fafnir in one leap reached Tohru's back, Kanna also took a big leap.

"I'll take care of M』

We took flight retreating from the Mountains, Kanna settled down and put my head on her lap, while I was still sleeping like a log, Kanna stared at me and remembered the several times I stroked her head, she placed her small hand and gently stroked my head as well, her cheeks gently were flushed.

After all this time and what we have been through, tomorrow we finally go back to everyday and normal.

E͇n͇d͇ ͇o͇f͇ ͇A͇r͇c͇:͇ ͇I͇s͇e͇k͇a͇i͇ ͇A͇n͇o͇m͇e͇n͇o͇s͇

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
