
Chapter 143: Returning to Normalcy

We were retreating from those Icy Mountains, Tohru opened a Kuikku Portal for a much faster journey, while Kanna's parents stood by and watched their visitors leave.

『Goodbye hi...no, goodbye Kanna Kamui, at last you proved me wrong all this time』-The emo finally accepted how his daughter currently was-『So, what's wrong with you? Ever since they came you've been with that attitude, it feels weird-.....』

He turned to look at his companion who was always with that slight smile since the visitors appeared.

『I think it's something normal, feeling happy to see your daughter again after a long time, it's just that』-Her companion with a serene tone was-『I'm speechless』.

『Since when did you become like this? You look friendlier and more affectionate than before.....』

『If I've always been like this』

『You're saying things I don't understand..... we have work to do, now that I lost I feel like taking it out on you....』

The emo started to crunch his hands and neck, POM! some tremors came, the couple walked in the middle of the mountains with a fierce storm, POM! POM! POM! POM! The tremors were getting stronger and echoed in the place.

『I'm glad you're still wearing those clothes』.

The companion went on to wrap her clothes around her face, POM POM POM POM POM POM POM POM!!!! The tremors, which were more like heavy blows, a large wall of ice was being shattered by strong fists and also small ones.

『Shut up, too bad for you, I won't hold back on anything, this day I received something special』.

The emo started to stretch his body and warm up, so did his partner who was ready to receive the threat. POM!!!!!!! The great ice wall was destroyed, a great multitude of ice demons and undead could be seen, of different sizes and appearances, the emo was overflowing with a white energy, where this gradually changed to a thin one.

『They are going to receive the new power, from the Kamui Family!』

The wind became more powerful and in his claw he could concentrate the wind and be able to create plasma quickly and easily, the companion also did the same thing only instead of a white color it was a light blue color, the emo created plasma from the wind and electricity and his companion created plasma from the wind and ice, that pair of dragons would also return to their day to day to kill hundreds and hundreds of demons.




After all we have been through and different experience for each of us, we were back to our world safe and sound, the portal was opened on the rooftop where we appeared and back to our daily and normal everyday lives. Obviously I was still asleep, it seems that if I was exhausted, I was almost exhausted and I'm sure I would have had dark circles under my eyes like that emo.

Kanna in her Human Form was still carrying me on her, although she couldn't carry my whole body with the small one she has, I may be comfortable in the head, but my arms and legs were being dragged by an innocent girl who just wants to help.

『Why don't you carry him your Tohru?』-Kobayashi asked her friend after giving me a look-.

『Don't worry, that's the treatment he deserves, it's not like he's going to die or anything』. -(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ-『Also I already asked Kanna and she's determined to take M』

Kanna started jogging carrying my body that looked like spaghetti because of the little girl's energetic movements, she was the first to go ahead and was going down the stairs without worry. Pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom, both my arms and legs were being hit by the momentum.

『Hey girl, don't you think you should treat the person who saved you better?』-Iruru appeared grabbing my legs-『And don't just fixate on the head, take hold of her arms and let her head rest on your back or shoulders』.

Kanna stared at her as if she didn't understand anything, seconds later she heeded the words and between the 2 of them they took M.

『At what point did she come too?( ̄ー ̄;』-Kobayashi was surprised by Iruru's appearance-『Every time more and more dragons join....』

『I'm back at last! Now I can rest (*'▽`*) Ah! Tomorrow I have to go back to work...I don't want to.....I need a vacation for everything that happened』-Elma went from joy to sadness in no time and her stomach was growling-『I also just got hungry』.

『Elma?』-Kobayashi turned to her friend-『Why did you come back here? Didn't you want to go back to your world and stay there?

『Ah?....(・・.)ゞ...Ah! That's right! I just followed them unconsciously(*`〇Д〇)?Please Tohru, open the portal again 』-Elma was asking her rival for a favor-?

『But what a fool-『Come on in and never come back』(-᷅_-᷄๑)』-Tohru created a portal next to her-『Come on in and never come back』.

Elma was glad that she was helped by Tohru, but this time she took a good look and was aware of the situation.

"Hey! That's just a meadow! Don't think I'm going to fall for your joke!』ヾ( ・`⌓'・)ノ゙-Elma meticulously looked at the gate-.

『*tsch* Looks like you've gotten smarter....』('・ε・̥ˋ๑)

Again that duo of dragonesses began to argue casually, Kobayashi meanwhile observed the situation.

『She had the chance for Elma to leave but she didn't, it seems she wants her to stay after all』-Kobayashi was quietly watching the discussion, beside her she noticed Lucoa with her fingers conjuring a spell-『You're leaving already...well, thank you very much for your support』.

『You're welcome, a god has to watch over others, I wonder if Shouta has missed me this time』.

With an amused look and smile, Lucoa was saying goodbye to Kobayashi, he entered the spell he cast and the little boy's shouts of surprise could be heard for a few seconds.

『I should also thank Fafnir』. -Kobayashi looked from side to side and noticed that he was gone-『Uhm? He's already gone?』


The sun was setting and it was about to get dark, Makoto was returning from work, you could see him looking a little depressed as he walked.

『(I haven't been the same these last few days.....Kobayashi nor Elma have come to work, when I went to visit them at their apartment there was no one there, neither has M visited us as he usually did.... I wonder what's happened.....)』

He arrived at his apartment and when he put the key in he noticed that it was not locked, this was strange and without fear he entered his home, everything was normal, which was strange for him since he imagined the worst, he thought that he had been robbed, it would be the worst thing that would happen to him in these circumstances. But when he entered he got a big surprise, he was left with nothing to say and without moving any muscle, the only sound he heard was the sound of the buttons of a remote control, the sound of clicking and typing.

『Don't just stand there still, I need you to help me in the events, quick there will also be a clan war』.

Fafnir with his cold and serious tone was addressing Makoto who this one still remained how to react, seeing his friend again in such a normal way was a strange feeling but at the same time a relief. He too acted as if nothing had happened and put away his bag.

『Yes, I'm coming』.

He got ready, turned on his computer and put on his glasses, each one did his things again, each one in his computer, with few words and acting normal was the reunion of these, just as Makoto said he entered the game and they invited each other to update Fafnir in the various events and things that came out in the time he was not there. That night they farmed like never before and only the sound of the keyboard was relaxing for both of them, it was already too late so Makoto had to go to sleep, Fafnir through the game chat sent him a message.


Where Makoto before closing the game this one replied quickly to Fafnir also by the game chat.

『You don't say goodbye, you say see you later』.

With that last message Makoto shut down his computer while Fafnir would still continue playing much longer. Fafnir looked at Makoto's message for a few seconds and looked at it again to continue with his business. Back in the day when everyone was preparing to go to the other world, Fafnir went to Makoto's house and left a message written on paper, a simple and single word, it was on Makoto's computer and read. "The adult was shocked by those words, but even more so as the days passed and his friendships had also disappeared. That night Makoto felt a little better and knew that everything would return to normal.


It was an experience that we quickly turned the page, we have things to do as the people we are, Kobayashi returned to work as well as Elma the next day, as expected they were a little scolded by their boss how they could miss work for almost a week, it was only a few words and now both would have to compensate for their absence with extra hours of work. Dejected they both returned to their post where they met Makoto.

『Let's work together, it's good to see you again』-With a friendly attitude the adult addressed both of them.

『Makoto.....I'm also glad to see you again (it looks like everything is back to normal)』-Kobayashi was already feeling good to know that everything was taking its typical course-.

『When we finish everything, how about we go drink and eat, we have to celebrate your return somehow』-Makoto was taking a seat while addressing her companions-.

『Eat?! Well, I know I lost level, but if it's for free food then I'm a machine!』-Elma was animated- ヾ(。・ω・)シ.

The trio of colleagues were returning to their normal work routine, still feeling for all of them that it is a nostalgic and even comforting feeling.


Now moving on to my workplace, the only thing I received was just a little lecture from my boss.

"And answer me honestly, what happened that you were absent for all these days?

『Well, to sum it up, my loved ones needed my help』-Without hesitation I told the truth.

『I see, well, I can't fight it, family comes first, as the parent you are I understand, I hope I get to be one too, though of course it would be me the mother.....can't be....I'm already imagining things! Tell me young-kun, do you think I have what it takes to be a good mother? do you think I could raise one? I need your experiences』 (✿ヘᴥヘ)-The boss got excited just with the idea of getting to raise a family-.

『Hahaha...well, let's cut the crap and get to work, that's what I came for 』( ̄ω ̄)-In a quick way I wanted to get rid of this-.

『You're still as straightforward as I remembered, good! guys today I'm also counting on you and let's make an effort ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ』


All my colleagues gave a loud cheer at the boss's encouragement, coming back to work with them was also a nostalgic feeling and it felt good to get back to normal after a bit of turbulence on the road. In the evening it was also something much more normal, I returned home earlier as usual, prepared dinner and was already leaving the bathroom ready for when Elma returned, everything was normal, only now it would be a little bit much different.

『This is where you live? the other world has really weird things, ah! what's that! and that! and that other! there are many things』 ヾ(・ω・*)ノ

As if she were a little girl, Iruru browsed all over the apartment and the different things we had. Out of her curiosity she came to the bathroom, where after cleaning up and telling her to be quiet I could finally get to her.

『*sigh* Don't go in there, that's for El------』

My surprise was not long in coming when I saw that Iruru was lying in the bathtub completely naked enjoying the bath.

『It's hot water! I had tried baths like this before, I had to heat it myself with my fire, come see it feels great』 ⌒°(ᴖ◡ᴖ)°⌒

Iruru with a friendly attitude and waving was telling me to go to accompany her, at her smile I was with my eyes down and clenched my fist tightly, I gritted my teeth and couldn't get the image I just saw out of my mind.

『(╬ Ò ‸ Ó)But what the fuck did I just see....it was like watching 2 planets collide with each other and cause a disaster all over my head....it's starting to hurt just remembering it...໒( ᓀ ‸ ᓂ )७ 』 -I found my blood boiling-『These abominations are not normal! You are a horrible monster!』૮( ᵒ̌▱๋ᵒ̌ )ა

I moved closer so she could hear me better and ended up pointing my finger at her while again I couldn't help but speak my mind, I was really upset and not just because she ruined Elma's bath but how could there be such a loli. Iruru stared at me for a few seconds, again I was regretting what I said to her and I was already about to apologize.

『Seriously?('๑-_-๑)....Thanks for the compliment...』

Iruru acted in a way I didn't expect, she got a little shy after I said that to her, I guess saying monster to a monster plus with ugly things will be like flattery to these, without me noticing Iruru was sucking my finger, looking at her well she's like a little girl, but also like she's a small animal.

『Come here!』(〃・ω・〃)ノ~☆.

With her teeth she grabbed my sleeve and forcefully pulled me along with her. Splash!" she took advantage of the fact that I was confused by her action that took me by surprise, I was in the bathtub next to Iruru, my clothes and I completely soaked by the water, I could only hear the dragon's laughter and joy.

『You see how good it feels? 』(',,-ω-,,)

At her question I just sighed for not knowing what to do with that companion, while in my mind I imagined that Kobayashi could handle this situation better if those events had not happened. I got up from the bathtub while struggling to get off Iruru who was pulling my clothes with her claws.

『Ya let go....』(-,-)

『But stay a while longer』(.-_-.).

Slash.... by Iruru's claws part of my sweatshirt which are of these lightweight was torn, pom! Without holding back I slapped my fingers on Iruru's forehead where he finally let go of me.

『Now I'll be right back, I'll bring you clothes, you're not going to be in that piece of cloth forever, I'll show you how this world works so get ready, and don't worry about my clothes, I know a little sewing, take your time in the bathtub I'll take care of the rest』.

Making it clear to her and with a neutral tone I turned to Iruru, where she with a yes and a smile answered me. While I put on a spare set of clothes and put mine to dry Elma finally arrived home.

『I'm tired...I just want this overtime thing to end....』(;'д`)

『Welcome Elma, dinner is ready, the bath may take a while, apparently we have an infiltrator....』

『Already arrived, infiltrator? and those clothes you're wearing?』-Elma felt confused by what I just told her-?

A footsteps became noticeable, and a voice already very familiar to me appeared between us.

『How good baths feel in this world! It's definitely better than licking one's body』(^◇^)o-Iruru had appeared in the room completely naked-.

『(╬⓪益⓪) I told you I'd be right back! Don't go out like that so normally!』-I quickly approached to scold her-.

"『But it's much quicker if I come, isn't it?

『Well ....Yes, but it's not the right thing to do! Here are your clothes, at least you know how to put them on don't you? 』-I handed him in his hands the clothes I would wear- 』.

『But...these are clothes? they have a lot of holes, where the head goes in?....Could you help me?』( -᷄ὤ-᷅)?

『Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! Come over here! it looks like we're going to start your lessons from already, this is a private thing, don't be asking unknown people to do this to you』-I was trying to carry Iruru by pushing her to my room, but even if I tried hard I couldn't even move her-『(What is this..?.....She's almost as small as Kanna but she weighs much more)』

『Of course not, you're special, I do it because I know you won't do anything bad to me』-With a serene and deep tone Iruru finished addressing me-.

『.....I have many things to teach you, excuse me Elma but in a moment I'll prepare the bath again, I need to correct this little girl』.

I passed to my Lucario Form seeing that I couldn't carry her in my normal form, while she was in my arms she corrected me.

『Child? If I'm all grown up』-She said without further ado, I made a wtf face where she whispered in my ear-.

『( ̄■ ̄;)!? That's a lot of numbers...well never mind, before my eyes I still see you and you act like a child』.

I took her without further ado to my room to give her a few little lessons, that night as the situation calmed down we had dinner the three of us together, where Iruru seemed to have liked the food I prepared. And when I thought that at bedtime everything would be better, again the infiltrator appeared to bother me, or well, for me that's how it felt. My bed was being shared where I couldn't take it anymore and got up.

『You stay there, I'll go to the couch 』

I was leaving the room when Iruru stopped me with the tip of her claws my clothes, I didn't feel any kind of force, she doesn't want to tear my clothes again, I turned to look where I saw her serious and determined.


I could easily pull and get rid of her, but seeing her like that, if I left I would feel like I was doing something wrong, it would be like refusing the request of a little puppy that all it wants is your company. I gave a sigh and went back to bed without objecting, she also lay down and seemed to be happy, although I.....was upset as the bed is small and Iruru takes most of it, especially her front ones. A blessing for many, torture for few.




Now we met Kanna who she after fixing everything about her absences to classes, finally could return to participate in these, I will not deny it, this was the most comforting thing I saw, after the danger that was to see her now so safe and sound and out of danger was a great weight that was removed to all of us.

Kanna was in her classroom where her classmates welcomed her and were happy that she was finally back. The children's questions were about why Kanna missed classes where she fearlessly and courageously answered.

"I had to save my mother.


The children were shocked by Kanna's words and way of saying, while they were waiting for the teacher to arrive, a friend of Kanna stood in front of her, it was Saikawa who although she tried to hide, she was with some tears in her eyes, Kanna who noticed this stood up and went on to caress her head.

『Saikawa don't cry anymore, I will help you 』.

Hearing Kanna's words after time, Saikawa couldn't resist anymore and hugged her friend with all her strength, where she just repeated her name over and over again.

『Kanna....Kanna....Kanna.....Kanna..... I thought I'd never see you again.....』

Kanna has so much more, things she won't be able to get in the other world, people who will always care about her, even though she is a Chaos Faction dragon and her destiny was to destroy the world to keep the balance, and even inherit the role of her parents, it just wasn't what she wanted, what she lived through led her to take this path, her actions led her to these moments, if she is happy with what she has and how she is now, then it is enough for the close ones she did all this time.




We all agreed to go to one Onsen (public baths) together To get to the point where we all go to an Onsen came about in a chain fashion. It all started with me since I was always the last one to bathe, not like it bothered me but bathing very late was not my thing, so I said I would go to an onsen, that's where Elma came in out of curiosity, she wanted to try how these baths were, and it was the same with Iruru who was also curious about the idea, Elma told Kobayashi that she was going to go to these baths, then she also signed up since she hasn't gone to one in a while, from Kobayashi she came to Tohru and Kanna who also wanted to see how these were, and from Kanna she came to Saikawa who would also come, and as we are all here planning to meet she also told Makoto since he likes group meetings, and if Makoto goes then Fafnir would also go, Lucoa as it seems that he is always aware of things also decided to come along with Shouta, it seems that the boy was brought by force. And here we all are, outside the place waiting for the last ones to come to enter.

『Hoygan! I'm coming!』

Lucoa was coming bringing in his arms Shouta who as I thought didn't agree to come, even here you could hear the little boy's denial.

『Well, we are all here』.

Kobayashi in front we all entered the baths, I also believe that if you come as a group they charge you less, or it is a special offer for a limited time only, the thing is that we are saving is our little meeting. Each one went into their respective bathrooms and now yes, to enjoy the group bath of this new year.

『Ahhhh(*'∀`*) It's been a while since I had a bath in one of these ( the last time I came with a big group was with my brother and the others, I wonder how they are or have been, Mia will have achieved her goal? Arachne finally raped my brother? Daddy will manage to remember me? Ron will still be just as naughty...I have to hurry and get rid of the doubt.....) (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ』-Me was relaxing in the water while remembering the past-.

『This is equal or even better than drinking after work』-Makoto was also getting carried away-『How about Fafnir-san, better than the bath at home?』

『There's a lot more people, I thought it would just be us』-Fafnir answered without further ado-.

『Uhm uhm, I see Kuro-san (●'艸`)ヾ So you want us to be alone huh?"』-I was making a joke to my friend-.

『What are you insinuating? I'm not like the guy you work for』-She started staring at me.

"Huh? How do you know that? Well never mind, you're playing cold when you're actually changing little by little, very good job Makoto-san』-Thumbs up for my friend congratulating him was-d(>__・ )

『Eh? Do you want me to show it to you?』-Fafnir was starting to get annoyed-.

『Eh? Here? well(*'∀`*) if you don't have any problems, then let's see who wins! a dr's-well you know, or a human's』-I was cheering ready to stand up out of the water-『Hahaha.... I see you are very confident, I am too,go ahead Shoutaヽ( ・∀・)ノ demonstrate the power of the Shotas (゚<|\(・ω・)/|>゚) I was too one day just in case/』v(・∀・*)

I grabbed Shouta and placed him next to Fafnir, who this one was looking at him in a cold and gloomy way, it's not that I hate him, it's just that this is his normal face.

『Eh?...Eh?! no no no no no! don't take me out just for these things!』ヾ[*≧д≦]ノ-Shouta was refusing-.

『But what are you saying, you have to be on screen too, people want to see you too』╰('ω' )╯-I grabbed Shouta's arms and used all my strength to lift him out of the water-『Okay! Here we go!』 (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧

Some of the water came out as I lifted Shouta, who had a reddish face trying to cover his parts. On the other side, however, the others seemed to be calmer.

"What are they doing? Even here you can hear Shouta-kun』-Kobayashi noticed the shenanigans happening on the other side.

『(I can't believe it! I can't believe it! Onsen are the best!)』-Tohru was excited and elated-『(I can be bathing next to Kobayashi-san! and on top of that we're both naked! Kyaaaa!)(灬♥ω♥灬)』

『What's wrong with Tohru, I didn't think she'd be so excited』-Kobayashi didn't know why her friend was so excited-『So Kanna, how do you like the baths?』

"It's amazing, you can bathe with your friends』.

Kanna was next to Kobayashi who seemed to enjoy these as well, but there also seems to be a girl just like Tohru.

『(I can't believe it! I can't believe it! I never thought bathing in an Onsen would be so good!)』-Saikawa was also very excited-『(I didn't think I'd see Kanna like this! That means I have to take responsibility for it?! I'll gladly do it! Don't worry Kanna, I'll marry you soon and we'll live together)(♥ω♥*)』

Saikawa was already imagining a future where she was married to Kanna, imaginations of a child, what can you do.

『Saikawa , are you okay?』-Kanna appeared in front of Saikawa, who was not aware of everything she was imagining-『Are you very red? Is the water getting hot for you?

Kanna was gradually getting closer to Saikawa, where the girl was getting worse and worse than tomato, until Kanna touched her forehead with Saikawa's and that was the trigger.

『Kyaaaaaaaa!!!』 ƪ(♥ﻬ♥)ʃ

Where after giving a scream, Saikawa ended up fainting from happiness and her body was going to the bottom of the water, but at least we know that she died from love and excitement?.....now that I think about it Saikawa every time this happens to her is because she gets excited by Kanna, who is a little girl. ...oh...I would have preferred not to hear about this, I thought he was just fainting because of Kanna's tenderness...these kids are really dirty nowadays...no kidding....I'm a little disturbed xd.....

"Ah! Saikawa, are you alright? -Kobayashi found out and went to pull Saikawa, who was still with a smile and excitement on the edge, out of the water-『Stay with me Kanna, together we'll get out of this』.

Kobayashi could stand next to the little girls, since on the other side were ....

『Here you have much more space to stretch out, I see Shouta is having a good time ( ^ω^)』-Lucoa was letting herself relax by the waters-.

『Yes, it has its positives, they say that after a bath you drink milk, I already want to try that!』ヽ〳 ՞ ᗜ ՞ 〵ง-Elma was happy-.

『Listen Tohru, I've come to kill you, so tell me time , date and we'll claw each other 』-Iruru was addressing Tohru-.

『Eh? Ah yes you, Hehe! You really think you can beat me? I have so much power that even you won't believe it, I've beaten the King himself, a little girl like you won't beat me』((⊂(`ω'∩)-Tohru was excited-

『Maybe, but I'm sure I'll beat you at something, just look down』(ง `ω')۶.

All that group had something in common, and on top of that they did not skimp on showing it, something which Kobayashi prefers to be away from them, the truth is that she had never felt less because of that, but in this situation as the woman she is I do not avoid wanting to avoid all this and pretend that nothing happened.

『*sigh*I look like a fool to worry about this.....』-Kobayashi relaxed and went together with her friends and talked about all sorts-.

Both sides felt good after all this, as it was coming, Elma took from the little bottle of milk and found it a very good experience for how simple it is.

『What is this! I'm going to do this every time after I take a bath』 ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ

When we all left we all got together and after chatting a little bit everyone separated and headed to their homes, the idea was that only Elma and I would live in that apartment, but now with Iruru who seems that she doesn't plan to move away from me, we will have to just get used to it and change a little bit the plans we had. It's been a few days since we got back and if I can notice that.

『We're back to normal』.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
