
Chapter 97: With nothing to hold back

M was lying on the couch, quietly staring at nothing, thinking about what happened the other day. That day when we confessed to each other.

"Fall in love? I, I want to fall in love』

Those words of Kanna's keep going round and round in my head all this time. While the others were doing their things.

『(Fall in love? I wonder if I'll fall in love one day)』

I was saying in my mind and also repeating it to myself every second. Without realizing it, when I looked at the window, the sky was cloudy, it was starting to rain.


We were all gathered in the dining room for lunch. This time it was my turn to prepare the food.

『This having 2 people to help at home is reassuring, you don't know how much you help me, thank you both very much, Tohru, M-san』-Kobayashi was making a comment-.

『♡^▽^♡ Hehehehehehehehehehehe There's no need Kobayashi-san, I will always be here so I can help you』-Tohru felt flattered-.

I was still eating without answering her, I was thinking about many things so I wasn't attentive to her words.

『M, did you hear what Kobayashi-san said? And I at least thought you were respectful』-Tohru was annoyed that I didn't answer-.

"『Don't worry Tohru, when someone is like this like M, it's because he has a lot of things on his mind, surely they are important things for him, didn't the same thing happen to you?

『I do』-Kanna said-『Sometimes I get distracted at school by seeing bugs and it's like there's nothing else in the world』.

『Exactly Kanna-chan, you think about one thing so much that you get disconnected from your surroundings, M-san has been like that since morning, but still done her homework out of habit』

『She looked like a robot, she made breakfast, washed the dishes and lay down on the sofa, then after a few hours she got up, prepared lunch and now eats by pure instinct』-Tohru commented on what she saw from M-

『What if M really is a robot?』-Kanna was excited-『I could have my own robot and I would play with it all the time』.

『The robot theme I think is too much』(;^_^A-Kobayashi stops that theme-.

『With you thinking so much about something that you disconnect from the world, huh?!!!! I see, So every time Kobayashi is like this, it's because he's thinking about me! ('∀`)♡ My love leaves him even silly hi hi hi hi』.

『Why do you take it for granted that I'd be thinking about you?』-Kobayashi turned to Tohru-.

『I heard that humans show their love at first in a cold and hostile way, and then open up to that person affectionately, those types of people are called Tsunderes if I'm not mistaken, maybe Kobayashi-san is a Tsundere』♡(ŐωŐ人).

"『Do I look like a Tsundere?

『Quick Kobayashi-san, treat me in the coldest, most oppressive, disgusting, disgusting way and even hit me!』⊂(♡⌂♡)⊃

『You haven't even listened to me...( ̄^ ̄) And that's not Tsundere anymore, that's Masochist』.

Before this entertaining conversation they have, a phrase makes an appearance.

『I know they are dragons』.

M after a long time, these were his first words.

『I know your secrets, you are dragons』


As much as Kobayashi, Tohru and Kanna were kept silent by the sudden words that M said.

『What are you talking about? There are no dragons here, surely you're referring to manga and fictional stories』(;^_^A -Kobayashi said the first thing that came to his mind-.

『Tohru, Kanna, Kuro and Lucoa with dragons, you don't have to make excuses Kobayashi-san, I know their secrets from the start』

『..... Apparently you did notice, well, sooner or later this had to happen』-Kobayashi felt nervous-.

『You're a much smarter human than I thought』.

Tohru bluntly showed off her dragon horns and tail.

『That's right, we are dragons』-Tohru said standing up with a serious look-.

Our gazes clashed, we were both serious somehow. Kobayashi-san felt that something bad was going to happen, the way we looked at each other, counting that we are not very close, we are not friends, maybe it's a chance for Tohru to have a reason to....get rid of M once and for all.

『We're dragons and what? You're going to tell everyone that we exist? You're going to tell them we're a threat? You're going to tell them that you support us? You're going to start screaming and freaking out just because of our mere existence? Are you going to reject and insult us? Humans are like that, whether in my world or this one, they see us as a threat that must be exterminated, the only one I can trust is Kobayashi-san, instead of getting scared and moving away from me, she came closer and saved my life, we talked as if there were no differences, as if we were the same, she treated me as her friend, and since that time I see humans differently, maybe many are like Kobayashi-san, if it was like before I would have finished you in a second, so tell me M, what are you going to do? 』

After everything Tohru said, the atmosphere was toned thought and in deep silence. Kobayashi was nervous and sweating, before she finally spoke again.


I limited that to be my first word while smiling.

『I don't plan to do anything by knowing that you are, I'm not going to insult you, I'm not going to shout at you, I'm not going to try much less kill you, rather it's the opposite, I want to get along with you, I want to treat you well, give you my support, be close, I want to be your friend』-『Did you think that by knowing that you are dragons our relationship would change? Not at all, rather I am glad to know that I am living with dragons, they are kind, honest, childish, curious, friendly, they may have had a dark past, where they had no choice but to cause chaos, but now they are much more human than other people, and that is worth much more, so you can rest assured, I still don't forget my mint I put on for you, I will get to be your friend Tohru, no, a better friend』

After saying all that, almost completely clearing things up, it looks like everything is going to get better from here.

『You don't worry Kanna-chan either, we'll continue to get along well』.


Kanna also made to show her horns and dragon tail.

『In the end, everything turned out well, what a tension....』(-.-;)-Kobayashi can finally calm down-.

The rain was still falling and showering the whole city.

『Now it's my turn to tell you my secret, we don't have to keep anything to ourselves』(-‿◦).


We were all sitting on the couch. Except Kobayashi who was doing something on the table.

『Also it's not like you guys are that cautious either, you let your horns and tail show on many occasions ( ̄个 ̄) As Kobayashi-san said, sooner or later this would happen』-『Also』(★-皿-★)9.

I hugged without holding back Kanna.

『Hugging Kanna-chan with horns and tail is something I wanted to do for a long time (≧ω≦)ゞ She looks much more tender like that, for sure in her Dragon form she looks the same or even more tender, you don't know how much I had to resist』(≧∇≦)b

『My Dragon form, tender?"』-Kanna turned to me-.

『Yes yes yes yes , I bet everything you look very cute』.

『So, one day I'll show it to you』

"Really? How nice』 (^▽^)

Kanna clenched her fist again, her eyes shining and trembling after hearing M say that.

『Well, then M-san, what's this about your secret』-Tohru turned to M-.

『Right, now I tell them, after all, I would feel bad if I didn't tell them after knowing yours』.

『I'm done』-Kobayashi said contentedly-.


What Kobayashi was making at this time were Teru Teru Bozu. A small doll made of paper or cloth, these are hung in the windows on rainy days. According to tradition, it is an amulet to prevent rainy days or make them stop and bring good weather.

These were hanging in the window of the apartment, in total she made 4 Kobayashi, each with a drawing of our faces.

Kanna stood looking and watching the Teru Teru Bozu and the rain.

『The rain, it's pretty』-Commented the little dragon.

We who were also watching the rain with Kanna, were accompanying her.

『You're right』-Kobayashi made a comment while looking happy.

Likewise, Tohru also noticed herself happy with this quiet atmosphere.

『It's nice, though for me it may come to hurt me』-'・ᴗ・`-『Well, I'm going to tell you everything about me』

M began to tell , recounting his life from the one he was swallowed by the portal, to the present day.

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