
Chapter 98: And the How

The hall was in complete silence, the wind breeze was coming in through the window, Tohru was in front, after a few seconds she raised her hand and some words came out of her mouth.


A portal was conjured in front of her, it was like a vortex slowly spinning around, the black mass spinning around and small green fragments as well. No doubt about it, Tohru cast the spell of traveling between worlds.

『There you go M-san, you can continue your journey』.

The dragoness turned to look at me, I started to clench my fists while Kobayashi and Kanna were also watching.


Now you're wondering how did we end up like this? The answer is simple don't you think?

After that rainy day we told each other everything, that there are dragons in this world and my origins. Tohru asked me about the spell of the portal, that was what most caught his attention of all that I told, kindly told me to tell him what are the words to conjure it. Without understanding much at the beginning, at the end I told him, I lent him the paper where I had written the words of the spell.

He read it carefully, it was as if in a single pass he had already learned it by heart, which is incredible to me, since the spell is long and contains weird words, as if someone had just written random things and already *sigh* Yes, I'm telling you Author, I think it didn't even take him 5 min to create the words of the spell ( ̄⊿ ̄). But well, on to the next thing, Tohru looked at me with a smile, she was cheerful the dragoness.

『I can make you continue your journey』.

I immediately became happy, I was also smiling at her with a lot of joy, but it wasn't because of her words. But because of the way he looked at me, finally, after a long time , those eyes and lips full of coldness and hatred, became normal , to finally see me as a friend.


Here we are back to the beginning, we were all gathered together, the portal was still spinning, waiting for the boy to enter it.

Kobayashi's gaze towards M was confused, she had her typical look, I couldn't tell if she was accepting that it was okay for me to continue with the trip or to stay. I turned to look at her and I understood, I already knew the answer to my doubt.

I felt a tug on my clothes, it was Kanna who had held me.


She said my name lightly while squeezing my clothes even tighter, from Kanna there was no doubt, she wanted me not to leave, at least not for now.

I hadn't thought about this before the truth, but by telling us all our secrets, they could help me, they are dragons that possess great strength and magic, powerful beings that could destroy the earth if they want to, destroy the earth? With my current power I can do such a thing?.....hmmmmmm.... well, let's leave it for a while, but yes, they have the power that I can continue with my journey.

I walked forward looking ahead, leaving behind both Kanna and Kobayashi-san, I'm not going to lie, it hurt to break free while Kanna was holding me.

I was face to face with Tohru, we both had a serious look, but gently Tohru's face turned into a smile, his eyes showed calm and joy, as if he had done something good and yes, he had done something good.

Tohru grabbed my shoulder and told me the following.

『Cure yourself M-san』.

I passed to go with the others, now I was the one in front. Tohru was still with her calm look, Kanna was sad, while Kobayashi was....




Minutes passed and everyone was still the same, it was as if time had stopped, no one made any movement, not even M.

『Something wrong M-san?』-Tohru turned to me.

So were Kobayashi and Kanna, they didn't understand why M was standing still, having in front of them a new opportunity to be able to return to their world.

『I don't want to』

I said with a normal tone, my fists released and I could finally relax.

『I don't want to go』-('へ')I turned to look at them, the portal was getting smaller and smaller-『I'd rather stay longer with you, there are still goals I want to achieve in this world』.

The portal disappeared, M let go of an opportunity, he preferred to stay longer with his friends in the Fourth World.

『So don't worry (^~^) At least now I know I can have others do the spell for me, which I didn't think of before.....』( 'ー`)

Before I reacted, Kanna had launched herself at me, knocking me to the ground from the lunge she made at me.

『Here...my back...』

Kanna started hugging me like never before, as if saying that she won't let me go for anything in the world, she clung with her small arms to my slender body.

『M.....M.... You're not going to leave, are you?』

『Not at the moment, so, let's make the most of the time we're together』

"I'm glad, I feel happy, I don't want you to go』.

『You should have said that before』 (^~^)

『But I did tell you, but not in words』.

Her holding me was Kanna's way of showing her concern, despite being many years older than any human, she is still a little girl.

I stood up and stroked Kanna's head, the little dragon had red cheeks and wagged her tail back and forth.

『Kobayashi-san, you still have another servant to take care of your house, besides I also don't know how you would react sometimes』.

Kobayashi was shedding a few tears, despite having the calm attitude, his feelings he couldn't hide them.

『Well, is that the truth』.

She was going to dry with her hands, I handed her handkerchiefs for them to wipe her tears, with a smile she accepts them.

『It was your decision after all, continuing your journey is a good option, but that you will stay I also think is a good option』.

I smiled when I heard his words from Kobayashi-san.

『I'm sorry I didn't speak earlier』.

『No no no no , you don't have to apologize Kobayashi-san』(^▽^;)

『Next time if I will say just as my words』.

『That's the Kobayashi-san I know』(^▽^).

Kanna came to our conversation as well.

『What are we going to eat this time?』(^▽^)

『This one...uhmmm.....an Omuraice? is that okay with you』-I answered the little dragon.

『Omuracie, yes, it's okay』-With her soft voice Kanna said.

『I'm fine with it too』-Kobayashi also agreed-.

We were all talking and cheering up the atmosphere that had become serious. Tohru was the only one who was quiet, all this time she was standing in the same place with her head down.


Tohru whispered, we all turned to look at her.

『Why...why didn't you go back to your world! (●ΩΩ●;) So I'd have one less rival to worry about Σ(T□T) I knew it, you stayed so you could be with Kobayashi-san! I won't lose!』(;Ⅲ□Ⅲ;)

Tohru lunged at me, I quickly switched to my Lucario Form to defend myself.


A rumble was heard, Tohru had fallen to the ground before he could reach me.

『Eh?』-Kobayashi was confused-『Now what's happened to it?』

『I see, yes.....that makes sense.....I see.....I see!!!!(*・`д・) It was already weird to me that you helped me in the first place, you wanted to get rid of me because you see that I'm very close to Kobayashi-san, your calm look was no more because you would have one less rival! Your kindness was for your own benefit!』 o(`^'*)

『Tohru-sama, why don't you get up?』-Kanna went to Tohru-

『Eh? It's like my strength is suddenly gone.....』-With difficulty Tohru stands up-『Also my head is starting to spin.....』

He was staggering, he was going to sit on the sofa, but at that he loses his balance.

"Who is it? Ah....for sure it's Kobayashi-san who held me in his arms』(๑'ㅂ`๑).

『Ah...no...it's me』(-∀-).

『AHHH!!! Furro held me』ΣΣ(゚Д゚;)

『Yes they learn a lot』(ー∀ー;).

She was trying to break free from me, moving her hands and feet, she was wild even though she doesn't have all her strength. I was telling her to calm down, with a wag of her tail, she managed to hit my lower parts.

『It hurts it hurts it hurts....』ゞ◎Д◎ヾ

Tohru staggered again she was going to fall, but this time if caught by Kobayashi-san.

『Is that you? Kobayashi-san?』

"Yes, it's me Tohru』

『(๑'ㅂ`๑) Now if I can rest in peace』.

Kobayashi put Tohru on the couch.

『Are you okay M?』-Kanna went to ask me-?

『Listen to me Kanna (¤﹏¤) never hit a male in his lower parts...he's going to know real pain....duele.....』 (☍﹏⁰)


Tohru sitting on the couch was, kept moving.

『Why is this happening....』 -Kobayashi is getting worried.

『It's a side effect of conjuring the portal, apparently it robs you of your strength every time you do it, it comes with dizziness and at the end of it all you end up fainting, but soon after you regain your strength, I already experienced it 2 times, so I know how it feels』. -I explained things-.

『Isn't there a way to heal it...how to cure it or things like that?』-Kobayashi was commenting-

『Cure her?』

At that moment I approach Tohru who was still shaking her head slowly. I take hold of her head and it starts to glow a blue color, I was healing her. After a few seconds.

『Eh? I feel better already, the dizziness is gone and I feel strong』-Tohru opened and closed her fists-.

『Perfect, I found a way to counteract the side effect』.

『You're fine now, thank you M-san』-Kobayashi turned to me-.

Tohru noticed something else after he was healed.

『Ah! What are you doing?』(・д・).

I was stroking his head.

『I just took the chance to do it, let's just say I have a mania for stroking heads』(^▽^).

『Let me, yeah? It feels weird, Kobayashi-san's the only one who can do that to me』

『Come on please, you have very nice and soft hair, I can't resist』-M kept stroking Tohru's head-.

『Stop it, and with compliments you won't get anything』ミ●﹏☉ミ

『I'm just telling the truth, besides, doesn't it feel good to have a hand like mine, fluffy, fuzzy, soft and warm caress you?』

『Telling the truth? (-゚д゚-) Besides, it doesn't feel good at all to be petted by a Furro』.

『Hahahahaha I'm going to keep going』-(^ω^)-.

『But I also did it for you, when I told you that I can help you』-I didn't understand at first, Tohru was talking about the portal issue-『I saw you very happy when I told you, I thought this made you happy』

『Ah, that time, I really didn't expect you to help me, what's more, I didn't even pay too much attention to your words that time』.


『What made me happy was your look, that smile and the way your friendly eyes saw me, seeing you with that cute expression was what made me happy』.

『●﹏●.....(¤﹏¤)....Humans are very easy to please (。・・。・。)』

『Since we're talking about the portal, I can also confirm that the spell only consumes your strength and not the magic, right?』

『Now that you say so, it only consumed my strength and not my magic』.

『I see, then anyone in the world can do it』.

『Could you stop caressing me? It feels weird as you keep talking』(●'艸`)ヾ.

I understood more now how the spell of traveling between worlds works. Anyone can say the words and create the portal, but it drains your physical strength, weakens you to such an extent that you end up fainting and worn out, the more resilient the spell caster is, the harder he/she is going to fall down fainting.

As in the case of Tohru, he possesses great strength and endurance, and was able to last a long time conscious. Not like in my first case, when I first used the spell, I was in my God Form, so I did not instantly feel the symptoms, but when I saw the end of the portal, I returned to my Human Form, it was instantaneous, all my strength disappeared, a very strong dizziness came and I appeared in the Third World fainted.

Now the second time I used the spell, I was able to last a little longer, having used my Lucario Form I was able to resist for a few minutes, but it is inevitable to faint after a while.

But there's no need to worry anymore, with my healing there won't be any problem at the beginning of each World, Syl will be there to save me. I've said it many times before, but Syl is still helping me despite no longer being by my side.


Kanna was watching the scene. I was in my thoughts, when I realized, Tohru had stopped fighting, and just stood there doing nothing, while still stroking her head.

『That looks soft』

Kanna said as she continued to watch.

『Well, then』

He was now caressing Kanna.

『Until she finally let me....』

Tohru was now watching how I was caressing Kanna, even though it was seconds ago, she started to remember how I was caressing her even though she didn't want to.

『(Uhm....surely it won't compare when Kobayashi-san does the same)』(。・・・。)

『It's already 15 o'clock』-Kobayashi commented-。・・・・。.

『Ah, they agreed on Omuraice, right? M-san looks busy so I'll do it』-Tohru went towards the kitchen to take M-'s turn.

M in its Lucario Form kept caressing Kanna, Kanna's face was purifying, M's hand in this Form was soft and fluffy, but at the same time it could also deliver strong blows.

M could no longer hold back, and again hugged Kanna with all her might again.⊂((・▽・))⊃

『How could I leave, I can't leave being beautiful loli ♡^▽^♡ Besides I still didn't get her to fall in love with me, my Kanna-chan, as cute as ever ♡(��ωŐ人)』

『With that being what he meant about there still being goals he wants to accomplish...』( ̄ー ̄;-Kobayashi says as he looks at the scene-.




Opening the door to go to the rooftop I found that Kobayashi-san was bathing Tohru with the hose. Tohru was in her Dragon Form.

『Ahhhhwww, that feels good』 (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ

She was enjoying her rich bath the huge dragoness.

『Owwww, Unbelievable! First time I've seen a dragon like this, it's really huge and strong』 (★^O^★)

I was amazed to see a dragon like in fantasy stories in front of my eyes.

『....Wait.....( ̄^ ̄) If this is how you mostly bathe, then why did you decide to bathe in the bath that time?』

『It's because I thought Kobayashi-san was there and I wanted to accompany her, but instead I bumped into you, I really wanted to finish you that day』(─‿─).

『We had a bad first impression....(;^ω^)』

I approached Kobayashi to take a closer look.

『You're used to this』-I turned to Kobayashi.

『Yes, I'm in charge of bathing Tohru sometimes』.

"And you don't mind bathing such a huge monstrosity?

『Hey who do you call a monster?』-Tohru claimed me-〴⋋_⋌〵

『But are you a monster? Or am I wrong? 』( ̄个 ̄)

『Ah, yes, you're right (゜.゜)』

『Not at all, as long as I see Tohru happy I can do it as many times as I want』'・ᴗ・`-Kobayashi answers my question-.

The door to the rooftop was opened, someone had entered.

『Kobayashi-san, the phone is looking for you』.

It was Kanna who came to warn Kobayashi-san.

『Seriously? I'll be right there, could you finish bathing Tohru, I'd really appreciate it』.

She passed me the hose and went with Kanna to her apartment.

『Well, now I'll be the one to bathe you』('∀`).

『No thanks, but I'm already satisfied』.

『Eh?! Σ(・口・) No way! I can still see that you're dirty in several places! C'mon, let me clean you up』

『Don't worry, I can do it a different way』

『Different way?』

『Previously we dragons licked each other to clean ourselves, Kanna and I did it several times』.

『(Licking each other naked to get clean?)( ͡ຈ ͜ʖ ͡ຈ) I might be interested in that (@ ̄ρ ̄@)....No! You stay still like that, I'll finish bathing you』

『Not that I could return to my Human Form in front of you either....』(*'-`*)

『Eh, why?』

I didn't understand the why of those words, Tohru turned her head as if embarrassed.

I switched to my Lucario Form, and nimbly and with my speed in this Form, I hosed Tohru in its Dragon Form. I jumped back and forth as I doused her.

"Well? How do you feel』

『....You're not doing bad at all, I see you do have some power in that Form』.

『I must be careful not to get wet otherwise I'll return to my Human Form』-『(Although, this also serves as a training for me)』.

I was able to bathe her for a while, Kobayashi-san came back.

『Oh, awesome M-san, I'm back so you can leave the rest to me』.

I returned to my Human Form and handed him the hose, move to withdraw from the place.

『Well, I see it won't be long now, so I'll finish it』.

A few minutes passed.

『Kobayashi-san, she's wanted on the phone again.....』

I went back upstairs to let her know that she is again being called. Kobayashi-san was screwing the hose, Tohru was in her Human Form completely naked.

『Ah....jajajajaja....I can see why you didn't want to go back to your Human Form in front of me』〔'∇`〕

『M-san don't keep watching!』-Kobayashi quickly stepped in front of Tohru to cover her-.

『....(¤����¤) ( 〃..)....You're dead human! (-゚д゚-)』

Tohru detached her wings and was coming at me with everything.

『But why are you getting nervous if we've already seen both of us naked!』Σ(・口・)




Tohru just served a plate of food to M. The tension could be felt in the atmosphere for some reason.

『Here you go, bon appetit』.

I was in my Lucario Form, Tohru was normal, I turned to look at her to notice if there were other intentions, but no, I didn't catch anything. I had the food in front of me. I took the cutlery and cut the piece of meat....

『(Now I take a fry....digo the meat...and eat it!!!)』

The meat was being shredded and swallowed by my sharp teeth in this way, nervously but at the same time confidently, I kept cutting more and more of the meat with the cutlery, and ate them one at a time, piece by piece.

Kobayashi-san who was also watching attentively, her concern could be felt, a bead of sweat was running down her face...until it fell to the ground.....

I don't think I've ever been so serious about eating a meal before...I swallowed the water in the glass and continued eating.

『(Eat.....Eat.....Eat.....Eat.....don't be afraid)』

I tapped the glass on the table, telling him to finish eating the food. Still the meat juices were on the plate, gently touching the spoon and fork.

My eyes were closed, my mouth was trembling, Kobayashi-san was clenching his fists and kept looking at me, his nerves were showing more and more.




『*sigh* Fiuuu....haha....thanks for the comi----』

My heart started pounding so hard that my whole body reacted the same way.

I touched my chest and it was heaving, inhaled and exhaled heavily, my eyes were wide open because of what I'm going through. The strong beats went on and on. Until finally...


My body fell on top of the table, the plate and cutlery that were killing machines for this time. I...I...I...I was unresponsive.....


A backpack fell to the floor, making a different noise than M's agonies and struggle.


It was Kanna who had returned from school, the first thing she saw when she came home, was her friend M who was in agony and fallen on the table, Kanna walked slowly towards M's body, touched his head and.....

『Dead...M is ...dead....』

Despite still being a little girl, being a Dragon, she instinctively knows by instinct when someone is alive and dead. The little girl was dropping tears in front of her friend who was no longer with us.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
