
Chapter 96: 2x1

So how have things been going here between us? Well, I've managed to get along well with everyone, they are nice people in their own way, it's a peculiar family in every way, How do I get along with Kobayashi? Pos well ω・)و ̑̑༉⑩. How am I getting along with Kanna? Pos well ω・)و ̑̑༉⑩. How do I get along with Tohru? Pos normal (๑-́ω-̀).

We treat each other, or well, she addresses me as a living companion, you know, those acquaintance friendships, who know who they are and see each other everyday, but they don't even try to know more about each other, they just treat each other with respect and that's it. Kind of like.

『Hello』 -Person A-

『Good Morning』-Person B-.

『I'm retiring』-Person A-.

『Yes』-Person B-

( ̄ー ̄;Pretty cold and dry don't you think? We seem when your crush leaves you hanging, and the few times he talks to you are short and vague answers, and like a whole idiot you go on and on trying to get along, this is my case of course, except for crush, it's not that I don't like Tohru, I find her a nice girl, but she's not my taste, besides between us, wouldn't you like the end to have a good scissors with Kobayashi? ≖‿≖ Because I do, although I see it unlikely, I hope at least a kiss, the Yuri genre that has this anime is not to lie, right?

AH(゜ロ゜) Sure, now I'm here, uhmmm....I didn't think of that before, but with my actions I can change the course of the story. Although I don't know if that's a good or bad thing..... bah, let's just see what happens, I don't care if I manage to change something or if everything happens normally.(ー∀ー;) As long as I can be with Kanna, everything is fine.




I was once again on my way back to Kobayashi's apartment after returning from drawing.

As I was walking up the stairs, I could hear like a loud flapping sound. As I entered the house.

『I'm back』

I took off my slippers and went into the living room.


I checked every corner of the house, but I couldn't find anyone.

『There's no one, but weren't we all supposed to be free....』!!!』

One thing came to my mind, the flapping from before.

『1 of 2, Tohru or Kanna took their Dragon form and took Kobayashi-san with them, I don't know where but..... 』(・∧-)ゞ-Learned TV-『A magic show, I see, everything is fitting together』-◙‿◙『Tohru and Kanna are innocent in the human culture of this world, surely they were impressed by something in this show and went for a training with Kobayashi-san, Or it could also be that someone kidnapped them and one of them were taken to Tohru's World and where now all of us, will gather and join forces to stop the evils of that fantasy World! 』-(○`・Д ���)9-『Obviously it's the 1 *I snap my fingers*』(๑-̀ㅁ-́ฅ✧

After a lasting silence , the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the wind as it passed by me.

『It's no fun if there's no one here.....』-(-"-;A-『And besides me smoking in the second option...of course that can't happen *sigh* I hate the moments when I'm left abandoned, I must tell them about the secrets already so I can be with them and not keep anything』.

I decided to go out again so I can't get bored, every time I make these decisions, I can't help but repeat the same thing to myself over and over again.

『I have changed』

Although it wouldn't be bad to go back and start playing or watching the anime of this world, ( ̄ω ̄) Although now it's not that it doesn't call my attention to do just that right now either, but when I manage to return to my world, I'll catch up with the anime I left pending and their other seasons, which for sure there will be many. I have to keep my pride as a lover of my favorite hobby.

Oh, and I don't want to look like a lazy Kobayashi either, so the solution I'm looking for right now is...to wander somewhere else!

Days before I asked Tohru to tell me where Kuro-san is staying. And now here I am.

* Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock*

He knocked on the door of the apartment, where it opened.

『Yes, who is it?』

A guy with circular glasses ,casual home attire, and teeth sticking out as if he was a rabbit, and with a somewhat funny tone of voice. He was Kobayashi-san's co-worker, the human who let Kuro-san live with him. Takiya Makoto.

『Excuse me, is Kuro-san around?....digo Fafnir-san?』(^~^)

『Ah, you're a friend of Fafnir-dono, of course here it is, come on in』(^▽^).

I was already inside Makoto's cramped apartment. It had a lot of stuff, everything was decorated with waifu posters and games. Piles of papers, boxes, shelves full of manga and different consoles in her small living room which in turn was also the dining room.

I found myself looking all around while sitting on the couch.

『(It even has posters pasted on the ceiling)』〔'∇`〕

『Sorry for the limited space, we have only Tea, I'll bring it to you right now』.

『Ah, sure, thank you very much』-『(He's very hospitable and kind)』

『Fafnir-dono! We have visitors』⊙▽⊙

I turn to look to the side Makoto before going to the kitchen, turn my head to where he looked. Where Kuro-san was playing from a PC.

『(Eh, I didn't even notice)』(゜ロ゜)-I was surprised-.

Fafnir-san turned to look at me, after days of not seeing that expression he had I was glad.


『Here you go, huh.....what's your name?』

Makoto set the glass with the drink on the folding table she just set up.

『My name is M, Kobayashi M』

On the sofa, Fafnir and I were sitting. While Makoto was standing to the side.

『Nice to meet you M, I'm Takiya Makoto』-『So, do you know Kobayashi-san?』

『Yes I do and also to answer another question you have, I knew Kuro-san from the many visits I made to Kobayashi-san』's apartment.

『Oh, I see, lately Kobayashi-san's house has become very lively』-(^ω^)-『Are you not happy Fafnir-dono, that your friend came to visit you』.

『This is a reason for me to be glad?』-Fafnir was playing on the TV-.

『Hey Fafnir-dono, don't you think it's rude to play while we have visitors?』-Look at the screen-『Oh! you've improved Fafnir-dono』.

『No no no, not at all, it doesn't bother me at all, what's more, I was the one who taught him many games』(`・ω・')9-I made a comment-.

『Oh! I remembered, you're the boy Fafnir-dono rarely talked about, that's why it was friendly to see you』.

『Rarely? 』-I said confused.

Fafnir kept playing with that expression that was still on his face.

『He prefers not to say anything about what's going on in his life, and well, I respect that, although sometimes he doesn't avoid talking about you, although they are very vague in his words』.

『Eh, come on Kuro-san , don't be shy and tell more, I want to hear how you talk regarding me』。^‿^。.

『You'll be sorry for interrupting me, you little blue human phenetic in the games』.

『Eh?.....(so that's what it said about me....)』(;・∀・)-I also happened to watch TV-『Eh, looks fun』

『If you want you can also play』-『I felt like it too』.

After a while, Makoto hands me a controller and removes the folding table.

『I thought you only had 2 remotes』.

『You're always going to see one more so he wants to join』.

We started playing the 3 of us, it was fun, but I couldn't help but think of something.

"What if you sit with us? It must be annoying to play standing up』.

『But we would be crowded』

『It doesn't matter』

I got tighter to the end, and Mokoto could also sit on the couch.

『As I thought, it's tight』-Makoto made a comment.

『This is uncomfortable, you can't play well like this』-Fafnir made his discomfort felt.

『It may be tight, but take it in a good way, as a difficulty』.

Still uncomfortable because of the cramped space, we still kept playing the 3 of us while making comments regarding the game.

『What a nuisance』-Newly Fafni made his discomfort felt.

『I see, there is less mobility and the reaction is slower, a difficult difficulty can be noticed』. -(๑-̀ㅁ-́ฅ✧-『But I'm still going to prove that this doesn't stop me』-Makoto was having fun in this situation-.

『I won't give up either, come and get me!』┗(`・ω・')┛-I wouldn't be left behind-.

『Stop moving around! You're making the place much tighter!』-Fafnir was still complaining-.


When I finished playing I noticed it was already time for lunch, I went to the kitchen to see what was there, I guess I already took so much liberty seeing that we were getting along.

『Do you guys eat this every day?』

There was fast food bought frozen. My instincts wouldn't let me calm down after seeing this.

『I'll be right back, you must have a healthier diet, yes?』

Like lightning, I hurriedly ran away.

『That was fun, don't you think so Fafnir-dono』.

『Funny? It was awkward ,I couldn't play well, you guys were moving around while making silly comments while laughing, I couldn't enjoy the game』.

『Well that's what games are for, there are various ways of looking at games for everyone, some take them too seriously and competitive, others in a relaxed way, and lastly, people who are just looking to have a good time playing the game, that's how I see it, as long as I can have fun and if it's better with friends, that's enough for me and if there's fooling around involved, all the better』-『That's how M-san』

『You 2 are weird』-Fafnir replied-.

"I'm back!』

M had just returned from shopping.


It was already late.

『It was fun spending time with you guys』-I was addressing both of you.

『I had a good time too, it's been a long time since I had fun like that』- 『Thanks also for preparing lunch』.

『I'll be glad to bring you home-cooked food from time to time』-『See you later』.

I was jogging away after sitting for quite a while.

『You can come back to visit us anytime! We'll welcome you with open arms!』Makoto raised her voice while waving her hand.

『Then he's coming back』-Fafnir turned to Makoto-』.

『Let's hope he comes back』.

"Let's hope so, huh?

Fafnir went inside the apartment after saying those words.


When I arrived at the house, I found that there was a lot of broken and bent cutlery.

『But what!(◯Δ◯∥) Ah there was a massacre of spoons while I was gone』.

Everyone was in the living room, where Tohru had just bent another spoon.

『There it is! The spoon killer!』�(゚□゚*川

Kanna approached me , she had a spoon in her hand.

『Look M』

I saw how the little loli without any effort was able to bend the spoon with utmost ease.

『AHHH! You've become a killer too』-(∂△∂;)-『But what are they teaching Kanna!』

Kobayashi came to explain.

『Calm down M, all we do is this』.

She made me take a spoon in my hands and with Kobayashi-san's help, she directed my hand and made me bend the spoon too.

『It's just a magic trick that happened on TV』.

I quickly fell to my knees on the floor.

"Huh? Now what?』-Kobayashi didn't understand.

『Me too.....I just ate you spoonful!!!!!』∑(ΦдΦlll

『(Sometimes I have no idea how M.... might react)』(・・・;)




We met on another day. Whose day I was again left alone....HAYYYY! It's over, they're going to deal with me.

I'll use all my skills so I can be with them. I'm not going to be left behind. Luckily I know where they went today. So it wouldn't hurt to follow them.


In a room were Kanna and Saikawa.

Where at first they started playing Twister, the voice of the device told them where their second move should be, every time the game progressed it got more and more complicated, the poses each one took was...just from watching the reactions and how it ended at the end of the game Saikawa, all defeated by the sweltering heat and tenderness.

"I want to play video games』-Kanna turned to her friend.

"Video games? Sure sure, now I'm looking for one』.

Kanna sat on Saikawa's lap, all this was like a preparation for something good and rich, was what she could feel. I think by now it's not necessary who was watching all this.

Saikawa couldn't resist and hugged Kanna very tightly.

『Saikawa, you squeeze』


They were still having their talks , until he said it, the little girl Saikawa said it.

『I like you, I like you very much Kanna-san, I would like to continue to know you and marry you one day』.


Kanna knocked Saikawa to the ground, Saikawa could tell she was very flushed and nervous, while Kanna calm.


The lock on the door of the room, was heard as someone locked it. Both lolis turned to look out of curiosity.

『Eh?(・・) Do as I'm not here, keep going』 ≖‿≖.

It was M who was somehow inside in the room with them.


Saikawa was startled and walked away from Kanna quickly.

『Wait! You better not! You're not going to beat me lolita! I'll be the one to stay with Kanna』

"How did you get in here!』(-゚д゚-)

『That doesn't matter, rather, what did you call her with to tell her that, I see you're determined to stay with Kanna, HA, over my dead body, I didn't expect you to tell her that, you should never underestimate your rival, I get that phrase now』.

『M, that's good, now it'll be more fun』-Kanna stopped by to greet me-.

『Since when are you watching!』(-゚д゚-).

『Since the beginning, I didn't intervene before, as I wanted to keep watching ԅ(♡﹃♡ԅ) it was so rich to see a lolis doing that』.


『Who doesn't.....listen』


『Eh? Is it closed? Helpaaa!!!!!』

Someone knocked on the door, Tohru was the one talking from outside.

『Nooooo, nooo, AAAaaaaa』ΣΣ(゚Д゚;)

『Where were you going?』-It was Kobayashi's voice that I managed to hear-?

『Help meeeee!!!!!!Noooooo』

Little by little, Tohru's voice became lower and lower until it became nothing.

"That was Tohru?』-Kanna asked calmly.

『That doesn't matter, but I won't lag behind, since I can't let you get ahead of me』-He was determined-『Kanna-chan, if you're looking for something like Kobayashi-san and Tohru's relationship, I can give it to you! I like you Kanna! I love you Kanna! I love you Kanna!』

I said it clear in front of her. Saikawa had a red yet nervous look on her face.

『Ehhh? (I can't keep quiet, I have to say something)』-『You can't do that, Kanna is just a little girl, the law wouldn't allow a teenager like you to be with Kanna』.

『For love, there is no age』 -(`・ω・')9-『(I didn't think that one day I would say that sentence)』

『No no no no no, Kanna rushed at me, that means she wants me』.

『No no no no no, of course not my little loli, then let Kanna decide, well Kanna! Who do you prefer!』

"I choose the 2』

『Well, it was an answer that was a long time coming』. - (;^ω^)-『But once, I prefer me too』.

『Could you say it again?』 -Kanna turned to me.

"What's that?

"I love you』

『Okay, listen carefully Kanna-chan, I love you, I love you very much』.

Kanna clenched her fists after hearing me say it again.

『Now you Saikawa, tell me too』.

Blushing and nervous about the request Kanna just asked her, she says it anyway.

『I...I...I love you .....I love you Kanna-chan!』

Kanna clenched her fists again.

『Both of you make me feel good, with that there are people who love me, it makes me happy』.

『Kanna-chan....』-Saikawa delicately says her friend's name-.

I walk to where Kanna is and start stroking her head.

『Of course there are people who love you, and not only us 2, but also Kobayashi-san, Tohru, Lucoa and for sure also Kuro-san, I guess it's normal to wonder if the people around you like you, but relax, that shouldn't matter much to you, the answer is simple, if they love you they will be with you, no one would like to be away from the person they love very much, right?』

Kanna simply upon hearing those words raised her arm, which in turn I ducked my head.

Her small, soft hand began to caress my head.

『Now I understand, why I was going to see you those nights and why I looked for you to come and live with us, then it means. I love you M』-Kanna was saying as she kept stroking my head-.

『.(....Eh?(*'-`*) At what point did this change...I feel...)』-Saikawa was starting to feel sad-.

『Saikawa, you come too』-Kanna called out to her-』.

Confused , almost about to let out a few tears, Saikawa approaches Kanna, where she also starts stroking her head.

"I love you Saikawa』.

Saikawa's face became even redder and hotter.

『It feels good, doesn't it?』-She said a comment-『That someone close to you tells you that he loves you』.

『Yes』-Kanna replied-『If』-Kanna replied-『Yes』-『Yes』-Kanna said.

『Yes.....』-Saikawa more calmly also replied-.


It's been a few minutes since that confession of feelings.

『And why did you decide to caress our heads as well?』-My question was for Kanna-.

『Because I asked you once and you told me』.


『Hey M, why are you stroking my head so much?』

『Ah, because with that I am showing you all my affection』-(^ω^)-『A friend told me that the greatest affection you can give, a quick ,quality and affectionate way, is by stroking his head, I was kind of weird when she told me, but now I see that she may be right, with just a movement of your hand you are telling him that you love him very much』

---------------------------- END OF MEMORIES-------------------------------------

『Oh, I see, so what you were going to do to Saikawa if he hadn't shown up, was to caress his head』

"That's right』

『And my loli Saikawa was all nervous and red, saying things like "I'm not ready for this yet" Children nowadays do have even more developed minds』(^▽^).

『I wasn't nervous because I thought that!!!! I also wouldn't know that what I was going to be was stroking my head』(〃艸〃).

『Yes yes yes yes, deep down you're a pervert like me』(-∀-).

『There it is! He just confessed it』(-∀-).

『Damn it』(・・;)-『Well, still the best choice is me, I can't let my innocent Kanna-chan stay with a pervert in a little girl's body』

『Pervert?(-゚д゚-) How shameless, it's not like you're the best choice either』.

"What do you mean? Do you want to have a fight?

"Fight? No need, if we were to face each other I would win without hesitation, Saikawa Riko would win every time for Kanna-chan!』

『Of course! Why didn't I think of it before, why have to rival me with you, when I can make you love me too』@^▽^@.


『I am also attracted to you and like you very much since I saw you』.

『Don't say such things too easily!』"゚Д゚"

『After all, I love all the lolis, Kanna-chan, Riko-chan, I love them』


『I love you too M』-Kanna said calmly with a thumbs-up.

『I love you too Kanna-chan』(`-ω-'๑).

『He told me Riko....(〃艸〃)He told me Riko....he called me by my name...(。・・・。)He said he loves me(〃艸〃)』-Saikawa whispered with a red face-.

『Kanna-chan, Riko-chan』

『(He said it again) (ノ∇≦*)』-Saikawa was happy?

『I'll make the 2 of them fall in love with me』.

『That never, I love Kanna-chan, I would never notice someone else』(-゚д゚-).

『Then bad luck, because I will do my best to make you love only me』.

Saikawa at those words could not reply, he was extremely very strongly red in the face.

『How can you say that so easily.....』(。・・。・・。)

『Fall in love? I, I want to get to fall in love』-Kanna spoke-。・・・。.

『Oh, I see Kanna-chan is starting to grow up』-(^^ゞ-『Well, let's give it our all!』


Kanna and I took a leap at this new goal we each have.

『I won't lose!』-Saikawa is apparently going to stand firm in the face of this goal that M- set for herself.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
