
Chapter 86

In an instant, the warriors positioned themselves between the sharks and the wagons, which were arranged in a triangle so the scholars could cast their spells from their ceilings.

"These things use earth-energy to be able to move through sand, so they can basically swim on the ground. Stay alert and don't let them catch you distracted, as the best way to deal with them is to attack them when they are about to attack you." Walt explained it to the new warriors in the group. "If at any point you realize that the ground under your feet is trembling, that means that you have one of those things behind and that you should probably move before they bite your legs."

Just a minute later, five fins appeared a few tens of meters away and began to approach the group at high speed. When they were getting near, their tails popped out of the sand and a few stone projectiles suddenly began to fly toward the frontlines of the group.

Without hesitation, a few of the scholars shot their projectiles to intercept the attacks of the beast, but not a single one of them managed to touch the warriors. While this was happening, two of the sharks completely emerged from the sand and jumped directly onto a cultivator each.

As soon as they did this, Zack realized that they were not conventional sharks. Even though they had a head pretty similar to theirs and they had some of their body parts like their tails and fins, the whole body looked more like that of a reptile than what would be a shark as they had four limbs sprouting from their torsos.

The two sharks that attacked the cultivators began to bite on their limbs, trying to rip them off. Because they were focusing too much on their prey, the rest of the group moved around the battlefield to circle those beasts and attack them at once.

Seeing that they were in danger, the sharks left their prey to dive into the sand again, not without receiving a few wounds from the cultivators.

The two cultivators that suffered the assault tried to get into the wagons as soon as possible to get cover and get their wounds treated by the scholars. Even though the beasts' bites were powerful and full of strength, thanks to their body cultivation and the protection offered by their clothes, the cultivators managed to not lose any limbs, even if they were seriously injured. Thanks to this, they still had the hope that even though they would probably lose their capacity to fight using that limb again, they may be able to recover to some extent thanks to the medicines that they had on the wagons.

While Zack saw this, he did his best to maintain his awareness of his surroundings. He tried to feel where each beast was at each moment.

Suddenly, he felt how the floor near him began to shake slightly, just behind one of his companions, to be more precise.

When he realized what was happening, he quickly dashed toward the warrior, and he shouted at him to move away.

The man saw Zack running towards him and decided to do as he told him, stepping a few meters backward.

A second later, the head of one of the sharks sprouted through the ground, but instead of prey, he found Zack's sword waiting for him. As soon as he saw the beast, he aimed at its eye and swiftly stabbed it in one of its eyes.

The shark began to shake in pain while trying to get rid of Zack and his sword. This caused Zack to begin to fly through the air, but before losing his grasp on his sword, he sent a large amount of lightning-energy towards his weapon, which caused an electric shock to be created directly in the beast's head.

Even though the beast managed to separate Zack from his weapon by sending him flying into the air, making it impossible for all the energy to reach its body, he still got a very strong electric shock that stunned it for a few seconds, which was taken advantage of by the scholars that were on the wagons' ceilings by shooting multiple elemental projectiles at the now helpless target, killing it in the act.

As for Zack, after flying across a few meters, he landed on the floor, which, as it was sand, partially cushioned his fall, preventing any serious damage that he could have received.

Seeing that he was fine, he stood up with a jump and ran towards the corpse of the shark that they had just killed to retrieve his sword with a smile on his face.

'One out, four more to go.'

The first chapter of the week is here.

I hope you like it and that you have a nice day.

See you tomorrow for more.

EdwardPridecreators' thoughts