
Chapter 60

"What the hell is happening here?" Edwin froze in the same instant as he saw the scene before his eyes.

For some reason, Arthur's body was lying on the ground with a great wound on his chest while Cyrus had just traversed Gar's heart with his sword. Without thinking it twice, Raziel directed all her energy to her tattoos, and soon after they became covered in lightning before she jumped toward Cyrus.

Seeing Raziel's intention, Denise quickly created an air barrier between them with her remaining energy so she couldn't hurt Cyrus.

"Wait, Raziel. This is not what it looks like. Your father had become crazy and had gone out of control. He even killed Arthur. We had to do this before anyone else was hurt." Denise tried to explain herself.

At that moment, Raziel's lightning struck Denise's wind barrier, destroying it completely.

Seeing that the situation was about to get worse, Edwin couldn't help but speak.

"I don't want to undermine the situation, but I think that we have been tricked. The mist is getting more and more red as time passes, and I think it would be a problem if we stayed this high, so I suggest that we retreat to our world before more of us die in vain and we return with more people and with a better plan the next time. " Edwin said while making signs towards the stairs.

As if not listening to him, Raziel tried to attack Cyrus again, but Denise quickly threw at him the sword that he had lost a few minutes ago so he could defend himself.

With a few fast movements, Cyrus blocked Raziel's next attacks before dashing with his remaining energy toward the stairs. Seeing that he was trying to escape, Raziel decided to follow him, but at the last second, she heard a voice behind her.

"Ra... Raziel, come here." Her father's voice called her.

Seeing that she still had a chance to talk with her father, she decided to let the other go and kneeled by his side.

As a tear streamed down Raziel's cheek, she said: "Father, I will make them pay for what they have done to you."

"That's my girl. I always knew that you would become a great leader when I died." Her father said while a little smile appeared on his face.

By that time, Gar's appearance had partially returned to his original form: his horns and wings had turned into dust, and he had lost most of the size that he had gained, returning to his original size. The few things that still remained from his transformation were his third eye and a few scales that were still attached to his skin.

Suddenly, he placed his hand over his chest, and his tattoos began to little by little flow through his wounds towards his hand while mixing with his blood, which caused his face to pale immediately. With that, a dark red ball was formed on his hand.

"Take this; if you purify it and make the necessary preparations, you will get more power than you had ever imagined," Gar said as he placed the ball in his daughter's hand. "You are strong, smart, and capable, just like your mother. I'm sure that you will make good use of this gift and will not let it corrupt you. Take care of yourself, my child. "

With those words, Gar's heart stopped.

While this was happening, the other three cultivators began to retreat as fast as possible toward the tunnel that would return them to their world.

To make it faster, they decided to jump through a window, and each one, using their techniques, slowed their fall so they would hit the ground and get hurt.

As they did this, and thanks to the mist that had dispersed by a large amount, they were able to see the floor of the streets, which caused a shiver to run down his spine.

On the floor of the streets, tens of thousands of human bodies lay on the ground while bone-like vines grew directly from their remains. Seeing this, they decided that they didn't want to touch the ground, so they used a hole in the wall of the building to get inside again, and they continued running the rest of their way towards the portal.

In less than half an hour, they managed to reach the portal, but at the same time, as they were crossing it, they saw how six ghostlike giant eyeballs passed flying above them and going directly toward their world.

They began to run with all their strength, and when they managed to get back to their world, they saw the eyeballs leaving the area around the archway through the hole that the cavern had in the sky.

The eyeballs began to fly toward the new continent where the beacon of Axel's world rested, but before they were able to even reach the ocean, black clouds appeared above them, and lightning bolts began to fall on them.

Four of them exploded as a result of these attacks, generating a cloud of purple dust that began to disperse around the landmass. As this dust touched any creature, it made them mutate violently and made them begin to act aggressively against anything that came near them.

As for the other two eyeballs, they managed to dodge the cloud's bolts of lightning and reach the tree that Axel designated as a beacon, which had grown in size until reaching more than a hundred meters high. When the eyeballs touched the tree, they fused with it, and the tree lost half of its leaves instantly, as an enormous ball of energy left its body to return to the portal and leave Axel's world.

After all of this happened, the three cultivators that returned to Axel's world tried to explain what they had done to their companions who were waiting for their return when a voice was heard throughout the world.

"My children, a great danger is about to fall on these lands. To survive, the three tribes shall migrate as soon as possible towards a new continent that you will find if you cross the ocean towards the west. Retreat, regroup and become stronger, so one day you will be able to reclaim these lands that are going to become hell itself. "

After hearing those words, everyone panicked and began to work to start their travels as soon as possible, but when the portal between worlds was about to close, a new figure appeared through it.

"Guburg Village, stop yourself immediately. We are not leaving anywhere. We will stay here and become the kings of this land. We will show the other two tribes that we are not as weak as they are and that if they attack our village, the consequences will be severe. " Raziel shouted as the new tattoos that covered most of her body began to shine with black light.

At the appearance of their last leader's daughter, the Guburg cultivators replied by raising their weapons into the air and doing a war cry.

The second chapter is here.

I hope you like it and that you have had a nice day.

See you tomorrow.

EdwardPridecreators' thoughts