
Chapter 122: The Dungeon Part 3

After killing ten or so Gillian and many other hollows and ghost monsters, Seiya and co were on their way to take care of the final boss, who seemed to be resting on some kind of open castle a kilometer away.

Thankfully, Seiya didn't encounter any such enemy that possessed intelligence or strength similar to hollows from the anime Bleach.

In anime, hollows were strong enough to take at least a captain-level fighters to deal with, yet a mere mortal like Seiya was enough to deal with Gillian like no big deal.

"Is this the reality that exists in our other timeline?" Kisuke asked as he walked beside Seiya.

"Why are you suddenly so curious about your previous timeline?" Seiya smirked and asked.

Seiya already expected Kisuke to ask this question since this dungeon was the actual underworld in Kisuke's timeline.

While they were talking, Seiya and his party soon entered the plane's surface, unlike the deserted field.

"Well, you know, my curiosity just kicked in." Kisuke smiled before he sighed, "I just want to hear if we are fighting the real deal."

"Nope. This dungeon is just a fantasy aspect of the real deal. Mortals like Isuzu and me won't even survive the real underworld, let alone fighting monsters like this."

Even expert Shinigami would have a hard time dealing with these gigantic monsters in their home realm in Bleach.

"I see." Kisuke nodded.

Seiya had guessed that Kisuke was probably curious about his previous world or the world he should originally belong to, but there was nothing Seiya could do. The man had already lost his family in this world, so Kisuke seeking a place where he belongs was his human behavior.

Seiya was about to say something when Yoruichi warned them.

"Guys, we have a visitor here!"

Seiya turned around and found a man- no, a skeleton standing in a dark robe in front of them. The skeleton also had a gold crown on its head, making it look like an undead king.

Seiya was in awe because the final boss looked exactly like Braggan, the god-king of Hueco Mundo.

[Undead King (Dungeon King) C

Strength: Time Dilation Field. Age Acceleration

Weakness: Instinct Battle Intellect. Vulnerable to own attacks. Core in centralized.]

'So he not Braggan. He seemed kind of weak and had a lot of weaknesses. He is just nerfed version of Arrancar.' Seiya thought as he examined the skeleton king.

The enemy was way weaker than the actual thing in the Bleach anime. Seiya was fortunate enough that the skeleton king didn't possess his Zanpakutō, 'Breath of Death,' or he would have been in great trouble.

"Guys, be aware of his attacks. He is capable of two spells called Time Dilation Field and Age Acceleration. The first one slows down the enemy while the latter accelerates the age of whatever he touches. Avoid the attack at all cost!"

Seiya warned everyone around him. Seiya also took out a katana and tossed it towards Yoruichi, who has been using martial arts till now.

"Tch! Just when I thought I could use some punches and break some skeleton!" Yoruichi clicked her tongue and caught the katana.

"Any plans, Seiya-kun?" Kisuke asked as he drew his sword embedded with magic scriptures.

"Draw his attention while I aim for his core! There is the only way to end him!" Seiya said as he opened his Mystic Eyes.

Even as a dead king, there was still an orb in his center, meaning that the skeleton king had a heart that operated on him.


Suddenly, the Undead King released a horrifying scream as the air around him started to get distorted.

"Watch out! He is using Time Dilation Field!" Seiya warned and immediately used Flash Steps to take a certain distance.

Yoruichi lifted Isuzu and also leaped 7 meters away from the Undead King.

Seiya felt his speed slowing down since he was still in the area of effect, but he could still move and run like a normal person.

Everyone made a timely decision and stepped back, or else they would have been trapped with the Undead King.

"Kisuke, what are you doing?!" Seiya asked the candy shop owner.

Kisuke didn't move an inch. Instead, he began to cast some kind of spell.

"Seiya-kun, I will hold him down while you aim for his weak point! Please hurry up. I won't have much time." Kisuke smiled and then called the name of his spell, "Sealing Chain!"

Dark chains emerged from the ground, tying the skeleton monster in his position with Kisuke's call.

"Come on, boy! Get yourself together! Time is of the essence here!" Yoruichi called Seiya, who was a little lost.

"Right!" Seiya nodded.

Seiya couldn't let Kisuke's efforts in vain. He positioned himself for better aim and lifted his weapon, Failnaught.

'Here goes nothing.' With one final resolve, with his mystic eyes open, he pulled all the bow's strings and poured every ounce of his magical energy into it. A pale sky-colored arrow formed on his bow.

"Kisuke! Get away from him!" Yelling this, Seiya couldn't hold the attack anymore and released the arrow.

Kisuke nodded and used some kind of spell, transporting himself two meters away from Death King.

The magical arrow flew like a bullet and penetrated the Undead King, making a huge hole in him.


With silence replacing the chaotic field, the undead king slowly disappeared in thin air, leaving broken shards of his bowling ball-shaped magic core.

"Did we just win…?" Isuzu's muttered.

"Yeah…" Yoruichi replied.

It was then Seiya saw some notifications in front of him.

[You have gained 5500 system points for defeating the Ranked C monster.]

[For defeating the boss of your first dungeon, you have been granted with 3x 3 Star Level Up Card.]

Seiya was astonished to receive such a handsome reward. I mean, he could level up his skills up to three levels. For example, Seiya could easily upgrade the skill rank from A to SSS.

For now, he stored the level cards in his Inventory and walked toward Kisuke, who was still resting on the floor.

"You alive, old man?"

"Y-yeah… it has been long since someone sucked my energy…."

"Besides your wife?"

"Besides my wife."

Seiya chuckled and gave Kisuke a hand, pulling Kisuke up.

"So that's it?"

"Yeah… On top of that, this dungeon is fake to the real deal." Seiya replied as he could see another energy leading to somewhere else.


Seiya, Isuzu, Kisuke, and Yoruichi were now in a room with materials gathered in the center.

In addition to Magic Essence, they got Undead King's scythe and a new item, in skull shape, called Izanami's Gate Key.

[Izanagi's Gate Key (C)

Type: Key Item

A key to the gate of underworld deity Izanami's realm.]

It was the dungeon core, and after retracting it, the dungeon disappeared. Kisuke paid Kirei Kotomine, who left silently after his work was done.

"So our next challenge will be the real underworld of Japan Mythology…." Seiya muttered as he examined the skull-shaped dungeon key.

The dungeon's location was similar to the previous one, where Seiya just had to use this key for the next exploration.

"Yeah…" Kisuke said and then looked at Seiya, "Seiya-kun, I am truly sorry for inviting Kirei Kotomine without your consent."

"Well, everything has a first time, so it's okay now." Seiya smiled.

Although inviting Kirei could invite to a big blunder, Seiya wasn't going to dwell and distort his relationship with Kisuke. The man had helped Seiya greatly, so Seiya didn't want to lose a great magician on his back.

"But what was the event you talked about, Kirei Kotomine?" Seiya asked, remembering Kisuke's words about keeping an eye on Kirei.

"Since Seiya-kun knows about alternate timelines, I will say this just once." Kisuke said and then grinned, "The holy grail war."

"No…" Seiya frowned and shook his head. "Please tell me that sh*t didn't happen."

"It did and didn't."

"What do you mean?"

"In simple terms, only a handful of the people remember that event. Do you remember the purple head girl, Sakura Tohsaka? Her parents were also involved in the event, along with Kirei Kotomine, but there was no evidence or proof of the ritual. Besides, the main family, Einzbern, has already perished from Japan many decades ago."

Seiya winded his eyes and asked, "Wait, they existed? What happened then?"

If Einzbern existed, so was the Holy Grail. It was one simple conclusion.

"You could ask your cat sensei slash lover over there." Kisuke said pointing at Yoruichi.

Seiya looked at Yoruichi for the answer.

"Well, it was the time of my killing spree. I was fed up with people sacrificing human beings for magic, so I took the role of hero and erased mage families who were involved in such arts." Yoruichi replied in a masculine voice. She was in her cat form, resting on Seiya's lap.

"Now that I think about it, Amaburi also had to take permission from a Youkai to erect the theme park in Japan. I guess it was Shihōin-san." Isuzu added.

"Yup, it was me. Look, I was in a frenzy zone, and these mage families were an eye sore that reminded me of my family." Yoruichi cleared her part.

Seiya chuckled while stroking Yoruichi's back. "I am learning new things about my Choco sensei."

"Meow~! Purr…" Yoruichi also smiled and snuggled deep into Seiya's lap.

Isuzu rolled her eyes and sighed. She was relieved since she didn't have to face Seiya's beast for hours but also annoyed since her time with her partner would shorten. She didn't know how many girls Seiya would take in the future.

"Anyway, Seiya-kun. How about we make an organization to deal with the drops in the foreign market." Kisuke dropped the suggestion.

"You mean like a guild or sect?"

"Yup. The credibility of these treasures will increase if the buyer knows that he would be buying from an actual party rather than a shady merchant. We can't represent a family since neither of us belongs to a mage family. So we can make a guild like Korea or a sect like China…. Well, let's not talk about sect here."

"I agree." Seiya, Isuzu, and Yoruichi replied in a union. Seiya remembered that Kisuke and Yoruichi both once went to China to study about cultivation and… let's just say their experience there wasn't memorable when some young master got on their tails. Just thinking about those cultivation clan make them nauseous.

"Then what should be the name of this new guild? By the way, I would like to enroll my name so that I can fight monsters and get stronger." Isuzu added. Yeah, Seiya had expected it.

"And who should be the leader?" Kisuke muttered, but then both Seiya and Kisuke turned towards Yoruichi.

"What? Oi, that's not funny! I won't become the scapegoat!" Yoruichi panicked, turning into her human form on Seiya's lap. She also wore her clothes for a second before appearing in front of the group.

"Yoruichi-san, we both know I have to put my brains into research and take safety measures about these new dungeons," Kisuke said.

"And I have my school and company to invest my time." Seiya also put his reason.

"That's not fair…!" Yoruichi explained, upset by the decision.

Seiya exhaled with a smile and hugged Yoruichi from behind.

"Look, I know it will be hard for a lazy bum like you, but we are all here to help. We are not leaving everything for you to manage." Seiya smiled as he put his chin on Yoruichi's shoulders.

"Is that a praise?" Yoruichi asked with her cheeks turning rosy.

"Well, if you don't want, then I can take this role." Seiya said and then sighed, "Ah, for my Choco cat wife, this super handsome future husband has no choice but to sacrifice his time for her."

Yoruichi rolled her eyes and finally gave up, "Arg! Okay, I get it. Now stop making that face!"

"Hehe, don't worry, Yoruichi. This will greatly help you become a good mother for our future children." Seiya chuckled and kissed Yoruichi's cheek.

"S-stop it…!" Yoruichi blushed hard, embarrassed by receiving such a cute peck on her cheek in front of Kisuke and Isuzu.

"There we go. Another bug being strangled in spider's web." Isuzu rolled her eyes, not surprised by Seiya's skills of scoring affection points with girls. After all, she fell for Seiya in the same way.

Kisuke, on the other hand, was in awe. He once slapped Yoruichi's butt, but the cat almost castrated him, and now here he was, watching the same beast acting like a maiden in love, totally helpless against a 16 years old boy.

"By the way, what should we name our guild?" Isuzu asked.

"If I have to say, I will name it, The Shihōin Guild. After all, Yoruichi will be the one leading it." Seiya said as he rubbed Yoruichi's belly.

"R-really…?!" Yoruichi was taken back. Although she hated her clan for using her in sacrificing rituals, she still loved her mother and sisters. That was why she still hadn't given up on her family name.

Kisuke and Isuzu also nodded to Seiya's suggestion.

"Yup, this Shihōin guild will be like your family where we will fight for each other rather," Seiya said and smiled.

Yoruichi smiled and then turned into her cat form, snuggling deep into Seiya's lap.


It was nighttime when Isuzu and Seiya were on their way home.

"Kanie-kun, I have to ask something. Is it really true that you know us from other timelines?" Isuzu asked. Her monotone aside, she looked a little nervous, as Seiya could see from her eyelids shaking.

Seiya sighed with a smile. When the word came out, he knew that he had to answer Isuzu about this story where Seiya was aware of alternate timelines. After all, he couldn't just blurt out that Isuzu, along with the rest of Amaburi, is nothing but mere anime characters in Seiya's original world.

"Yes. Even I was supposed to be from some other timeline." Seiya said and smiled, "And you were in that timeline where you forced a date to me alone. It was the beginning of our story."

Isuzu winded her eyes before a warm smile formed on her lips. So unlike anyone she knew, Isuzu Sento was originally Seiya Kanie's girl. That was enough for Isuzu to be someone special.

"Want a kiss?" Seiya smiled as he stopped his steps.

"Um." Isuzu softly nodded. They looked into each other's eyes before their lips met.


I am making a new fanfic called 'How not to level up in Dragon Ball world.'

Have been DBZ simp for quite some time so I had to make one. It also has gamer perks so give it a try.
