
Big-Ole' Four-Arms

Khan the Cannibal.

Traius Saitus.


Aru Traya.

Akarz Nam.

Uoka Baxasus.

Yulalx the Temptress.

Summoner Lakaz.


Likma Zllab.

Ninz Siks.

Ceae Hue Nax Twozdayx.


The list goes on and on, all of the names belonging to high-level leaders of Mehrunes Dagon's legions. Michael tore through them all, turning their fortresses to rubble, annihilating their soldiers, and tearing the Generals themselves apart. None of them was able to stand against him.

Some put up a fight of course, as Michael's name continued to grow in notoriety, the Daedra made preparations again him, but all of it was for nought. The more he killed, the more powerful he got, and now that GhostShip was Rank 3, his ghostly sailors and cannons were ridiculously powerful.

Michael hadn't actually slept in days, maybe even weeks as he continued his onslaught. There wasn't any time between each conquest, as once he'd destroyed one, he'd immediately moved on to the next like a man possessed.

He wouldn't have noticed his increasingly wild behaviour had he not been spending as much time in his Spirits worlds as possible. In the Deadlands, all of his time was spent fighting, so the respite provided by the worlds was like an oasis in a desert... Or indeed, an oasis in the Deadlands.

The time away from the slaughter and bloodshed allowed him to centre himself, separate himself from the adrenaline-fueled ripping and tearing and make sure he was mentally sound, unaffected by whatever influence the Deadlands were trying to exert upon him.

Things were going well for a man trapped in hell, the only real disappointment, aside from not being able to see Tiffania and the others, was the lack of interesting loot... Sure, there was a shit load of Daedric weaponry and armour, but that was like lukewarm water to him nowadays, especially after he'd gained access to Aetherium... Which he hadn't yet made full of since all of the production was centred on constructing his spire.

He imagined that Hermaeus Mora's realm would be a lot more interesting to explore, all the potential knowledge... As opposed to Mehrunes Dagon's never-ending volcanic islands and ocean of magma.

Michael shakes his head, deciding to check on how his status was doing now that he had a temporary moment of solace.


Name : Michael Tahlin

Rank : Legend

Stats :

Strength : 100.2 > 125

Agility : 257 > 300.69

Intelligence : 142.7 > 196.69

Birthsign : The Mage

Bloodline : Human/Winter Wyvern Hybrid

Familiar : Darth, Dark Monolith Parasite

Abilities :

[Dead God...?] : Allows user to Respawn when killed. Grants more powers and abilities the more deaths the user experiences.

[The Mage] : Enables user to learn all magic-based skills 20% faster.

[Gandalfr] : Enables user to utilise any weapon at two ranks above their current proficiency while granting them the knowledge necessary to use them. While wielding a weapon, temporarily gain +100% in all stats.

[Vanntalfdir] : Enables user to walk on liquids as if they were solid surfaces, can be activated at will but continuously drains mana to function.

[Gift-Blood of Auroth] : The Life-Blood of Auroth the Winter Wyvern inhabits the user granting them the abilities she possessed. Massively increased Ice Affinity, increased Strength and Durability, improved Eye-sight, Ice Breath Attack, and the Will of Auroth.

[Language Comprehension] : Enables user to understand all spoken tongues, and increase the rate of which they learn reading and writing.

[Adept Mana Manipulation] : Allows user more control over his magic, spells, and some abilities. Mana efficiency and control of power is increased.

[Pain Tolerence] : Allows user to endure great amounts of pain with little to no negative effects as a result.

[Adept basic Swordsmanship(Two handed swords/One handed swords)] > [Expert basic Swordsmanship(Two handed swords/One handed swords)] : Determines how skilful the user is when handling swords.

[Adept basic Dagger techniques(Single edge, curved, straight, double edge.)] : Determines how skilful the user is when handling daggers.

[Desensitized] : Things of a violent or shocking nature fail to draw a reaction like they used to. Emotions are dulled somewhat and user is more easily able to think and rationalize in high stress situations.

Affinities :

[Lesser Death Affinity], [Water Affinity], [Fire Affinity], [Lesser Space Affinity], [Lesser Darkness Affinity], [Supreme Ice Affinity]

Spirits :

Commoner Tier :

Shadow Shaman : Lvl MAX

Slark : Lvl MAX

Riki : Lvl MAX

Hero Tier :

Anti-Mage : Lvl MAX

Lina : Lvl MAX

Winter Wyvern : Lvl MAX

Legend Tier :

Rubick : Lvl MAX

Silencer : Lvl MAX

Kunkka : Lvl 7 > 17

Magic :



Spirit : Kunkka

Level : 7 > 17

Abilities :

Admiral Qualities (Rank 4) : Gives the user inherent charisma when speaking to groups of people. Grants people under user's command a bonus to their damage, attack speed, and movement speed.

Torrent (Rank 4) : Summons a large torrent of water to shoot from the ground, lifting and stunning enemies caught in it.

TideBringer (Rank 4) : Enchants user's sword with Tidebringer's essence of the sea, making their next strike also hit nearby enemies.

X Marks The Spot (Rank 2) : User marks a target with an X, causing them to return to the same location after a few seconds, no matter what.

GhostShip (Rank 3) : Summons Kunkka's ghost ship, massively boosting the vitality of allies on it. Any collisions are dealt massive damage. Requires constant mana to maintain.


Needless to say, his time had been well spent... Though, he had the sneaking suspicion that Mehrunes Dagon was losing his patience... Clearly, whatever he was planning wasn't working, so it was only a matter of time before the big prick decided to change his tactics.

The magma his Ghost Ship sailed across became hotter, more tumultuous and vigorous the more of Dagon's slaves Michael slaughtered as if the land was mirroring its lord's growing ranger.

Indeed, the Daedra Michael hunted now fled at the sight of him more often than not, making him feel like some bloodthirsty pirate... They were supposed to be the demons! Not him!... Wasn't being evil in hell a good thing anyway though? The only people he could harm were those who deserved it so, in the end, he was benefitting those on the side of good... Or something like that.


Apparently though, he wouldn't have to wait too long for his confrontation, as Mehrunes Dagon's giant red ass randomly appears in front of his Ghost Ship, almost causing it to roll over in the magma from a large amount of displaced liquid stone.

"You big four-armed cunt!" Michael shouts at the God's back as Dagon slowly turns to face him, "You trying to give my ship a brown tip or something!? And who just walks around with a big ass loincloth!? Newsflash! A regular-sized person will constantly be flashed by a hundred feet tall basically naked giant!"


Michael sniffs at the God, pretty confident now that he knew he'd respawn no matter what. "You're like a desperate girlfriend! My answer won't change if you keep asking!"

"THEN DIE!" Dagon roars and he throws a huge red fist down at Michael. It hits before Michael's able to do anything, snapping the Ghost Ship in half and throwing him from the deck as it dissipates into particles, the spell unable to maintain itself after taking so much damage.

Michael flips through the air and lands on his feet, his Vanntalfdir runes allowing him to easily recover his balance atop the molten stone. He draws his sword and readies himself to fight Dagon, despite how stupid that sounds now that he thinks about it.

Indeed, the closer the red-skinned four-armed giant gets to him, the more stupid his decision to fight the being seemed...

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

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Faruk Ereng

Niggrosscreators' thoughts