
Dealing With Devils

"Is this the right place?" Michael asks, glancing around the place to make sure nothing was sneaking up on them.

"Seems so, I can sense Shalidor's trinket... It seems that we've arrived some distance from it however. I suspect we'll have to fight our way through this realm."

"What realm is this anyway? And does anything rule it that we have to look out for?"

The Arch-Mage rolls his staff around in his hand, "There are tens of thousands of planes in Oblivion, most are ruled by a Daedric Prince, but some are so far out of their spheres of influence that they escape their notice. Take this one for example, the closest to it would be..." he pauses while taking the time to cast a spell, "The Myriad Realms of Revelry ruled by the Prince of Debauchery, I'll not state his name due to the obvious, and I'd advise you to do the same... Anyway, this plane had been almost entirely ignored, and so these inhabitants have staked their claim." he says, gesturing towards the creatures and structures off in the distance.

"So we don't have to worry about getting mind-fucked or disintegrated or something? Good..." Michael says with a sigh of relief.

Savos casually shrugs his shoulders, "I wouldn't be at ease yet, Apprentice. Just because the Prince's may not bother us does not mean that there are no threats at all. This is still Oblivion, a place of chaos where power determines everything. Stay on guard."

Michael nods, "Will do... Any idea on where we're going though?"

"Yes, our quarry is... Over there." Savos says while pointing at a floating island over in the distance which had an almost church-like structure built atop it, only with a more demonic look.

"Uh huh... And how do we get there? Can you fly?" he asks.

The Arch-Mage shakes his head, "No, but there are usually alternatives. As Oblivion is so chaotic, some magics are easier to utilise than others. Magic as a whole lost a lot after the Oblivion crisis, but those willing to scrape through the ashes can recover some things." he says, grabbing Michael's hand before they both fade from existence, reappearing on a floating island that was between their destination.

Unfortunately, the duo wasn't alone...


A winged Daedra screeches, alerting all nearby creatures before it darts towards the duo, claws ready to tear them apart... Only for a wave of fire to incinerate, courtesy of the Arch-Mage. Its smoking corpse drops to the ground next to some more charging quadrupeds that looked like what'd happen if a lion bred with a komodo dragon.

"Let's not dally Apprentice! Remove these creatures so we can continue!" Savos says while incinerating another group of Daedra.

Michael didn't need to be told twice, pointing a finger at the center of them all and casting "Winter's Curse!"

The creature is frozen solid as its allies skid to a halt, all of them turning to face their frozen comrade with a brutal gleam in their eyes. Not another moment later they all sprinted towards it, biting, clawing, and crushing the frozen creature in a berserk frenzy.

The curse was VEEERY effective against large weak groups of enemies, with them all grouped up like that, it was to easy for Michael to cast a couple Dragon Slave spells to finish them all off.

"Impressive. You've learned a lot since last you showed me."

Michael shrugs, "I can show you some spells later, we've still got a job to do, remember?"

Savos nods, "We'll be at our destination after this, so be prepared for whatever we may face." he says, grabbing Michael and teleporting another time, the two of them appearing outside of the doorless entrance to the 'church' building.

The Arch-Mage is the first to step inside, Michael follows closely behind but pauses when he gets a glimpse at the interior decoration of the place... It looked like a traditional warm home, with clean wooden floors, nice furniture, a well-outfitted kitchen, etc...

"Xalracious! Show your face and return what is rightfully mine!" Savos exclaims while his staff crackles with red hot flames.


"No! Go away!" the hoarse voice of a Dremora shouts from the second floor, sounding eerily similar to a house-bound otaku.


"Savos, if this Dremora comes down with a body pillow and a neckbeard I'm going to throw myself off of this island." Michael says, not willing to accept that such a pathetic-looking demon exists.

"I don't know what either of those are... Xalracious! Come down now before I turn your home to rubble!"


*Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap*

A Dremora walks down the stairs with a daeric dagger in hand, he was 6.5ft with horns and the typical black and red skin. He lacked the usual daedric armour however, instead, being dressed in a leather shirt and hide trousers, clearly displaying his muscular body.

"You, Savos Aren. Why should I return what I stole when you continue to steal from ME!?"

"Stealing?" Michael questions, confused by the Dremora's words.

Savos gives a casual shrug of his shoulders, "This is one of the Dremora that I like to borrow the furniture of. I thought we had a deal, Xalracious, but it seems I was mistaken."


"A deals a deal. Now, return to me Shalidor's Trinke, or else."

The Dremora bares the dagger with a growl, "I refuse! It's mine noooww-ack!" the demon is cut off as Savos slams his staff into the Dremora's head, breaking one of his horns as he topples to the ground. He then rifles through the dremora's pockets, quickly finding Shalidor's Trinket... He wasn't finished yet however.

"Since you broke our deal, I don't see a reason not to seek compensation." the Arch-Mage casually remarks as he grabs an ornately decorated wooden chair and begins walking towards the exit. "Ah, Apprentice! Grab that table as well, it would look nice in my quarters."


Michael follows the Arch-Mage out after knocking the Dremora into unconsciousness via a kick to the face. "So, is that all? I honestly expected more..."

Savos nods, "I did too, Apprentice. I anticipated us having to fight an entire clan of Dremora. It seems Xalracious was left to housekeep though. Nonetheless, I retrieved what I came for, let's return." he says, summoning a portal back to Skyrim.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

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Faruk Ereng

Niggrosscreators' thoughts