
Detective Perros and Nazo, the location of Nazo's sister

Nazo finished talking. While they were still sitting in the alley. Perros and Nazo were working on a plan to save Nazo's younger sister, Cyra.

"So let's assume they're holding her somewhere here in this city..." Nazo said thoughtfully.

"Do you have any more specific information, because that's not enough." Perros replied.

Nazo started to think.

"If I remember correctly, they had a golden chalice in a golden circle on their backs..." Nazo said.

"See, it wasn't that hard to think of something..." Perros laughed.

"Now, we just need to find someone with a golden chalice on their back. And eventually we'll find even her." He added.

"I don't think it's going to be that simple..." Nazo doubted.

"Don't worry... here is the plan..." Perros said.

"See how many lawmen are here, we can't just walk around here." He began to explain his plan.

"What do you suggest then?" Nazo asked.

"We'll just take some lawmen clothes and infiltrate their station." Perros said determined.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!?" Nazo shouted.

They both looked around to see if anyone had heard them.

"No, I'm serious... we will just knock them out and take their clothes. That's all." Perros put on a leader's face.

"Sigh... why am I even hanging out with you..." Nazo whispered.

"Then when we infiltrate their station, we get information about the men with the golden chalice on their backs. And we'll find them, which means we'll find even your sister." Perros continued.

"Actually, that's not such a bad idea." Nazo thought to himself.

"Okay, go on." He added.

"And when we get to the lair of the "chalice men". We'll find your sister, rescue her and escape." Perros added.

"Hmm... and what are we going to do when they see through our disguise?" Nazo asked.

"Run and shoot." Perros immediately said.

"But... I don't have a gun..." Nazo sounded annoyed.

"Then you are left with only one option... run." Perros said seriously.

"Sigh... I'm so doomed." Nazo looked depresed.

After a little while later they waited for at least one lawman to pass by that alley.

"Here's one." Perros whispered.

When the lawman approached the alley, they dragged him off the main road into the alley and knocked him out.

"So this is yours, Nazo." Perros said.

"I'll take things from the next one." He added.

So the second lawman was robbed just like the first one. When they had their clothing, they dressed up and went into the main road.

"Delgado, stay here. When I whistle, come quick as lightning, okay?" Perros said.

"Let's go, Nazo." He added.

They casually walked into the main street like nothing happened. Some lawmen passed by.

"Play it with me." Perros whispered.

"Oh, we're having such nice weather today." Perros said loudly.

"Um... yeah... yeah... very nice weather." Nazo hesitated.

As they passed them, Nazo looked at Perros.

"Do you really think this what the lawmen talk about?" Nazo said sarcasticly.

"Better than nothing. Now, let's find their station." Perros said and sped up.

It didn't take long to find it. The station was located roughly in the center of Bucle.

"That's the station, we just need to get in and gather some information." Perros looked at the station.

"We don't have to fight." He added.

Nazo looked anoyed at Perros.

"Alright, let's go." Perros said and went ahead.

Nazo took a deep breath and followed him.

When they walked in, it was clear that they were both nervous.

Perros indicated to Nazo that he would go to the main room. Nazo went to listen to the other lawmen to see if he can overhear something.

Perros went to search the main room. He looked through papers, pictures, but he found nothing.

Nazo went to listen to other lawmen. He heard many interesting things, but none of them was what Nazo was looking for, at least for one conversation that He found interesting.

"Have you heard about those gang members in this town?" Lawman #1 asked.

"No... what about them?" Lawman #2 replied.

"From what I have heard, they are supposed to make some kind of deal here." Lawman #1 said uncertainly.

"What gang are we talking about? There are several of them in this town." Lawman #2 asked.

"Something with chalices and circles or something..." Lawman #1 said.

"Do we know where their lair is?" Lawman #2 asked thoughtfully.

"Some say it's near the church next to our station, but who knows..." Lawman #1 said.

"It's ironic that we have a gang lair almost under our noses." Lawman 2 laughed.

"Just what I needed..." Nazo thought to himself.

After a while, they met outside.

"I have nothing..." Perros said sadly.

"Well prepare your detective cells... I've got something." Nazo boasted.

"Good job, tell me what you've got." Perros said.

When Nazo told Perros what he heard from the other lawmen. Perros beamed.

"So it's this close!?" Perros laughed.

"Yes. It should be." Nazo said unsurely.

They looked around the church a few times, disguised as lawmen they searched every building in the area, but found nothing. When they came to the last building they didn't search. It had a chalice symbol on the door.

"This must be it!" Perros said in amazement.

"Let's go inside..." Nazo said and prepared to kick the door opened.

"1...2...3." He added and burst into the building.

"THIS IS THE GOVERNMENT, GET DOWN, YOU BASTARDS!" Nazo shouted and aimed his gun at them.

Everyone looked terrified. They were making somekind of products...

"What are you doing here?" Perros asked while aiming his gun too.

Perros looked at them. The people inside were holding pots and dirt. Nazo and Perros put down their guns.

"No, really... what are you doing?" Perros asked again.

"This is a ceramics club, sir..." One of them said, frightened.

There was an awkward silence. Perros and Nazo looked at each other and then back at the members of the ceramics club.

"Sorry..." They said and slowly walked away.

"Well, that was... unexpected." Perros said.

"Which idiot thought using a symbol already used by a local gang was a good idea..." Nazo was annoyed.

They stood outside the ceramics club, looked at each other and sighed.

Then a man with a golden chalice in a circle on his back came out of the building in front of them.

"ARE YOU KIDING ME, IT'S RIGHT THERE!?" Perros and Nazo shouted.

The man was certainly a member of the gang they were looking for.

"ALRIGHT, now all we need to do is get inside and rescue your sister." Perros said cheerfully.

"Don't you think we could at least change, they won't open the door to lawmen." Nazo suggested.

"Good idead..." Perros replied.

When they had changed, they returned and were ready to storm their temporary lair.
