
Cyra rescued, Nazo the new member

When they had changed, they returned and were ready to storm their temporary lair.

They slowly made their way towards the gang's lair. When they stood at the door of the lair, Perros was prepared to kick the door open, but Nazo stopped him.

"Wait, Perros..." Nazo looked into the window next to the door.

"There's no one in..." He added.

"Then it's alright." Perros said and kicked the door open.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Nazo shouted.

"Um... going inside?" Perros said carelessly.

"Well, I can see that..." Nazo said in annoyance.

They came into a dark, quiet room. There were cobwebs in the corner of the ceiling and dust everywhere.

"Is this really it?" Perros asked suspiciously.

"Well, it's got a second floor, there might be something there..." Nazo said.

"I'll take a look around here, Perros. You go upstairs." Nazo said.

"Why do I have to go up there?" Perros asked.

"Oh, you're afraid of second floors?" Nazo said jokingly.

"Of course I'm not." Perros said angrily and went upstairs.

Nazo smiled and went to look around the room.

"I can't imagine someone living here..." He thought.

Meanwhile, Perros was also looking around on the second floor.

"To be afraid of second floors, that's ridiculous..." Perros thought to himself.

He walked around the room and stepped on a plank that squeaked.

"AAH!" Perros yelled with fear.

"Oh, it's just a wooden plank." Perros laughed as he realized this.

The room was set up like a normal room. There was a table, chairs, cabinets and a bed. But the problem was that there was no one in that room - only Perros.

They searched for a while, but found absolutely nothing.

"Nazo, did you find anything?" Perros shouted from the second floor.

"No, I'm afraid not." Nazo replied.

Perros wanted to take a break. When he sat down, the chair moved strangely. And he heard something softly click.

"What? I must have been daydreaming." Perros said.

In the mean time, Nazo also sat down, but on the floor and leaned against the stairs.

"What's that clicking?" Nazo wondered.

"It must be the house..." Nazo didn't even finish his sentence and rolled down the stairs on his back.

"AAAH!..." He yelled as he was rolling downstairs.

"N... Nazo?" Perros was shouting from the upper floor.

Perros quickly got up and went downstairs to Nazo. When he got there, Perros couldn't find him anywhere. He noticed a light coming from downstairs.

"Were they here before?" Perros mused.

"Well, whatever..." He added and headed downstairs.

When Perros came down, he saw Nazo lying before the stairs.

"Oh, there you are..." Perros laughed.

"Stop lying on the floor and come." He added and went on.

When Nazo recovered, he almost couldn't see Perros.

"Wait..." He got up quickly and followed Perros.

It was cold and dark in the hallway where they appeared. The place looked like some underground base. The walls were made of stone and the ceiling was supported by wooden columns. But there was a faint light at the end of the hallway.

"Do you think this their lair?" Perros asked as he walked down the hallway.

"How should I know. To me it looks like someone's basement..." Nazo said breathlessly as he caught up with Perros.

And so those two continued to walk down the hallway. Until they heard some noises. It sounded like roaring. When they reached the end of the hallway, they saw the silhouette of a elongated head with horns.

"What is it? It looks like an animal." Perros said.

"I've seen this before..." Nazo said thoughtfully.

"You're right..." Perros started thinking.

Nazo looked at Perros, who was thinking deeply about what kind of animal this was.

"Is it a...." Perros realized.

"DRAGON?!" He threw out his eyes in surprise.

"It sure looks like one." Nazo agreed.

"How can you be so calm when there's a freaking DRAGON." Perros was terrified.

Nazo went on to explain.

"Look how cramped it is, how a dragon could fit in here..." He said confidently.

"Oh, you're right..." Perros calmed down.

"IT'S A MINI DRAGON!?" He screamed again.

Nazo looked annoyed. A vein popped out on his forehead.

"As I said.... THERE IS NO DRAGON!" He yelled again and hit Perros over the head.

A little later they went to the corner of the hallway. Perros and Nazo peeked around the corner. They couldn't believe their eyes. The silhouette of the dragon was just an illuminated paper shining on the wall, and the strange noises were coming from the man sleeping there.

Perros and Nazo looked at each other.

"We got tricked..." Nazo said softly.

Nazo went quietly to turn off the light. When he did, he saw a door to a room. Nazo went to see if anyone was inside. He opened the door and motioned to Perros to quietly carry the man into the room so that the interrogation could begin. Perros pulled out a pistol and hit the man in the head with the handle. Then he took him into the room.

"Sigh." Nazo shook his head and closed the door.

Perros sat the man down in a chair that was in the room. It was the only thing that was there.

"It looks like this room was made for interrogations." As he sat him down, Perros laughed.

They waited for a while.

"I don't want to wait anymore..." Perros said impatiently.

Nazo, who was leaning against the wall, just looked at him.

Perros walked over to the man in the chair and looked at him.

"HEY, are you still asleep?" Perros asked questioningly.

"He's not asleep, he's unconscious..." Nazo replied.

"Wake up!" Perros slapped him.

Nazo rolled his eyes.

Perros gave him a few slaps and then he woke up.

"W-Where am I?" The man asked drowsily.

"In the room that was behind you..." Perros said frankly.

"You can even tell him who we are..." Nazo said sarcastically.

"Alright... my name is..." Perros wanted to say.

"NO, DON'T DO IT!" Nazo shouted and switched places with Perros.

"W-What do you want?" The man was scared.

"Do you happen to have a girl of about fifteen in this basement?" Nazo asked impatiently.

"T-There are someone like that... yeah... and what?" The man asked.

"Where did you find her?" Nazo asked again.

"Somewhere in other territory..." Guard replied.

"Do you know her name?" Nazo leaned his arms on the chair and shouted.

"Cigar? Cena? Cypr? I don't know..." Guard thought.

"CYRA. IT'S CYRA." Nazo shouted at him.

"Well, at least we're sure...." Nazo said and turned to the door.

"Perros will put you back to sleep." He added and slowly opened the door.

Perros nodded in agreement.

"Back to sleep? I don't...." The guard didn't even finish and Perros pulled out a pistol and hit him in the head with the handle, again.

They both came out of the 'interrogation' room and continued down the same hallway. Yet again they reached the corner of the hallway. And once more they peeked around the corner. Perros and Nazo looked to the next hallway. They saw a guard standing before two doors.

"Maybe that's where they hold Cyra..." Nazo thought.

"All right, let's get rid of him." Perros said, and aimed his gun at him.

"Are you crazy? There's gotta be more guards, if you do that you'll be larding them." Nazo said carefully.

"Hmm... I guess you're right..." Perros mused.

"Well, I'll take care of him anyway." He giggled.

Perros withdrew one bullet from his gun and threw it over the corner into the hallway. As expected, the guard noticed and made his way over to it.

"Huh? A bullet?" Guard #2 picked it up.

"There's a beautiful woman behind you!" Perros shouted.

"Oh, really?" Guard #2 turned around and his eyes looked like hearts.

"Now!" Perros and Nazo jumped at him. Perros again used his weapon technique to make him unconscious.

Without thinking, they threw him in the first door.

"I'll check this one, you check the other door." Nazo said and opened the first door.

Perros went to the second door.

They opened the door at the same time. Behind each door, one girl was tied up.

"Are you Cyra?" They both asked.

The girls shook their heads in disapproval.

"Oh, okay..." And they both slowly closed the door.

They looked at each other as they closed the door.

"Did you find her?" Nazo asked.

"No... you?" Perros replied.

"I wouldn't ask if I did find..." Nazo said sarcastically.

"So shall we move on?" Perros asked.

"After you..." Nazo replied.

Then they heard loud laughter from the end of the hallway.

"That must the last guards." Nazo said.

"Are we going to sneak past them or go straight into them?" He added.

"Yes, we'll go straight at them." Perros said and made his way around the corner towards them.

"That's not what I thought, but ok..." Nazo said disappointedly and went after him.

Perros and Nazo noticed a door next to them, but still went to the guards.

"They're piss drunk." Perros laughed.

"Let's take advantage of that." Nazo smiled.

They didn't even noticed them as they walked passed them. Perros and Nazo noticed door at the end of the main room. They entered them. No one was there, it looked like a main office.

"If he's still here, but not in this room, then where..." Perros mused.

"Maybe the door we missed earlier..." Nazo was annoyed.

"Let's look around this room to see if we find anything." He added.

After a while, Perros found a key.

"Maybe it's to the room we didn't check. If not, we'll just keep it." Perros said with confidence.

"Okay, let's go check it out." Nazo said and opened the door to the main room.

Yet again they passed the guards unnoticed. And then they unlocked the door.

"Cyra?" Nazo asked quietly.

She mumbled something and nodded her head in agreement.

"CYRA!" Nazo cried and went to untie her.

"Nazo!" Cyra burst into tears and hugged Perros.

"I'm so glad to see you again." Nazo said softly

Perros, meanwhile, leaned against the door.

"I'm glad you reunited, but we should get out of here..." He said and looked into the main room.

"The guards are coming..." He added.

"W-Wait, did you free the other girls?" Cyra asked with tears in her eyes.

"No...?" Nazo said.

"Should we?" Perros asked.

"Uh... of course!" Cyra said.

"Then let's go get them." Nazo said and took Cyra on his back.

Although the speed of the guards was comparable to a snail, Perros, Nazo and Cyra quickly went to free the other imprisoned girls.

"Now... we're here to save you!" Perros said heroically and went to untie her.

"I thought you'd forget about me..." Girl #1 was angry.

"If you want, we can leave you here." Perros said harshly.

"No... No, I'll go..." Girl #2 said desperately.

Then they rescued the first girl and continued on. As they passed the 'interrogation' room, the guard they had 'interrogated' came out.

"Hey... Stop." Guard #1 shouted at Nazo and the girls.

"And you shut up..." Perros appeared behind him and punched him in the head again, once again he fell unconscious.

Then they successfully reached the stairs. But the door at the top was closed.

"What are we going to do?" Cyra asked.

"I guess we're trapped..." Perros leaned against the wall.

They heard some clicking. Everyone looked at Perros.

"Again...?" Nazo fussed.

The door opened and everyone made it upstairs.

"You girls go to lawmen station. Report to them what you saw. We have to get out of here." Nazo said and walked out with Perros and Cyra.

They looked around the street when they got out.

"Okay, we should get somewhere safer." Perros said and whistled.

Delgado immediately ran over to them. But it looked like he wasn't sure he could take three people.

"Come on." Perros said and helped Naz and Cyra onto Delgado.

Together they made their way to the outskirts of Bucle.

They started a campfire because it was getting dark. Nazo and Cyra talked for hours and hours. When she went to sleep, Nazo came to Perros, who was sitting by the fire.

"I'm so indebt with you. Thank you." Nazo said gratefully.

"Don't mention it..." Perros smiled.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Nazo asked.

Perros thought for a moment and then said.

"You said you wanted to change the goverment, right?" Perros said.

"If I become a Bandazai, you can change the government as you wish... join me..." He added.

"Sounds good... but I still have to take care of Cyra. I have to take her home." Nazo said determinedly.

"Okay, I'll go with you..." Perros said and stood up.

"You don't have to." Nazo said.

"I know... but I want to." Perros smiled and held out his hand to Nazo.

"When we get your sister home, you'll join me." He added.

Nazo looked into Perros' eyes, which were shining like stars.

"Well... alright." Nazo said, shaking Perros' hand.

"Awesome! But now we're going to get some sleep. We'll leave tomorrow morning." Perros said and went to sleep.

Nazo went to sleep as well. Next destination... Mori Village.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

VaC1av_creators' thoughts