
A few good Ed’s

It was morning time in Japan and out in the building of 3-E, the students and their Octopus of a teacher were preparing for next class.

"Thank you for the help, children. I really appreciate it," Korosensei said, as he, Isogai, Kataoka, and Double D were in the staff room.

He called for Isogai and Kataoka for helping to gather a few lab equipments for the class, as they were the class officers, and Double D also volunteered to help after hearing that it was going to be an experiment lesson.

"No need to thank us, sir," Double D said with a smile, as he and the other two students each picked up a box containing the equipment. "Even though your abilities allow for Mach 20 travel would have allowed you to have the class set up with the range of a second, we're just happy to be of assistance."

"That's true, Double D, but it's nice to have company."

"I have a question, sir," Isogai said.


"Are you starting to feel at home," he asked, "like with all of us?"

Kataoka looked at him with surprise in her voice saying "Wow, I can't believe you're really asking that."

"Putting in those terms, I'd say I felling incredibly at home, as your teacher," Korosensei said, before turning and heading towards the door.

"That's strange," Kataoka said, as they followed him out of the room.


"I have to agree with Kataoka, Korosensei," Double D said, as he struggled to carry the heavy equipment as he walked. "I mean, you're an unknown creature that's willing to teach a class full of troubled junior high students isn't something you see every day."

"I mean, you actually teach us, so it's borderline cool," Kataoka said. "It just takes getting used to."

"Yeah, no kidding," Isogai told her with a smile, as they arrived at the classroom. Korosensei opened the door and...


Eddy jumped at him from inside the classroom, as Maehara, Mimura, and Okajima charge. Korosensei disappeared from where he was, causing the short Eddy to crash into Double D. As the two were sent to the ground, the box Double D was carrying flew out of his hands and into the air. Luckily, Korosensei's tentacles grabbed it before it could fall.

"Get him!" Eddy yelled, launching off of Double D as he joined the other three attackers in trying to kill Korosensei, as he set up the tables with the lab equipment.

"Are you okay, Double D," Isogai said, as he and Kataoka looked down at his shoeprint-covered body. Korosensei's tentacles took their boxes in a slip second later.

Double D looked in pain and deadpanned at the ceiling. "I'm afraid it's something that you get used to, Isogai," he said, before sitting up with a few crackling bones. "As much as it is to get used to all the assassination." The smart Ed-boy stood up and the three walked into the room.

In the room, the decks were swapped out for longer tables and teams of four sat at each of them. When the three kids entered, Korosensei was finished with setting up the lab equipment at each tab, and Eddy, Maehara, Mimura, and Okajima had collapsed on together on the ground and were panting in exhaustion.

"How does he do it," Eddy asked, still trying to catch his breath.

"You mean dodge four knives while prepping lab," Maehara asked. "I don't know."

The bell soon rung as Korosensei chuckled for a moment, after setting up Karma and his group's table. "They should know that that was way too easy," the redhead said.

"I tried to tell him," Eric said, as he sat with Ed at their table, "but he was dead set on it."

"Alright boys and girls, let's begin," Korosensei said, before making his way to the front of the room. However, he passed a girl who looked down with a nervous expression.



Cue Seishun Satsubatsuron by 3-nen E-gumi Utatan)


{Seishun... Satsubatsuron!}

(The opening starts with the crescent moon as it gradually change to Korosensei's head. Then Ed, Double D, Eddy and Eric appeared upside down with their names shown as they fall and tried to attack Korosensei as he panicked before dust picks up around them as the title appeared.)

Welcome Back, Mr. ED!

{Kuchi ni dasu no wa jikkō suru toki}

{Sore ga kakkoī koto shitteru sa}

(The scene start with Eric waking up in bed as he gets up and gets ready for school. As he walk out of his room, Eddy and Double D were at the living room while the latter was preparing breakfast. He look around only to see that Ed's not up yet so he went to his room to wake him up, only to find that he was not here and saw his window was open.)

{TARGET, sagashite bokura wa satsubatsu}

{Omoi wa mayou mayoedo susumu}

{Migite to migiashi issho ni de sōda}

(Eric panicked and ran out of his room to tell Eddy and Double D that Ed's gone. Eddy groaned in frustration while Double D worried about him, Eric ran back in to his room and came out with his uniform on and a toothbrush in his mouth. Double D quickly pack small breakfast along with their lunches before they head out to find Ed.)

{Nan nanda iraira no hadō wa}

{Bokura no sonzai no shōmei?}

{Tsuki wo miagetakamaru}

{Sā sā! Satsu satsu sattō START!}

(Scene changes to Eric opens a fridge of their neighbor's house and found Ed sleeping in his underwear and half eaten food. Eddy laughed while Eric took Ed out of the fridge and slaps him back and forth to wake him up. Double D look at the time and finds that they are going to be late for school, Eric and Double D panicked while Eddy groaned as Ed woke up from Eric's slapping before he was pulled by Eric and ran out the door along with Eddy and Double D.)

{Yari kittenaikara yarikirenai}

{Yari kittenaikara yarikirenai}

{Genjō daha wo chīsana koe de yagate zekkyō shitaku naru}

(The Eds and Eric, with Ed now in his uniform, rushing to the train station but they missed the train. As Eric and Double D mope in depression, Eddy yelled at Ed before he had an idea as he grabbed Ed the the other two. They're now at a park as they sitting in a box with a tree that is cartoonishly pulled down like rubber below them while Ed was holding the tree down by sinking his teeth in another tree. Double D was calculating their trajectory while Eddy was getting impatient and Eric was starting to regret it. Double D conclude that they would land in the field behind the building but isn't sure about it. Eddy isn't surprised as he signals Ed to let go as they're launch in the air heading to towards school.)

{Yari kittenaikara yarikirenai (Yareba dekiru sa)}

{Yari kittenaikara yarikirenai (Kitto dekiru sa)}

(Eddy, Double D and Eric screamed while Ed laugh as they flew through the sky. Then Eric saw Korosensei flying by as he pulled out his anti-sensei knife and tries to kill him but no avail as Korosensei sped up ahead of them.)

{Dōse, to iu no wa kantandakedo}

{Ima wa agaite mitainda kimi to hajikete mitainda}

(Meanwhile in E-Class, Yada was sitting by her desk and glance at Eric's desk in front of her as class was about to start. Korosensei arrives through the window and begun roll call, Yada asked him if he seen the Eds and Eric this morning making Rio teased her about it as she blushed in embarrassment. Korosensei answers as the Eds and Eric crashed through the roof and landed in the floor next to Korosensei, surprising the students.)

{Saredo seishun wa mirai he GO!}

{Sā sā sā! Seishun satsubatsuron!}

(Ed recoiled from the floor as he pulled the other three out with him as the class aside from Korosensei look at them with white eyes and jaws dropped. Korosensei tells them to take their seats as Ed lets go of them and went to their designated desk thus begins class.)


EDventure #5- A few good ED's

"And now for the final step," Double D told the class, holding up a beaker that had a strip of strawberry candy came Pokil, as he wore a white apron, long rubber safety gloves, and a disposable face mask. After Korosensei started the class, he after if there was a volunteer who was willing to show the class the steps to doing the experiment: extracting the food coloring from candy. Double D eagerly volunteered, which didn't surprise anyone.

Standing behind the teacher's desk, the hat-wearing Ed-boy grabbed a dropper filled with a chemical liquid. "With our chemical substance ready, all we have to do is inject it into the breaker and..." he shoots the liquid out of the dropper into the breaker.

A second later, the transparent chemical turned red. He then takes a pair of tongs and pulled the candy out of the liquid, showing it had lost its red coloring.

"Voilà. You now have a sweat robbed of its flavor."

Some of the kids looked at it in wonder, while others looked at Double D and asked why he was wearing so much protection on him.

"Thank you very much, Double D," Korosensei said, before suddenly using his speed to take the boxes of candy that everyone had, before stopping next to Double D and holding them close to his body.

"I'll uh, I'll just take the leftover samples, thank you! Excuse me!"

He disappeared and then reappeared again, as the kids started complaining again.

"Oh, come on!" Eddy whine, as Eric looked at Korosensei with a deadpanned expression, and Ed looked around to see where his candy went. "I was gonna eat that!"

"Is it just me, or was this lab just used to support his junk food habit between a paycheck," asked Maehara, as Kataoka, Kayana, and Nagisa sat at the same desk, with annoyed looks on their faces.

"I'm still wondering why he's choosing to live off a teacher's salary when he going to destroy the earth," Eric said, before he and everyone, except Korosensei and Double D, noticed the girl that was nervous previously walking up to the two.

The teacher was thanking the Ed-boy for the demonstration when the girl stopped before them, and the two turned their head to look at her. Taking a good look at her, Double D saw the nervous girl had black hair that took a purplish tint, styled into twin braids that reached just below her shoulder and purple eyes, wore glasses and has a more petite frame than most of the girls in the room.

"I...uh...well ah..." she really seemed to struggle to speak and find the right words, as she looked at the ground.

"Go on, speak up, Okuda," Korosensei pressed the girl, now known as Okuda. Double D made a note to himself know the other student's names. "What can I do for you?"

"Uh..." She tried to speak again but gave up. Instead, she brought hands out from behind her back and held out three flasks containing different colored liquids.

"Poison, sir!" She finally said in a loud tone. "Would you drink them, please?"

Almost everyone was taken back by her request and none of them really knew how to react.

"I'm sorry," Okuda said, "Is this weird?"

"It's certainly much more straight forward attempt," Korosensei told her in a bit of a confused way.

"I know, but you see, the thing is, sir, I'm not very good at being sneaky. I mean everyone else is good at this stuff," she explained herself. "But for me, what I'm good at is chemistry, and I put my heart and soul into this mixture!"

"Uh, Okuda," Double D said, trying to find the best way to tell her the flaws that this assassination attempt has without hurting her too badly. "Maybe you should...uh. Perhaps you should..."

"Your heart and soul?" Korosensei asked, before taking the mixtures and taking off the cape of one of them. "Don't mind if I do!" He then drank it.

The action shocked the other students in the classroom. However, they all watched as Korosensei suddenly leaned forward and hunched his back. They all then felt pulses beating from his body. "This...This is..." Korosensei said in a choking voice. 

'Could this be it? Could be the end for him?'

However, his body turned blue and horns poked out of his head.

"...Or he could just grow horns," Eric said.

Double D, on the other hand, looked at the horns with an excited grin. "What a discovery!" He exclaimed and pulled out a small notebook and pen and started writing down. "The poison he took in caused a radical body change!" He then turned his attention to Okuda, who was a little taken back by his joyous attitude. "Tell me, what did you use?"

"Uh, Sodium Hydroxide," she responded.

"Good try, Miss Okuda," Korosensei said. "It would have been harmful if drunk by a human. Shall we try the other two?"

"Yes, please," she said, as Double D ready himself to write.

"Right, down the hatch!" Korosensei drank the next mixture.

They all looked in anticipation as he started making the choking sound again. The pulse was felt again by everyone. Double D quickly wrote that down.

And then Korosensei's skin turned green and grew wings near his.... ear area.

Ed stared at Korosensei with "awe" in his eyes saying "He is a swan. A pretty swan!"

"Incredible!" Double D chipped as he wrote down what had happened. "The poisons Okuda provided with are causing your body to adapt to different forms!"

"You're a riot, Double D," Eddy groaned, knowing that his friend was in his own little fantasy world.

"Thallium Acetate," Korosensei told Double D and Okuda. "Interesting. Let's see what the last one does." He then drank the last flask. All the way down to the last drop.

Afterward, the reaction was more intense. His body shook and a purple aura shined off his body, as stronger pulses fired off his form. The students, Okuda, and Double D were starting to become very worried and scared.

"HE'S GONNA BLOW!" Eddy yelled, thinking that the teacher had turned himself into a living bomb. "TAKE COVER!" Before anyone could have guessed, he flipped over his group's table on its side and ducked behind it. Luckily, there was nothing on it. Eric and Ed quickly joined him.

But nothing happened and the pulsing stopped, so they looked from behind it.

Korosensei's face had turned white with a boring expression.

The class looked unimpressed.

"That's boring," Kayano groaned.

"This just keeps getting weirder and weirder," Eric said.

"I'll say," Eddy said with a scowl. "He reminds me of Plank!"

Eric looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Why would he remind you of that hunk of wood?"

"If you hate me, I understand," Korosensei said in a weird voice, "but please, don't hate assassination."

"What's that even supposed to mean!" complained Maehara.

Double D finished writing down his notes before he realized something and looked at Okuda. "However, I do wonder, Okuda," he said, getting her to look at him. "Just how were you able to concoct these poisons, especially when they're extremely dangerous?"

"He does bring up a valid point, young lady," Korosensei told her. "As you teacher, I can't overlook the fact that you handle toxic substances without supervision."

"Yes, sir." Okuda lowered her head. "I'm very sorry..."

"Don't worry, I have an idea. And Double D, you can help if you want," Korosensei said. "Why don't we work of a poison that has a bit more of a kick?" The offer surprised to two, but they looked at each other and smiled in agreement, before turning their heads back to Korosensei.

"Sure!" Okuda chipped.

"I'd be happy to assist!" Double D nodded.

Nagisa and Kayano looked in deadpanned expressions. "Doesn't seem like this is gonna work," the green-haired girl said.

"Might get some good notes out of it, though," Nagisa said.

Eddy, who was looking at the teacher and two smart kids unimpressed, then asked Eric, "Can we even call this an assassination attempt?"

"Might as well," he responded.


Near the end of the school day, as the sun started to set, everyone but Double D, Okuda, and Korosensei was outside playing a game of assassination badminton. The three previously mentioned individuals remained in the classroom, working on the poison that would kill the teacher for sure.

The building at this time of the day was getting hotter. This was due to the lack of air-conditioning the old wooden building had. Several requests by Mr. Karasuma were put into the main campus for renovations, but the funds aren't there. Or so they say.

"Now then," Double D said, looking a book about chemical mixtures, while he and Okuda wore gas masks that he provided, "let's put it into the Ethanol."

"Okay." Okuda nodded, before taking a breaker and pouring the liquid contained in it into the beaker containing the Ethanol. "I know that it's not safe to breathe in the vapors, but I didn't think that you'd have these gas masks on hand, Double D."

"Call it a habit of mine," he responded. He then blushed a little behind the mask. "A-And I must say that you're quite the science enthusiast." This made her blush too and nearly spilled the mixture before correcting herself.

"T-Thank you," she said a timid and shy way. "If only it was the same for everything else..."

Double D cocked his head to the side. "What do you mean?"

Okuda takes off her gas mask and placed it to the side, before grabbing her glasses, looking at them sadly. "Everything else seems to go over my head," she said, before slipping the glasses on, "especially when it comes to language arts and stuff. That's why I'm here, I guess. I never knew the right thing to say. The words don't come out right, or I get them all turned around. Tell me to express myself and my body locks up."

Korosensei silently watched the two students talk to each other, wanting to see a bond form between them.

"...But that doesn't matter to me. Because math and chemical formulas have a definitively correct solution. For me, clever wordplay and thinking through a piece's subtle emotions are both unnecessary."

As he listened to her, Double D could understand what she's going through. The hat-wearing Ed-boy took off his gas-masked and looked at Okuda. For the longest time in his life, he was what you would call the 'goody-two-shoes,' who had a love for academics. He was good with talking to people, but he really struggled to connect to people around his age and am often rejected.

"...I see the appeal in you two," Korosensei said, spooking the two teenagers a little after they forgot he was in the same room with them. "Tell you what, Okuda, I have a special homework assignment just for you." He reached into his uniform and pulled out a folded piece of paper.

Okuda and Double D look at it in confusion.

"Just remember, safety first."


The next day came and Okuda was successful in making the toxin.

Eddy and Kayano looked at the poison in a Florence flask questionably. The Ed-boy raised an eyebrow and looked at Okuda—who was holding the flask—and asked, "So you're sure that this stuff's gonna do the job." He pointed to the flask.

"Yeah," she responded in a chipper tone. "He said this stuff should work like a cram."

"He even drew a manga safety guidelines and proper storage methods," said Nagisa, as he, Double D, Eric, and Ed looked at a handmade booklet that was said manga.

"Cool," said Ed.

"I'm still impressed that he would go that far to help a student," Double D said.

"I don't like this," Eric said, getting the attention of his friends. "I mean he was willing to give Okuda the instructions to make his doom? Doesn't that throw you guys off?"

"It's nice, right?" Okuda smiled. "I think it's just him supporting me all along. I'm good at chemistry, not words. He said to focus on my strengths." Just then the door opened and Korosensei walked into the room.

"Good morning everyone," said he. As the yellow being walked to the teacher's desk, the Eds and Eric, Nagisa, and Kayano nodded at Okuda, before walking to their desks.

Okuda then turned towards Korosensei and went to him. "Here you are, Korosensei," she said and presented him with the mixture. "Just like you asked."

"Well done," Korosensei said, taking the flask. "Well here's to your health children. Salute".

And so he did. Right down to the last drop. Everyone watched closely for any reaction.

They got their reaction, but not the way they imagine. Korosensei's eyes turned and glowed red and his face turned dark. He chuckled evilly, as an intense power came from his body. "Thank you, Okuda," he said in a dark tone. Korosensei's then startled glowing red, and veins started to pop and show. "Thank you very much indeed! Thanks to your medicine, I'm able to level up!"

"...Ehh?" Okuda looked in shock and fear at the teacher. "What do you mean by..."

"GUOOOOOOOHHH!" Korosensei roared and spread out his tentacles. Unleashing a shockwave blast that almost knocked everyone back. Almost everyone.

Eric was thrown out of his seat by the shockwave and hits the back of the classroom. Planted into the wall, he groaned in pain for only a second, before Ed was set out of his seat and slammed directly into him. The big Ed fell off of the wall, revealing an even more beaten up Eric before he fell onto his friend.

And then it was over.

Korosensei was now silver and was a big blob on his desk.

"HE MELTED!" Everyone in the screamed, gawking at the sight of their teacher's new form.

"You didn't think that was poison, did you," Korosensei asked. "On the contrary, I had you whip up a special medicine that would invigorate my cells and increases their fluidity."

Eric stood up but struggled to keep his balance. His face was all beaten up and he tried to smile a bit. "Told you guys not to trust him," he groaned in pain, point a finger up. Eric then collapsed on the ground again.

Korosensei's body then shot off the desk at lightning-fast speeds, darting around before going into Kataoka's desk, making her gasp. "In liquid form," he said, his head poking out of the inside, "I can fit conformably into the tightest nooks and crannies."

"What are you doing in there," Kataoka demanded.

"And best of all, I LOSE NONE OF MY SPEED!" Korosensei shot out of the desk's inside and started darting all around the room. Bouncing from wall to wall and corner to corner at intense speeds. Every student was shocked, as they tried to follow him. "COME ON! TRY AND BEAT ME!"

"Wait a...!"

"No way, this is impossible!"

"He's too fast and slippery!"

"What the heck is with this flighty sensei!?"

"What in the world did you give him!?"

The kids complained as they tried to shoot Korosensei the teacher. But none of them were about to hit him, due to the liquid form and the speed he had.

"You tricked me!" Okuda called out to Korosensei, as he stopped in a high corner on the ceiling. "That's not fair!"

"Fair?" Korosensei questioned her. "Verbal depiction is a vital part of an assassin's arsenal."

This confused Okuda, as Eric and Ed walked back to where their seats are. "What are you saying, sir," Double D asked.

"Approaching the target so naively is a good way to fail in your mission. Even the deadliest of poisons is, unless if one can't persuade the mark to drink it," Korosensei said, before falling from the ceiling. His body pouring down to where his clothing was. "Nagisa. Say that you wanted to poison me. How would you go about it?"

Nagisa looked up to think. "Well, let me think. I'd probably put it into something you'd like. Then I would offer it to you as a gift."

"That's right," Korosensei said, as he started to move into his clothing. "To deceive someone, you must know your opponent. You must plan out your words." He then disappeared into the clothing, before his head popped out of the neck. His body regaining his shape and yellow color. "In poisoning, as in life, the key to success is communication."

This surprised Okuda a little. Korosensei's body then started to reform, and he stood up. "Imagine that one day, you make an earth-shattering, scientific discovery. How can it benefit mankind if it stays locked inside your head," he asked her, as Okuda looked at him in wonder. "Knowing the right thing to say can make all the difference, right?"

Okuda stared at him with wide eyes for a moment, before smiling. "Right!"

Everyone smiled at the scene. Okuda then turned her head and looked at Double D, who gave her a thumbs up. She blushed a little, but righted the gesture. Eric looked at the two with a smile of his known, knowing that Double D may have found a person just like him.

'That was always what we liked about Korosensei. In his eyes, even a student trying to poison him was still, first and for most, a student.

Looking back, I can honestly say that we were a long ways off from killing him.'


A few days have passed since Okuda's failed attempt, and it was now a beautiful day in Tokyo. However, E-Class wasn't enjoying it in the slightest, as they were walking down a trail to the main school campus. Today was Assembly Day, and that meant that everyone had to attend.

"I don't get," Eric panting, with his back hunched, his arms dangling, and sweating. "Why are we taking the long way down the mountain? Why is there even a long way?!"

"It's a rule that the school makes us do." Yada smiled, walking next to him. "We just got to make sure we get there on time."

"Why? What happens?" asked Double D.

"Because if we're late again, there's no telling what kind of messed up stuff they'll make us do," said Isogai ahead of the two, as he walked with Okano and Maehara.

"Yeah," Okano said. "Last time we had to clean out the flower beds."

"Man that below," groaned Maehara. "Those freakin' things were the size of a house."

"OH COME ON!" Eddy yelled, walking behind Eric and Yada. "We have to go to the school the long way, all because a guy who doesn't even care about us says so!?"

"Cheer up Eddy," Double D said, as he and Ed walked with him. "So it might belong, but I'm sure that it'll be over before you know it."

But that wasn't the case, and they would be suffering on their journey.

First: They made it to a bridge, but that bridge ended up breaking and most of the boys fell into the river.

"The stupid bridge is out!?" Mimura cried out.


They were all able to get out of the running river, but Eddy screamed as he was carried away by the water.

"EDDY!" Mimura held out an arm to the castaway Ed-boy while holding a nearly drowned Chiba, a boy with black hair with bangs long enough to cover his eyes.

Second: a bunch of snakes started to fall onto Yada, Fuwa, and Hara. "WHY ARE THEIR SNAKE!?" They screamed.

However, they watched as a mound of snakes dropped down on Eddy. Like a cartoon, he jumped out of the pile screaming before running around. Freaking out as he was still covered in snakes.


Third: As Eddy ran away down the path, a couple of boulders started falling near Terasaka, Muramatsu, Hazama, and Yoshida. "WHY ARE THERE FALLING BOULDERS?!" They exclaimed.

And just like before, Eddy, still covered in snakes, ran away from a boulder rolling down towards him.


And Fourth: "Who's the idiot who pocked the beehive!?" Eric yelled as he, the other two Eds, Nagisa, Kayano, Sugino, Okuda, Sugaya, and another girl (Kanzaki) tried to withstand a swarm of angry bees.

Oh Eddy. Poor Eddy ran past them, attracting the bees, and making them follow after him.


"He's, uh, not having a very good day," Sugino said, as they watched the running Ed-boy in pity.

However, after that, they all finally decide to take a break. While Eddy continued to get himself into trouble down the path, everyone else was either on their hands and knees, sitting down and against a tree, or laying down on their backs.

Double D leaned against a tree, panting heavily like everyone else. He looked at his uniform and saw how dirty it was. "For heaven's sake," he groaned. That'll teach him to leave his cleaning kit at the dorm. Oh, how he hated getting dirty.

"Enough with the things trying to kill us, please!" Kayano groaned on her hands and knees.

"Hey, is anyone hurt," asked Karasuma as he approached them.

"Everything's shipshape, Boss-man," Ed said with a salute.

"Let's not forget about Eddy." Eric pointed a finger up as he leaned against the same tree Double D was using. "But other than him taking a beating, we're good."

"Good. No rush," Karasuma said, before looking at his watch. "In fact at this rate, we're making fairly excellent time."

"WAIT FOR ME!" A familiar voice called to them. Looking back in the direction they came from, they saw Irina Jelavić, better known by the students as Professor Bitch, running towards them. "Way to ditch me, jerks!"

"Hey, Professor Bitch," Kayano greeted the blonde teacher.

After catching up to them, Professor Bitch just gave up and fell to her hands and knees, panting in exhaustion. "No one said anything about a class trip during lunch," she groaned, as the kids looked at her with pity.

"Yeah, no offense, Professor, but you look wrecked," Sugino said.

She glared at him. "You try running through nature in heels!"

"Mr. Karasuma," said Nagisa, getting the man's attention. "Where's Korosensei?"

"Yeah," Eric said, sitting up. "I haven't seen him the whole way down."

"We told him to wait back at the old campuses for security reasons," Karasuma informed them. "It wouldn't do for the other students to see him.


Back at the old school, Korosensei stood at a window with his white, blank face. "...I'm all alone..." he said in a hollow voice, looking at the sky as a bird landed on his head. "...A shunned sensei..."


"The main campus isn't much further away," Karasuma told them. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah," everyone groaned, before continuing their journey.

And so, after jumping over a giant crack in the ground, dodging lightning bolts from a thunderstorm that came out of nowhere, and fending off an angry bear, E-Class finally made it to Kunugigaoka Junior High School's main campuses.

In the blistering sun, also everyone was either standing with their hands on their knees, on their hands and knees, sitting down, or lying down. There were more exhausted than they were before.

Eddy groaned in pain while lying face down on his stomach, as snakes were still wrapped around him, his clothes torn, dirty, and soaked, bruises covering his body, bee stinks all over his face, and a large chunk of his side bitten off by the bear. "...Someone...please...kill me alright..." he groaned his pleads.

Ed, bruised and scorched by the lightning, grabbed one of his ankles and started walking to school, dragging his friends across the ground. "No can do, Eddy," the dumb Ed-boy said. "Not until I'm done with homework."

Eric and Yada were next to each other, with the fractured-eye boy lying on his back and the busty girl on her hands and knees. "Did...you guys ever...had to deal with something like this?" She panted. She and the class knew that while the Eds and Eric didn't tell them about their adventures, they could tell by the way they act and talk that had quite a few.

"You mean a death walk where someone would take all the beating? Not really, but something close to it." Eric groaned a response, just as bruised as the Eds while also being clawed up by the bear, before standing up. He offered her a helping hand, which Yada accessed with a tired smile.

"Well, at least we're not late," Isogai said, as Ed walked past him, still dragging Eddy.

"...And alive..." the badly damaged Ed-boy said.

Double D sat up while panting and sweat flowed from his head. Like his friends, he was all bruised up too. "It's a miracle, really," he said, before pushing his spine back into place, causing many cracks from it.

"Hurry up, people!" Isogai told everyone. "We've got to get in line before they start."

"Okay." They all groaned loudly.

They all walked into the large gymnasium. Upon entering, they were met with the sight of many other students who were higher on the Kunugigaoka Junior High caste system. While they talked and chatted with each other, the Eds and Eric followed the rest of their E-Class members to their position, the far right, and stood in two lines.

Looking around at his follow E-Class members, Eric noticed that also all of them, except for him and his friends, had their heads facing forward and were either looking down or trying not to look at the other students.

"Hey! Nagisa!" said a voice. Eric looked and to his dread, it was the glasses-wearing boy and his fat friend sneering at them. The same two students that tried to pick on them at the train station the day Karma came. Eddy appropriately called them Four-Eyes and Fatso. "Wow, look at you guys. I'm surprised you made it. Must have a heck of a trek rolling down the mountain." The two of them laughed as they walked away.

"OH YEAH? Well, let me give you a taste of the experience with my fist!" Eddy exclaimed angrily, standing next to Rio, and was about to chase after and thrash the two pricks. However, Rio quickly grabbed him by the shoulders and held him back from going through with it.

"Eddy, stop!" She told him. "Just let it go!"

Eddy stopped and looked at her incredulously. "What? Are you serious?" He demanded. "You're just going to let them walk all over you?"

"That's the way it is." Eddy looked surprised at Rio, who looked down with a depressed look on her face. "It's best to just...Take the hits for now, okay."

He didn't like it at all, but he nodded. However, in his shoes, Eric would have done the same thing when he looked to his right and saw Yada looking down with the same defeated expression. The fractured-eye teen then looked to his left and saw that some of the students laughing and pointing at her. To get them to stop,  he growled and showed his teeth, which scared them off.

'From what I heard from Nagisa, the school had a once-a-month all-school-assembly. But even here, we were expected to experience a depressing time. I knew it would be bad, but as I saw the other students laugh and point at us, I found out that the discrimination against us was worse than I anticipated. I and my friends weren't strangers to discrimination, and it was mostly deserved with the scams and stunts we've pulled, but there were only a few kids in Peach Creek.

Here, the numbers are in the hundreds.'

Once everyone was in the gymnasium, the assembly began. The Eds and Eric were forced to list to an old man make a pampering speech that nearly made the fractured-eye boy groan if he wasn't suppressing it.

"...In short, you are all elites selected from the best of the best nationwide. As your principal, I guarantee it," he said to everyone, before glancing at E-Class. "...Still, pride is a powerful enemy. If you are negligent, you'll end up becoming like a certain group of hopeless someones."

This got the students to start laughing at E-Class. Eddy's fists were trembling, as he snarled at the ground. Ed looked down in depression, as Double D patted his back to comfort him, as he secretly criticized the principal for his unprofessional and discriminative speech. Eric just looked at the back of the person in front of him, trying not to let the words of the old man get to him.

"Hi, Nagisa," whispered Sugaya. "Where's Karma? I haven't seen him around."

Nagisa sighed. "Skipping," he said. "He said he's not coming to the assembly and doesn't care if he's punished for it. Getting good grades and behaving badly... It's times like this when I'm jealous of him."

"Yeah, ain't that the truth." Sugaya groaned.


Within the board chairman's office, the man himself sat at his desk and watched the assembly on his computer screen.

"If I may say so, sir, this method is remarkably effective," said a man standing in front of the board chairman's desk. "As a result, with the exception of those numbers of high schoolers who go on to attend first-rate universities is exceptionally high."

"You could say this will prepare them for the real world," the chairman said, watching the E-Class students being laughed at by the rest of the school. "A sense of not falling behind is instilled in them before it is too late. Alas, humans make the most progress when they have an object of discrimination and scorn."

That was what his so-called reasoning was. He considered himself a rationally moving man. In managing the school, and even with the situation that E-Class was placed in, if it's reasonable, then it's fine with him.


Back in the gymnasium, the principal was done talking and they were going onto a special announcement from the student council. Eric was just glad the bullshit was over. He tried to tune out the old man, but the laughter was another story.

As he stood with the rest of the students, he noticed a familiar person from the right corner of his eyes. Turning his head, Eric saw Karasuma walking towards where the other teachers were standing. As he saw him greeting a female teacher, who flushed at the sight of him, the fractured-eye boy heard the students not in E-Class talking to each other.

"Who's that? Never seen him before."

"He looks way too cool to be a teacher."

Eric was a little by his presence of him. He didn't think he was going to show up with them and would be doing...whatever government things he does. His and Karasuma attentions were then taken by the voices of Rio and Kurahashi (Hinano) talking to each other.

"Wow, cool," Kurahashi said to Rio.

"Yeah," Rio said, as the two of them held up their Anti-Sensei Knife sheaths, which was decorated. When he saw the sheaths out in public, Karasuma held in his gasp of shock and panic. The two girls then turned towards the man and showed him. "What do you think Mister K?"

"We decorated the thing we keep our knives in," Kurahashi chipped.

"So stylish."

Karasuma quickly went over to them and placed his hands on the sheaths to hide them, while leaning forward toward their face. "They're cute, really, now put them away," he whispered forcefully at them, as the girl smiled nervously. "The assassination thing is top secret, remember?"

"Oh, sorry," the two of them said. As Eddy watched the exchange going on, he heard the other students in the gymnasium talking about them behind the back of his head.

"Think he's the new E-Class teacher."

"Looks like he's big on the hands-on approach."

"No fair. Why can't the regular teachers be that hot? The ones we have and the boys are just rude and ugly."

Eddy felt a smirk come to his lips with a sense of some pride. But then he heard some quiet murmuring coming from the back of the gymnasium. The Ed-boy turned around to see what was going on. It turned out that everyone's attention was directed to Professor Bitch, as she walked into the place. All the students and faculty, except for E-Class and Karasuma, shared at her, with the males all blushing and drooling. Many couples were split up on that day at that moment.

"Whoa! Who's the big-boob, foreign-looking chick?"

"Don't tell me she's an E-Class teacher too."

"So jealous."

"Look who finally decided to join us," Eric joked.

"Quick recovery, huh?" Nagisa said as they watched Irina walk over to Karasuma and stand next to him.

Without looking at her, Karasuma demanded, "What are you doing here?"

"Don't even try to pull rank on me," she said. "I'm an educator. Just like you are."

"So you're finally embracing your role here?"

"Or I just need an excuse to scope out the student body." Irina cringed a little when she saw Four-Eyes and Fatso staring at her with perverted gazes. "Meow, said nobody ever. Oh, that's right." She then started walking towards Eric. "Eric."

The fractured-eye boy turned to look at her. "What's up?"

Professor Bitch placed a hand on his shoulder and said, "The octopus isn't around, so talk to me." Eric raised an eyebrow. "Let me have a look at your special little notebook. I know you and Nagisa are continuing to jot down his weaknesses and your plans, right? Let the teacher peak at your notebook and I'll make it worth your while."

"Well, actually," Eric said, "we haven't added any new attempts or weaknesses since the last time you looked."

"Please, sweetheart. I know you're keeping all the good things to yourself."

"No, it's like I said..." Eric didn't have a chance to finish when she grabbed his head.

"Come on, kid, give it to me already," Professor Bitch said, before pressing and smothering his face hard into her boobs. Yada glared with soulless white eyes at her, as Eric struggled to try and push himself away from the blonde. "Or I'll suffocate you."

"You're already are, Professor Bitch!" Eric exclaimed in a muffled voice.

Four-Eyes and Fatso stared at the scene with weird faces, wishing that they were in Eric's place. 'What a teacher,' they thought with bleeding noses. 'What a...bitch.'

"What the hell?" Exclaimed a student, complaining about Irina being the teacher of a group of—in their eyes—failures. "Are you kidding me?"

"The E-Class douchebags aren't supposed to get any special preps," complained another student, as Karasuma grabbed Professor Bitch by the back of her collar and dragged her away, making her let go of Eric.

After that, the assembly continued with a male student with glasses, black eyes, a somewhat prominent nose, and short, dark green stepped onto the stage. "Okay, the principal just handed out to everyone all the details about the student council's event," he said, holding up a piece of paper.

"Wait," Eric said in confusion, "what?"

He wasn't the only one puzzled. "Where's our handouts," Okajima asked, to which Okano shrugged.

"Uh, excuse me, sir," Isogai said, getting the student on the stage's attention. "E-Class didn't get the handouts."

"Hm? You haven't? How strange." The student's face then turned from fake genuine to flat out mocking. "My bad~ Looks like I forget to bring enough for E-Class. Sorry, but it looks like you'll have to memorize it off your neighbor before you leave~" That got the student body to start laughing at E-Class. Eddy could feel his face turning red with anger, but tried to hold it in. Ed frowned at the student, while Double D scolded. Eric's fist trembled. "I mean, I think you people should also work on improving our memoirs," the green-haired boy laughed.

At that point, Eddy had finally reached his breaking point and rolled up his sleeve. "Why you little—!" He stopped from doing something he might regret when a familiar blur of speed rushed passed them. E-Class looked to see single pieces of paper falling down over their heads. Eddy and the others grabbed it and were surprised to see it was the handouts that they never gotten.

"There you go, Isogai," said a familiar voice. They turned their heads to see Korosensei in his human disguise standing next to Karasuma and Professor Bitch, who looked at him in shock while twirling a pencil on his finger. "There don't seem to be any problems. There are enough handwritten copies for everyone, after all."

Isogai nodded with a smile. He then turned towards the student on the stage. "Never mind, we got our handouts, so please continue."

"Eh?" The student was taken back by this, looking in disbelief at those he saw as inferior. "Ah...How?! No way." The E-Class students smiled in gratefulness and in victory. "Okay, who's the wise guy that ruined everything?! Ah...er, ahem. Well then, I'll continue."

"I told you not to come here!" Karasuma whispered aggressively at Korosensei. "Your very existence is to remain secret."

"Relax," Korosensei whispered. "My disguise is flawless. No one would expect a thing." As he stood there, however, the student body started to take notice of him. They could figure out where he came from, or get over the fact that he was tall and didn't seem to have any joints.

Irina took this as an opportunity to try and stab at Korosensei. He was able to dodge her easily, but they were causing a scene, so Karasuma stepped in. The man grabbed her arm and pinned it to her back, before leading her away.

This caused E-Class to laugh. "I can honestly say she remains me a lot about Eddy," Eric said with a sharp-toothed grin.

"Why's that," Yada asked with a smile.

"She doesn't know how to quit."

The student body looked at them strangely, while Four-Eyes and Fatso glared at them.


Eddy laughed out loud as the Eds and Eric exited the building. "Did you see the look on his face?!" He exclaimed, before laughing again, with Ed joining him.

"We showed him, huh Eddy?!" said the strong Ed-boy.

"Yeah, we did!"

"While I'm not one to one-up another individual," Double D said, "I must admit that with the unprofessional discrimination we've received at the hands of our peers on the main campus, I feel quite satisfied."

"You got that right!" Eddy exclaimed, as Eric stopped and looked down at his shoes.

"Dammit," he hissed, seeing one of the shoes untied. "You guys go on ahead. I'll just gonna tie my shoe."

The Eds did, and they walked towards the entrance they came from, where the other members of E-Class were going through. Eric got down on one knee and started tying his shoe. It only took him a second.

"They're one of them! Just like I told you!" Said a girl's voice to his right. Eric turned his head towards the source of it and felt any positive attitude he had was quickly extinguished.

Standing a few feet away was a girl with black hair and dark eyes, who was clinging onto the source of Eric displeasure. A boy around his age with short, flat dark brown hair that went to his nape with almond, dark eyes, a big nose, and large lips and fair skin. The way this guy looked at Eric told him he was full of arrogance and was without any manners.

"So, that's him, Kaho," asked the guy with a smug look.

"That's right!" Kaho, who Eric could have sworn was a girl Maehara was dating, pointed at him. "He and friends destroyed the trophy display!" This attracted the attention of some surrounding students who were watching to see if the A-Class student, Tomoya Seo, was going to teach the foreign student a lesson.

Yada, who was walking a few meters through the gate to walk back to E-Class, stopped when she heard the commotion. Turning her head, she gasped when she saw Eric being confronted by the boy and his girlfriend. "Oh no..." she whispered in worry.

Scowling, Eric stood up and to turned his body to face Seo and Kaho. "Is there something I can help you with," he asked.

"Ah, look at that. The little freak is acting tough." The moment Seo said 'freak', Eric felt his anger spike. He could handle may other name-callings, that's he and his friends went through back at the Cul-De-Sac, but being called freak was something he never liked. He hated being called a freak because of his eyes and teeth. "You and your friends got some nerves showing your faces around here after what you did. Especially laughing at the assembly."

Eric pinched his nose and sighed, aggravated. "For the last time, that was an accident! We didn't mean for that to happen!"

"It doesn't matter anymore, though," Seo said, puzzling Eric. "Because now you and your friends are where you belong." He then took a good look at the E-Class student, seeing him glaring at him. "Hey! Who do you think you are staring at me like that, huh?! You and your kind need to keep your eyes to the floor and your heads down when you when you're in the presence of a superior!"

"...I don't have time for this," Eric said, before trying to walk away before his temper boiled over. However, he didn't get far when Seo's arm blocked him and he grabbed the fractured-eye boy's tie.

"Hold on there, freak," said Seo with a sneer. "You're got some groveling to do."

Eric's scowling eyes narrowed. "Let go of me."

"And who's gonna make me?" Seo then shoved Eric back, wanting for him to fall so that he would get him to get on his knees and humiliate him. But Eric didn't fall. He got a good footing and stood straight. As he continued to glare at Seo, the A-Class boy saw it as a challenge of some kind and smirk. "Oh, still want to be the tough guy, huh."

Meanwhile, after Nagisa dealt with his bullies, he ran up to Yada's left side and asked, "What's going on?"

"This jerk started mocking Eric, and now I think they're going to fight," Yada informed Nagisa, watching Eric with extreme worry.

"You're going to regret coming here, freak! Right after I kill you!" Seo exclaimed and brought his fist back.

That's when Eric's special ability kicked in, and he saw time moving slowly. He watched as Seo brought his fist forward. Aiming right at Eric's face. 'Kill me? You?' With his thoughts running faster, he ducked under the punch. 'If life in the Cul-De-Sac couldn't kill me,' Eric said in his head, as he looked up and saw Seo's stunned face, 'what makes you think you?'


He then uppercuts Seo hard in the chin when time went back to normal, which sent the arrogant teen off his feet and flying a few feet back, before hitting the ground.

As Seo groaned in pain, Kaho and the other students looked on in shock. Even Yada and Nagisa were in disbelief at what Eric did. Not to mention Karasuma, who was standing a few meters away with Korosensei, was a little taken back by the act but knew full well that it was in self-defense.

With no one to stop him, Eric walked over to Seo, who was holding his chin when he noticed the student he was picking on. He let out a yelp of fear when he saw him. "I'm only going to say this once." Eric pointed a threatening finger at the A-Class student. "Don't ever call me a freak. And don't ever mess with the Eds and Eric!"

Seo blinked in confusion.

The students blinked in confusion.

Is that what they called themselves?

Afterward, Karasuma watched as Eric walked away. "What did I tell you," Korosensei said as the fractured-eye teen joined up with Yada and Nagisa, who asked him if he was alright. "They have more self-respect than to roll over for a bully. Eric did the right thing by trying to walk away from the situation, but when he was threatened, he retaliated."

However, Nagisa standing up for himself and Eric fight hadn't gone unnoticed by the chairman. He watched on the computer in his office as Eric, Nagisa, and Yada walked away towards the gate. This was troubling to him. A student from E-Class class has pushed normal students aside and walked away. And then one of those boys from Peach Creek, more importantly from E-Class has decided to stand against his betters.

For both of these events to happen in his school, one of them causing physical harm, it was illogical and unacceptable.

With his eyes glued on Eric, it was clear to him that there need to be some slight improvements to keep up the statuesque. To him, this was of a higher priority than the assassination.


{Playing Welcome Back by John Sebastian}

[Instrumentals] The opening of the ending fades into showing the old school building in the afternoon, as the sun was starting to go down.

[Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket out] The scene then cuts to show the kids of E-Class packing their bags and leaving. Eddy was asking Double D if he had today's notes, which Double D responded with a smile. Ed was packing his things, before pulling out an old piece of food from his bag and eating it.

[Welcome back, to that same old place that you laughed about] The scene cuts to show Eric exiting out of the room, only to stop when Yada ran up to him. She asked him something, to which Eric smiled and gestured for her to follow.

[Well the names have all changed since you hung around] The Eds and Eric, Yada, Nagisa, Karma, Kayano, and other students are then shown walking down the street to the train station.

[But those dreams have remained and they've turned around] The scene then cuts to show the doors of a train opening, and the kids walking out of it. They waved goodbye to one another as they went their separate ways

[Who'd have thought they'd lead ya (Who'd have thought they'd lead ya)] The view is then taken to the inside of the Eds and Eric's dorm. The front door opens and Ed runs into the dorm, followed by Eddy walking and tried, then Double D chipped, and then Eric, who closed the door behind him.

[Back here where we need ya (Back here where we need ya)] They are then shown eating dinner in the living room. Wide Eric, Eddy, and Double D ate their noodles normally, Ed slurped up all that was in the one go. This caused the others to laugh.

[Yeah we tease him a lot 'cause we got him on the spot] The Eds and Eric are then shown working on homework.

[Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back, welcome back] Just like in the intro, Eric is shown brushing his teeth in the bathroom. After a moment, he took the toothbrush out of his mouth and drank a glass of water. After swishing the water in his mouth, Eric spits it out and walked out of the bathroom, heading for his bedroom.

[Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back] Eric quickly came back in and turned off the lights, ending the outro.


Next time: EDventure #6 "An ED too far!"
