
An Ed too far

When the sun shined into her room and her alarm when off, Rio Nakamura groaned in her bed. With most of her head under the blankets, the blonde reached her arm out from under them and hits the clock to turn it off. After that, Rio threw the covers off and got out of bed. Walking to the door and opening it, before closing it.

Moments later, she's finished her morning routine and entered into the kitchen. Now dressed in her school uniform, she goes to a cabinet and opened it. Pulled out a box of cereal and a boil, Rio placed them on the table and goes to the refrigerator to grab some milk.

But when she opened, Rio's was shocked at what she found and screamed before slamming the fridge shut.


The fridge was opened again minutes later by Rio, looking at what was in it sternly. Behind her were Double D, Eddy, and Eric. The smart Ed-boy was carrying a tray that had a bowl of cereal, a glass of milk, and a half orange. The short Ed-boy was carrying a uniform. Rio looked over her shoulder at the friends and used a hand to indicate the inside of the fridge. "Could one of you please explain this."

In Rio's fridge was none other than a sleeping Ed. His body was fitted crookedly, and there was barely any food in the fridge. The foods that were in it were nearly half-eaten and splattered everywhere.

"Oh, not again," complained Eric, as Eddy saw this an immediately laughed at Ed. "Sleepwalking?"

"Don't worry, Rio," Double D said, handing her the tray of food, as Eric went to the fridge to pull their friend out. "We'll have Ed vacated ASAP."

Rio stared at the two boys while standing next to Eddy, before asking him, "This has happened before?"

"Oh, you have no idea!" Eddy laughed. "Back home, he'd scarfed every fridge in sight! And every time we found him, he was like a beached whale!" This got Rio to giggle a little, finding it as funny as the Ed-boy.

Eric was finally able to pry Ed's body out of the fridge. He then held him up by the shoulder straps of his tank top. "Ed? Oh, Ed?" When that didn't work, Eric reached over and put his hand into Double D's pocket, knowing he had everything for every occasion. At First Double D was confused, but then Eric pulled out a megaphone. He puts it in front of his mouth. "WAKE UP, YOU IDIOT!" He yelled into the device, so when it came out of the other end, it was powerful enough to blow wind into Ed's face, causing it to stretch back.

But it was enough to wake Ed up. When he saw his friends, the simpleton smiled. "Hi, guys!" He said. "My ears are ringing."

"Ed, do you remember anything from last night," Double D asked. "Like the fact that you consumed everything in Rio's fridge."

"Not only that," Ed said, as Eric let him go and the strong Ed-boy tried to stand, "but I feel as though I have consumed everything in Rio's fridge." He then noticed Rio eating the cereal given to her. "Hi, Rio!"

"Come on, we're going to be late for school," Eddy said before throwing Ed's uniform to him and starting walking to the door.

"I'm coming, Eddy!" Ed followed him, still in his underwear and a tank top, passing by Rio as she finished her breakfast.

"Ed! You didn't even brush your teeth," Double D called out, running to catch up with his friends.

"At least he didn't eat anyone," Eric said as he followed. When Rio heard that, her eyes widened and placed the tray of food on the counter and grabbed her backpack.

"He can do that," she asked, following them out of her house and heading off to school.

'I wish I knew what made Ed have his "Monthly munchies" as I like to call it. Though it doesn't happen every month but I just chose that name cause it sounded fun. But it's not fun when he travels to different fridges across the whole city. Back at Peach Creek, he could only stay in the Cul-de-sac, but here, he goes everywhere. And it's such a pain. Well I hoped it wouldn't be worse from here.



Cue Seishun Satsubatsuron by 3-nen E-gumi Utatan)


{Seishun... Satsubatsuron!}

(The opening starts with the crescent moon as it gradually change to Korosensei's head. Then Ed, Double D, Eddy and Eric appeared upside down with their names shown as they fall and tried to attack Korosensei as he panicked before dust picks up around them as the title appeared.)

Welcome Back, Mr. ED!

{Kuchi ni dasu no wa jikkō suru toki}

{Sore ga kakkoī koto shitteru sa}

(The scene start with Eric waking up in bed as he gets up and gets ready for school. As he walk out of his room, Eddy and Double D were at the living room while the latter was preparing breakfast. He look around only to see that Ed's not up yet so he went to his room to wake him up, only to find that he was not here and saw his window was open.)

{TARGET, sagashite bokura wa satsubatsu}

{Omoi wa mayou mayoedo susumu}

{Migite to migiashi issho ni de sōda}

(Eric panicked and ran out of his room to tell Eddy and Double D that Ed's gone. Eddy groaned in frustration while Double D worried about him, Eric ran back in to his room and came out with his uniform on and a toothbrush in his mouth. Double D quickly pack small breakfast along with their lunches before they head out to find Ed.)

{Nan nanda iraira no hadō wa}

{Bokura no sonzai no shōmei?}

{Tsuki wo miagetakamaru}

{Sā sā! Satsu satsu sattō START!}

(Scene changes to Eric opens a fridge of their neighbor's house and found Ed sleeping in his underwear and half eaten food. Eddy laughed while Eric took Ed out of the fridge and slaps him back and forth to wake him up. Double D look at the time and finds that they are going to be late for school, Eric and Double D panicked while Eddy groaned as Ed woke up from Eric's slapping before he was pulled by Eric and ran out the door along with Eddy and Double D.)

{Yari kittenaikara yarikirenai}

{Yari kittenaikara yarikirenai}

{Genjō daha wo chīsana koe de yagate zekkyō shitaku naru}

(The Eds and Eric, with Ed now in his uniform, rushing to the train station but they missed the train. As Eric and Double D mope in depression, Eddy yelled at Ed before he had an idea as he grabbed Ed the the other two. They're now at a park as they sitting in a box with a tree that is cartoonishly pulled down like rubber below them while Ed was holding the tree down by sinking his teeth in another tree. Double D was calculating their trajectory while Eddy was getting impatient and Eric was starting to regret it. Double D conclude that they would land in the field behind the building but isn't sure about it. Eddy isn't surprised as he signals Ed to let go as they're launch in the air heading to towards school.)

{Yari kittenaikara yarikirenai (Yareba dekiru sa)}

{Yari kittenaikara yarikirenai (Kitto dekiru sa)}

(Eddy, Double D and Eric screamed while Ed laugh as they flew through the sky. Then Eric saw Korosensei flying by as he pulled out his anti-sensei knife and tries to kill him but no avail as Korosensei sped up ahead of them.)

{Dōse, to iu no wa kantandakedo}

{Ima wa agaite mitainda kimi to hajikete mitainda}

(Meanwhile in E-Class, Yada was sitting by her desk and glance at Eric's desk in front of her as class was about to start. Korosensei arrives through the window and begun roll call, Yada asked him if he seen the Eds and Eric this morning making Rio teased her about it as she blushed in embarrassment. Korosensei answers as the Eds and Eric crashed through the roof and landed in the floor next to Korosensei, surprising the students.)

{Saredo seishun wa mirai he GO!}

{Sā sā sā! Seishun satsubatsuron!}

(Ed recoiled from the floor as he pulled the other three out with him as the class aside from Korosensei look at them with white eyes and jaws dropped. Korosensei tells them to take their seats as Ed lets go of them and went to their designated desk thus begins class.)


EDventure # 6- An ED too far.

The bell rung for the class to start for Class E-3 and the day has begun.

If only it could have started normally.

The student stared at their teacher with blank-white eyed confusion. Korosensei was standing in front of the classroom and used his Mach 20 speed to create many duplicates of himself. Each was wearing a different headband with an individual subject on it.

"Let's begin, shall we!" Said all of them.

"...Begin what, exactly," asked the students, still with blank confused looks on their faces.

"Studying for midterms, of course," said one Korosensei. "I'll be making this period..."

"A high-speed enhanced midterm study hall!" exclaimed all of his copies in unison.

"Wait, how is that—WHOA!" Eric, along with many of the other kids, nearly jumped out of their skin when a Korosensei doppelganger appeared right in front of each of their desks. Their transparent bodies moving from one side of the desk to the other also every second.

"This is how it is, Eric," the Korosensei attending to the fractured-eye boy said. "My doubles will provide special one-on-one attention, drilling everyone on the areas where you need improvements most.

Eric looked to his right at Ed's table. He wasn't really surprised to find four doubles around the simpleton.

"What a waste of time," Tarasaka complained, taking little to no little to no interest in learning and improving. "He seriously gotta wear a different headband for each subject?" When a Korosensei double appeared in front of him, the tough guy looked up.

Korosensei was wearing a Naruto headband.

"GIVE ME A BREAK, MAN! NARUTO'S NOT EVEN ON THE TEST!" Tarasaka yelled furiously at him, as Korosensei also had on the iconic whisker tattoos of the blonde ninja.

"You think that's weird?" Eddy said, looking at his Korosensei. This one was wearing a red headband and black wig that made him look like John Rambo.

'It was an incredible thing to see the guy in action. He was even getting faster and that meant another subject to get better at for a student. But in all honesty, it seemed like he was only doing that to give Ed some more help. But thanks to Double D's crazy genius smarts, Korosensei didn't have to spend as much time with my friend. To this day, I'm still trying to figure out why he was wearing the Naruto and Rambo bandanas.'

The left side Korosensei's head suddenly moved, making his head look like a sideways U. Seeing this, the Eds, Eric, and Nagisa screamed in shock.

This was actually due to Korosensei trying to dodge a straight forward attack from Karma. "Knife down, Karma! No sneak attacks during study hall," all the Korosensei copies scolded the redhead, while Karma just held out his arm with his head turned away and sticking out his tongue.

"This is very difficult, so try not to disrupt my concentration!"

"Still, do you really have the strength to sustain this many copies, sir," asked Nagisa, while Korosensei's head went back to normal.

"No worries there," Korosensei said, before gesturing to the window. Standing up on his chair and looking out of the window, Eddy saw a Korosensei double relaxing on a beach chair outside.

"I have a double outside on R&R duty."

"How's that helping?" Eddy question.

"It's best to not question the super lifeform, Eddy" Double D said, focusing on his work.

'After a couple of days, we began to notice that he's been on a crazy level up rate. I wondered if it had to do this his goal to destroy Earth. No matter how you looked at it, though, he was a tricky target to take on.'

"Correct!" Eric looked to his right and saw the copies around Ed praising him with their arms up. "You got the correct answer this no help!"

"Yay for Ed!" Ed exclaimed happily.

'But who am I to complain. He's really helping Ed and boosting his confidence. At least I don't have too much to worry about. As long as we keep this up, we've got midterms in the bag.'


When school was let out, everyone but the Eds and Eric exited out of the building. The four friends stayed to do the last cleanup.

Eddy was sweeping the floor near the staff room. He was groaning, silently complaining why Double D volunteered them to clean the hallway. However, his three strains of hair suddenly stood up. Eddy then stopped sweeping and lifted up his head when his interest was pecked by sounds coming from the other side of the closed staff room door.

"Consider this deceptively simple cube."

That was no voice Eddy heard before. He thought that the "Big Government Man" Korosensei and Professor Bitch were the only ones in there.

"If I wish to a line the colors, quickly and intuitively, what might be the best way to go about it?"

"Hey, Eddy!" Eddy quickly turned his head to see Eric looking at him, while Korosensei was walking towards Eddy's direction, and Double D and Ed were going to the storage room. "Come on. Let's put this stuff away and go home," the fractured-eye boy said, before turning and going to the storage.

"Oh, ah...right," Eddy said, before running past Korosensei. "See you tomorrow!"

"Nuruhuhuhuhu. I hope you'll be able to kill me tomorrow," replied the teacher, as he went to the staff room. When Korosensei entered the room...

"The answer is simple," said the man Eddy heard, before using a screwdriver to break apart the Rubix cube he had in his hand, causing Korosensei to stop at the doorway. He then lets the piece fall to the ground. "Disassemble it and rearrange them. It's logical and efficient." The man who was talking had neatly combed brown hair and violet eyes. He wore a formal business suit that was brown, which was unique compared to the usual gray or black suits of Kunugigaoka's staff. There was also a sawtooth leaf pin on his tie.

The man then smiled at Korosensei. "Why Korosensei, it's an honor."

Korosensei closed the door behind him as he stepped into the room, while the Eds and Eric were making their way out of the school. As Ed, Eric, and then Double D pasted the door to the staff room, Eddy halted when he heard Professor Bitch said, "Apparently this gentleman here is the school's board chairman."

Eddy quickly placed his ear to the door, hoping to hear more about their conversation. "Believe me, he is," said Mr. Karasuma. "Which means he's our boss."

"NUAA!" Korosensei screamed before Eddy heard him using his superspeed. "H-How good of you to come all this way, sir! By the way, I don't suppose you'll be raising my salary a bit more..."

Korosensei's weakness #6: Subservient to higher ups

"Eddy!" The sort Ed-boy in question yelped a little and quickly looked to his right to see his friends staying there a few feet from him. "What are you doing," Double D asked in a scolding way, making Eddy nervous that the people inside hear them.

"Are you looking for the ice cream shop," Ed asked.

Eddy acted quickly by jumping onto Ed's chest, grabbed Eric and Double D's by their necks. And then he quickly tied the three's heads together into a knot. "Keep it down, numbskulls!"

He whispered sternly. "The big shot chairman's here, and I want to know why." He then jumped off of Ed's chest and placed his ear on the door again.

"Forgive me also for not visiting sooner," Asano said, prompting Korosensei to stop. "I meant to pay my respects, but one gets sidetrack he then stood up from his chair and turned to face the yellow being. "Mr. Karasuma and the Minister of Defense have told me all about you. Well, I'm not going to pretend I understand all about the situation, but you are quite the pitiful, aren't you? Intending to become the world's savior, you've been reduced to its destroyer instead."

With their head untied, Eric, Ed, and Double D were listening to the discussion going on in the room with Eddy. When they heard the last part of what Asano said, the four friends looked at each other in confusion.

'Savior? Destroyer? Before we understood everything about Korosensei, those were the words that confused us for a while.'

"But no matter," Asano said, lowering his head after looking up at Korosensei. "I have no intention of raising a fuss over that here. I'm hardly in the position to save the world. That job I must leave to hands more capable. Most of the time, I'll leave the assassination of you alone." He walked away from Korosensei and went to Karasuma. The chairman then raised a hand to the side of his mouth. "I've been given plenty of incentive to turn a blind eye."

The government personnel responded with, "That'll be much appreciated."

"That's a very reasonable attitude, chairman," Irina said. "I find that quite attractive in a man."

"You flatter me, madam." Asano then started walking towards the back of the room. "That said, as the head of this school, what I consider what to do in case the Earth survives." He went to an open window and sat down on its edge. "In other words, what becomes of my school when Korosensei is assassinated?"

{Play music: "Soul Clef XI" – RvB Season 12 soundtrack by Trocadero}

"Not to make too fine a point, but E-Class most remain as it is in the grand scheme of things."

Just like the Eds and Eric, who looked shocked and offended, that statement by the chairman rubbed Korosensei the wrong way. "Interesting," he said. "You say it as if students with rock bottom grades and low treatment are a part of something bigger."

"Oh yes," Asano responded, with one leg over the other his hands on that one leg's knee. "Are you familiar with the Rule of Worker Ants."

Double D was about to explain, but Eric pulled his hat down all the way to cover his head.

"It states that no matter how many are in a group, 20% are lazy, 20% work, and the remaining 60% are ordinary," Asano explained. It made sense to Eric, but he felt he wasn't going to like where the chairman was going with this point. "My aim is a group where 5% are lazy and 95% work. With 95% of the students strongly believing such things, we can achieve that ideal ratio."

"...I see. That's quite logical," Korosensei said. "And of course, if the 5% isn't kept down, the belief of the other 95% disappears."

"Today I received two alarming complaints," Asano then mentioned. "One from a homeroom D-Class teacher, and one from a couple of students. The first one isn't too severe, just something about an E-Class student glaring at them...However, the second one was that a student of the same class—the one transfer student with the damaged eye—violently punched one of our top students and made a threatening remark."

Eric gulped.

"I already explained that Eric was defending himself," Karasuma said.

"And I believe you, Mr. Karasuma," Asano replied. "But as you already know, this isn't the first time these four students—the Eds and Eric, have caused much trouble for the school. Even before what had happened with our trophy case, I decided to read more about them from a report that their school sent. It's the main reason why I've sent them to E-Class."

This surprised the Eds and Eric.

"They are indeed makers of trouble, and this combined with the desire to assassinate you Korosensei, it can only be expected that they would act in such a way and it might have influenced the other student. The problem of both these situations lies within the fact that E-Class students defied their betters. Under my plan, that is unacceptable."

Eric's fist clenched tightly.

"After hearing Karasuma's side of the story, I'll not take any drastic measures against Eric," Asano informed them, hopping off the window edge and walked to the door. "But as his chairman, I expect him to be punished in a fair manner." He stopped a few feet from the door suddenly. "Oh, and Korosensei..."

Asano's hand swiftly reached into his suit's pocket and pulled out an item. He then threw the item at Korosensei, revealing it to be a wire puzzle.

"You have one second to solve this wire puzzle!"

"What!?" Korosensei quickly grabbed the wire puzzle and used his superspeed to try and solve it.

"You just throw this on me out of the blue?!" He exclaimed as he was so stunned by the chairman's challenge that instead of beating the challenge in one second, the yellow being was one the floor with his tentacles tangled up in the wires. Some of his limbs were tied into knots, and there was one wire warped around his neck.

Because they couldn't see what was inside, the Eds and Eric could only guess that Korosensei couldn't do it.

Korosensei's weakness #7: He has no patience for wire puzzles.

"Your speed certainly lives up to the hype," Asano complimented the struggling teacher. "With speeds like that, you could seemingly dodge any sort of attempt on your life. But bear in mind..." Korosensei stopped struggling with his face on the ground. "...In this world, there are problems which cannot be fixed with speed. Well, I'll be leaving."

When they heard that, the Eds and Eric quickly moved away from the door and moved off to the side before the door opened and Asano walked out. The chairman saw the four students staring at him and instantly recognized them. Like deer in the headlights, their bodies froze up by the man's icy stare. Eric didn't know why, but just merely looking at him was enough to make his heart start beating like a jackhammer.

"Hi there," said Asano with a bright and encouraging smile. Eric could see that it was fake. "I'm looking forward to your midterm exam. Best of luck to you."

No one said a thing as Asano then walked away. His smile instantly dropping. The Eds and Eric just watched as the chairman made his way out of the building.

'It hit both me and the Eds like a ton of bricks. Life was still out to get us even if we moved over seas. So even if we didn't break that case, we were still going to end up here.

In that instant, we felt like we were no longer assassins or our own group of friends, but merely part of the E-for-End Class. We were still the bottom of the barrel of this stupid education course. It was at times like these that I began to question why we even came to this school. We were still treated as outcasts, even away from our homes. And it made wonder. If we went a different school, would the same stuff still happen to us. Would we be sent to the lowest part of that different school or would it work like. Whatever I was thinking, I still remembered that this could still be our chance to change. The Ed's and I weren't going down without a fight.'

Eric then peeked around the corner and looked into the room and stared at Korosensei.

'As a target, Korosensei was nearly invincible. We were barely able to land a hit on him, and even professionals like Professor Bitch had their work cut out. However, as a teacher, he was vulnerable to the whims of people higher up. Just like the board chairman of Kunugigaoka Junior High School's board chairman, Gakuhō Asano.

According to Double D that night, the man was a shrewd administer who, in the first decade of his career, single-handily brought this school up to top tier status.

To put it simply, the moment we stepped foot on the school, there was no way around his ideals of order.'

With his face still on the floor, Korosensei broke the wire around his finger-tentacles.

{Song ends here}


The next day

"Good morning, everyone!" In front of everyone, there were now more Korosensei copies than there was yesterday. There were so many, they were now taking over the whole room, and surrounding all the tables.

"As you might have guessed, I've multiplied myself even further," they all said.

Eric, Double D, Eddy, and Nagisa looked at with deadpan expressions. As Korosensei started moving around the classroom, providing even more doubles to everyone, all they could think was that this was going too far. It was so bad that when Eric looked at Ed's table, the afterimages were starting to get sloppy and the Ed-boy's table was surrounded by characters that weren't even supposed to be in the subject.

"Uh hey, Korosensei? No offense, but isn't this going to wear you out," asked Kayano.

"'Wear me out'? Not at all," responded Korosensei said. But to Eddy, he could tell that what Asano said yesterday to him really got to the teacher. And he didn't blame him.

An hour later, when the bell rang, Korosensei finally stopped. Panting out of exhaustion, he was leaning against his desk with a flushed face and used some of his tentacles to hold some fans to cool himself off.

"Look at the poor guy," said Maehara, as he and a few students were standing in front of Korosensei while staring.

"It's not that surprising," Double D stated. "Given the fact that he's used his full capable speed without taking a break. Along with using a multitude of characters for each of us."

Rio smirked and pulled out an Anti-Sensei knife. "I say we try our luck."

"Not that we don't appreciate it, but why are you putting this much effort into teaching us, anyway," asked Okajima.

Korosensei chuckled. "To get those test scores up. Why else? And if I do that..." he then started talking while getting caught up in his daydream. "...You'll all thank me so much with looks of reverence, that you'll never want to kill me again. And then large-breast neighborhood college girls who will hear about my new reputation would want me to teach them." By the end of it, his body color turned pink. "I'll never have to worry about you trying to kill me again~. It'll be sheer bliss~."

The students looked at one another.

"Ha! Like that's going to happen!" Eddy said, standing next to his friends' desks.

"Yeah. I mean, we're better off doing that than studying," Mimura said, getting the Eds and Eric to look at him in surprise.

"Say what," Eddy asked.

"Let's face that facts, guys," Rio said, putting her hands behind her head. "With the reward money, even if we get bad grades, we'd be set for life."

"So wait, after everything we've been through, you're just going to give up?" Eric looked at them in disbelief. "What about Ed? He's been working really hard to learn and catch up," he said.

"That's right," Ed said, before holding up a bottle of ketchup. "Because you can't have ketchup without corndogs."

Okajima gestured to Ed. "And that just proves our point," he said. "Even with all the help, he's been given, Ed's still going to be the same as always."

"Oh, come now, everyone," Double D said, getting out of his desk at walking to the front of the room to get everyone's attention. "Surely you must reconsider. Think about all the things that can come from getting good grades. The money can get you the jobs you want and the careers you desire." He then opened his handbag. "And just to help all of you, I've taken the liberty of creating a study guide that would—"

"You might as not bother, Double D," said Mimura with a smile that made seem like he was taking pity on the Eds and Eric. "It'll just be a waste of paper on us."

"So, what if it is," Eddy demanded, standing up from his chair. "It could help us!"

"Look, you guys can try all you like, but it's not going to change anything," Rio said, looking at the four friends while feeling the hopelessness everyone was they were feeling. "You're better off with the Master Plan and trying to assassination Korosensei than doing well on the test. You're a part of the 'End' Class, like the rest of us."

This enraged Eddy and he shook his head. "Well, if you think you're the only ones with problems in your lives, then you don't know anything," he said, getting almost everyone's attention. "Do you want to know why we want to pass this year, even if we're stuck here in E-Class? It's to make up for the many mistakes, mishaps, scams, and destruction we've caused! Or I've caused!"

Though they've grown used to the short Ed-boy's loud voice, they were still startled by his aggression. "So much so, that no school in America was going to take us together! You think you've got problems?! Here's something you should know; our lives suck! We were outcasts long before we came here, and all we want now is a second chance at having a future! So go ahead. Be a bunch of quitters but the Eds and Eric aren't leaving until we pass!"

There was nothing but silence as all the E-Class students, even Eric, Double D, and Ed stared at Eddy in shock. Taken back completely by his outburst and his words.

"You can stop now, Eddy," Korosensei said suddenly, getting everyone's attention. They all saw him. Standing with his head low. "I'll take it from here."

This confused the classroom. "Take what, sir," asked Mimura.

Though his face was darkened by his shadow, they could see that his face was purple with an X on it. "The fact that only the Eds and Eric are the only ones I consider to be the closest thing to assassins. But all of the rest of you are not qualified to be assassins," Korosensei said in a dangerous tone that confused and frightened.

"All of you! Schoolyard! NOW!"


A moment later, and they were all standing outside on the field, staring at Korosensei a few meters in front of them. The being just stood there with his back facing the students of E-Class. Karasuma and Irina were also outside, standing on the hill the building was built on while watching the class. All they could do is wonder why Korosensei brought them out here.

Korosensei finally said something. "Eddy."

This surprised the Ed-boy a little. "Y-Yes, sir?"

"I'd like you to know that I'm sorry for not speaking up sooner," the teacher said. "I didn't mean for you to get upset, but I am glad you were truthful with everyone and to hear your devotion to change. I took the time to read the report Peach Creek gave about you and your friends. All the schemes, scams, and the damage you've done. You four have caused quite a lot of chaos, and that's why you were sent to E-Class. However, I'm here to tell all of you that whether you love or hate the E-Class system, the good thing about it is the way in which temporary relief measures have been prepared."

"What do you mean," asked Double D.

"Image scoring within the top 50 of the school's 186 students on midterms, and then you make that a reality. "

"And acquiring the approval of a former homeroom teacher, you are able to return to that class, slipping out of E-Class and being a target of discrimination. But given the conditions we've been forced to work under, the personal setbacks that sent you all here makes fulfilling such task much more difficult."

He then began pushing a soccer goal to the right. "Because you Eds and Eric were going to be placed here in the beginning, this probably wouldn't happen. But as for the rest of the E-Class students, they are all convinced that returning to the main campus is no more than a fool's dream. They also end up living with heartless discrimination against them."

When he placed the goal where he wanted it to be, he turned his head to look at Irina. "Miss Jelavić. I'd like your opinion as a professional assassin."

Irina said, "Alright, want do you want to know?"

"Let's say you've been given an assignment. Do you only have one plan going into it?"

At first, she was confused, but Professor Bitch answered the question. "Of course not. If my profession has taught me anything, it's that plan A never comes off like you'd expect it to. It's better to have a few possible routes. A good assassin has a back plan from any situations."

"Like when you're hungry, but there's a bear that is hungrier," Ed asked, getting them all to look at him.

"Shut up, Ed," Eddy said.

"And you, Mr. Karasuma," Korosensei said, looking at the agent. "When you teach knifework to students, is the first blow the only crucial one?"

Karasuma understood where he was going with this and answered. "The first move is important, but so is the follow up one too. Against a formidable opponent, there is a high chance that they'll dodge the first blow. The precision of your second and third attacks can mean life and death. Or you could carry a second blade."

Maehara said, "If you have a point, sir, I think we're missing it."

The yellow octopus then confused and surprised them by beginning to spin around. Creating a small cloud of dust under his feet. "Listen to your teachers, boys and girls," Korosensei said, still spinning. "Back up plans are the cornerstone of confidence, and a confident assassin is a successful one. The same goes for life in general. Thinking that you'll be fine since we have the assassination, you've lowered your studying goals." Now Korosensei was starting to go faster. "You heard the old saying, right? Don't put all of your eggs in one basket. Well, that's exactly what you're doing here!"

Now he was going so fast that it was causing the sand and dirt of the field to kick up and blast towards the students. They were forced to try and withstand the vortex that Korosensei was causing. While Ed was able to keep himself from flying off, his three friends were having a much harder time keeping themselves on the ground. A moment later, Eddy and Eric were slammed into the big guy's body, and Double D was forced to hold onto the flapping end of Ed's uniform.

"What if I were to leave the classroom for good!?" Korosensei exclaimed over his roaring winds. "What if another assassin killed me before you could!? What would you be left with!? What would you strive for, then!? Having lost the assassination you think as a contingency plan, you would be left with living the rest of your lives as outcasts! A word of advice from your sensei: you walk a fine line!"

The vortex was now a tornado. Ripping up the grass and dirt.

"Those who do not possess a second weapon are not qualified to call themselves assassin!"

"WHERE DID THOSE LETTERS COME FROM?" Eric yelled over the roaring wind, looking at the previously said sentence that formed in big, black letters in the air. It looked like it was straight out of a CARTOON!


On the main campus of Kunugigaoka Junior High, almost everyone from Classes A-D was able to see the tornado and were reasonably freaking out. Who wouldn't see a catastrophic weather anomaly going on near them, they would be frightened too.

How, as he was walking past some students when the tornado began, Asano looked at it and wasn't too concerned. To him, Korosensei was just showing off.


When Korosensei finally stopped spinning around, the tornado dispelled and there was only a dust cloud that covered the field. The dust then started to clear up. The dark clouds that covered the sky began to separate, this allowed the sun to shine light onto the students, teachers, and field of E-Class.

After he, Eddy, and Double D fell to the ground after hanging onto Ed for dear, Eric sat up and glare at where Korosensei was at—even though he could only see the creature's silhouette. "Are you trying to kill...us?" He exclaimed at first, but the fractured-eye boy was shocked at what he saw.

"There! Our schoolyard needed good leveling. Not to mention a few weeds cleared," Korosensei said, standing on the field that was now a newly made track field with the line drawn in white, and with two soccer nets at the ends of it.

"I'm a superior life capable of destroying the Earth," Korosensei stated in a dark tone, with his face darkened and his eyes glowing red."

"Flattening out this corner of it was a simple thing for me." This frightened the E-Class students, while Karma stood a few feet away leaning against a tree. "Unless you have the confidence in yourselves and can show that you have a secondary weapon, I will consider there to be no assassins in this classroom who deserve to be my opponent. And I wouldn't just leave, I'll flatten you all along with the school building as I go."

"A second weapon," asked Nagisa. "How long do we have?"

"Until the end of tomorrow," Korosensei replied. The students all gasped. He then pointed at all of them as a 50 appeared on his forehead. "By the end of midterms, all of you must score within the top 50!"

This shocked the students even more.

"How is that even possible!?" Eric exclaimed. "We're still struggling with some parts, and Ed still needs work!"

"That's why we're going to change that." Korosensei held out his arms. "Like I've been doing with Ed, we've been sharpening those second weapons all along. The main campus relies on dull teaching methods. I, to put it mildly, do not." He then pointed at them again. "Don't think so lowly of Ed or yourselves. Wield those second weapons with confidence. Successfully complete this mission smiling without embarrassment, and hold your heads high. As assassins and as members of E-Class!"

'So that was it. If we wanted to keep Korosensei here and stay alive, we had to pass the midterms.'


The day of the midterms came, and E-Class was taking it in Class 3-D. All was quiet in the room as the students took the test, but it wasn't completely silent. Kensaku Ōno, the homeroom teacher of the class that had the face of a douchebag, was tapping his finger on his fingers on his deck loudly. Blatantly doing it to disrupt their concentration. However, he glanced a few glares at Double D. While all of the others were anxious, the smart Ed-boy was going through his test with ease.

'Turns out the midterms are administered on the main campus, even for E-Class. We were the only ones not fighting on our Homefront.'

"You E-Class lot better not cheat or anything like that," said Ōno in a ploy to disrupt them. "'Cause we main building teachers are watching you reaaaally closely."

Eric frowned and stared down at his test.

Suddenly, popping out of the test paper was a giant fish with a crocodile head.

Eric was started but was able to get out of his seat before it could bite down on him. Growing much larger, it swung its tail and nearly crushed Sugaya and Hara.

All of them, except for Double D, were now in this spacious dimension with floating rings made out of math problems and equations. They ran away from the monster, as it raised its enormous head and roared.

Eddy, Ed, Eric, and Nagisa stopped and looked at the monster. If one looked closer at it, they'd see that it was made up of numbers. That was because this was question 4 on the test. "Eric, how did the story get so weird," Eddy asked, holding his green knife instead of his pencil.

The fish monster lunged at them and they all quickly ran out of the way before its jaw collided with the ground. It then floated away, but hanging onto its snout with Ed, who was hanging on for dear life. "Help me, guys!" He called out, while the monster swam away in the dimension. "The monster got me!"

"I thought it was going to be like this," Nagisa said, getting Eric to look at him. "The school's tests were on such a difficult level that it was brutal."

"Then how do we figure it out, damnit!" Eddy demanded. Before another monster formed and popped out of the ground in front of them.

"I don't know, but if we don't figure it out..." Eric paused and looked up at the monster that was about to attack. "Then we're all getting eaten alive."

Suddenly, he wasn't in danger anymore, just standing in a black, empty space. Looking around in confusion at first, Eric then felt something wrap around his right wrist. He looked at his right arm and was surprised to see it was one Korosensei's tentacle hands reaching down from above. It was like it was helping him wield his knife properly.

"I taught you this, didn't I?" He heard Korosensei's voice. Eric raised his head and saw the knife being pointed at the monster. "The poor creature isn't as scary as it seems. Let's try taking a better look at its flipper." Eric didn't know how, but his mind was now seeing it not as the large, scaly flipper it once was. Instead, it was now a normal flipper of a fish.

"See? If you calm down, you'll see that it is nothing more than a flipper." This time it wasn't Eric, it was Ed who was being talked to. He watched as each aspect of the monster's appearance changed and normal fish. "Work through each piece of the question individually, and when you connect them all together and look at the results..."

In front of Eddy and on his desk was a fish lying on a chopping board. "There it's really not much of an opponent, is it." Eddy grinned widely, finally seeing the answer to the problem. "Now then, let's use your blade to deal with it."

'And just like that, we had it.'

The Eds and Eric began cutting into their fishes. While Double D had more fishes down, his friends were now starting to really start moving and started cutting more fish.

In the real world, Ōno saw how all the students were now writing down their answers quickly and calmly and became confused and concerned. Wondering how the students that were supposed to fail were starting to succeed.

'It all became clear. The trick was to work out the important parts of each sentence in the question. All of it is just as Korosensei taught us all along!'

'Eddy, Ed, myself, everyone. We were completely different people than we were before. We were unstoppable.'

Back in their fantasy, Ed and Eddy finished double teaming on a monster question and landed in front of its deadhead. They then ran towards to join Eric, Double D, Nagisa, and Karma. "This is fun!" Ed exclaimed cheerfully.

"You got that right," Eddy said, still running towards their friends. "From here on out, it's nothing but smooth sailing."

They spoke too soon, because out of nowhere a large, black arm with and red hue suddenly swipes away not only them but many other students. The four could only watch as they were all consumed by the mass that formed the arm.

As Eric, Double D, Nagisa, and Karma tried to understand what had happened, something formed behind them, as the dimension turned red. The monster this time was a run and black mass that looked almost human. Only with blank eyes and sharp teeth. Trapped inside of its body were the others.

It reached for the four remaining boys, who weren't able to turn around quick enough to see its hand starting to grab them.

'...And in an instant, we were struck down from behind by a question we weren't prepared for.'

'Question 11'


The next day came, and the students all got their test results. To put it simply, they didn't even come close to the top 50s.

"Just what is the meaning of all this?" Karasuma demanded on the phone, talking to people in the main building. "However you look at it, this test seems rigged."

"I don't know what to say, sir. I thought you'd all been properly notified. Isn't it an error of communication on your part? Well, you lot don't attend classes in the main building, after all. Hahahaha~"

"There wasn't a communication error on our end, pal," Karasuma replied. "And no matter how you look at it, this isn't normal drastically changing the range of potential questions two days before the midterms, to encompass all subjects."

"...You really don't understand at all, do you? Erm... Mr. Karasuma was it? This is a high-level school. One of our policies is to test whether students comprehend the material they crammed just before the exam. The chairman himself stood in front of the classes in the main building and led a magnificent lesson where he informed them of everything that had been changed."

Karasuma wasn't going to get anything out of this bias man and ended the call. This was unbelievable. There was nothing the chairman wasn't going to do to further his system. The man then looked at Korosensei, who was just standing there staring at a wall. The chairman's interference was excessive. Now it's because of him that the target could leave, and they would lose everything.

"But he could tell that that wasn't all that was on the octopus' mind. Two students did make it into the top 50s, but only one was asked to come to the main building early today. All so that he to be accepted into D-Class.

That student was Double D."


Back in the classroom, no one said a word as they looked at their failed test results. Out of the Eds and Eric, Eddy was the only one still there. After finding out that Double D was asked by a teacher to transfer to his class, Double D left to talk to them. This caused Ed to become upset and he even tried to run after his smart friend, and Eric and Fuwa ran after him.

While the other students could only feel defeated and depressed about their test, Eddy felt it for another reason: guilt. He blamed himself for all the bad things that have happened to them in the past, and even more so for getting them sent to E-Class before all their actions back at Peach Creek Junior High. Most of them were because of him and his harebrained schemes. If it wasn't for him, they wouldn't be here, struggling to make it up to the top. In a way, Eddy thought that after Big Picture Show, they were finally going to catch a break. That if passing the midterms, they could show Asano that he was wrong about them. Guess it wasn't to be.

The only one to notice Eddy's depressed state was Rio. The blonde girl that sat behind him may only be about to see the back of his head but could tell that he was sad about something. "Hey," she said, getting Eddy to look over his shoulder at her. "Are you okay?"

"...Not really," he replied. That wasn't something Rio expected him to say. She thought he would have brushed it off and try and act cool, like usual.

Rio was going to ask him another question when the door opened and Eric and Fuwa walked in, bring in Ed with them by his arm. Ed was sobbing up a waterfall as they led him into the room. "It's not fair," he cried, before taking his arms away from Fuwa and Eric and walking to his desk. His head low and tears pouring to the ground so much that kids near them had to pick up their feet and belongings just to not get them wet.

"I know what you mean, Ed." Eric sighed and sat down at his desk. "This is such bullshit!"

Fuwa stayed with Ed, patting him on the back to comfort him, as he cried on her shoulder. Soaking her clothes. "I didn't think he would get this upset," she said.

"Yeah. I mean, it sucks Double D's gone, but I didn't think Ed would try and run after him," said Sugino.

"These guys have been with each other since they were little," Eric implied. "They were practically inseparable."

"And then you came along," Yada said with a sad smile.

"True," Eric said. "But only because everyone just associated me with them and they were the only ones willing to be around me."

"And now, Double D's gone," Eddy said still feeling down. "And...I'm sorry." Ed stopped crying before he and Eric turned their attention towards their friend in confusion. This was NEVER a state of depression that they ever thought they'd see Eddy in. "If it wasn't for all those things I made us do back home, then we wouldn't have ended up being assigned here."

"I thought that you guys were sent here because you broke the trophy case," said Nagisa, before the door opened and in came Korosensei.

"It was, but their school sent the chairman a record of all their misdeeds and he felt it necessary to have them be placed in E-Class. The trophy case just further proved his point," he told them, looking at the ground before reaching his desk, and then turned to face the wall. Korosensei didn't even close the door. "And if anything, Eddy, I take full responsibility. It seems I took this school's system too lightly...I can't bring myself to face all of you."

No one said a word as they all just stared at Korosensei's back. Eric looked between Korosensei and Eddy, before sighing.

'This was a disaster. How are we going to get through the year with Double D not around and supporting us? And worst of all, Korosensei may actually leave us and when he does, there goes not only our chance to get the money, but the hope of stopping him from destroying the planet. There was no way to catch him. No way to keep him in one place. Not when we're all dead when he flattens the building.'

"Well, I don't think it's any of your faults."

The all too familiar voice brought all of their attention to the doorway and they were shocked and astonished to see it was none other than Double D himself. Standing there with a reassuring smile.

"DOUBLE D!" Ed suddenly tackled him to the ground, before standing up and hugging the brushed-up Ed-boy. "Escaped and okay!" He then walked into the room towards Eric and Eddy pulled them out of their chairs and into a hug. "We are as one once again."

"What are you doing here," asked Isogai, standing up from his chairs as many others did. Walking over and surrounding the Eds and Eric. "I thought they wanted you to be a member of D-Class."

Double D was able to pull out of Ed's grip and dust himself off. "While that is true, and the teacher did see great academic potential in me, I denied his request." This made all but the Ed, Eddy, and Eric gasps in shock.

"You actually turned down an offer like that? That's crazy!" Maehara said.

"It was the opportunity of a lifetime," Rio pressed the point further.

"True that may be, fellow E-Class members, but I had no intentions of leaving," Double D said with a smile. "For one thing, it's that Korosensei has proven to be an extraordinary teacher that was even able to help Ed with his learning. Even if they did add in changes to the questions, it made no difference to me. And on analyzing my results, I can safely say it's all because of your willingness to go the extra mile for all of us." The hat-wearing boy then turned to Eddy, who got out of Ed's hug.

"And Eddy, while it's true that our actions caused us to come here, it was the chairman who wanted us in E-Class. And if my friends are here, then I would rather be here with you and everyone. I know you're frustrated, but even with everything, I'm proud to see how much you want to change for the better. You're not the same person you were back then."

Just like everyone in the room, Eddy looked at his friend in astonishment. He then looked at Ed and Eric, who was smiling at him too. The feelings of guilt went away, and he smiled. "...Is it bad that I kinda wish I was?"

"Yes! You were a terrible excuse for a human being," Eric joked.

"Hey!" Eddy glared at him before Karma started laughing as he made his way to join them, carrying papers in his hand. He looked at Korosensei saying

"The same could be said about me, teach," he said with his usual smile as he then threw the papers on his desk and they showed scores all in the 90s and one 100.

"I'm not going anywhere. This I where I belong. That and normal classes have nothing on assassination." Korosensei just continued to stare at them with his usual look. "So, what are you gonna do? Everyone didn't make it into the top 50 spots, so are you gonna run away with your tail between your legs, like you said you would?" the redhead got close to his face and pulled out his knife. "Or is it that you afraid that one of us is going to kill you?"

This caused a vein to pop out on Korosensei's head.

Nagisa gasped a little when he saw what he was doing and smile. The Eds and Eric and all the other students saw it too, and smiled and nodded to each other. "Jeez, Octo," Eddy said in a mocking voice with his hands behind his head. "We had no idea you felt that way, you should have just told us."

"It's ok." Rio joined him as they stood together. "All you had to say was 'I want to run away because I'm scared."

The two of them and the others started laughing and cracking jokes. This only caused more veins to pop on Korosensei. His body started turning red as he became angrier. He finally reached his boiling point and threw his arms up.

"NUAAA! NO ONE IS RUNNING AWAY!" yelled Korosensei.

"Okay, so what now," Eric asked. This got Korosensei to stop and his skin to turn back to normal.

"We're going to get our revenge on this school twofold in the finals," he said to the students, only to be shocked when they started laughing again. "What's so funny?! Aren't you all frustrated!?"

'Okay, so we ran into a wall with the midterms. The same wall that's always surrounded E-Class. Even so, that wasn't going to keep us down forever. We were going to get back up with our heads held high and our hearts shinning.

We were the Eds and Eric, but we were also members of E-Class.'


{Playing Welcome Back by John Sebastian}

[Instrumentals] The opening of the ending fades into showing the old school building in the afternoon, as the sun was starting to go down.

[Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket out] The scene then cuts to show the kids of E-Class packing their bags and leaving. Eddy was asking Double D if he had today's notes, which Double D responded with a smile. Ed was packing his things, before pulling out an old piece of food from his bag and eating it.

[Welcome back, to that same old place that you laughed about] The scene cuts to show Eric exiting out of the room, only to stop when Yada ran up to him. She asked him something, to which Eric smiled and gestured for her to follow.

[Well the names have all changed since you hung around] The Eds and Eric, Yada, Nagisa, Karma, Kayano, and other students are then shown walking down the street to the train station.

[But those dreams have remained and they've turned around] The scene then cuts to show the doors of a train opening, and the kids walking out of it. They waved goodbye to one another as they went their separate ways

[Who'd have thought they'd lead ya (Who'd have thought they'd lead ya)] The view is then taken to the inside of the Eds and Eric's dorm. The front door opens and Ed runs into the dorm, followed by Eddy walking and tried, then Double D chipped, and then Eric, who closed the door behind him.

[Back here where we need ya (Back here where we need ya)] They are then shown eating dinner in the living room. Wide Eric, Eddy, and Double D ate their noodles normally, Ed slurped up all that was in the one go. This caused the others to laugh.

[Yeah we tease him a lot 'cause we got him on the spot] The Eds and Eric are then shown working on homework.

[Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back, welcome back] Just like in the intro, Eric is shown brushing his teeth in the bathroom. After a moment, he took the toothbrush out of his mouth and drank a glass of water. After swishing the water in his mouth, Eric spits it out and walked out of the bathroom, heading for his bedroom.

[Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back] Eric quickly came back in and turned off the lights, ending the outro.


Next time: EDventure #7 "Big Trouble in Little ED!"
