
Chapter 111: A Phone Call From Home

Later in bed, they curled on their sides, Bella with her back to Luke, his body curved to hold hers.  After he’d untied her, he’d spent time massaging her wrists and backside with lotion.  Aftercare, he’d called it.  She felt peaceful and marveled that he did that to her.  Absently she stroked his arm as he held her close.  “I love you, too, Cowboy,” she whispered.

They slept late the following morning, knowing that their flight to Morocco would be later in the afternoon.  When they finally got up, Luke ordered breakfast while Bella checked her phone.  “Hmm,” she muttered.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“I missed a call from Bubba last night,” she said.  Playing the message, she heard her brother’s voice: “Hey, Sissy, it’s me.  Listen, can you give me a call when you get this?  Okay, I’ll talk to you soon.”  The phone beeped to signal the end of the message.

She disconnected, looking puzzled.  “He just said to call him, didn’t say why…”

“Do you think something’s wrong?” Luke asked.
