
Chapter 112: A Change in Plans

As soon as the words left her mouth, she regretted them.  She worried about what he thought.  They’d known each other for such a short time.  Sure, they were in love.  But spring the whole fam-damily on him?

She thought about the townhouse in Birmingham.  She’d love to take him there, walk the block to Pale Eddie’s for cocktails, return to enjoy the fireplace, make love to him in that huge featherbed…  She sighed.   Except it’s not a vacation.  It’s not even work, which has been like a vacation.  We go to Birmingham, shit gets real.

Still deep in thought, she said, “We would just put in an appearance.  Visiting hours are probably very restricted.  It would be great to see Bubba, even Cornelia.  Okay, maybe not Cornelia so much, but T-Nathan will probably come home from school.  I haven’t seen him since…”  She looked at Luke and wondered what he’d think of them, and she sighed again.
