

Beatrice had not expected the Duke to be so kind and forthcoming to her. She had heard these words before, each time from a different man. Each time, she trusted them. Duke Frederick had kind eyes and gentle hands. There was something about him she could not put her finger on. 

She decided to walk to the courtyard. The Duke was two steps behind her. When they reached it, Beatrice took in her surroundings. The pink cherry blossoms were not in bloom, and the flowers were yet to come in. It looked like a barren garden.

 Beatrice had not realized just how cold it had gotten since earlier today. She felt the goosebumps forming on her flesh. She felt the weight of the Duke's coat on her shoulders. She hadn't had to ask him to do such a chivalrous task. She looked at him then. He was smiling at her. 

"I am not accustomed to being treated like this." She admitted to him. 

"Like a lady?" He asked her.
