

Beleth had tried to escape the prison six times so far, and each time, he got closer and closer to the exit. He realized that the Labrinyth would change on him. He had avoided the floating orbs and the dandelion barbs. In the last escape attempt, he was 200 yards away from the exit when the floor opened underneath him and swallowed him whole. He slid until he landed with a hard thud back in his cell.

 With each escape attempt, the holographic images became more realistic and vivid. He tried to close his eyes and cover his ears, but he had missed Beatrice so much. These grotesque scenes were the only way of seeing the one he loved. It was a cruel and bittersweet thing. He felt gutted.

 He could not seem to escape. 

"You have failed yet again." The voice cackled in delight.

Beleth sat on the cold hard ground. He could not sit on it long. The cold would burn his skin. He stood up and walked over to the bars. 
