
The Abbey

"Praise be to the Lord," Mother Superior prayed aloud.

"Amen." The sisters all agreed in unison.

The bell in the high tower of the chapel tolled, letting them know that night would be upon them in a few hours. Mother Superior guided the sisters out of the chapel, and only Beatrice and William were left. He walked over to her, standing in front of her, only a foot away. His expression was one of worry. His brow was furrowed. He looked to be thinking deeply.

"May I know what you are thinking of. You seem worried," she confided in him.

He looked back. "Shouldn't I be? The council is planning to usurp you, Betty. We must stop them at all costs."

She knew he was right. She felt her insides grow warm as he called her by his pet name for her. It always made her feel special. She had no term of endearment for him and knew in time she would have to change that. It was silent for a long moment.
