
The Truth

Princess Beatrice couldn't believe the words she was hearing and who was saying the harsh words to her. Princess Adelaide continued, "I should have been the firstborn, not you!" Princess Adelaide spat the words out.

They were invisible daggers stabbing princes Beatrice in the center of her heart. She felt the tears coming, but she swallowed them down.

"Why, why do you hate me so much?"

"You are weak! You have always been weak! Do you know why mother and father had me? Do you!"

"Father said it was because they wanted more children." She replied.

"Christ!" Adelaide scoffed and rolled her eyes. "That sounds like something our father would say. When mother had you she almost died and so did you. Everyone said that you wouldn't live after the age of three. So mother and father were urged to have another child as soon as possible, just in case."

"That's not true!" Her voice trembled.
