
Secret Inquisition prt.2

"Get cozy, healer. Tonight it will be you and me, and you will tell me everything I want to know about the princess."

He turned on his heel and walked away, leaving healer screaming in the darkness.


Beatrice was washing her hair in the small copper bathtub. Her wet skin held goosebumps on it when she came up out of the water and the cool air kissed it. Clancy was there sitting on a stool nearby. She glanced over at her. She embraced her legs and rested her chin on her knees, while Clancy took a whalebone comb and began brushing the knots out of her long hair.

It was difficult for her to think straight. Her mind seemed to be warring over two males. Both completely different than the other. Like night and day. She had made a promise to herself, as well as her counsel.

She would go forward with the wedding. She would have to speak with Prince William today.

"Please be sure to tell Prince William I wish to see him today." She said.

"Yes, Your Highness." Clancy replied.

"How did he fare?"

"The maid said he ate dinner in his room and did not leave it."

"I see." She was grateful for that.

The less people saw him walking around after being pulverized publicly, the better. Healer had warned her yesterday of the Council's suspicions about Prince William. Clancy had received a message from one of the healers assistants at dawn this day. It spoke of the council holding healer in the holy dungeons. It also spoke about Princess Beatrice being careful the Council was coming for her.

She was surprised at their sudden actions. Growing up, she had never realized how controlling and domineering these men were, especially Archbishop. He always made her feel like even if she bathed in holy water for seven days and seven nights she would still never be clean or good enough. She had to do something. What?

How could she work around the council? She was the only living heir, but she was not the reigning Sovereign. Only a monarch with the vote of its Lords and Ladies could. She had an idea after these thoughts.

"Clancy, we must make preparations for my coronation instead of my wedding."

"B-But Your Highness, the council-"

"Calm yourself. A council can take no part in stalling my coronation. It is the law. They can only intercede when a new Sovereign from a different bloodline is. I only need a priest who isn't biased to do it, as well as a few witnesses."

"I will see to it, Your Majesty. Next month your coronation will be marvelous."

Princess Beatrice wrapped the towel around her thin body. "No, Clancy. This coronation must take place within the next 48 hours."

Clancy's face was one of shock. Her lips made a tiny 'O'. She reminded Beatrice of a fish.

"But Your Majesty, how will you keep it from the council? They have their spy's everywhere."

"Everywhere but the Abbey." She laughed at the irony.

She stepped out of the tub. A trail of vanilla water left on the floor behind her. She dried herself off well. Clancy assisted her in the task of getting ready. She smiled at the clever, yet ingenious plan she had thought of.

"The Abbey, Your Majesty?"

"Yes. They seldom visit since they believe women are inferior and where it's located. Prince William and I can stay there until we find a priest to do it, and if the council should show up at the Abbey, to come and retrieve Prince William or myself, they will be unable to do so because of the sanctuary law."

Clancy understood her Mistress now. She helped her put on her buttercream top.

"Your Highness, you are brilliant !"

"We must be quick about it if our plan is to succeed."

"Your Majesty is always so kind, but this plan is yours." Clancy's words were filled with familial warmth.

"It is Our plan. How could I do anything without you." She smiled. "Prince William! Hurry, with my clothes. I must go to him..."
