
30 Minutes Later...

She was dressed looking the paragon of royal perfection. She was standing in front of Prince William's chamber door. She was nervous. This was all her fault. She felt obligated to tell him face to face.

She raised her hand and lightly wrapped upon the door. Seconds passed slowly. Then one of the double doors opened. It was Prince William. He wore no waistcoat, only a white long sleeve shirt. His shirt was not laced in the front and his black trousers were in the process of getting buttoned by him. By the look of surprise on his face he hadn't been expecting her. She swallowed hard. He looked good. His wound was still bandaged.

He quickly closed his shirt, surprised at her presence and then he spoke, "Your Majesty! Ah... Good morning. I-I wasn't expectin-"

She pushed past him using the element of surprise to walk into his chambers. She was surprised to see that the room was clean. The bed was untouched.

"We have no time. Unfortunately, William, we must go. There's a carriage waiting for us downstairs."

"Wait, are you in danger? Am I in danger?" She saw him turn from the fumbling Prince to the tough fighter.

He was on alert now. She saw it in his body.

"I-I am not sure. All I know is that I cannot allow any harm to come to you and for that reason we must go!"



"Not until you tell me what's wrong."

She looked at him with a gaze he had never seen. How could he say no to her. They were in possible danger. She knew she was and would be the day she touched that damn book. She was torn.

The last time she had confided in someone they had left. She needed to come up with a distraction. She knew just the thing. She took a step closer to him, stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the lips. His lips moved against hers and she found herself kissing him the way the Demon King had taught her.

It was a slow build. Once the flame was ignited she felt her passion increasing for him. Just when he was on the brink of madness for her, she broke the kiss. They were staring at one another out of breath.

Princess Beatrice Spoke. "William, please trust me."

He searched her eyes. "I do." He admitted.

She took him by his hand and walked to the wardrobe. She opened it and pushed the clothes to both sides. There was a door built into the back of the wardrobe. She touched the top left corner of it, and it popped open. Prince William was surprised. She urged him in first and got in second.

Once inside, they walked down an angular hallway. Then down a circular, wooden staircase that led to a cold stone level floor. They didn't speak. Prince William never let go of her hand, and they moved quickly through the cobblestone tunnel that led to an unmarked carriage awaiting them. The only sign it was theirs was Clancy seated by the driver in an ill fitting cape.

William opened the carriage door for her.

She got inside. Clancy commanded the driver to go, and they were off...
