
1st Full Moon

29 Days later: Full Moon

Princess Beatrice watched her life magically transform around her within a matter of days. She had been a skeptic at first, but not anymore. The repairs to the castle, as well as its reinforcements were almost complete, and now a fortress and refuge. Farmers from the outskirts of her kingdom offered their services. When she had asked them why. They told her that her parents had been kind to them and something compelled them to help.

She wondered if it was the Demons power or their genuine kindness. The crops were growing better than they had since her father had been crowned over 40 years ago, and the great oil spill hadn't poisoned 30% of their soil. It all felt like a dream. The hum of normalcy was replacing the grief that cloaked this kingdom. 

It had taken two and a half days of non stop rubble excavating before finally locating the remains of her parents. By some miracle their bodies were intact and their post mortem flesh had little to no bruising. She had been given her final moments alone with them both before the traditional funeral pyre. They looked as if they had been sleeping. Her heart ached.

Her tears fell freely. It had all happened so fast. She was not there for them in their final moments. Everyone kept telling her it was a blessing. If it was, then why didn't she feel 'blessed'? 

Though Princess Beatrice never saw them show affection publicly, that didn't mean that she didnt know that they cared for one another. She silently wished one would have survived, but she knew she couldn't have thought of losing either one and wouldn't have been able to choose the one who stayed.

They had been the most influential people in her life. She kissed both of them in the center of their foreheads, then placed golden coins over their eyes for passage to the afterlife.

That had been her lowest day.

She had gotten to say goodbye, but it was still too soon. 

Her younger sister arrived from the Our Ladies of Adam Nunnery the day after their parents' farewell. Princess Adelaide was 17 and very outspoken. Not just for a Royal, but for anyone. Princess Adelaide was just as beautiful as she was bratty. Princess Beatrice had hoped this one time that she and her younger sister would get along and be there for one another in this time.

Princess Adelaide had her own plans. 

They supped in the large dining room.

Princess Beatrice still felt exhausted from the grief she felt. She pushed the pork and Butter Potatoes around on her plate. Princess Adelaide took a dainty bite, then she turned her nose up with a disgusted look on her face. "This meat is absolutely dreadful. Now that mother and father are gone, we could fire cook and get a new one."

"Adelaide, Cook has been with our family since we were children."

"It shows," she stated dryly.

Princess Beatrice was surprised at her sister's behavior. She had arrived a day late with no explanation why. She took a small bite of her potatoes before broaching the subject with her.

"Addy, why were you not at the funeral?"

Princess Adelaide looked down at her plate as if it had something interesting on it.


"Addy, please-"

" May I be excused?" She interjected. 

Princess Beatrice knew if she pushed any further, she may lose her little sister to this castle, and all its many rooms for the duration of her stay. Princess Adelaide avoided confrontation at all costs. Even when her behavior made her have to be confronted. 

"Yes you may." 

She watched her little sister push her chair back, stand up and exit the dining hall.

Princess Beatrice had suddenly lost her appetite. 
