
Let Me Lead

Later that night, Princess Beatrice waited until all of her servants and everyone in the castle was fast asleep. She wore a thin white Muslim gown with cream silk ribbons for straps and a thin white wrapper over it. Satin slippers donned her feet, and in her left hand she held a lit, brass lantern to light her path through the dark underbelly of her castle. Her feet thankfully made no noise as she found her way back into the small chapel. She lit a single candle in front of the altar and prayed quietly.

Her voice barely above a whisper, "Dear Lord, protect me."

She made the sign of the cross, got up, went to the bookshelf and touched the lever. The Secret passageway once more appeared, and she entered. It was much colder than she remembered. Her mind had been preoccupied that day. She had been frantic and terrified, she recalled.

It was so much that she had not processed that her time was up, and she had to pay this demon. She had willingly offered it her soul, and it had taken it with pleasure. She recalled that lopsided grin when it said she had to kiss it. What would it make her do this time? Would it suck her blood? Or try to possess her like the priests had preached about in church?

She made it down the slick stone steps and back to the center of the foundation pillars. The black book was exactly where she had left it almost a month ago. She was about to kneel and touch it when a tornado of blue flame formed in front of her. Her eyes widened in complete shock. The warmth of the flames were felt on her face.

She saw the large creature with horns forming in the blue flames again. She still couldn't make out what the beast looked like and as quickly as it had formed the black form disappeared. The blue flames died down and there stood the demon. Princess Beatrice instinctively took a step back. He looked the exact same as he had the night she had initially summoned it.

The blue flames had completely disappeared. His muscular physique seemed to glisten under the torch lights of the cave and she felt her heart beating wildly. This was a mistake, she thought. She couldn't back out of it now. Her eyes couldn't help but land on his loincloth. Then back to his eyes. He was looking at her with that same smirk on its full lips. And for the first time she realized he had fangs.

 "Princess, you came back." He spoke. His voice was strong and steady.

 "Yes, I did." Hers was faint.

"I didn't think you would. Most don't." He confessed.

"Oh... Well...A promise is a promise." 

"That's right, and you promised me your soul."

She swallowed hard at his mention of their unholy deal. "Didn't you, Princess?" 

"Yes," she answered. She was becoming embarrassed. 

"Shall we begin?"

"What...What would you have me do?" She asked. Fear shining in her big eyes. 

"Dance with me tonight under the moonlight."

It was an odd request even if she had never danced with anyone.

"I don't know how to dance." She confessed.

 "Tonight is a perfect night to learn, and who better to teach you." He smiled at her, and before she knew it, his arms were around her tiny waist. 

"Hold on to me. The flames can burn you alive if you don't."

Princess Beatrice had no idea what he was talking about, she knew it sounded dangerous she put her hands on his strong, broad shoulders. The tornado of blue flames engulfed them. Princess Beatrice let out a small shriek, but stopped once she realized the flames would not harm her. The demon chuckled at her silliness and naiveté. She felt small.

Seconds later, they were in a lush, green valley with a big, bright, full moon overlooking and shining on them.

"It's beautiful." She said aloud, not meaning to.

"Yes, among other things here. Come." He placed her right hand in his left and kept her left hand resting on his shoulder. They began to sway. He began to sway with her slowly at first. "Your Highness, you are dancing." He was smiling down at her.

His expression reminded Princess Beatrice of a very hungry wolf.

"Yes I am." She agreed.

He pulled her closer to him. Their bodies touching intimately. 

"You smell of innocence," he growled low and close to her ear.

"I do?" She asked, wondering what 'innocence' smelled like.

"Not for long." He stated as he looked into her eyes. 

She grew terrified of his words. 

His hand moved from her waist to the curve of her buttocks. She felt the cool night breeze in contrast with his strong, warm hands. She looked up at his face. He had that devious grin once more. The air rifled her hair.

She wore it down for bed. The braid crown she wore almost every day could make her head hurt from the hairpins. The demon couldn't seem to keep his hands out of it. 

"Relax, let me lead." He told her.

She was about to tell him that she didn't hear any music when suddenly she heard a violin in the far distance, playing a sweet slow song on the breeze. He pulled her close to him. They swayed gently. The demon didn't seem well, like a demon. He definitely was mischievous since their initial encounter.

He had required a kiss to seal their bargain and that kiss was anything but ordinary. Would it require one tonight? She wondered.

"Tell me, mortal. How has your life been since…." He trailed off looking directly at her lips. 

"Our deal." She finished for him.

 He chuckled. 

"My life is good." She said simply, fearing going into depth of triggering this creature.

" Your parents?"

"I buried them," she confessed.

Why was he asking her these questions? And why did she feel so compelled to answer? She wanted him to do what he came to do, but instead he was taking her on a romantic moonlit dance.

"You're beautiful," The demon stated more of a fact and less of a compliment.

"Thank you." She said awkwardly.

The music ended. They stopped dancing. He was just holding her now. The breeze whipping around them while the moon lit their way. 

"You are quite good, for a beginner. Hold on," he told her, and once more the blue flame engulfed them.

The world melted away and dissolved back. This time they were in her bed chamber. It was decorated a lot more lively than she had ever done or imagined. Sterling silver Candelabras with lit candles were strategically placed all around, as were silver bowls brimming with succulent, exotic fruits and glass goblets of sweet red wine sat atop a small table he had placed a few feet away from the fireplace. She was pleasantly surprised by the changes but did not welcome, nor want them. 

"What is this?" She asked. Curiosity was getting the best of her. 

"This is where you will spend the majority of your time with me. Your soul is mine. Remember."

How could she forget, she thought. Her mouth went dry. He wanted to bed her every full moon. She had never been bedded and heard from Clancy that the best thing was when it was over, and for her to just lay there and let them get it over with. It would go faster.

She had thought Clancy was being funny at the time but now she knew perfectly well herself.

"Undress," He commanded her harshly.

She wasn't prepared for this. 

She took a deep breath, then exhaled, and removed the satin wrapper she had been wearing over her thin nightgown. It fell quietly to the floor. The demon watched her undress with hungry eyes. Not for one millisecond did he look away. She grew scared and a little shy. She stood there motionless. 

"Did I tell you to stop?" He asked, his voice hard.

Their eyes met. She shook her head 'no'

"Keep going." He commanded her.

She was scared, shocked and dazed all at once...
