
Disaster Averted

Princess Beatrice watched the demon disappear in front of her very eyes. She was bewildered and in shock at what had occurred in such a short time. She had just summoned a demon, she thought. It looked nothing like the Church paintings and sculptures had depicted them to be. It was a stark contrast.

She ran over to Proctor, who was not moving. His back was to her. A small, crimson pool of blood had formed underneath his motionless body. Princess Beatrice touched his limp figure and rolled his heavy, portly body toward her. His eyes were closed.

Looking down at him now, he looked young. He was maybe a few years older than Beatrice. Beatrice touched his chubby face, thinking he was dead. He awoke. His quick motion startled her.

Her looming over his body startled him.

"Your Majesty, you're alive!" He acknowledged.

She saw tears of joy brimming in his eyes. She realized then that she also had unshed tears of joy in her own.

She had not known Proctor personally over the years while he was in service to her family, but now that she did know him, she was grateful to him and the fact that he was alive.

"Proctor, yes. I am fine."

"Where is the demon?" He asked, then shot up looking for him.

She put her hand on his chest to still his movements, so he wouldn't get up.

"Proctor, don't worry. It is gone. The deal is done." She stated.

"Your Majesty, you shouldn't have done that!" He groaned.

"If I hadn't Proctor, you would be dead." She informed him.

" I would have died honorably, Your Majesty." He puffed out his chest a little more.

She no longer wanted to discuss it.

"Come, we must see how much damage has been done." She assisted him up then. They both got off of the cold stone floor.

The journey back to the surface seemed less strenuous. Both exited out of the passageway that came out by the castle courtyard. The smell of the past time of war was fresh in the air. The cannon powder and fresh blood stained the once pristine, Courtyard. Rubble was strewn around the grounds of the castle.

The further they walked, the more destruction she saw. The Princess witnessed the womenfolk wandering in search of their men, while some wailed in horror at the aftermath of the brutal and unexpected attack. The sound of children crying echoed throughout the space. Her kingdom had fallen. Her people were hurt, as well as dead. She wanted to run and scream, just like the widows, but knew that she could not.

She recalled the way her parents would act at a time like this. They would show no emotion other than strength and stoicism. She tried to do the same. The pain and sorrow of her people were unbearable in this moment. It was palpable.

"Almost there, Your Majesty," Proctor reassured her.

She had almost forgotten he was escorting her until he lightly touched her shoulders.

Inside of the castle was no better. Beatrice looked up to see parts of the roof along with the North tower of the castle completely demolished. It was the tower her parents had perished in.

They were gone.

She never got a chance to say goodbye, she thought. It had all been so sudden.

"Your Royal Highness, Beatrice is alive!" Someone shouted.

"Praise God for that!" Another shouted, as she continued walking into her home.

She stepped over a few corpses and walked around the fallen gray, stone blocks. She saw her father's General, General Stugart coming down the dilapidated staircase with a few knights in tow. He stopped when he stood a few feet in front of her. He saluted her. As did his men, and then he spoke. "Your Royal Highness, it is good that you are safe. We have immediately sent a guard of men to begin removing the rubble from the destroyed tower. We will notify you when we have located the remains of your parents, King Leopold and Queen Beatrice."

She said nothing after, afraid her weak voice would give away the emotions of sadness coursing through her. She nodded in agreement. Once more, he saluted her and headed in the direction of the castle doors. The thick oak doors were splintered and caved in the middle, from the constant ramming. Looking at it as the General exited, she realized just how lucky she was that she had found that secret passageway, and the black book.

She and Proctor walked down a long corridor that led to her father's inner chambers. He opened the door for her, she was surprised at how intact it was. There was no damage. It also reminded her of him. King Leopold loved hunting.

The Buck heads with large horns donned each wall in abundance, as did paintings of rural landscapes. The mahogany walls gleamed in the lit candlelight of the room. Her lady's maid was waiting for her.

She turned back to notice Proctor was still at the door.

"You will be safe here, Your Majesty. I must go help with the repairs of the wall and our gate." Princess Beatrice was terrified. Proctor hadn't left her side since this whole thing started. As if he could sense her tension, he spoke."Everything will be fine, Your Highness. I promise. Now get some rest." Proctor left.

Princess Beatrice was alone with her lady's maid.

"Your Royal Highness, I was so worried about you," She confessed, as she broke Royal protocol and hugged Princess Beatrice.

Beatrice hadn't realized just how much she needed to feel human touch until now. It was comforting.Clancy realizing what she had done, broke the hug, curtsied deep, and took two steps back. "Apologies, Your Majesty. It won't happen again." Clancy was wringing her hands.

Princess Beatrice placed her hands gently atop Clancy's. "It is all right. These are unconventional times, and sometimes protocol can be overlooked. You are like family." My only family, she added silently.

She felt the tears coming now that she felt safe. Her emotions were coming to a head. It all was slowly sinking in.

"I will leave you in peace. Your Highness, it has been a long few days. It's over.

"For now. Yes, it is." She agreed with her ladies' maid.

"Rest. I will have someone bring you a warm bath and a meal."

"Thank you, Clancy."

"It's the least I can do, Your Majesty. I'm so joyous to see you alive." Clancy was smiling through unshed tears once more.

She exited the chamber, closing the door behind her.

Princess Beatrice could agree with her lady's maid. These last few days had been terrible. In that time, she had lost everything-well almost everything. Her younger sister was still alive. Her younger sister was staying in a convent with the sisters of Adam tutoring, or at least she didn't think the nunnery had been attacked.

Before this, she had been so sure about her life and everything in it, but now it would seem life had its own plans. Her thoughts went back to the demon, it had given her one month. She would see it on the next full moon. She didn't know if she could go through with it. It looked so utterly male and dangerous.

She had never really been attracted to anyone before, but seeing Beleth in his naked splendor put thoughts in her mind and the kiss. That kiss had worked its way through her like a sweet venom. She laid down on the leather sofa, it smelled of her father. She could no longer hold her emotions inside. The dam of emotions burst. She cried.

She had made a choice. One she hoped she wouldn't soon regret. The demon promised her old life back, but her family was no more.

Walking out of the secret tunnel and seeing the war had ended on her soil was a hopeful first step.

She would have to see what he had in store for her...
