
Reincarnation Paradise Vol 11 Chapter 88: : Solomon


The sword was broken, and sweat dripped from Su Xiao's chin. He was wearing a heavy black vest, which weighed at least 900 pounds.

Wearing this thing to practice the sword is not a small physical exertion, but Su Xiao is planning to increase the load during the practice of the sword in the near future. After all, his strength, agility, and physical attributes have improved a lot in the near future. The effect of the upgrade is minimal, but it will hone your will.

Su Xiao, who was sweating all over the body, took off the metal vest. When the metal vest fell on the floor, he felt relaxed.

"Drip, drip, drip ..."

The communicator in the room rang. Su Xiao opened the communicator and it was Yanchen.

"The buyer is ready to meet. Locke Street will meet."



Hanging up the communication, Su Xiao casually put on a casual outfit, just before leaving the exclusive room, and found that Bubuwang was lying on the abandoned bed.

Su Xiao traded 2,460 points of paradise coins to Bubowang, and he has 100,000 paradise coins left, which is just a fraction of that to Bobuwang.

"Spend money, and go get a bed."

The sleepy-eyed Bobuwang twitched, his front paws twitched.

"It's okay to lose weight. You can't run fast with this product."

"Geng ~"

Bubwang replied and continued to sleep.

"Forget it, you will encounter novel species in the derivative world in the future and give you a taste."


Bobuwang made a terrible cry. It remembered what happened before, whether it was eating the Zerg, or the Cyclops, it was not a good experience.

Su Xiao ignored Bobowang, left the exclusive room, and walked towards Locke Street.

The so-called Locke Street is actually the 'black market' of reincarnation paradise. Things sold on Locke Street can no longer be used to describe improper roads. Most of the things sold here are weird and cheap.

It is said that cheap is not good, but on Lock Street, you can also buy good goods at cheap prices, but these good goods are very dangerous. It may be the iconic equipment of a large adventure group member, or it may be hundreds of contractors competing with each other. Eventually 'mysterious' missing items.

These things have a common feature, that is, they may cause trouble and even cause death.

Locke Street is owned by a force, that is, the tour group in the reincarnation park. The right to use and lease all the shops in Locke Street is in the hands of the members of the tour group.

Therefore, this place has become a gathering place of lunatics and neurosis. Most of the workers will not come here, because the contractors who hang out here are terrible. God knows whether they will suddenly become angry because of some small things.

Su Xiao doesn't often go to Locke Street. After all, he has killed the brigade members, and he has old grudges with the two members of the revolver and Guru.

Yan Chen chose Locke Street as the trading point this time, which is the meaning of the Faye. It is said that the Faye and the tour group have some intersection, and even moved the exclusive room to near Locke Street.


Su Xiao walked into Locke Street. The structure here is very simple. One street is lined with various shops. The names of the shops are strange, such as the old house (intelligence organization), the burning shop (which can hire a powerful contractor to kill), and the ear (intelligence Transit station).

There are not many contractors on the street, but every past contractor is not weak, and his behavior is not normal.

"this point."

Yanchen stood in the middle of Lock Street, in front of a restaurant. This is one of the few normal shops on Lock Street.

Su Xiao stepped forward, Yan Chen motioned to sit inside, and the two casually ordered something and sat in front of a round table.

"What about people?"

Su Xiao held up a glass of watermelon juice and drank it all. Before a high-intensity exercise, his body lost a lot of water. Now, a glass of ice-melon juice is fresh and abnormal.

"Wait a while. That guy is called Solomon. I hate waiting. Although we are sellers, he is one of the few buyers. Therefore, we can only advance a little bit. For the purpose of paradise coins, you will not endure this Mind. "

Yan Chen mentioned the Master, and seemed to have a headache.

"Is that a Dark Master?"

Su Xiao suddenly spoke.

"How do you know? Have you met him?"

Yan Chen was surprised.

"No, he's here."

Su Xiao felt that a group of darkness was approaching, and the group was dark and depressed. Seems to have consumed the light nearby.

A man wearing a black pointed cap, wearing a black robe, and covering most of his face with a collar, only showing a pair of eyes, opened the restaurant door and walked into the restaurant.

The man's eyes were dark. There is no distinction between eyes and pupils. The moment he walked into the restaurant, cold air appeared on the surface of all glass products, and water drops formed.

"The manager, the air conditioner is on and off."

A diner yelled, and the manager leaning on the bar looked down.




"Even if it's a crater, it's still the same temperature, looking for exciting new people."

The restaurant manager looked at the man in black.

"Solomon, put away your 'pet'."

Of course, the store manager can't open a shop on Lock Street.

"Active period, no."

The man in black robes, that is, Solomon only spoke five words, probably meaning that his servants were in the active period and could not be put away.

"It's almost self-propelled. Don't let your' pet 'scare guests."

The manager exhaled a cold breath and shook his head.

"it is good."

Solomon tightened his neckline and stepped into the restaurant, while several diners stood up and left.

Su Xiao looked at Solomon. He didn't feel the slightest human breath on the other side. The other side seemed to have merged with the darkness. This was not some kind of bloodline or skill, but it was filled with the magical power of the dark system in the other side ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Solomon's eyes looked around the restaurant. Of course, when he saw Yan Chen, he walked up, and when he was ten meters away from Su Xiao and Yan Chen, his steps stopped, and those pure black eyes stared at Su Xiao.

"Natural enemy."

As soon as Solomon's voice fell, a whole black poisonous snake emerged from his neckline. The poisonous snake had a triangular head with fine scales and swallowed the snake core. This was a variant black mamba snake.

After a moment of hesitation, Solomon stepped forward and sat opposite Su Xiao, near Yan Chen.


Solomon can only describe it with cherished words, such as gold. A sentence rarely exceeds five words.

Yan Chen motioned for Su Xiao to take it out, appear in Su Xiao's hands, and he would be placed on the round table.

"How much do you bid."

Su Xiao, as the destroyer, is more sensitive to Solomon's temperament. This guy is different from any Master he has ever dealt with. He has a feeling that even if he is close to Solomon, his opponent will not be as embarrassed as other Masters.


Solomon took out a Paradise coin savings card with a denomination of exactly 300,000.


"Solomon, although I'm your intermediary, the price is a bit low."

Yanchen can withdraw commission from this transaction, so Su Xiao does not need to bargain at all.

"Finance is tight."

After Solomon said four words, no matter what Yanchen said, he kept silent.

After Yanchen raised the price for 5 minutes, his chest was a little undulating, because Solomon was sitting there like a sculpture, and he didn't say a word.

"Before ... you said predators."

Su Xiao opened his mouth, watching the Solomon mood in front of him fluctuating slightly.

"350,000, don't sell, forget it, natural enemy."

When Solomon wanted to leave, he didn't seem to want to stay here too long, and he always called Su Xiao a natural enemy.