
The Terms

The Prince was drunk.

Ilona knew he was drunk and she knew her brother must know it too but the Duchess seemed to take his word on it that he wasn't. Knowing a drunken Prince with a bad reputation was going to go get involved in their plea to the King made her uneasy but she knew it was too late to stop him now. She would just have to hope he didn't make things worse for them.

He was dressed in a wrinkled shirt and breeches with a hole in them. His eyes were bloodshot and the smell of alcohol hung around him like a cloud. Ilona felt her stomach knot. This didn't look promising.

Delaney grabbed his wrist and pulled him over to a table where a bowl of water waited. She told him to splash some on his face and thankfully, he did so. She used the water to try to tame his golden locks into a more presentable appearance but it wasn't much use. He needed a bath.

"It doesn't matter what I look like," he sighed as she fussed over him, "I'm the prince. Royal blood tends to trump the rest."

"No one will take you seriously if you go out like this, including your brother," Delaney rolled her eyes, "Besides it's not good for anyone for you to appear in court looking like a drunkard."

"If I am to become a drunkard it will be because the King pushed me to it."

Finally, the Duchess sighed and gave up, accepting that this was as good as it was going to get. The Prince flashed a pearly grin at Delaney and even from where she stood by her brother, Ilona was startled by how dazzling it was.

The Prince moved to leave the room, but paused and, to Ilona's surprise, held his arm out to her. She hesitated. Why was he doing this? Was this just another attempt to annoy her brother or was he now targeting her for some kind of embarrassment?

Not knowing what else to do, she looked to Delaney who smiled encouragingly. Ilona took a breath as her her stomach knotted but when she looked up at the Prince's handsome face and met his ocean-blue gaze those knots turned to butterflies. She took the arm of the Prince, feeling the muscle beneath the thin fabric of his shirt.

To her disappointment though, Mason glanced over at Delaney, a grin filling his face as he winked at her. Ilona felt her cheeks burn. Of course this was just a joke. Why was this man affecting her like this? She'd never fallen for these foolish antics before.

Ian frowned and held his arm out to escort Delaney as Mason and Ilona headed for the door. Ilona heard the Duchess giggle behind her and felt her heart sink as she wondered if they found the situation as amusing as the Prince seemed to. It was obviously quite funny to see this gorgeous man with someone who looked like she did.

Ilona bit her lip as she felt her anger bubbling up at the Prince. She would have to make sure not to let him make a fool of her like this again.

As she walked on Mason's arm down the halls, crowds parted for him and watched him curiously, waiting to see what he was up to now. Ilona glanced around and noticed the women seemed to be watching them especially closely. Some looked surprised but others had sneers on their faces.

She felt her cheeks warm again. She should have guessed that the women of the court would have plenty to say about her being with him. Prince Mason was known for his ways with women and had likely had his way with many of the ones they were passing now. Ilona inwardly cringed as she realized these nobles probably all thought she was just his latest prize he'd conquered.

The guards scrambled to open the doors of the throneroom as Mason approached and the servant didn't have time to announce him before he swept in. Everyone turned to him and bowed as he entered but he ignored them, scanning the crowd for the King.

"Where is my brother?" he demanded of the nearest nobleman.

"He's in the room beyond, your majesty," the man answered, pointing to the door they had gone through earlier, "The Queen is with him I believe, and the Duke of Edgewood."

"Thank you," Mason turned and Ilona wondered if he'd missed the judgemental looks the nobles were throwing his way because she certainly hadn't. Then again, maybe he was used to it.

The Prince walked straight to the door, brushed past the servant trying to stop him, and pushed it open. Ilona tried to stop, uneasy about bursting into a room where the King was having a private meeting, but Mason didn't slow down so she had to continue.

Ilona glanced over her shoulder as Ian closed the door behind he and Delaney. She was thankful that he had. If the drunken Prince was about to make a scene, the fewer people to hear, the better.

The King frowned when he saw his younger and beside him, the Queen didn't even try to hide her extreme displeasure. Ilona wondered what on earth this man had done to make the Queen hate him so much. Was it all because he had broken his marriage contract to her sister? Surely not.

Vincent stood when they entered and Ilona was relieved to see him. That pleasant feeling vanished though when she looked past him and saw Anna was present too.

"Mason," Queen Sophia spoke coldly, "How lovely of you to grace us all with an appearance. Did Delaney manage to pull you away from a bottle of wine?"

"No Sophia, she actually had to come pull me out of a particularly pleasurable young maid's bed," the Prince smirked.

Obvious fury lit up the eyes of both of the twins and beside Ilona, Delaney paled.

"I assure you I did no such thing," she corrected quickly, shaking her head, "Ian, Ilona, and I all went together to say hello to the Prince before we left."

"It's alright Delaney," the Queen assured her with a kind look, "We know you wouldn't be involved in such nonsense. As always, Mason just seeks to shock everyone for attention."

"Oh no I'm already getting more attention than I care for, from you especially" Mason replied sharply, "You see I'd rather be completely forgotten than have to marry your horrible sister."

"Mason!" the King shouted.

"Don't worry Mace," Anna spoke up then with a curled lip, "Once we're married and produce an heir no one will have any use for you anymore so you truly will be forgotten. By your family. By your friends. And by your people."

Ilona was shocked by the cold words and she felt momentarily sorry for the Prince. Mason swallowed as he glared at the venomous woman but he didn't reply.

"That's enough," the King said, bringing the argument to an end.

"What did you come here for Mace?" he asked his brother, "You look like a bath and sleep might do you some good."

Mason still held the gaze of the smirking, cruel twin but hearing his brother address him, he slowly turned to look his way.

"I need to speak to you," he said quietly, the energy and excitement that had been there only moments ago now gone from him. Ilona imagined the woman's harsh words had done much to sober him up.

"Alright," Daniel nodded, "Come sit. We can talk..."

"Alone," Mason cut him off.

"Alone?" Daniel repeated with raised eyebrows, "Why?"

"Because I want to speak to my brother... and it seems I can only reach him when his wife isn't around."

"I won't be going anywhere!" Sophia snapped, "I am the Queen here!"

Daniel raised a hand and she fell quiet but didn't turn her cold gaze from the Prince. Mason's gaze was steady on the King. His brother studied him and after a moment, nodded.

"Sophia dear, why don't you take Anna and go pick out your gowns for the feast coming up."

"What?" Sophia looked at him in shock, "Are you really going to send us away because he demands it? I am your wife!"

"I know," Daniel looked at her apologetically, "But he didn't demand it. He asked for it as my brother and as his, I will give him this."

The Queen's expression was a mixture of disbelief and anger but she got to her feet and held her hand out to her twin. Anna took it and together they walked towards the door, cold eyes remaining on the prince until they passed him. The Queen only paused to give Delaney a quick embrace. Ilona couldn't understand how the Duchess could be friends with such a woman.

"Come have tea with us soon," Sophia said to Delaney.

"And bring your beautiful friend," her twin smirked, looking over her shoulder at Ilona.

"Of course," Delaney agreed quickly, "I will."

Ilona wasn't pleased to hear this.

The sisters left then, closing the door behind them. As soon as they were gone, Mason walked forward to the couches gestured for Ilona to sit. She did so, half expecting him to sit next to her, but instead he walked over and sat on the lone chair across from his brother. She was struck by how similar they looked.

"Should we go as well?" Ian asked cautiously, he and Delaney both looking uneasy where they stood.

"I have nothing to say that can't be said amongst friends," Mason answered, gesturing for Ian to take the open seat beside his sister.

Delaney went to her husband and sat down next to him. As Ian took his seat beside Ilona, she was glad to have his comforting presence beside her.

"What are the terms from the King of the Red Lands?" Mason asked his brother without a preamble.

Daniel looked unhappily between the three that had come here with him. They all shrunk back under his gaze.

"As I've said, I don't wish to discuss it."

"I know," Mason nodded, "But Ian is a very good friend of mine and so is his father and many of his siblings. The man who's been taken, Isaac, is a good man I know well. He doesn't deserve to be forgotten in a dungeon."

"I have no doubt that that is true," King Daniel agreed, "But I can't go forward with these terms. I can't give that King what he asks for."

"And what is that Danny? Why can't you tell me? You're the King but I am still the Prince. These are our people. Obviously, if it is something that will bring them harm I would never stand against you in turning down the deal."

Daniel watched his brother seriously for a moment before turning away. For a moment, he was quiet, lost in thought. At last, he took out the letter from inside his vest and unfolded it slowly. He read over it once more before looking up at Mason again.

"I can't agree to the terms because what he's asking for I can't give him," he said quietly.

Mason frowned in confusion, "You're the King. What could he possibly ask for that you can't give him?"

Daniel sighed and held out the letter to his younger brother.

