
The Price Of A Prince

Mason got to his feet, watching his brother in confusion. He crossed the floor and snatched the letter from Daniel's hand. Pacing back and forth, he read and reread the words with a frown on his face.

Ilona waited impatiently for him to explain. The King of The Red Lands wanted him? The Prince? It made no sense.

At last, Mason dropped back into his plush seat and slumped over, letting his head rest in his hands. He sat there for a long time, leaving the others on edge as they waited for an explanation.

"Mason, what is it?" the Duchess asked quietly, "What on earth does the King of The Red Lands want with you?"

The handsome prince looked up at his older brother, who sighed and nodded. Mason leaned over and held out the letter to Vincent. The Duke took it and sat back to read it. Meanwhile, Mason propped his elbows on his knees and dropped his face into his hands again. Daniel pressed his palms to his eyes as if he was just as tired as his sleep-deprived younger brother.

Delaney, Ilona, and Ian waited for Vincent to tell them what the letter asked for. After reading it, he folded it up and placed it lightly beside his leg on the couch. His expression was somber as he looked at his cousins.

He cleared his throat, waiting for Mason to look up at him. When he made no move to do that, Vincent took a deep breath to steady himself.

"The King of the Red Lands will only agree to release your siblings and keep the two lands at peace if Daniel agrees to have Mace marry their princess."

Stunned, no one moved or said anything. Ilona dropped her gaze to her lap. Those were extreme terms, and she understood now why the King had said no. Still, his brother was a Prince, and he needed to marry a Princess. What made the one here any better than the one in The Red Lands? In fact, after meeting Anna, she would even be willing to wager the other Princess would be the better choice.

At last, Delaney broke the silence, "What are you going to do, Mace?"

"What do you mean?" King Daniel asked seriously, sitting up, "There's nothing he can do. He can't marry that princess."

"Why not?" Ilona asked with a frown, "Surely she can't be any worse than who he's set to marry now." As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she remembered who she was addressing.

"Watch what you say about my wife's sister," Daniel said coldly, although the Prince finally raised his head only to look at Ilona in amusement.

"Wouldn't it be better for your people?" Ian asked hesitantly, "If he married the princess of The Red Lands and secured peace with their Kingdom? What do you stand to gain if he marries the other woman?"

"The Red Lands are no threat to us, "the King said smoothly, "And I will not be sending my brother there to marry anyone. He is promised to marry a Princess here already."

"I can't stay in this room any longer," Mason stood suddenly, looking annoyed now, "I'm not going to just sit here and listen to my future be discussed around me."

He didn't look back as he walked to the door and left, closing it hard behind him and making everyone jump. Ilona looked after him, not surprised he had reacted this way.

From the little she knew of the Prince, she imagined he was someone who would prefer never to marry at all, let alone marry a Princess where so much would be expected of him. But that was what he was born to do. It seemed like it might be his only actual responsibility.

"I don't understand what the big problem is," Ilona voiced her thoughts but was careful not to look at the King, "He's a prince. It's his duty to get married. I'm sure the Princess of The Red Lands is just as good as any other."

"There's more to it than that," Vincent explained, "The princess is only fifteen now. It would be years before they could get married. And the King demands Mace come live with them in the court of The Red Lands until they can marry."

"What is so terrible about that?" she shrugged although she felt a stab of guilt, "So he will go spend a few years in a foreign court. That will give him time to get to know the girl, and then once they're married, they can return here to his home again."

"No, they can't," Ian shook his head as something dawned on him, "The King was only ever able to have one child. The princess is his only heir. Once he dies, she will become queen, and Mason would become King."

"Then he will never be able to come home," Delaney said quietly, looking to her husband with worry.

They all fell quiet. Even Ilona had to admit that made the request a lot more serious. The Prince and his brother would likely never see each other again. She glanced beside her at Ian. It would break her heart never to see him again.

But this was why she was doing this. She didn't want never to be able to see Isaac and Willow again. If the Prince marrying that Princess was the only way she would have them back, she would simply have to convince everyone that that was the best thing. She couldn't worry about his feelings.

"We should go," Vincent said after a while, standing and helping Delaney to her feet, "Mace likely won't feel like discussing this for a while, and I don't want us all hovering around and making him feel pressured."

"Wait a moment," Daniel stood, raising a hand and looking at them all seriously, "I want to make something clear. The four of you aren't to discuss this business again. Mason is promised to Anna, and that's that. There's no reason to bring this up and upset anyone."

His words brought a feeling of desperation to Ilona, and she looked at him with pleading eyes.

"You really won't even think about it? I know you love your brother, but you would be making him a King in his own right by sending him to marry the princess."

"I'm sorry, Captain Black, but my mind is made up," King Daniel answered firmly, "I will not be sending my brother away. I will prepare a letter for you to take to your King, however. I'll have it brought over tomorrow."

"I don't want a kind little note," she shook her head as tears filled her eyes, "I want my siblings to be able to leave the dungeon where they are being held."

"Ilona!" Ian looked at her in warning, but the King didn't look angry. He stared at her unflinchingly despite her harsh words.

"Come on, let's go," Vincent said to Ian, "Before your sister gets thrown into a dungeon as well."


Ilona felt numb as they made their way through the crowd of nobles and out into the courtyard. If Ian hadn't been walking with her on his arm she thought she might not have even made it this far. She felt as if any moment she might collapse.

The King had said no. He wasn't going to help save her brother and sister. The King of The Red Lands wanted a prince to marry his princess but King Daniel wouldn't give him one. She couldn't stop herself from feeling a growing hatred for the man.

And the Prince... well he was the most attractive man she'd ever seen but he had also made her look foolish over and over. Whatever his fate might be, she didn't care.

They all climbed into the carriage and it rolled away from the horrible castle, back towards the Adairs' city house. They were all quiet and stiff until they were finally far enough away they all felt they could relax.

"I hate that place," Ilona said quietly, more thinking out loud than anything else. Across from her, the Duchess nodded and looked at her sadly. She was sitting next to her husband now and holding his hand. How Ilona wished she had someone who could comfort her like that.

"Thank you both for going with us," she continued, looking at the couple, "Even if they don't agree to what the King asks and we're not successful in getting our siblings back... We are still so grateful to have had your help."

"Of course," Delaney replied with a small smile, "Don't give up just yet though. Mason is a good man. He'll do what he thinks is right even if Daniel doesn't agree. You still have a little chance."

Ilona and Ian both gave weak smiles and sank back into the seats. Ilona couldn't believe what the Duchess said about the Prince. She had said the King was a good man too and they had all seen how that had turned out. She appreciated the other woman for trying to be encouraging though.

The Duchess leaned up to give her husband a quick kiss and Ilona looked away. Her heart already ached from the knowledge she might not be able to get her brother and sister back. The last thing she wanted was to see something that would again remind her that she was here alone.

That she would likely always be alone.
