
1980's Horror Film

This is a one shot that I originally posted on ao3. Its under the same name Gay_St!

Gay_St · テレビ
1 Chs

1980's Horror Film

Andrew was in his sophomore year of college when he met her, Claire Novak. She sat behind him in his Mythology class and only really talked to him for projects. Andrew didn't know a lot about Claire, but that didn't stop him from admiring her.

Andrew was speed walking out of his last class in hopes of catching the bus into town. "Hey, Andrew."Andrew turned to see Claire just behind him.

"Oh, Hi." Andrew smiled as he slowed down for her to catch up. Claire mumbled something about tall people as she tried to keep up.

"I was wondering if you are free this weekend?" Andrew looked at her in disbelief. "My dad said I should have a friend over every once and a while." Oh. Andrew was a bit disappointed, but tried to not let it show.

"I'm free." Andrew walked past the gate and looked over to the bus stop. The bus was about to pull in and he picked up his pace.

"Good. I'll text you the address, but I have to warn you that my dads and brother are a bit chaotic." Andrew nodded as she started to walk in the opposite direction. He watched her go as he got on the bus and couldn't help but smile.

It was Saturday when Andrew pulled up to a light blue house in the countryside behind Claire's car. He checked the address and texted Claire while stepping out of the car. There was a sleek black muscle car and a two seater pick up in the driveway; he could just make out a goldish fancy looking car in the open garage.

Andrew looked around the porch as he walked up to the door; there was a swing bench and a coffee table with a blue vase that held roses in it. The door flew open and Andrew quickly looked up to find a blond boy who couldn't be more than a few years younger than Andrew himself.

"Hi." The boy raised his hand in a motionless wave.

"Hello." There were footsteps running down the hall, then Claire was telling the boy to help out in the yard.

"Sorry about Jack. I was in the yard helping my dads." Claire said once Jack left. She let him in and closed the door behind him. "You can take off your shoes and put them over there." She motioned to the pile of shoes near the door. "Dad doesn't really like dirt in the house."

Andrew nodded and took off his shoes, leaving them neatly by the pile. "How old is Jack?" He looked around the hallway to see a picture or two of what he guessed were family or friends.

Claire seemed to think for a minute before answering. "17. He'll be turning 18 next may." So about three years younger. Andrew nodded and followed Claire into the living/dining room which was open into the kitchen and separated by a low hanging beam.

The walls were a soft mix of yellow and gray with a picture on them every now and then. There was a big rounded window and bench seat in one corner with a brick fireplace next to it. A rough looking couch was in the middle of the room facing a medium sized tv that was on a low table.

The dining area consisted of a medium sized table with simple chairs around it that was under a nice ceiling light. It didn't look like much, but Andrew had a feeling of comfort. Claire led him through the nice big country style kitchen and to an opened back door.

"We're working on fixing the chicken coop right now." Andrew walked outside onto the porch to see two middle aged, but good looking, men and Jack standing around a small barn looking coop that was a little aways and to the left of the house. "Dean. Cas. This is Andrew from my mythology class."

The taller one looked over at them and started walking over. The man had dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes. His eyes held a sense of understanding that made him look older than he probably is. The man smiled as he put out a hand.

"Dean. That's Cas." Dean pointed over his shoulder to the shorter man with dark hair and bright blue eyes. The man smiled and waved before going back to help Jack with the hammer.

"I was thinking of watching a movie." Claire stated as she looked over at Cas and Jack for a second.

Dean nodded. "I'll call you down for dinner. Tonight's spaghetti, Jack picked." Claire nodded and grabbed Andrew's wrist.

"That's the third time in a week." Claire yelled amused over her shoulder as she dragged Andrew back to the house. There was only a laugh from Dean in response.

Andrew followed Claire up the stairs while looking at the pictures on the wall. There was one of what looked like Dean and Cas' wedding, one of Claire with Jack at a park, another of a man and Dean next to the black car he saw outside, and lastly a family photo with the man and another woman.

"Oh, that's my uncle Sam and his wife Eileen." Claire pointed and Andrew nodded.

Claire walked down the upstairs hallway passing a door on her left and on her right. She reached the next door to the left and looked over at Andrew. "That's the bathroom." She pointed to the first door on the right that they passed. "By the way, sorry for the mess."

Claire opened the door to an organized room with some clothes that were thrown about. Andrew walked in and looked around as Claire closed the door. There was a shelf above a desk with books in different languages as well as a can of salt on it. The desk has more books on it as well as papers thrown about. There was a window that was closed with curtains drawn so little light filled the room.

"I was thinking of a movie. All I got right now is 1980's horror." Claire pointed to a bookcase that was next to an old looking tv. The bookcase was half full of books and half full of movies. 1980's? Andrew must have been making a face. "I know it's oddly specific, but most of the other ones are down stairs."

Andrew looked at the collection of movies and pulled out one that was the most familiar. A Nightmare on Elm Street. "Cool." Claire took the case and walked over to the DVD player. "You can take the bed." Andrew was confused by the gesture, but sat on the end of the gray bed. Andrew watched Claire put the disk in then pull the desk chair over in front of the bed.

"What's that for?" Andrew felt so confused about what was going on.

"To sit on." Claire sat on the chair with her back to him. Ok then.

It was half way through the movie and Andrew still was confused. If we are hanging out then why sit on a chair. Does she not want to sit next to me? Andrew frowned as he couldn't figure it out.

He stared at the back of Claire's head confused. Is this what people do when they hang out with friends? Andrew didn't know, he never really had friends. Or is this different?

At the end of the movie Claire got up to change the disk. "Can I ask you something?" Andrew regretted his words and hoped Claire didn't hear.

"Sure." Claire looked back at him. Oh why must I speak before I think. Andrew looked down at his hands.

"Would you like to go out on a date some time?" Silence. Andrew could feel the bed sink as Claire sat next to him.

"Sorry. I'm really not that into guys." Andrew looked up at her in confusion. "Sorry, I never told you that I got a girlfriend." Oh.

"Sorry. I didn't know you were…." Andrew couldn't remember the word for the life of him. "A lima bean? Wait no…"

"Lesbian?" Claire looked like she was trying not to laugh.

"Yeah." Andrew felt a little embarrassed about what just happened. Claire smiled and shook her head.

Andrew smiled when the door was thrown open. "Dinner." Jack stood in the doorway smiling.

Claire stood up and lent a hand to Andrew. "Friends?"

Andrew took her hand, "Friends."

Andrew followed Claire downstairs hearing the faint sound of music. At the bottom of the stairs he stopped and watched the scene in front of him. Jack was setting the table and Claire went over to help. Dean was nodding along to the music while stirring the pasta and every now and then would look over at Cas who was grating parmesan cheese. Everything was peaceful and perfect. Dean turned off the stove and pulled Cas into a little dance as he sang along with the chores.

"My blood runs cold." Dean had one hand on Cas' waist and another holding his husband's hand. "My memory has just been sold." Cas shook his head smiling. "My angel is the centerfold." They were both smiling and Andrew couldn't help but stare in amazement. "Angel is the centerfold." Dean gave Cas a twirl while the shorter man laughed at his partner's antics.

"What do you want to drink?" Andrew looked over at Claire in confusion. She was standing with the fridge open. "Drink?"

Andrew blushed. "Uh, water is good." Claire nodded and grabbed a glass from the cupboard.

"So Andrew, how long have you lived in Kansas?" Dean was asking as he put the pot of pasta on the table.

"Two years now." Andrew had moved out here to get away from his parents.

Dean nodded. "Sit down anywhere." Andrew looked at the table and sat down next to the spot that held Claire's water bottle. Andrew smiled as dinner began and ordered chaos erupted.

"That's how I met Aunt Claire." Andrew watched his son Ray nod.

"What about Auntie Kaia?" Rain asked. Andrew smiled and shook his head at remembering the awful introduction.

"That was about a month later."

"Did you know them mom?" Ray looked over at Andrew's wife.

She smiled and nodded. Andrew met Violet in his junior year at college and they hit it off.

"Why haven't we ever met them?" Rain was pushing peas around their plate.

Andrew looked over at the photo on the wall of Claire and him at graduation. The next night Claire told him that she had to finish the family business and that it was dangerous. That night he learned about monsters and those who keep people safe from them.

"They work undercover for a secret organization that saves people." The same lie Andrew always told for the twenty years after that night.

"Oh." Rain looked disappointed while Ray looked confused. Andrew looked at Violet and she nodded.

"Why don't we get ready for the movie? You guys want to finish it before bedtime, right?" Rain quickly forgot about the story of their aunt while going to help their mom.

"Is that really what they do?" Andrew looked over at Ray.

"Yes." Andrew smiled and got up to put the plates in the sink.