
206 End of 1642

"Since your aunt sent you here to study I can't disappoint her and I'll make a man out of you, but we will first check your knowledge... what is it?" (MC)

Jan was only 15 years old, but he received a thorough education, he also went down in history as a good military commander, though lazy, not very ambitious with a passion for alcohol and women... well, historians could simply write that he was a man and a Pole.

"Star fortress, I saw a few when I traveled around Europe. They are difficult and even impossible to conquer..." (Jan Sobiepan Zamoyski)

"Nothing is impossible, the ways of doing these things are just yet to be discovered. Secondly, what one man built, another man can destroy, but the question is, how would you do it?" (MC)

I had the advantage of several centuries over him, so it wasn't fair pretending to be a mentor, but I wanted to see if he could think... and secondly, life is not fair, as they say, "Nobody dies a virgin, life fu.cks everyone."

After a few minutes, my cousin came out with a typical generic siege plan... A siege, cannon fire and an attempt to starve the city... which was long, expensive, and just as necessary as a wh.ore's hymen.

"It's good if you have time, an big army and a lot of gold. Don't think schematically, look for a gap, a way to do anything that will give you an advantage." (MC)

"Like you when conquering Moscow by blowing up the walls?" (Jan Sobiepan Zamoyski)

"Yes and no, Moscow is not a star fortress, and blowing up the walls is nothing new either. I just used an old tactic that no one expected. What's the easiest way to capture the enemy's city?" (MC)

"From the inside...?" (Jan Sobiepan Zamoyski)

"Exactly, Troy and the Trojan Horse... of course no one will believe in a wooden horse now, but if you had sent your people to the city earlier, say as traders or workers... at the right moment they can cause chaos in the city or open gates for your army." (MC)

There was a twinkle in his eye, as if suddenly in his head, brain cells had discovered completely new possibilities... I had a similar twinkle in my eye when I was his age, but then I discovered Japanese po.rn, not a way to conquer cities.

Every day I gave him lessons in politics, tactics and general military. I also recommended that one of my people teach him sabers, horse riding, and even loading cannons... just in case, I also gave him two older and not-so-beautiful servants, it's better to be safe than sorry. If one got pregnant, my aunt would blame me... and to be blamed for a pregnancy I didn't do, the world really isn't fair.

About once every two weeks I also received a letter from Jazłowiec from Elisabeth, in which she informed me about the progress in the development of our children, the well-being of her sisters and work in the orphanage ... none of these topics particularly interested me, but as I was a good husband I always found a moment to write back to her.

My propaganda campaign against the Emperor also began to bear fruit, of course, not everyone believed in those events at least at the beginning, but a lie repeated a thousand times becomes true... and as the Emperor had many enemies, each of his opponents added something and the story of the murder of my mother-in-law and her sons took a life of its own. On this occasion, other dark cases and stories were also unearthed, all aimed at the Emperor and the rest of the Habsburg dynasty, such as the Jewish origin of the Fugger family known as the Habsburg bankers... the Protestant world was boiling... and I could only rejoice.

(King Charles I / Lord Jacob Astley POV)

"Your Majesty, we won the battle, but we must rush to London. The Earl of Essex was defeated but kept most of the troops." (Lord Jacob Astley)

"No, this is too much of a risk. London is not a chicken coop, it will be well defended, we will go to Reading first ... I got a letter from the King of Denmark. Charles, Rupert and the other sons of Elisabeth are dead. They died in an ambush organized by the Emperor." (King Charles I)

"I am very sorry, Your Majesty, it must be difficult... and this incredible act of treason will never be forgotten." (Lord Jacob Astley)

"No, on the contrary. Some of the opposition believed that Charles, the eldest son of Elisabeth, would be a better king than me. That is why I supported his actions in Bohemia, so that he would be as far away from London as possible. Now that he is gone, perhaps we can negotiate with the rebels." (King Charles I)

"You will have to promise them something... You can also announce mourning throughout the country. Nobody can blame Your Majesty for wanting to mourn the family, it will also give us time to gather more troops." (Lord Jacob Astley)

"Yes, that's a good idea, maybe we can even get the rebels to point their blades at the Emperor... wars are dangerous and with a bit of luck they won't be back." (King Charles I)

(End POV)

1642 was slowly coming to an end, unfortunately I cannot say that about my work... when it seemed to me that all topics and matters were closed, suddenly something new appeared... as if the universe wanted to tell me fuc.k you. Unfortunately, I could only blame myself... I missed Wroński's help, though it was more the fact that I could throw some of my duties on him, but his mission in Vienna was too important for my future plans.

There was also the matter of closing the marriage of my adopted daughter and Prince Jerzy II Rakoczy... Kurwa mać.

Without too much optimism, I will keep writing as I have time. If someone expects an explanation or an apology... good joke.

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