
207 Guests are coming

(Secretary Wroński / Baruch POV)

There was almost everything here, a shop with a warehouse. Alcohols, fabrics, spices... a lot of products from Podolia. On the first floor there were living quarters of Baruch and his family.

"As I already explained to you, your task is simple, you are to start bringing secretly to Vienna the things I told you and store them in warehouses until the Prince decides otherwise." (Secretary Wroński)

"I know, but it's still dangerous..." (Baruch)

I never understood why Prince Jazłowiecki, usually sane and cunning, trusts this Jew so much. I know that his family has been living in Jazłowiec for several generations, but Jews do not know loyalty.

"Not as dangerous as the Prince's disappointment. You have lived in the Empire for several years, you are rich and respected. You have contacts in the city... Just do what the Prince asks and you will be fine but remember the most important thing is gunpowder and Greek fire that you get from Jazłowiec, and then other materials." (Secretary Wroński)

"I know and fulfill every wish, but it's not easy. How do I do that?" (Baruch)

"Bribes, barrels with two bottoms... I don't know, I won't think for you. You'll come up with something, you're a Jew after all." (Secretary Wroński)

At last I could leave this place, I just have to pass the same guidelines to Aram's family and I will be able to return to Warsaw... I must admit that Vienna is a beautiful city, it has more charm than our capital, I don't know why the Prince so insisted on destroying it. He always argues that Moscow, Prussia, Germany and the Ottomans are the enemy, but the Austrians are traitors, which is even worse than the enemy.

(End POV)

Another letter from Rome... this time calling me to repent of my sin and to rectify the wrong I have done... because of one stupid column. They really don't have anything to do in Rome, since they have time to deal with such trivialities... maybe they have run out of children to be molested. I think it's time to get Piotr out of this brothel and bring him to Poland where he will be more useful... my reflections were interrupted by the appearance of Jan.

"Something happened, cousin? Should you be taking horse riding lessons now?" (MC)

"Yes, but I heard from merchants in the city that a retinue of the Prince of Transylvania was approaching the city and I wanted to inform you." (Jan Sobiepan Zamoyski)

"I invited him and he came, but I didn't think he would do it so quickly... thank you, and now go back to your riding lessons." (MC)

Now I had another reason to ponder, to get the throne of Transylvania and then Hungary will have to die a few people, but the most important four are the Prince, his two sons including my future son-in-law and their mother. The only positive thing about this is that I managed to prevent his second son from marrying Henriette, sister Elisabeth. Which has already changed the course of history.

(Elisabeth, Louise, Henriette and Sophia POV)

"It's been a few months and your husband hasn't done anything to get justice." (Louise)

I know what happened to my sisters, brothers and mother... I saw it, but I don't understand why Louise blames Michał for it... he saved us.

"Sister, you are unjust. We owe Michał his life, he came and fought to save us." (Sophie)

"He did not save our mother and brothers..." (Louise)

"Yes, it's true, but he has done more than others." (Sophie)

"Louise, what do you expect? That my husband will go to attack Vienna? Put the Emperor on trial? I know what happened to you was terrible, but in God our hope... Let's end this conversation for today, I have to take care of the kids and you seem tired and tomorrow is another busy day in the orphanage." (Elisabeth)

"These children in the orphanage are a bit like us. Their parents died in the war and they too found refuge with your husband. I know that your wedding was political, not out of love, but you found your happiness sister... happiness that will not be given to us." (Henriette)

Elizabeth went to look after the children, Henriette started to cry, and Louise fell silent and just stared at the burning pieces of wood in the fireplace... I would like to return to Warsaw.

(End POV)

I got a message that today Prince Rakoczy will come to Warsaw with his son, and unfortunately I had to entertain them properly.

From the very morning, the chefs prepared the best dishes, the servants took the best wines and meads from the palace's cellar, at the sight of which my heart broke... and the palace itself was decorated as for the arrival of the king, which was completely out of my style.

"Jan, whatever you see or hear today... don't say anything and don't do anything. Nibble and watch, talk about important topics." (MC)

"I don't understand, are you afraid of something?" (Jan Sobiepan Zamoyski)

Jan has been with me for several months and although he is a family, I have not informed him about all my plans yet... but in the end, my son will have to rely on him more than I do.

"No, but Prince Rakoczy is very ambitious, his dream is for his son to sit on the Polish throne... and I have to help him. That's why he agreed that his son would marry Katarzyna." (MC)

"Are you really going to help him with this? Do you want to put his son on the throne?" (Jan Sobiepan Zamoyski)

"It is not important, it is important that he believes that I will do it. Therefore, be careful what you say and do, because we will be watching them, but they will also be watching us... Consider this as another political lesson." (MC)
