
Chapter 234: A New Dragon Dance between the living and the dead

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's second chapter.

Thanks for your support.

If you wanted to see the end of this book, you know where to go...




Jon nodded his head before going out to prepare everyone to evacuate the place. As for Jeor Mormont, he held doubt in his heart that he would survive this day and hoped that the king would arrive soon to save his men.

Commander Mormont had spent a good time disciplining his men in the past decade listening to Edward's words. That alone made the evacuation effective, and it took only half an hour before everyone in Castle Black was out. As for the other castles, they would follow their lead and gather in Last Hearth.

After marching for another half hour, Jeor Mormont sighed in relief when he received a letter from the final castle that had evacuated and could not help but smile. But his smile was short since, at this time, a loud screeching sound came from behind the Wall, and Mormont could swear that he saw bone dragons descending from the sky.

"Hurry up." Shouted Commander Mormont when he heard that noise. He knew that nothing good would come out after this sound.

Before they could even take several steps, The magistic Wall that stood for thousands of years protecting the realm of men had a big part destroyed. Not only was the Wall gone, but what came next made everyone believe that the realm was done for since they did not only see a dragon but nine at the same time. And every one of them was all bones and large enough to cover a castle with their wings.

This sight made everyone in the Night's Watch fell into despair since the army of the dead started to cross the crashed Wall. The army was numbered in tens of thousands, if not hundreds. Everyone stood in their places without taking an inch more. Even Jon Snow and Ygritte stood there after witnessing this scene. Their expression was that of non-beliving.

As for Bran, he looked at the dragon in the middle, particularly at the thing sitting on the dragon's back. Bran, who was already in a critical situation, started to feel more pain with the gaze from the Night King. Even Bran, who should know everything since he became the three-eyed raven, did not think he would survive this one. The reason was his inability to see Edward or the group coming because of the rituals Edward performed.

When the Night King saw Bran, he waved his hand, and the dragons and the wights started to move and attack Bran. But before anything could happen, more screeching noises came, and this time they were from the back, shocking everyone in the Night's Watch. But Jon Snow knew who that was and could not help but smile and heave a sigh in relief since his foster father had finally come.

Although Ygritte did not like Edward since he always treated her like a young girl without caring about her bride as a Spearwife, she could not help but smile too after seeing the dragons.

"Everyone, retreat, now." Shouted Edward from the top of his dragons since he did not want to see casualties among those men.

Before long, the aerial fight started, and the dragons began to engage with one another in a fierce battle that could turn any kingdom into ashes with all that dragon's breath.

Commander Mormont was smart enough to know where he should hide with his men to avoid the battle. Edward noticed that when he was fighting the Night King and the dragon, he was riding. Edward could not help but admire the Mormont guy and wished that the man fought by his side back during the old times.

But Edward turned to the Night King since he could not afford to turn his head away, knowing the consequences. Not only was the Night king using his dragon to fight with Bantāzma, but the fucking dead thing was throwing a spear trying to kill Bantāzma and Edward. Edward found a solution to those spears and did not know why the others in the book did not try it.

Whenever the Night King threw a spear, Edward would use his Valyrien Steel Sword, Storm's Wrath, to shatter the spear. Even the Night King himself would die if he got hit by the sword, not to mention a spear he made.

The fight continued in the battle like this without any clear victor, and the residual misfire would land on the Night King's army, destroying more and more and reducing the Wights numbers by a lot.

But Edward's side got thrown into disadvantage quickly since Edward's side's dragons were not powerful or large enough to face those on the other side.

Only Edward's two dragons were close to the Night's King's dragons, but the others were smaller and by a lot at that. Not only that, but Wilyam's was much smaller, and any hit would send Stormshadow and its rider to their death.

"Wilyam, retreat right now." Said Edward as he ordered with a grave tone since he saw that Stormshadow was using all his power just to avoid the other's side's hits.

"But..." Said Wilyam, who wanted to argue, but Edward did not give him a chance to say anything more before interrupting him.

"GO BACK RIGHT NOW!!!!" Shouted Edward with an angry tone leaving no room for Wilyam to say anything more.

In the end, Wilyam had to listen to his father and leave the battlefield to the other. But the others were not doing well either, and the situation turned from bad to worse.

And at some point, Jasmine and her Quicksilver, who had been fighting for some time, were getting exhausted. In the end, she could not avoid an attack from a dragon on the Night King's side.

At that time, Jasmine was fighting on her dragon with that ferocious dead dragon for more than half an hour. This long battle was already beyond her and her dragon's ability. And her Stormshadow could not keep up with that dragon since the difference was beyond only the size but the fight experience.

Plus, Jasmine was not a fighter herself and could not help her dragon using a bow and arrows made from Dragonglass as her siblings did. She only acted as its rider, which gave the dragon some confidence since he had to protect her.

In the end, Stormshadow was not able to defend against the claw of the dead dragon since Stormshadow was already exhausted, and the blow was heading directly to Jasmine herself on Stormshadow's back.

If the hit managed to land on Stormshadow, Jasmine could say goodbye to her life. But at the final moment, an idiot tried to meddle in and risked his life to rescue the girl.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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