

Afton's led behind the stage with Veronica and Gabe closely following. Behind it is a small group of people, a few of which Afton recognises. Ambassador Crocker stands there in his clean black suit with two veteran Rangers standing on either side of him.

Everyone turns around and looks towards Afton as they approach, the group paling slightly at the sight of Gabe but quickly composing themselves at the fact chaos hadn't erupted in the town yet. Crocker is the first to move, walking towards Afton with his hand outstretched, "Mr Parker, a pleasure to finally meet you." he states.

Afton firmly shakes the man's hand, "Likewise... Though, I'm surprised you were sent instead of someone else, aren't you supposed to only be in New Vegas?" he asks, wondering why Crocker was forced to be here.

Crocker chuckles, "There was supposed to be someone else, as you well know I very busy in New Vegas as it is... But as soon as they heard they were negotiating with you, they fled California with their family..." he says.

Afton can't help but laugh at this, was he really so scary that someone would willingly flee their country, job, and position just to escape talking to him?... Perhaps... He shrugs at Crocker, "Maybe they were already planning to leave due to something else... What are we actually doing here anyway? Don't events like this usually only occur after both parties have agreed to terms?" he asks.

Crocker nods, "Usually, but it's hard enough getting us all in one place once, it'd be good for everyone's morale if they watched democracy and peaceful negotiation at work. I personally believe we'll be able to find some common ground, I doubt we are all that different from one another anyway." he explains.

Afton slowly nods but is beginning to think that the 'trap' he'd been expecting wasn't coming at all... Crocker had a reputation for being a respectable person, his attempts in New Vegas, while suppressed by House and the families, were still impressive and indicative of his skills and work ethic.

"Ah, before we start... Would you please explain what your... Bodyguard is?" Crocker asks, gesturing towards Gabe who's currently sitting on the floor like a 'good boy'.

Afton shrugs, "This is Gabe, two-hundred-year-old Cyberdog extraordinaire. He'll be one of my two bodyguards today, the other is Veronica," he gestures at her, "Who's currently wearing state of the art Bulwark Power armour, far more advanced than what was used against the Legion." he states, boasts, and warns all simultaneously.

Crocker slowly nods his head, "I see... Erm, these two are my bodyguards, Ranger Lattie and Ranger Queen... That's about all I know about them, unfortunately..." he says with a nervous chuckle. Both Rangers were equipped with Ranger Sequoias and heavily modified Marksman rifles. The duo gives a slight nod, indicating that they are attentive and at the ready.

Afton nods, "I see... So, how are we going to do this?" he asks.

"We'll both head on stage and each of us will give a speech to the crowd, afterwards we'll have a scribe write the contracts while we discuss terms... Yes, I know it's very theatrical, but theatre is what the people need and want right now." he explains.

Afton shrugs in acceptance, not for or against this peculiar mode of negotiation. It takes half an hour for everything to get fixed up and ready for the event, and once everything was prepared, Afton and Crocker marched onto the stage and approached the two separate podiums.

Though, one thing Afton immediately notices is the fact that Crocker's podium has the NCR flag printed the front of it, while his own has nothing... To fix this, he takes out a small holographic device and has Nyx program it to the specifications he has in mind. Once done he sticks it to the front of his podium, allowing a holographic image of Bulwark's emblem to appear.

The crowd of course 'oohs and aahs', but that's to be expected from what is essentially a bunch of civilians, country bumpkins, and wanderers. Crocker looks amused at it, as well as slightly put out that Bulwark's flag puts the NCR one to shame, from its holographic glow to its rather distinct and intimidating artwork.

One Ranger stands behind Crocker while Veronica stands behind Afton, both silently awaiting the assassination attempt that is unfortunately pretty common in the wasteland. Even if either side doesn't intend to, other factions might get themselves involved as well.

Once everything calms down Crocker taps on his microphone which catches everyone's attention, he coughs into his hand politely before speaking, "Seeing as everyone is present, it is my pleasure to present the NCR's Peace Agreement between Bulwark, the upcoming faction that seems to be gaining momentum every day. As you may already know, I am Dennis Crocker, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary... Yes, it's a gaudy title but I'm not the one who chose it." he jokes, causing a few people to laugh in response.

Crocker gestures at Afton, "At the other podium is Bulwark's absolute leader, Afton Parker, a man who I am aware already has many titles, among which are; Butcher, Sheriff, Mercenary, Mojave's fastest gun, Fiend, and most recently, Walking Disaster... Might I say, if you ever wish to trade some of those, I'd be amenable to it." the man says with a chuckle.

Afton raises a brow, "To be honest, I wasn't aware I had so many... Thanks for doing the work of listing them all out, maybe I'll put it on my resume..." he drawls.

Crocker nods and smiles at him, "With your qualifications, I don't think that's necessary... Also, I'd like to welcome Dr. Helmsley, he belongs to the Followers of the Apocolypse, an impartial group dedicated to the health and wellbeing of the Wasteland. He's agreed to write out the contracts that we agree on and hopes to encourage peace between groups." he explains while gesturing towards the Doctor sat nearby behind a terminal.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :


Chris Lindsey


Michael Jarrett

Nazlican Erdem

Niggrosscreators' thoughts