
Three Snakes

The auction was boring. All I did was stand quietly as Shalria sipped on some champagne, I almost fell asleep, but then the bitch used her Den Den Mushi to place a bid.

Wondering what had caught her eye, I looked out the window of the private booth to see three twelve-year-old girls, all of them scared and confused.

" The Boa Sisters. " In my shock, I spoke out loud, and Shalria's eyes focused on me like a hawk, " Did you say something insect. "

" No, Master. "

" Hmph, at least you've learned your place already. "

Nothing else happened for the rest of the auction, but my head was racing.

' I have twenty-four years before the start of the main story, but more importantly, I only have four years until Fisher Tiger frees the slaves. I need to attach myself to the sisters, and my fate should be golden. '

Back in the present, I followed Shalria to pick up her purchases.

The three sisters' eyes were filled with fear and anger, " Saint Shalria, here are the female pirates you purchased. I must warn you that they have not been compliant. "

" Hmph, when we get back to the holy land, they will be properly trained. " Saint Shalria said as she lifted Hancock's chin, looking her over.

Bitting at the Shalrias fingers, Boa scowled, " Get your hand off me, you wh-. " Before she could utter another word, I moved in front of Boa, sending my knee into her stomach. Hancock gasped as she passed out.

" I'm sorry. " I caught the amazon in my arms as Shalria smiled, " Let this serve as an example to the both of you. Insubordination will not be tolerated. "

I hated myself. I grabbed the chains of Marigold and Sandersonia, almost having to pull them, ' I hope I can explain myself later. '

The rest of the trip was uneventful, and I handed over the Boa sisters to the Marines, I was ready to go myself, but Shalria had other plans.

" You did well today disciplining that girl. The two qualities I like most in slaves is strength and loyalty. You seemed to have both. Continue to serve me well, and there will be rewards. "

Bowing, I was escorted back to my cell. This time, I wasn't alone. The three Gorgon sisters glared at me without seeing a man all of their life, and then having one suddenly attack them wasn't a good first impression.

' Okay, I have to carry this out carefully, or nothing will get done. '

When the Marines were out of view, I kowtowed in front of the three girls, " Please forgive me!!! " I could see on their face that they expect every reaction besides regret, " Your fate would have been much worse if you had spoken ill of that bitch! "

Boa scowled as her cheeks puffed up in anger, " I-I still don't forgive you. That hurt a lot. "

Kneeling, I nodded, my head still bowed, " Yes, and I hope to make it up to you, but I need to tell you what's going to happen. In a few hours, you will be branded. Forever marking you as less than human. "

The three sisters paled as I turned around to show them the hoof of the flying dragon, " W-why would they do that. "

" To the World Nobles, everyone that isn't one of them can die, and they wouldn't blink. They take pleasure in torturing that they think less of. "

Sandersonia shook her head, " Why doesn't anyone do anything about it then. They can't be all-powerful. "

" In this world, the World Government is the largest organization. They have money, fame, and the general population on their side. Only one group that can come close to their power is the Revolutionary Army, and they still can't hold a candle to the Government. "

" So what there's nothing we can do. We're going to be slaves forever. " I could see the girls start to panic, " It's a possibility, but don't lose hope. Maybe we'll all escape one day. "

The girls huddle in a corner, and I gave them some space. I couldn't imagine being a kid in this situation.

As I said, the Marine took them, and in a few minutes, I could hear the screams of pain when the sisters were brought back to the cell all three of them were passed out.

I did all I could to try and ease their pain, but their faces were continually twitching with pain in their sleep.

The sisters drifted in and out of sleep through the next two weeks. The burns had become infected, and I persuaded one of the Marine to sneak me some bandages, water, and medicine.

I don't know how but they made a full recovery on the fifteenth day Hancock finally woke up for good, " Ow....my back. "

" Hey, hey, don't get up your still healing. You and your sisters have been in a coma-like state for about half a month. "

" It hurts so bad, why us. Why do they have to do this? " I had to look away as Boa started to cry, " Here lay on your stomach. I have some cream to help with the pain. "

Boa still didn't trust me completely, but I knew how much she was suffering, and any chance to relieve she would gladly take.

Moving aside the bandages, I gently applied the green salve to the brand mark. I could feel Boa tensing from my touch, not used to being around a man.

Over the next hour, Sandersonia and Marigold also came round, and I explain to them what had happened while treating them.

" I'm afraid that during your sleep we have arrived at the Holy Land Mary Geoise, we might be split. "

" Why does that matter? We want nothing to do with you. Your debt has been repaid. There is no reason to stick together. "

Boa's statement was heartbreaking, but I should have excepted anything different, " Fine, but before we split, can we exchange names. "

" If you insist male, I am Boa Hancock. "

" Boa Sandersonia. "

" Boa Marigold. "

" Nice to meet you all properly. I am Arvil D. Soren, the man who one day become famous throughout the world! "

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