
Surprise at the banquet

At one of the tables that had been set up for the banquet, Sven was sitting in the center while his wife Elin and Godi Asgot were at his side.


"I have to admit that I already missed the taste of Salicornia, onions, and carrots.


Bear meat tastes too special, but I can't complain as I still remember what we had to eat on the expeditions that my father-in-law Eero did.


It's very difficult to forget the taste of that thing that looked like bread but tasted like stones. "


Asgot just laughed while holding a large jug of herbal liqueur "It's very difficult to forget that taste, but it was the only thing we could eat otherwise we could only starve."


Elin who was listening to the two men only shook her head because she understood very well what they were saying because her father had an unpleasant habit of giving priority to keeping a full stomach over the taste of food.



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