
Night with elin

When the banquet ended, the Godi Asgot with the help of some warriors filled the entire port with torches because the sunset was already at its peak.


It would only be a matter of time before night came and with it darkness.


With the light of the torches the platform that had been prepared was completely illuminated, Asgot climbed onto it and, spreading his arms, looked at all who were gathered in the place.


"We are gathered here today to immortalize everything that happened on the expedition and the brilliant achievements we made under the guidance of Herald Einar and Jarl Sven."


At that moment the noise of impressive drums began to be heard and on that platform a slave climbed up, carrying a small cub in his hands.


Which he placed in the middle and using a sword the Godi decapitated him, leaving the sword on one side, put his hand in the blood that was on the wood, and used it to smear it on his face.



This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
