
Mad Genius (3)

"When's he going to wake up! He's got a lot of explaining to do!" Shagrat's voice sounded shrill as he screamed at Grugda.

The Eljein glanced at Kace and checked him over. He had administered several different potions to Kace over the past three days. However, he had no idea what was actually ailing him. Grugda had to deal with Shagrat's complaints every day since they had resurrected Gyn. The eccentric goblin had pretty much managed to piss off every craftsman in the town.

"He's awake. He's just pretending." Grugda broke out in a broad grin as he sold Kace out. When he checked the Chimera out just now, he was able to spot the signs that Kace had recovered.

"Damn it, Grugda! You could have waited until he was gone." Kace groaned. He had heard Shagrat complaining about Gyn's antics and did not want to deal with him until he had spoken with Gyn personally.
