
Mad Genius (4)

Kace raised an eyebrow at the orc. How was it even possible for Vaskra not to be heard? Even Grugda looked a little hesitant to try and force their way in. There was no telling what Gyn might have set up. Kace's mind was suddenly filled with memories of Gyn tossing random bombs filled with strange substances.

'Well, there's no point in hesitating. I doubt he can actually hurt us.' Kace put on his best friendly expression as he marched up the door and tried to open it. Naturally, the orc had spoken the truth. The door would not budge even though Kace was using all of his strength!

'How did he even manage that?' Kace frowned, but then an image was transmitted into his mind from his Hydra head. It showed some kind of container being dropped out of the window overhead!
