

Reima struggles, heaving on the floor while molten blood drips from his lips and nose, scorching the stone beneath him. He's unable to restrain his aura as this happens, allowing dark red flames to splutter to life around him,

From the Chaos Temple the Chaos Servants begin making their way over to see what's happening, the roars of Reima having attracted their attention.

Even the Everlasting Dragon clambers over, looking down at Reima as he squirms like a slug covered in salt.

Quelana walks to Quelina's side while watching Reima, "This isn't a new "Modern" dance I hope..."

Quelina shakes her head, "Reima injected a new Mutagen... I can tell from personal experience that it is terribly painful."

Quelana looks at her sisters lower body, "Yes, I remember you saying something like that... What's the goal then?"

Quelina "Goal?... I think he's just trying to increase his power further..."

Quelana "Strange... I'd have thought he was powerful enough as it is..." she mutters.

Reima shudders, feeling his body shifting but also feeling the changes slowing. The dreadful, retching pain eventually stops. Leaving Reima's sweaty body limp as he looks up at the sky, he sighs, feeling his entire body sore all over.

He puts his hand to the floor to try and prop himself up, but uses too much strength and launches himself a couple meters in the air, his arm glowing golden.

He looks down at it in wonder, and slowly realising that he was floating in the air as the golden glow slowly made its way across his entire body.

"JOLLLYYYY!" he could hear numerous shouts below him, with a glance he spotted almost the entire Chaos Temple cheering below him... Ignoring them, he tries to reduce his altitude, accidentally deactivating the glow and falling into the lava below.


The cheers stop as they watch Reima slowly climb out of the lava... He eventually gets to his feet and teleports beside Nerissa, grabbing her and Quelina and returning back to the lab. Stumbling to a nearby chair he falls into it as Nerissa and Quelina watch in amusement.

Reima "Something funny?" he asks, still winded from his earlier ordeal.

Quelina "Its funny to see you like this Reima... I don't think I've ever seen you as exhausted as this before."

Nerissa nods, "Olympic Diver." she says with a smirk.

Reima leans backwards and groans, "Alright, you go off and check on Moka then Rissa... Thank you for your gift, but I want to do nothing for a couple hours... And preferably hide from Asgore..." he adds.

The next day past the Dragon Mountains was a glowing blur, randomly destroying mountains and gigantic trees that got in its way...

Reima had been wanted to try out the new changes to his body and hadn't been disappointed... After the time he spent in the Dark Souls world his physical capabilities hadn't increased all that much, instead focussing his attention on his magical abilities instead.

Now however the Yoko Mutagen had given him a number of things that boosted his abilities further... He'd found that he was now able to fly without wings, though, only when he was in his "Empowered" form, and his dragon wings could dramatically increase his speed.

Reima wasn't all that sure why the Yoko Mutagen had given him this ability, but he wasn't going to complain about it. Next, was the fact that it doubled his physical attributes when activated, making his monstrous strength even more ridiculous.

Reima continued pummeling mountains into submission for a couple more hours, taking this time of "Practise" as a break from work aswell...


His golden glowing fist impacted a part of a mountain that seemed to refuse to fall again, and again, and again... Until, it began to crack.

A few more punches eventually brought it down, a huge hole now revealing some sort of hidden room within it...

Reima crosses his arms and wonders if exploring this place is a dumb idea or not, his instincts already on high alert... "Nah, fuck it." he mutters, jumping into the hole and lighting a fireball above his hand which illuminates the area.

And man, it's a good thing this room was hidden because some demonic shit had obviously gone down here. The entire room was made from the hard stone material that the previous wall was made from, however it didn't lack decorations, if you can call them that?

Around the room were large statues of monsters, there was a large variety as well... Fiends, Nekkers, Wyverns, and even vampires of every kind. If Reima didn't know any better he'd say whoever made this place had some sort of obsession...

Behind the statues were many intricate painting, all in the same red shade and smelling like old pungent blood. They were painting with it obviously, which allowed an ominous sense of dread to bubbling in Reima's stomach... The painting themselves depicted many things, stormy oceans with boats about to be wrecked, a lonely man standing on the moon and looking longingly at the earth, a man staring into a mirror with another staring back, and creepily enough... A ruined city of gold, half-covered in frost, the other on fire...

Reima "Ok, I'm not retarded enough to believe that a painting of a city which just so happens to contain a statue of me and Solaire has nothing wrong with it." he mutters, tossing a small fireball at it which ignites the painting and rendering it ash in mere moments.

Reima was expecting something to happen when he burned it, but literally nothing did... Not even the ambient magic made a move, which would be the most obvious indicator that it was magical.

Taking a closer look around, a blood-stained carpet covered the entirety of the floor, its previous colour unobservable due to the profuse amounts of blood soaking it.

The only thing he saw that would give any indication as to who created this place were the symbols carved into the heads of the statues, all of them the same one and in the same place... The left side of their faces.

What a dimm room eh? Lighting makes the room so you should all pay better attention to such things, even a mirror next to a window would allow more light in.

If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts