

In a flash of turquoise light Reima and Ciri reappear in Ichor, almost immediately they spot the large construction happening around them. The House Elves, Prospects, Chaos Servants, Monsters, and Aen Elle all working overtime to create enough housing for everyone.

Asgore spots them on the stone street and walks over, "Welcome back the both of you... I hope you enjoyed your time in, what as it... Tir Nor Lia?" he asks, fumbling the name of the Aen Elle capital.

Ciri smiles at him, "It's Tir ná Lia, and yes, I think we had a great time." she says holding Reima's hand, causing Asgore's furry eyebrows to raise.

Asgore "Ohhohoho, indeed a joyous occasion... I'd even be tempted to not drop all of the new work on you King... Unfortunately, however, there are some things that my authority doesn't extend to." he says, causing Reima to grimace.

Reima groans, "...You sure? I could raise your position or whatever is nee-"

Asgore interrupts him, "That, isn't possible. Only the King should be allowed to do certain things, perhaps we could discuss this over some tea?" he asks, sending an inviting look to Ciri.

Ciri "Ah... I have some people to talk to, have fun Reima." she says, disappearing in another flash of Turqouise light.

Reima sighs, "Man, she just ditches me when paperwork is mentioned..." he mutters.

Asgore chuckles, "Indeed it's taxing on the mind, and the heart... My old love, bless her soul, would run as the faintest sound of paper." he says, his eyes almost glazed over in nostalgia.

The duo begins walking towards Kaer Morhen to begin to long, taxing work of ruling a now, bustling city under significant construction. Both now brought closer through their troubles and toils with women.

Elsewhere :

Quelaag is sat on the balcony of Kaer Morhen, meditating... She'd usually have Ciri helping her but she'd run off with Reima, she was incredibly jealous and worried. So much so that the thought of those two kept stopping her from entering a deep meditation trance. "Uwah! This is impossible! And why have those two not come back yet? Could something have happened!?!" she exclaims while running her hands through her hair.


The familiar flash of light that always signalled Reima's arrival had her head zip around at "breakneck" speeds, "Reima!?!"


Ciri stands there with an awkward expression, "No... Just me." she says, already dreading the conversation they were about to have.

She knew that Quelaag had been pining after Reima, even before she'd met him... She also knew that the news of them finally getting together would be hard to take, she had no idea what reaction she would have.

Ciri "Quelaag, we need to talk..." she says, Quelaag getting an ominous feeling crawling down her spine.

Quelaag nods, "Very well... My meditation isn't going so well, I've nothing better to do."

Ciri "I've got some news and you will definitely not like it... Try not to freak out, ok?" she asks, doubting their tenuous friendship would last through this.

Quelaag nods, already dreading the words she suspects will come from Ciri's mouth.

Ciri rolls the words around in her mind and mouth for a couple moments before finally saying it, "I've gotten together with Reima." she states, silence immediately taking hold over them.

The everpresent fires on Quelaag lowerbody ignite with fury Ciri had never seen before. They flicker and dance over it as if she were magma, her cold expression providing a district contract to the rising temperature.

It's only when the stone beneath Quelaag begins to start glowing red that Ciri calls for her, "Quelaag, calm down." she says, the Chaos Witches eyes flicking to her's angrily.

Quelaag "Don't tell me to calm down, bitch!" she exclaims, fire enveloping her hands as if she were about to throw it. "Everything I've done, everything I've tried to gain his affection!?! And you walk in and take him from me!?!" she shouts furiously.

Ciri frowns, "He was never yours to take, it's his choice." she states, then having to duck a small fireball thrown by Quelaag.

Quelaag "Oh, how I want to burn you to ashes Ciri! I LOATHE you! I-I can't understand what you have that I don't!?! Is it my body? Is that why he would spurn me?" she almost howls, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

Quelaag hands droop, the fire losing its lustre and becoming a shadow of its former self, "A-am I just not good enough?" she says, broken and downtrodden, tears streaming down her face.

Ciri ignores the heat coming from Quelaag and wraps her arms around her, "I know I'm not the person you want to hear this from, but, there's nothing wrong with you. I think Reima would have chosen you if he'd spent more time with you... But, this is just the way it's worked out... I'm sorry." she says gently.

Quelaag looks over Ciri's shoulder from her embrace, wishing to tear her spine from her back, her hands sparking with flames... She releases them though, hugging Ciri back and holding the position for a few minutes. "I won't give up." she states absolutely, "Even if it takes a thousand years... I'll take him from you."

Ciri lets go and looks her dead in the eyes, "You can try... But I won't let him go."

They hold each others gaze for a while before Quelaag turns away, "Leave me Ciri... I need to be alone for a while.." she mutters, looking over the city with renewed "DETERMINATION".

Ciri nods and flashes away, breathing a sigh of relief that nothing terrible had happened... Apart from, youknow, almost being lunged at by a furious Chaos Witch who'd capable of tearing her apart... Yep.

Hopefully Quelaag's reaction was realistic to her character, this doesn't mean she's given up though lol...

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts