
This boy toy?

So Sridhar completely lost his cool and diverted all his frustration towards Preethi. But just as he swore at her, an iron fist came crashing against his face and broke his nose. He did not even have the time to blink.

He groaned in pain and looked up only to meet with Adam hovering over him looking dangerous. If his punch was any indicator, Sridhar knew he wouldn't able to take Adam down even without any of the goons all around them. He was no match for Adam.

"You say one more word, you are going to be licking the dirt off the road all night. I promise you that…" Adam seethed. The stiff jaws and red eyes showed how pissed he really was.

"Who are you to tell me that? That's my wife… It is between us…" Sridhar said pissing Adam off way more than he already was. He was already restraining himself to the best he could until he started swearing on Preethi.
