
I have the keys...

Adam's lips could not be narrowed even if he tried. He drove tapping away on the steering wheel happily sporting a grin.

Preethi looked at him sideways and asked in disdain and sarcasm, "Is me being embarrassed by a pathetic excuse of an Ex is such an exciting thing for you that you can stop smiling?" Even though she meant it as a joke, there was also this vulnerable part of her that felt ashamed.

All she can do was blame herself for being an ignorant and naïve little girl… but that did not really excuse her of her responsibilities for Akil growing up the way he is. It was a mistake… a regret… a painful experience. She had come to accept it. But the same being put on a show with your lover having the front row seat to it is not really a pleasant feeling no matter how you think about it.
